炎の精霊/Fire Elemental

「炎の精霊/Fire Elemental」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

炎の精霊/Fire Elemental - (2016/01/14 (木) 05:40:01) のソース

>Fire Elementals are ruthless infernos, annihilating and consuming their foes in a frenzied holocaust.
>Crackling and blazing, they sear swift, terrible paths, leaving the land charred and scorched in their wake.
>&small(){&u(){リミテッド アンリミテッド リバイズド}}

>Fire Elementals are ruthless infernos, annihilating and consuming their foes in a frenzied holocaust. Crackling and blazing, they sear swift, terrible paths, leaving the land charred and scorched in their wake.
>&small(){&u(){第4版 第6版}}

>You are drawn to your death as a moth to the flame.

>It treads on feet of coals and strikes with the force of a volcano.

>"Fire set free is a fearsome force――destructive, merciless, always hungry. Given direction, it is much worse."
>――Jeflin, Vastwood shaman

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/炎の精霊/Fire Elemental}

