「before i realize it」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

before i realize it」(2008/09/02 (火) 15:50:14) の最新版変更点



*before i realize it  作詞/231スレ421 作曲/長野 i have hopes living in nature but i'm driven away like you, yeah it's too hard to have hopes it's too late to look at the sky before i realize it it's always blowin' i have hopes living in nature but i'm influenced always like you, yeah ---- *音源 -[[before i realize it>http://ihaveclaws.seesaa.net/article/104708567.html]]
#divclass(coloredbox){ このページは[[こちらに移転しました>http://www9.atpages.jp/stewmusic/akadb/songlist.php?key=no%3A6408]] } ---- *before i realize it  作詞/231スレ421 作曲/長野 i have hopes living in nature but i'm driven away like you, yeah it's too hard to have hopes it's too late to look at the sky before i realize it it's always blowin' i have hopes living in nature but i'm influenced always like you, yeah ---- *音源 -[[before i realize it>http://ihaveclaws.seesaa.net/article/104708567.html]] ----

