「THE WHEELS OF CHANCE」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

THE WHEELS OF CHANCE - (2009/06/18 (木) 18:01:30) のソース

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>*[[ストーリーの翻訳>ストーリーの翻訳]]>6.THE WHEELS OF CHANCE

■Part 09 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFofWDzZpIc>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFofWDzZpIc]]

■Part 10 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXxZIDU1IZY>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXxZIDU1IZY]]

■Part 11 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53V6F6qFTus&feature=related>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53V6F6qFTus&feature=related]]
■Part 12 [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CGFelIcgQ0&feature=related>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CGFelIcgQ0&feature=related]]



&color(#ff9999){MARINE HEADQUARTERS OFFICER:I read you. Stand down.}

&color(#ff9999){MARINE:Anyone see it? Anyone God damn see it?}

&color(#ff9999){MARINE:I have negative on that. Red Crown. Negative.}

&color(#ff9999){DANA MERCER:Does the name Karen Parker ring any bells? Well it should. She was close to you; an ex-girlfriend.}

&color(#ff9999){DANA MERCER:I have her address from the laptop. Get to her before the military makes her disappear. Look, if I can find this lead, you can bet they will too.}

&color(#ff9999){DANA MERCER:Alex, be careful.}

&color(#ff9999){アレックス:This is not looking good...}

&color(#ff9999){MARINE:Red Crown from Chalk Three. We've lost the eye. You got an update for us?}

&color(#ff9999){アレックス:They're distracted. They haven't secured Parker yet.}

&color(#ff9999){アレックス:Karen Parker.}

&color(#ff9999){KAREN PARKER:I thought you were dead.}

&color(#ff9999){アレックス:I should be.}

&color(#ff9999){アレックス:Right now, we need to get out of the military cordon.}

&color(#ff9999){KAREN PARKER:You need to get us a vehide -- a military one if possible. It's the only way we'll be able to get out of the district.}

***WEB - Cptn Charles Conley
&color(#ff9999){Parker, Karen I. DOB 1/1/76. Doctorate Genetics, Rutgers University 7/2/2003. Hired Gentek Special Projects 2/1/2002.}

&color(#ff9999){Director: Genotyping. Level D access. Reported to: Director McMullen, Raymond F. Romantically involved with Mercer Alex J. Wanted for questioning.}

&color(#ff9999){Subject has to be detained and transferred to base Six Charlie Alpha One.}

