肥沃な大地/Fertile Ground

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肥沃な大地/Fertile Ground - (2015/11/24 (火) 22:35:50) のソース

>The forest was too lush for the brothers to despoil――almost.
>&small(){&u(){ウルザズ・サーガ 第8版}}

>As Phyrexians descended, Multani paused to reflect on the beauty that might never be seen again.

>"The love of nature . . . is a furious, burning, physical greed. . . ."
>――Mary Webb, The House in Dormer Forest

>Pretty, valuable, and delicious――a boggart thief's trifecta.

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/肥沃な大地/Fertile Ground}

