軽蔑的な一撃/Disdainful Stroke


"You are beneath contempt. Your lineage will be forgotten."


"Laws apply only to those who lack the vision to see past them."


"The skald boasted that he could outsing the sea. Cosima heard him, and drowned his village with a single wave."
――Longbeard Saga


"I've known for a year that you would cast this exact spell, at this exact spot, at this exact time."


In retrospect, using storm magic against a storm giant was not the wisest strategy.

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • タルキール覇王譚
  • ラヴニカのギルド
  • カルドハイム
  • 時のらせんリマスター
  • ニューカペナの街角
  • エルドレインの森

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最終更新:2023年11月09日 03:51