2024-09-09 07:38:22 (Mon)TNTN
No one comes down here anymore... don't like us sewer lot
I hate the above place, dark horrid place
Kill all the normies
Ooh lah dee dah, look at you with your one nose and your two ears
Hiblorp, Iblorp, likeblorp, toblorp, sayblorp, blorpblorp
One day, we're gonna rise up and I'm gonna eat your face
Average lifespan down here is around 3 weeks
Oh... whoops, my brain's leaking again
Why are we all mutated, why!
blug blug blug
Why do people even come down here but to poke fun at us mutants
Stop gawking
Duh... my face is falling off
Help... how many eyes do I have
Um, what's it called when your leg begins growing it's own leg?
Don't you hate it when you go to scratch an itch and your arm falls off
Yer funny looking, he he he
What are you looking at two-eyes
What are you looking at you normie freak
If anyone's looking for an ear let me know, I found one on the floor
Does anyone even come down here?
You watch, one day mutants will rule the world
I wish we were important
My my where's my eye?
What are you looking at, just because we're all freaks doesn't mean we're a zoo you can come and ogle, go away
Don't look at me... I'm disgusting
We ghouls are people too you know
I'm in the 5 ear gang, better not mess with me
I'm in the 9 eye gang, better not give me trouble
I'm in the 3 toes gang, better not be fussin for a fight
It's late, you should go, ghouls get freaky at night
I want to have four eyeballs
Do you think I'm attractive? I hear you normies think we look ugly, I happen to be one of the most handsome mutants down here
I'm getting tired of people complaining about missing organs and limbs
If I collect enough arms I'll be an unstoppable arm machine
Oh no, goop is falling out of my ears again
Green water isn't the most tasty beverage but beggars can't be choosers
Someone stole my elbows last night! whoever did it better bring them back
This one is a keeper, I love peeling my own skin flakes, they taste so good
Mother said if I eat all my peely skin they'll be nothing left of me, but that makes no sense, if I eat it, I get fat! fatter me means more skin to eat! infinite food!
Stop picking stop picking, damn my skin fell apart again
Are you aware I'm growing eyes within my eyes, someone should be documenting this
There is a mushroom man who keeps appearing in my dreams, he eats and eats...
Sometimes I feel like I have just popped into existence only to disappear again for an eternity... in fact, I don't remember anything before a few seconds ago... should I be worried
There's nothing wrong with being a little green, as long as you can stop the leaking!
The folk above are so rude
Help me my face is melting
Smelp me my fmace is fmelping
The age of the sewer folk will come, heed my warning!
And what does one such as you do down here? hmm
I can't feel my eyes
Why do I exist
I grew another toe the other day
You know they look down upon us mutants but we are special
Mutants aren't know for intelligence... gods that the biggest word us have ever said. intelligence, ooh I feel like a right scholar
My skin flakes are a prized food down here
I hate those above folk
The above folk chased me with pitchforks when I went out to see the sky, don't know what the fuss is about the bloody thing gave me a headache
Do you ever wake up and feel as though your face is melting... well mine is, please help
I can't tell where my head ends and the fun begins
Uh... Uh... Uh... Yeah I... Uh... Just Uh, Just go
Nice skin
I want to eat your brains! but I won't because that would be rude, and if a man... or well... whatever I am, doesn't carry himself with dignity then he is nothing... Ooh a rat... MINE!
I feel as weird as I look... can you help me
Us Ghoul folk live down here in the tunnels, the 'sewer' of the blackmarket is actually an old dungeon, it was full of rat-folk before the black market people settled, they killed most of them, as for the origin of the mutants, the dark black wizard who ruled over the market created us, warping our ancestors and leaving us disfigured and monstrous, the above folk kill us on sight... a sad time
My nose stings a little
I pee out of my ear... is this normal
How to put poop in mouth... HOW TO PUT POOP IN MOUTH!
Mah braaaihn is dead
Dog body... Kid brain...
Well... I have appeared to hurt myself by simply walking... what in the name of kings is wrong with me
Ooops. I bleed in the bed again...ew
Halp me plas
I am ergberg
Spalshal, I am splashal
Blerg bleg
I am wergelburgel
my name is flendeltweeb
my name is ogdenflev
my name is sackward egebell the third
I have collected three ears today on the floor on my way to the local room of ear giving... I am going to have much praise tonight
the rats are chasing me
I like rat racing, it makes me feel smart
I won a few skin flakes from rat racing, man wanted to offer me gold. worthless stuff, what am I an above grounder
you know, sometimes when you wake up and your skin is melting, it reminds you that you're alive, you know
hey buddy, spare some skin?
No one knows we're here so shhhh
sbool boogobo nabomoogaboo, that's my name and I'm sticking to it
hey... you gonna eat that dead rat or can I have it
wow... much skin... very smooth
hey buddy, spare an eye for the poor?
swiggity swoot, my skins turned to gloop
Oh curse the evil wizard who did this to our ancestors
Life span here is very short, you know what else is short, the word 'is', think about it!
You know what, I'm glad I am a mutant, don't like the above anyway, too loud
It smells like a rat died down here, it's making me hungry
Help me, my skin is running away
The rats have banded together and are running a racket
I am great at being me
My skin is in searing pain, send help
sned halp ma face is burnening
Oh my gods you're a regular folk
Have you seen ergberg?
Have you seen sackward?
What are you? eugh
Damned Smoothskin
I get really sad when people cancel plans, It makes my feelings hurt and makes me feel alone, maybe I deserve it, did I ignore someone else... in their time of waiting for me... I don't know... gods I want out of these sewers
Mmm... ratmeat
I feel toxic
I am a plague
My finger fell off this morning... now I feel pointless
Is it normal for my tail to start leaking...
I am the king of the sewer mutants! all shall bow before me!
What's a nose?
I want to go back to the surface but I'm afraid of what the folk will do to me, they think we're monsters
Just because we look different doesn't mean we're monsters, we're just like you... only uglier
Normies go away!
I hate the above place, dark horrid place
Kill all the normies
Ooh lah dee dah, look at you with your one nose and your two ears
Hiblorp, Iblorp, likeblorp, toblorp, sayblorp, blorpblorp
One day, we're gonna rise up and I'm gonna eat your face
Average lifespan down here is around 3 weeks
Oh... whoops, my brain's leaking again
Why are we all mutated, why!
blug blug blug
Why do people even come down here but to poke fun at us mutants
Stop gawking
Duh... my face is falling off
Help... how many eyes do I have
Um, what's it called when your leg begins growing it's own leg?
Don't you hate it when you go to scratch an itch and your arm falls off
Yer funny looking, he he he
What are you looking at two-eyes
What are you looking at you normie freak
If anyone's looking for an ear let me know, I found one on the floor
Does anyone even come down here?
You watch, one day mutants will rule the world
I wish we were important
My my where's my eye?
What are you looking at, just because we're all freaks doesn't mean we're a zoo you can come and ogle, go away
Don't look at me... I'm disgusting
We ghouls are people too you know
I'm in the 5 ear gang, better not mess with me
I'm in the 9 eye gang, better not give me trouble
I'm in the 3 toes gang, better not be fussin for a fight
It's late, you should go, ghouls get freaky at night
I want to have four eyeballs
Do you think I'm attractive? I hear you normies think we look ugly, I happen to be one of the most handsome mutants down here
I'm getting tired of people complaining about missing organs and limbs
If I collect enough arms I'll be an unstoppable arm machine
Oh no, goop is falling out of my ears again
Green water isn't the most tasty beverage but beggars can't be choosers
Someone stole my elbows last night! whoever did it better bring them back
This one is a keeper, I love peeling my own skin flakes, they taste so good
Mother said if I eat all my peely skin they'll be nothing left of me, but that makes no sense, if I eat it, I get fat! fatter me means more skin to eat! infinite food!
Stop picking stop picking, damn my skin fell apart again
Are you aware I'm growing eyes within my eyes, someone should be documenting this
There is a mushroom man who keeps appearing in my dreams, he eats and eats...
Sometimes I feel like I have just popped into existence only to disappear again for an eternity... in fact, I don't remember anything before a few seconds ago... should I be worried
There's nothing wrong with being a little green, as long as you can stop the leaking!
The folk above are so rude
Help me my face is melting
Smelp me my fmace is fmelping
The age of the sewer folk will come, heed my warning!
And what does one such as you do down here? hmm
I can't feel my eyes
Why do I exist
I grew another toe the other day
You know they look down upon us mutants but we are special
Mutants aren't know for intelligence... gods that the biggest word us have ever said. intelligence, ooh I feel like a right scholar
My skin flakes are a prized food down here
I hate those above folk
The above folk chased me with pitchforks when I went out to see the sky, don't know what the fuss is about the bloody thing gave me a headache
Do you ever wake up and feel as though your face is melting... well mine is, please help
I can't tell where my head ends and the fun begins
Uh... Uh... Uh... Yeah I... Uh... Just Uh, Just go
Nice skin
I want to eat your brains! but I won't because that would be rude, and if a man... or well... whatever I am, doesn't carry himself with dignity then he is nothing... Ooh a rat... MINE!
I feel as weird as I look... can you help me
Us Ghoul folk live down here in the tunnels, the 'sewer' of the blackmarket is actually an old dungeon, it was full of rat-folk before the black market people settled, they killed most of them, as for the origin of the mutants, the dark black wizard who ruled over the market created us, warping our ancestors and leaving us disfigured and monstrous, the above folk kill us on sight... a sad time
My nose stings a little
I pee out of my ear... is this normal
How to put poop in mouth... HOW TO PUT POOP IN MOUTH!
Mah braaaihn is dead
Dog body... Kid brain...
Well... I have appeared to hurt myself by simply walking... what in the name of kings is wrong with me
Ooops. I bleed in the bed again...ew
Halp me plas
I am ergberg
Spalshal, I am splashal
Blerg bleg
I am wergelburgel
my name is flendeltweeb
my name is ogdenflev
my name is sackward egebell the third
I have collected three ears today on the floor on my way to the local room of ear giving... I am going to have much praise tonight
the rats are chasing me
I like rat racing, it makes me feel smart
I won a few skin flakes from rat racing, man wanted to offer me gold. worthless stuff, what am I an above grounder
you know, sometimes when you wake up and your skin is melting, it reminds you that you're alive, you know
hey buddy, spare some skin?
No one knows we're here so shhhh
sbool boogobo nabomoogaboo, that's my name and I'm sticking to it
hey... you gonna eat that dead rat or can I have it
wow... much skin... very smooth
hey buddy, spare an eye for the poor?
swiggity swoot, my skins turned to gloop
Oh curse the evil wizard who did this to our ancestors
Life span here is very short, you know what else is short, the word 'is', think about it!
You know what, I'm glad I am a mutant, don't like the above anyway, too loud
It smells like a rat died down here, it's making me hungry
Help me, my skin is running away
The rats have banded together and are running a racket
I am great at being me
My skin is in searing pain, send help
sned halp ma face is burnening
Oh my gods you're a regular folk
Have you seen ergberg?
Have you seen sackward?
What are you? eugh
Damned Smoothskin
I get really sad when people cancel plans, It makes my feelings hurt and makes me feel alone, maybe I deserve it, did I ignore someone else... in their time of waiting for me... I don't know... gods I want out of these sewers
Mmm... ratmeat
I feel toxic
I am a plague
My finger fell off this morning... now I feel pointless
Is it normal for my tail to start leaking...
I am the king of the sewer mutants! all shall bow before me!
What's a nose?
I want to go back to the surface but I'm afraid of what the folk will do to me, they think we're monsters
Just because we look different doesn't mean we're monsters, we're just like you... only uglier
Normies go away!
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