

Owlboy - (2017/01/19 (木) 00:47:06) の最新版との変更点



*Owlboy 機種:PC 作曲者:Jonathan Geer 開発元:D-Pad Studio 発売元:D-Pad Studio 発売年:2016 ---- **概要 フクロウの少年が天空世界を冒険する2Dアクション。 繊細且つ緻密なドットのグラフィックと、温かい物語と豊富なギミックが魅力。 画面の美しさに引けをとらない珠玉のBGMは、バークリー音楽大学出身の作曲家であるJonathan Geer氏が作曲を担当。 ---- **収録曲(サウンドトラック順) |曲名|作・編曲者|補足|順位| |Main Title|Jonathan Geer||| |Revered, Exalted, Wise|~||| |A Fine Young Owl|~||| |Flying Lessons|~||| |You Have Failed Me|~||| |The Truth About Otus|~||| |Otus at Home|~||| |Vellie (Owlboy Theme)|~||| |Bomboman|~||| |Mandolyn|~||| |The Troublemaker|~||| |Vellie Cave|~||| |Separated|~||| |Geddy|~||| |Turtle Guardian Phase 1|~||| |Turtle Guardian Phase 2|~||| |Item Fanfare|~||| |Why Is It So Dark?|~||| |Sky Pirates|~||| |The First Relic|~||| |Tropos (Day)|~||| |Tropos (Night)|~||| |Buccanary's Shop|~||| |Approaching the Temple|~||| |Owl Temple|~||| |Barb Battle|~||| |Gold Coin 1|~||| |Gnome Theme|~||| |Gnome Chase|~||| |Game Over|~||| |Who's There?|~||| |Pirate Battle|~||| |Alphonse's Theme|~||| |You're Both to Blame For This|~||| |Advent Under Attack|~||| |Advent Pirate Miniboss|~||| |Approaching the Dreadnought|~||| |Alphonse Rescues Otus and Geddy|~||| |Dreadnought Escape|~||| |Molstrom Destroys Advent|~||| |Created By the Owls|~||| |Gold Coin 2|~||| |Flight of the Boguin|~||| |Strato|~||| |The Floating Continent - Jungle|~||| |King Kaboon|~||| |Error|~||| |The Floating Continent - Lava|~||| |Gold Coin 3|~||| |Guardian 2 Battle|~||| |Escape From the Floating Continent|~||| |Mesos|~||| |History of the Owls|~||| |The Lie|~||| |Pirate Mothership|~||| |Dirk Battle|~||| |Something Isn't Right With the World|~||| |Such Perfect Peace|~||| |Kernelle's Rocketship|~||| |Tower of the Owls|~||| |The Final Ascent|~||| |Ritual Incantation|~||| |Solus Battle Phase 1|~||| |Solus Battle Phase 2|~||| |Solus Battle Phase 3|~||| |Anti-Hex|~||| |The Loop Has Ended|~||| |End Credits|~||| ---- **サウンドトラック ***Owlboy OST #image(https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a2263204708_10.jpg, https://jonathangeer.bandcamp.com/album/owlboy-ost,width=160,height=160) ***動画 #youtube(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N4lp01tFwg)
*Owlboy 機種:PC 作曲者:Jonathan Geer 発売元:D-Pad Studio 発売年:2016 ---- **概要 フクロウの少年が天空世界を冒険する2Dアクション。 繊細且つ緻密なドットのグラフィックと、温かい物語と豊富なギミックが魅力。 画面の美しさに引けをとらない珠玉のBGMは、バークリー音楽大学出身の作曲家であるJonathan Geer氏が作曲を担当。 ---- **収録曲(サウンドトラック順) |曲名|作・編曲者|補足|順位| |Main Title|Jonathan Geer||| |Revered, Exalted, Wise|~||| |A Fine Young Owl|~||| |Flying Lessons|~||| |You Have Failed Me|~||| |The Truth About Otus|~||| |Otus at Home|~||| |Vellie (Owlboy Theme)|~||[[2016年>みんなで決める2016年の新曲ランキングの結果]]252位| |Bomboman|~||| |Mandolyn|~||| |The Troublemaker|~||| |Vellie Cave|~||| |Separated|~||| |Geddy|~||| |Turtle Guardian Phase 1|~||| |Turtle Guardian Phase 2|~||| |Item Fanfare|~||| |Why Is It So Dark?|~||| |Sky Pirates|~||| |The First Relic|~||| |Tropos (Day)|~||| |Tropos (Night)|~||| |Buccanary's Shop|~||| |Approaching the Temple|~||| |Owl Temple|~||| |Barb Battle|~||| |Gold Coin 1|~||| |Gnome Theme|~||| |Gnome Chase|~||| |Game Over|~||| |Who's There?|~||| |Pirate Battle|~||| |Alphonse's Theme|~||| |You're Both to Blame For This|~||| |Advent Under Attack|~||| |Advent Pirate Miniboss|~||| |Approaching the Dreadnought|~||| |Alphonse Rescues Otus and Geddy|~||| |Dreadnought Escape|~||| |Molstrom Destroys Advent|~||| |Created By the Owls|~||| |Gold Coin 2|~||| |Flight of the Boguin|~||| |Strato|~||| |The Floating Continent - Jungle|~||| |King Kaboon|~||| |Error|~||| |The Floating Continent - Lava|~||| |Gold Coin 3|~||| |Guardian 2 Battle|~||| |Escape From the Floating Continent|~||| |Mesos|~||| |History of the Owls|~||| |The Lie|~||| |Pirate Mothership|~||| |Dirk Battle|~||| |Something Isn't Right With the World|~||| |Such Perfect Peace|~||| |Kernelle's Rocketship|~||| |Tower of the Owls|~||| |The Final Ascent|~||| |Ritual Incantation|~||| |Solus Battle Phase 1|~||| |Solus Battle Phase 2|~||| |Solus Battle Phase 3|~||| |Anti-Hex|~||| |The Loop Has Ended|~||| |End Credits|~||| ---- **サウンドトラック ***Owlboy OST #image(https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a2263204708_10.jpg, https://jonathangeer.bandcamp.com/album/owlboy-ost,width=160,height=160) ***Owlboy Release Trailer #video(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N4lp01tFwg)

