Arka: One of the Most Developed Conlangs内検索 / 「Textbook with sound」で検索した結果

検索 :
  • Textbook with sound
    You can listen to Arka s sound here. Click the button,音声ダウンロード, to listen to the sound.
  • front page
    ...and anime Textbook with sound Constellations (The stars are from 100 constellations in this world) Philosophical thoughts Magic theory Paintings Musics Clothes Notes If you google for jinkougengo (人工言語) in kanji, you will find Arka on the page 1 (google Japan). We just want you to know it exists, so this site is not a textbook of Arka. What learners say is not always correct, so please ...
  • Literary and artistic expressions
    Arka is good at literary and artistic expressions. Here is a sample from xistina, a picture book on Mel calendar. Every day in a year has its own color. The color of the day on the sample page is white. The name of the color is honoka which means snow in the language of Altia (Altian). Every day in a year has its own word. The word of the day on the sample page is honesty. It tells us...
  • A priori vocabulary (more than 15,000 words)
    It is strange that a conlang which exists in a conworld has words from English or Japanese, etc. It is, however, very difficult and tiresome to create whole vocabulary from scratch, so most of the conlangs have a posteriori or small a priori vocabulary. Some conlangs have large a priori vocabulary but most of them tend to be lack of etymology of words backed up by their conworld or conculture an...
  • 366 colors related to the calendar (xistina)
    In Mel calendar, a year has 365 days (366 days in a leap year). Each of the days has its own color. These colors are called xistina. For example, the first day of a year has a pinkish color (#dab6ff) and the color is called seliit (lilac). You can make a picture book with xistina like below. You will find that Arka is an artlang literally. teems.pdf ruj_rav.pdf mel_mel.pdf ...
  • "Book of Xion", a novel where a high school girl summoned from Japan learns Arka
    It is a novel where a high school girl, Xion, summoned from Japan learns Arka in Arbazard. Haven t you ever thought that it is strange (or too expedient) that personages learn language(s) of aliens by magic or something in science fictions? In "Book of Xion", expedient magic or apparatus with which personages learn alien s language(s) don t show up. Xion starts learning Arka from sc...
  • Affluent synonyms
    Arka has affluent synonyms like natural languages. They enable us to use literary and artistic expressions. You can find at least 22 synonyms for the moon. Synonyms for the moon xelt, atiili, dialiiva, cuuk, anjur, virtes, divelanx, lufet, velto, vexet, myuxa, alj, duurga, tuvan, xante, leeve, viine, inje, faaxe, harxe, cuuxe, velxe Dialiiva is a red moon and alj is a crescent moon, for ...
  • Detailed notes on the conworld
    You will find many detailed notes on Arbazard under [culture] tag in Arka dictionary. Let s see how many articles on the Arban culture Arka dictionary has. There are more than 3,200 articles. Samples You will see what arban are like and what they think. Besides you will see what their culture is like. Arbazard (the strongest country in Atolas) anfan (currency) mirs (debate) arban (peo...
  • Constructed cultures (concultures) associated with Arka
    Arka is used in many countries. It was made in a country, Arbazard. The culture of Arbazard has a direct impact on Arka. Arban (people of Arbazard) hate to eat roots of plants like burdocks, so they think it is very miserable to eat them. "Tid ento kui mom" means "so poor that he must eat roots". This idiom is affected by the culture of Arbazard. Thus Arka is influenced ...
  • Manga and anime
    You can read manga in Arka here. The name of this manga is unilei or nekonikki (a diary of a cat). A learner made a manga on "Book of Xion". You can find it here and here. There are videos on Arka here and here (pages on the official site. FLASH needed).
  • Myth and history which are related to the conworld and etymologies of words
    Arka has its own Myth and history. You can read Ilmus (Myth and history of Atolas) here. There is the chronology of Atolas. "Impra seelen armiva" means "be assailed from all sides". This idiom is affected by the myth. A demon, Impra, was attacked from all sides by 12 gods, Armiva. "Flanpel" means "soda float". It was made in Artil era (similar to e...
  • Detailed descriptions of basic words
    Detailed descriptions of basic words Arka dictionary is not just a list of words. It has fine descriptions of basic words. Let s see the description of aav (chain). aav [noun] a chain [verb] keep sth on a chain [letters] link [metaphor] linkage rd;raavyu,lsl.xik 13 raavyu (chain) from Old Arka raabyu raavyu la kolett (strings) [culture] Ordinarily aav is made of metal. Chains are...
  • Games (Avelantis, a shooter game, for instance)
    Shooter game "Avelantis" An original game in Arka by a learner. Here is the official site of Avelantis written in Arka. Xelto A chess-like game in Arbazard. You can play it against a computer. A learner wrote the program. Here is the manual. Here is the Xeltboard made by the author and learner s.
  • Philosophical thoughts
    Arka has words on various philosophical thoughts. Samples anxian (solar term) klevans (five element theory, Wu Xing) felis(2) (ten virtue theory) lukletia (Aesculapian system) lifax (celestial map) artis (the Arban religion) hinata (the Altian faith) mirokizm (the revolution by a dictator, Mirok Yutia) eska (magic fountain) lvan (meditation) yuvel (martial arts)
  • A priori usages of words
    An English word lips means not only the reddish parts but also the part under nose. A Japanese word kuchibiru (lips) does not include the latter part. Languages have different usages of words. Of course Arka should have unique usages of words because it is an a priori conlang. Sex (lips) means only reddish parts of lips, for example. Read this article (nim) and you will find how Arka ha...
  • Musics
    There is a song with which children and learners memorize the names of hacm (Arka s letters). It is called "miks e hacm" (the song of hacm). People can memorize the name of Armiva (12 gods who fought against demons) with the song of Armiva. Arban use the names of Armiva when they see a watch. 1 o clock is called Seinels (the god of swords) while 9 o clock is called Tikno (the god o...
  • Clothes
    We have clothes (seria and so on) which Arban wear. However, you can t take a look at them because it will infringe on models portrait rights.
  • 15,000語を超えるアプリオリの語彙
    異世界にある言語が英語や日本語から単語を借りてくるというのはおかしな話です。 かといって語彙をアプリオリでゼロから作るのは非常に難しいですし、労力もかかります。そこで多くの言語はアポステリオリの語彙か、小規模なアプリオリの語彙を持ちます。 大規模なアプリオリの語彙を持つ人工言語もありますが、そういう言語の語彙はたいてい背景となる人工世界に根ざしたものではありません。ジョン=ウィルキンズのいわゆる「真性の文字」など、工学言語に多いパターンです。 アルカは15,000語を超える大規模なアプリオリの語彙を持ち、しかもその単語ひとつひとつが人工世界や人工文化を反映して創られているという点で特長的です。 単語例 以下の単語をご覧ください。アルカの語彙のアプリオリ性が見て取れます。 幻 英 日 vik man 男 min woman 女 pind needle 針 oli...
  • Etymological note(s) on every single word in its dictionary
    Every word has etymological note(s) in Arka dictionary. Let s see the description of diain (cosmos). diain [植物]コスモス [花言葉]あいしています。 rd 19 リディアの花。リディアのように綺麗で可愛い花であることから。 salmin salmin la kardinal ankozue,alt [文化] 秋に咲く美しい花で、アルバザードでは非常に人気が高く、いたるところに植えられている。ルティアの国花。 Here is a translation. diain [plant] cosmos [floral language] I love you. rd 19 Flower of Ridia. Because it is ...
  • Instructional texts of Arka on the web
    You can read "First Guide to Arka" here. It is a beginners guide to Esperanto in dialogue. Two anime characters, Xion and Lein, teaches Arka to you. Xion (pronounced like Shi-on. It means an aster in Japanese) is a Japanese high school student who was summoned to Arbazard and is learning Arka. Lein (pronounced like lain. It means a ceremonial apparatus in Arka) is an Arban college...
  • プラグイン/ニュース
    ニュース @wikiのwikiモードでは #news(興味のある単語) と入力することで、あるキーワードに関連するニュース一覧を表示することができます 詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。 =>http // たとえば、#news(wiki)と入力すると以下のように表示されます。 【カウンターサイド】リセマラ当たりランキング - カウサイ攻略Wiki - Gamerch(ゲーマチ) ウィキペディアを作ったiMacが箱付きで競売に登場。予想落札価格は約96万円!(ギズモード・ジャパン) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース 終末のアーカーシャ(終アカ)攻略wiki - Gamerch(ゲーマチ) メトロイド ドレッド攻略Wiki - Gamerch(ゲーマチ) 【まおりゅう】最強パー...
  • Calendar and almanac
    Gregorian calendar is not used in Atolas. Mel calendar is used in Arbazard instead. Mel calendar 1 year = 13 months + 1 day (2 days in a leap year) 1 month = 28 days (each of the days is named after the members of Axet (warriors who killed demons in Ardia era)) 1 week = 7 days (each of the days is named after the members of Soom (seven demons)) You can check dates on Mel calendar her...
  • Influence from foreign languages
    Let s see diain (cosmos) again. diain [plant] cosmos [floral language] I love you. rd 19 Flower of Ridia. Because it is very beautiful and adorable like Ridia Lutia. salmin salmin la kardinal ankozue,alt [culture] A beautiful autumn bloomer. It is very popular in Arbazard. You can find this flower everywhere in Arbazard. It is also the national flower of Lutia. The line, "s...
  • Unique characters and various fonts
    Arka uses some sets of characters. The most famous set is called hacm. Hacm is a phonogram and has 25 characters. Some chracters of hacm resemble those of alphabet in appearance but there is no linkage between hacm and alphabet. Here are various fonts of hacm created by the authors of Arka and learners of Arka. Arka has more fonts of hacm. Visit the official site and a lerner's site. ...
  • Complete grammar as if Arka were a natural language
    Arka has complete grammar as if it were a natural language, so its grammar is not easy. It is easy to make an easy grammar. It is easy to make a difficult grammar if it is an a posteriori language. The author can borrow the grammar from some languages. It is not easy to make difficult and a priori grammar because the author must be skilled in linguistics.
  • 全ての単語に語源注記
    幻日辞典には14,000語すべてに語源注記があります。 diain(コスモス)を例に取ってみましょう。 diain [植物]コスモス [花言葉]あいしています。 rd 19 リディアの花。リディアのように綺麗で可愛い花であることから。 salmin salmin la kardinal ankozue,alt [文化] 秋に咲く美しい花で、アルバザードでは非常に人気が高く、いたるところに植えられている。ルティアの国花。 以下は英訳版です。 diain [plant] cosmos [floral language] I love you. rd 19 Flower of Ridia. Because it is very beautiful and adorable like Ridia Lutia. salmin salmin l...
  • A constructed world (conworld) which was made for Arka
    The constructed world made for Arka is called Kaldia. There is an Earth-like planet called Atolas. Here are the maps of Atolas. Here are various maps of Atolas. A satellite photograph of Atolas created by a learner An Equidistant Cylindrical projection map of Atolas You might think it is similar to the Earth in appearance. If aliens use a natlang like Arka, thier planet has to b...
  • プラグイン/人気商品一覧
    人気商品一覧 @wikiのwikiモードでは #price_list(カテゴリ名) と入力することで、あるカテゴリの売れ筋商品のリストを表示することができます。 カテゴリには以下のキーワードがご利用できます。 キーワード 表示される内容 ps3 PlayStation3 ps2 PlayStation3 psp PSP wii Wii xbox XBOX nds Nintendo DS desctop-pc デスクトップパソコン note-pc ノートパソコン mp3player デジタルオーディオプレイヤー kaden 家電 aircon エアコン camera カメラ game-toy ゲーム・おもちゃ全般 all 指定無し 空白の場合はランダムな商品が表示されます。 ※このプラグインは価格比較サイト@PRICEのデータを利用しています。 ...
  • Usages of words based on linguistics
    Arka has Usages of words based on linguistics. For example, Arka s aspects are based on linguistics. The author of an a priori natlang should be skilled in linguistics. Here is an article on aspects. Here is an article on movement verbs.
  • "Melidia", a novel written in Arka
    It is a novel written in Arka. You can read "Melidia" here. .
  • @wiki全体から「Textbook with sound」で調べる

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