
Stars - Elevator Love Letter



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だれでも歓迎! 編集
I'm so hard for a rich girl.
My heels are high, my eyes cast low
and I don't know how to love.
I get too tired after mid-day, lately
I take it out on my good friends,
but the worst stays in or where would I begin?

My office glows all night long.
It's a nuclear show and the stars are gone.
Elevator, elevator, take me home.

I'm so hard for the rich girl,
Her heels so high and my hopes so low,
'Cause I don't know how to love.
I'll take her home after midnight
and if she likes, I'll tell her lies
of how we'll be in love by the morning.
I don't think she'll know that I'm saying goodbye...

My office glows all night long
It's a nuclear show and the stars are gone.
Elevator, elevator, take me home.

Don't go. Say you'll stay.
Spend a lazy Sunday in my arms,
I won't take anything away.

Don't go. Say you'll stay.
Spend a lazy Sunday in my arms,
don't take anything away...


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