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<h1 class="firstHeading">New Map Creation</h1> <div id="bodyContent"> <h3 id="siteSub">From Relic Community Wiki</h3> <div id="contentSub"></div> <div id="jump-to-nav">Jump to: <a href= "http://wiki.relicrank.com/index.php?title=New_Map_Creation#column-one">navigation</a>, <a href= "http://wiki.relicrank.com/index.php?title=New_Map_Creation#searchInput">search</a></div> <!-- start content --> <p>The WorldBuilder Program is located in the C:/Program Files/THQ/companyofheroes folder. There you will find the WorldBuilder icon. Click this and the WorldBuilder program will load. You may want to put a shortcut icon on your desktop.</p> <p><br></p> <div class="editsection" style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<a title= "Edit section: First Steps" href= "http://wiki.relicrank.com/index.php?title=New_Map_Creation&amp;action=edit&amp;section=1">edit</a>]</div> <a name="First_Steps" id="First_Steps"></a> <h1>First Steps</h1> <p>Before you open an existing map or start a new one, it's a good idea to set the detail level. You can do this by using <b>Budget</b> &gt; <b>Detail Level</b> and selecting the amount of video memory your system has available.<br> <br></p> <p>Before creating a map, the first consideration is <a title="Map Size" href= "http://wiki.relicrank.com/index.php?title=Map_Size"><i>how big do you want the map to be</i></a>? This can be determined by what you want to accomplish in the map (i.e. A rural map would tend to be big (512) to allow for open fields: Where as, a city map might be small (128), to allow for closer combat.<br> <br></p> <p>The second consideration is <i>how many players you want competing in a map</i>. The more players there are, the larger the map needs to be to accommodate the player’s bases. The number of players also affects how dense a map can be, (In order to maintain a decent frame rate, more armies = fewer world objects).<br> <br></p> <p>In the Editor, to create a new map, select:</p> <p><b>File</b> --&gt; New</p> <p><a class="image" title="Baby Steps..." href= "http://wiki.relicrank.com/index.php?title=Image:New_Scenario.JPG"><img height= "354" alt="Baby Steps..." src= "http://wiki.relicrank.com/images/c/cb/New_Scenario.JPG" width="412" longdesc= "/index.php?title=Image:New_Scenario.JPG"></a></p> <dl> <dt>Terrain Size</dt> <dd>Is the <a title="Map Size" href= "http://wiki.relicrank.com/index.php?title=Map_Size">size</a> of the entire map, including the out of bounds area (OOB).</dd> <dd>(The OOB should be at least 256m larger than the playable area, so that the edges of the map are not visible)</dd> <dt>Playable Area</dt> <dd>Is just that. Players cannot exit this area.</dd> <dt>Cell size</dt> <dd>1.0 m (the unit that the Terrain Size and Playable Area is using)</dd> <dt>Mod</dt> <dd>Invasion of Normandy (the Mod you're working with)</dd> </dl> <p><br> <b>Can't See Your Creation?</b></p> <p>Before you will be able to see your New Map in the game, you'll need to follow the instructions on this page:</p> <div class="editsection" style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<a title= "Edit section: Viewing Your Map" href= "http://wiki.relicrank.com/index.php?title=New_Map_Creation&amp;action=edit&amp;section=2">edit</a>]</div> <a name="Viewing_Your_Map" id="Viewing_Your_Map"></a> <h4><a title="Core Map Features" href= "http://wiki.relicrank.com/index.php?title=Core_Map_Features">Viewing Your Map</a></h4> </div>

