

メアリ - (2010/12/25 (土) 01:59:15) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

メアリ/本山 淑子



Name メアリ/本山 淑子
Age お嬢様なので不明(20歳です)
Sex お嬢様だから女の子
Race 人間かも
Height お嬢様だから秘密(153㎝、ちっちゃいです)
Weight お嬢様だから秘密(かなり細身、胸ぺったんこだから多分軽い)
Affiliation お嬢様(ファミレス店員,ア○ナミラーズ的な制服のお店です)


Nursery Rhymes




  • カイ・スケイプヴェルトさんと共にファミレスで談笑しましたの♪ドリンクバーで世にも恐ろしい物体を創りだしてしまって私びっくりですわ!とても楽しかったですの。 (2010-11-27 21:07:30)
  • 路地裏で不良方に魔術を試していたら目撃されてしまいましたわ!なんとか誤魔化せましたけど……。申し訳ない気分になったので使い魔を一匹プレゼントしましたわ。喜んでいたようで罪悪感が少し薄れました。 (2010-12-17 00:22:50)
  • 協会で本を借りた帰りに、二人の方と談笑しましたわ!天狗の方、警備員のゴウさんと言う方でした!とても楽しい時間でしたわ! (2010-12-25 01:56:01)

+ マザーグース
+ 狂った一家は悪魔も見捨てる
There was a mad man and he had a mad wife,(狂った男と狂った女房)
And they lived in a mad town:(狂った街に暮らしてた)
And they had children three at a birth,(狂った子供は狂った三つ子)
And mad they were every one.(とにかく皆狂ってた)

The father was mad, the mother was mad,(狂った親父と狂った女房)
And the children mad beside;(側に居るのは狂った子供)
And they all got on a mad horse,(狂った馬によじ登り)
And madly they did ride.(狂ったように飛んでいく)

They rode by night and they rode by day,(狂ったように夜を飛び)
Yet never a one of them fell;(狂ったように昼を飛ぶ)
They rode so madly all the way,(一人も落ちずに行き着く先は)
Till they came to the gates of hell.(此処は地獄の一丁目)

Old Nick was glad to see them so mad,(狂った一家に喜ぶ悪魔)
And gladly let them in:(狂ったついでに引き込んだ)
But he soon grew sorry to see them so merry,(ところが狂ったその一家 怖がるどころか浮かれて騒ぐ)
And let them out again.(悪魔は呆れて追い返す)
+ ハンプティ・ダンプティ
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,(ハンプティ・ダンプティ塀の上)
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.(ハンプティ・ダンプティ落っこちた)
All the king's horses,(王様の馬でも)
And all the king's men,(兵隊共でも)
Couldn't put Humpty together again.(バラバラ・ハンプティは戻せない)
+ 釘がないので
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.(釘がないので 蹄鉄が打てない)
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.(蹄鉄が打てないので 馬が走れない)
For want of a horse the rider was lost.(馬が走れないので 騎士が乗れない)
For want of a rider the battle was lost.(騎士が乗れないので 戦いが出来ない)
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.(戦いが出来なので 国が滅びた)
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.(全ては蹄鉄の 釘が無かったせい)
+ 歌を歌ってあげよう
I’ll sing you a song,(君に歌を歌ってあげよう)
Though not very long,(それほど長くは無いけれど)
Yet I think it as pretty as any;(とってもすてきな歌なんだ)
Put your hand in your purse,(だから財布に手を入れて)
You’ll never be worth,(僕に一文投げておくれ)
And give the poor singer a penny.(君にはたいした額じゃない)
+ オールド・キング・コール
Old King Cole was a merry old soul(オールド・キング・コールは愉快なお方)
And a merry old soul was he;(愉快なお方はコール王)
He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl(パイプを持って越させ ボールを持って来させ)
And he called for his fiddlers three.(ついでに三人のバイオリン弾きを連れて来させた)
Every fiddler he had a fiddle,(バイオリン弾きは一つづつバイオリンを持ち)
And a very fine fiddle had he;(一つづつのバイオリンをバイオリン弾きが持った)
Oh there's none so rare, as can compare(どれもこれも比べようも無く素敵に見える)
With King Cole and his fiddlers three.(コール王とバイオリン弾きとバイオリン)

+ リジー・ボーデン
Lizzie Borden took an axe(リジー・ボーデン 斧を取り)
And gave her mother forty whacks.(お袋40回斬りつける)
And when she saw what she had done (我に帰って気がついて)
She gave her father forty-one.(親父を41回斬りつけた)
+ お母さんが私を殺した
My mother has killed me,(お母さんが私を殺した)
My father is eating me,(お父さんは私を食べている)
My brothers and sisters sit under the table,(兄弟姉妹はテーブルの下)
Picking up bury them under the cold marble stones.(冷たい大理石の下 そんな私を埋めるのだ)
+ パンチとジュディ
Punch and Judy(パンチとジュディ)
Fought for a pie;(パイを巡って決闘だ)
Punch gave Judy A knock in the eye.(パンチはジュディの目にパンチ)
Says Punch to Judy Will you have any more ?(未だ足りないかとメンチ切る)
Says Judy to Punch,(ジュディはパンチに侘びを入れ)
My eye is sore.(パンチで目が腫れ痛いの何の)
+ てんとう虫 てんとう虫
Ladybird, ladybird,(てんとう虫 てんとう虫)
Fly away home,(飛んでお帰り)
Your house is on fire(お家が火事だよ)
And your children all gone ;(子供は逃げた)
All except one(後には一人)
And that's little Aim(あの子が一人)
And she has crept under The warming pan.(アンカの中へと逃げ込んだ)
+ チク タク ボーン
Hickory, dickory, dock,(チク タク ボーン)
The mouse ran up the clock.(鼠は時計を駆け上がる)
The clock struck one,(時計は鳴るよ 夜中の1時)
The mouse ran down,(鼠は驚き 逃げ出した)
Hickory, dickory, dock.(チク タク ボーン 夜中の1時)
+ 6ペンスの歌を歌おうよ
Sing a song of sixpence,(6ペンスの歌を歌おうよ)
A pocket full of rye;(ポケット一杯 ライ麦と)
Four and twenty blackbirds,(24羽の黒つぐみ)
Baked in a pie.(パイに焼かれる黒つぐみ)

When the pie was opened,(パイを開けたら歌いだす)
The birds began to sing;(小鳥の歌が聞こえ出す)
Was not that a dainty dish,(その一皿は特別さ)
To set before the king ?(王様専用の献立だ)

The king was in his counting-house,(その王様はお仕事場)
Counting out his money;(せっせせっせと金勘定)
The queen was in the parlour,(お妃 お部屋で甘いもの)
Eating bread and honey.(はちみつパンに齧り付く)

The maid was in the garden,(メイドはお庭でお仕事さ)
Hanging out the clothes,(洗濯物の取り込み中)
There came a little blackbird,(そこへツグミがこんにちは)
And snapped off her nose.(メイドの鼻先 啄んだ)
+ 誰がこまどり殺したの?
Who killed Cock Robin?(誰が殺したクックロビン?)
I, said the Sparrow,(其れは私 とスズメが言った)
with my bow and arrow,(私の弓に矢を番え)
I killed Cock Robin.(私が殺した クックロビン)

Who saw him die?(誰が死ぬのを見届けた?)
I, said the Fly,(其れは私 とハエが言った)
with my little eye,(私の目玉で確りと)
I saw him die.(彼が死ぬのを見届けた)

Who caught his blood?(誰がロビンの血を受けた?)
I, said the Fish,(其れは私 と魚が言った)
with my little dish,(私の小さな皿に取り)
I caught his blood.(私がロビンの血を受けた)

Who'll make the shroud?(誰が経帷子を作るのか?)
I, said the Beetle,(其れは私 とカブトムシ)
with my thread and needle,(私の糸と針を持ち)
I'll make the shroud.(経帷子は私が縫う)

Who'll dig his grave?(誰がロビンの墓を掘る?)
I, said the Owl,(其れは私 とフクロウが言った)
with my pick and shovel,(私のツルハシ ショベルを以て)
I'll dig his grave.(私がロビンの墓を掘る)

Who'll be the parson?(誰が牧師の役をする)
I, said the Rook,(其れは私 とカラスが言った)
with my little book,(私の小さな本を持ち)
I'll be the parson.(私が牧師の役をする)

Who'll be the clerk?(誰が介添人となる?)
I, said the Lark,(其れは私 と雲雀が言った)
if it's not in the dark,(もしも闇夜でなかったら)
I'll be the clerk.(私が介添人になる)

Who'll carry the link?(誰が松明持ちになる?)
I, said the Linnet,(其れは私 とベニヒワが言った)
I'll fetch it in a minute,(直ぐに用意ができるなら)
I'll carry the link.(私が松明持ちになる)

Who'll be chief mourner?(誰が見送り人になる?)
I, said the Dove,(其れは私 と鳩が言った)
I mourn for my love,(私の愛とお悔やみで)
I'll be chief mourner.(私が見送り人になる)

Who'll carry the coffin?(誰が棺を運ぶのか?)
I, said the Kite,(其れは私 と鳶が言った)
if it's not through the night,(もしも夜通し掛からぬのなら)
I'll carry the coffin.(私がロビンの棺を運ぶ)

Who'll bear the pall?(誰が棺衣を運ぶのか?)
We, said the Wren,(其れは我ら と鷦鷯)
both the cock and the hen,(夫婦一緒にうちそろい)
We'll bear the pall.(我らが棺衣を捧げ持つ)

Who'll sing a psalm?(誰が賛美歌 歌うのか?)
I, said the Thrush,(其れは私 と鶫が言った)
as she sat on a bush,(小枝の上にちょこんと留まり)
I'll sing a psalm.(私が賛美歌唄いましょう)

Who'll toll the bell?(誰が鐘を鳴らすのか?)
I said the bull,(其れは私 と雄牛が言った)
because I can pull,(鳴り物入りの力持ち)
I'll toll the bell.(私が鐘を鳴らしましょう)

All the birds of the air(空に 全ての小鳥たち)
fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,(ため息付いて 忍び泣く)
when they heard the bell toll(鐘の音 響き渡るとき)
for poor Cock Robin.(かわいそうな クックロビン)
+ ウェールズの盗賊タフィー
Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief,(ウェールズの盗賊タフィー 盗賊タフィーはウェールズ人)
Taffy came to my house and stole a piece of beef;(タフィーは家へやってきて 牛肉1片盗んだぞ)
I went to Taffy's house, Taffy wasn't in,(そこでタフィーの家に行き 留守の間に家に行き)
I jumped upon his Sunday hat, and poked it with a pin.(お洒落な帽子を踏んづけて ピンで突き刺し 串焼きしよう)

Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a sham,(ウェールズの盗賊タフィー 盗賊タフィーはインチキ野郎)
Taffy came to my house and stole a leg of lamb;(タフィーは家へやってきて ラム肉の足盗んだぞ)
I went to Taffy's house, Taffy was away,(そこでタフィーの家に行き 居ない間を見計らい)
I stuffed his socks with sawdust and filled his shoes with clay.(おがくず ソックスに詰め込んで 粘土を靴に詰め込んだ)

Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a cheat,(ウェールズの盗賊タフィー 盗賊タフィーは詐欺師の糞野郎)
Taffy came to my house and stole a piece of meat;(タフィーは家へやってきて 肉の塊 盗んだぞ)
I went to Taffy's house, Taffy was not there,(そこでタフィーの家に行き 留守の間を見計らい)
I hung his coat and trousers to roast before a fire.(ローストビーフのようにして コートとズボンに火を点けた)
+ ロンドン橋落ちた
London bridge is falling down,(ロンドン橋落ちた)
Falling down, falling down,(落ちた 落ちた)
London bridge is falling down,(ロンドン橋落ちた)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Build it up with wood and clay,(木と泥で作れ)
Wood and clay, wood and clay,(作れ 作れ)
Build it up with wood and clay,(木と泥で作れ)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Wood and clay will wash away,(木と泥じゃ流れる)
Wash away, wash away,(流れる 流れる)
Wood and clay will wash away,(木と泥じゃ流れる)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Build it up with bricks and mortar,(煉瓦と漆喰で作れ)
Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,(作れ 作れ)
Build it up with bricks and mortar,(煉瓦と漆喰で作れ)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Bricks and mortar will not stay,(煉瓦と漆喰じゃ崩れる)
Will not stay, will not stay,(崩れる 崩れる)
Bricks and mortar will not stay,(煉瓦と漆喰じゃ崩れる)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Build it up with iron and steel,(鉄と鋼で作れ)
Iron and steel, iron and steel,(作れ 作れ)
Build it up with iron and steel,(鉄と鋼で作れ)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Iron and steel will bend and bow,(鉄と鋼じゃ曲がる)
Bend and bow, bend and bow,(曲がる 曲がる)
Iron and steel will bend and bow,(鉄と鋼じゃ曲がる)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Build it up with silver and gold,(銀と金で作れ)
Silver and gold, silver and gold,(作れ 作れ)
Build it up with silver and gold,(銀と金で作れ)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Silver and gold will be stolen away,(銀と金じゃ盗られる)
Stolen away, stolen away,(盗られる 盗られる)
Silver and gold will be stolen away,(銀と金じゃ盗られる)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Set a man to watch all night,(寝ずの番を置こう)
Watch all night, watch all night,(置こう 置こう)
Set a man to watch all night,(寝ずの番を置こう)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Suppose the man should fall asleep,(眠くなったらどうする)
Fall asleep, fall asleep,(どうする どうする)
Suppose the man should fall asleep,(眠くなったらどうする)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)

Give him a pipe to smoke all night,(パイプでタバコを吸わせろ)
Smoke all night, smoke all night,(吸わせろ、吸わせろ)
Give him a pipe to smoke all night,(パイプでタバコを吸わせろ)
My fair Lady.(マイフェアレディ)
+ そして誰もいなくなった
Ten little nigger boys went out to dine ;(10人の黒人少年 食事に出た)
One choked his little self, and then there were nine.(ひとりが喉に詰まらせて そして一行は9人になった)

Nine little nigger boys sat up very late ;(9人の黒人少年 全員寝坊)
One overslept himself, and then there were eight.(ひとりがとうとう眠りから覚めず そして一行は8人になった)

Eight little nigger boys travelling in Devon ;(8人の黒人少年 デボンへ旅行)
One said he'd stay there, and then there were seven.(ひとりがそこに居残って そして一行は7人になった)

Seven little nigger boys chopping up sticks ;(7人の黒人少年 薪を割る)
One chopped himself in half, and then there were six.(ひとりが自分をブッた切り そして一行は6人になった)

Six little nigger boys playing with a hive ;(6人の黒人少年 蜂蜜を採る)
A bumble-bee stung one, and then there were five.(ひとりが失敗 蜂に刺され そして一行は5人になった)

Five little nigger boys going in for law ;(5人の黒人少年 法律を学ぶ)
One got in chancery, and then there were four.(ひとりが逆にパクられて そして一行は4人になった)

Four little nigger boys going out to sea ;(4人の黒人少年 海へ出る)
A red herring swallowed one, and then there were three.(ひとりがニシンに飲み込まれ そして一行は3人になった)

Three little nigger boys walking in the Zoo ;(3人の黒人少年 動物園へ行った)
A big bear hugged one, and then there were two.(ひとりが熊に襲われて そして一行は2人になった)

Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun ;(2人の黒人少年 日向ぼっこ)
One got frizzled up, and then there was one.(ひとりが焦げ付き干上がって そして一行は1人になった)

One little nigger boy living all alone ;(1人の黒人少年 1人で暮らしてた)
He got married, and then there were none.(しかしそいつが結婚すると そして誰もいなくなった)
+ これはジャックの建てた家
This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家)

This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家で)
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,(醸した麹)

This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家で)
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,(醸した麹を)
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,(食べた鼠を)

This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家で)
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,(醸した麹を)
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,(食べた鼠を)
That married the man all tattered and torn,(殺した猫)

This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家で)
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,(醸した麹を)
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,(食べた鼠を)
That married the man all tattered and torn,(殺した猫を)
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,(ビビらせた犬)

This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家で)
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,(醸した麹を)
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,(食べた鼠を)
That married the man all tattered and torn,(殺した猫を)
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,(ビビらせた犬を)
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,(突き回した捻れ角の雌牛)

This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家で)
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,(醸した麹を)
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,(食べた鼠を)
That married the man all tattered and torn,(殺した猫を)
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,(ビビらせた犬を)
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,(突き回した捻れ角の雌牛の)
That tossed the dog,(ミルクを絞った孤独な少女)

This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家で)
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,(醸した麹を)
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,(食べた鼠を)
That married the man all tattered and torn,(殺した猫を)
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,(ビビらせた犬を)
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,(突き回した捻れ角の雌牛の)
That tossed the dog,(ミルクを絞った孤独な少女に)
That worried the cat,(キスした哀れなボロボロ男)

This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家で)
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,(醸した麹を)
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,(食べた鼠を)
That married the man all tattered and torn,(殺した猫を)
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,(ビビらせた犬を)
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,(突き回した捻れ角の雌牛の)
That tossed the dog,(ミルクを絞った孤独な少女に)
That worried the cat,(キスした哀れなボロボロ男を)
That killed the rat,(結婚させたハゲ頭の牧師)

This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家で)
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,(醸した麹を)
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,(食べた鼠を)
That married the man all tattered and torn,(殺した猫を)
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,(ビビらせた犬を)
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,(突き回した捻れ角の雌牛の)
That tossed the dog,(ミルクを絞った孤独な少女に)
That worried the cat,(キスした哀れなボロボロ男を)
That killed the rat,(結婚させたハゲ頭の牧師を)
That ate the malt(起こした雄鶏)

This is the farmer sowing his corn,(これはジャックの建てた家で)
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn,(醸した麹を)
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,(食べた鼠を)
That married the man all tattered and torn,(殺した猫を)
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,(ビビらせた犬を)
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,(突き回した捻れ角の雌牛の)
That tossed the dog,(ミルクを絞った孤独な少女に)
That worried the cat,(キスした哀れなボロボロ男を)
That killed the rat,(結婚させたハゲ頭の牧師を)
That ate the malt(起こした雄鶏を)
That lay in the house that Jack built.(飼っているコーンの種撒く農場主)