Arka: One of the Most Developed Conlangs

Affluent synonyms



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Arka has affluent synonyms like natural languages. They enable us to use literary and artistic expressions.
You can find at least 22 synonyms for the moon.

Synonyms for the moon

xelt, atiili, dialiiva, cuuk, anjur, virtes, divelanx, lufet, velto, vexet, myuxa, alj, duurga, tuvan, xante, leeve, viine, inje, faaxe, harxe, cuuxe, velxe

Dialiiva is a red moon and alj is a crescent moon, for instance.
Each of the synonyms has etymological note(s) in Arka dictionary, of course.

Other samples

19 synonyms for woman: min, luuko, lestir, reiyu, lamia, lamian, lilia, manda, meer, nana, tina, fian, laz, mana, naat, tona, saaz, rakel, enda
13 synonyms for see: in, vais, lai, piin, repin, fils, hixin, hoi, lastin, poin, sasin, taxin, ziin
8 synonyms for street: font, velant, alvelant, mivat, luka, apan, lafon, yuuf
6 synonyms for because: man, mil, alman, kolset, milgaal, sanje
6 synonyms for water: er, fler, axer, alir, xiria, eria
5 synonyms for good-looking: daat, farm, varma, adiiyu, erde
4 synonyms for expensive: falti, artmileel, xeakeria, fielmep
6 synonyms for sound: fo, pial, bia, reif, kler, fonim
5 synonyms for fat: fat, beja, jaxa, pofte, wolt

There are more words which mean a woman like limeer (a virgin), yolda, daimen, etc.
If you count them among the synonyms above, there will be more than 20 words for woman.