
※ 誤記や補足説明などありましたら更新お願いします。
※ 設定変更などでパフォーマンス向上や不具合回避報告がありましたら更新お願いします。
※ 任意のバージョンへのアップグレード・ダウングレードは対象のアップデータの実行で可能です。
※ 書き換えに失敗した場合(コンソール赤背景)は再度実行することで修復出来る事があります。

#region(open,BIOS項目一覧 2016/11/18版)
//========== Main ==========
|>|>|&bold(){BIOS Infomation}|
|BIOS Vendor|American Megatrends||
|Core Version|5.011||
|Compliancy|UEFI 2.4; PI 1.3||
|Project Version|1ARXP 0.57 x64||
|Build Date and Time|18/11/2016 16:29:41|&color(red){11/18版の表示}|
|>|>|&bold(){CPU Configuration}|
|Microcode Patch|362||
|>|>|&bold(){Memory Information}|
|Total Memory|4096 MB (DDR3)||
|Intel(R) GOP Driver|8.0.1038||
|>|>|&bold(){TXE Information}|
|Sec RC Version|||
|TXE FW Version|||
|System Language|[English]||
|System Date|&italic(){[ddd MM/DD/YYYY]}||
|System Time|&italic(){[hh:mm:ss]}||
|Accsess Level|Administrator||
|>|>|&bold(){Boot Configuration}|
|Setup Prompt Timeout|1||
|Bootup NumLock State|[On]||
|Quiet Boot|[Enabled]||
|Fast Boot|[Enabled]||
| SATA Support|[All Sata devices]||
| VGA Support|[EFI Driver]||
| USB Support|[Partial Initial]||
| PS2 Support|[Disabled]||
| Network Stack Driver|[Disabled]||
|>|>|&bold(){Boot Option Priorities}|
|Boot Option #1|Windows Boot Manager||
|Boot Option #2|UEFI: Built-in EFI …||
|Save Changes and Exit|&color(red){設定後は保存して終了}|
|Discard Changes and Exit||
|Save Changes and Reset||
|Discard Changes and Exit||
|>|&bold(){Save Options}|
|Save Changes||
|Discard Changes||
|Restore Default||
|Save as User Defaults||
|Restore User Defaults||
|>|&bold(){Boot Override}|
|UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell||
|Windows Boot Manager||
|Launch EFI Shell from filesystem device||
|Reset System with ME disable Mode||

#region(open,BIOS項目一覧 2016/10/25版)
//========== Main ==========
|>|>|&bold(){BIOS Infomation}|
|BIOS Vendor|American Megatrends||
|Core Version|5.011||
|Compliancy|UEFI 2.4; PI 1.3||
|Project Version|1ARXP 0.57 x64||
|Build Date and Time|10/25/2016 10:43:29|&color(red){10/25版の表示}|
|>|>|&bold(){CPU Configuration}|
|Microcode Patch|362||
|>|>|&bold(){Memory Information}|
|Total Memory|4096 MB (DDR3)||
|Intel(R) GOP Driver|8.0.1038||
|>|>|&bold(){TXE Information}|
|Sec RC Version|||
|TXE FW Version|||
|System Language|[English]||
|System Date|&italic(){[ddd MM/DD/YYYY]}||
|System Time|&italic(){[hh:mm:ss]}||
|Accsess Level|Administrator||
//-----Trusted Compuring-----
#region(close,Trusted Compuring)
&bold(){Trusted Compuring}
|>|>|TPM20 Device Found|
|Security Device Sup|[Enabled]||
|Active PCR banks|S||
|Available PCR Banks|S||
|TPM State|[Enabled]||
|Pending Operation|[None]||
|Platform Hierarchy|[Enabled]||
|Storage Hierarchy|[Enabled]||
|Endorsement Hierarc|[Enabled]||
|TPM2.0 UEFI Spec Ve|[1.0]||
|TPM 20 InterfaceTyp|[CRB]||
|Device Select|[Auto]||
//-----ACPI Setting-----
#region(close,ACPI Setting)
&bold(){ACPI Setting}
|Enable ACPI Auto Conf|[Enabled]||
//-----Serial Port-----
#region(close,Serial Port)
&bold(){Serial Port}
|>|>|&bold(){COM 0}|
|Console Redirection|[Disabled]||
|>|>|Condole Redirection Settings|
|>|>|&bold(){Legacy Console Redirection}|
|>|>|Legacy Console Redirection Settings|
|>|>|&bold(){Serial Port for Out-ofBand Management/&br()Windows Emergency Management Service (EMS)}|
|Console Redirection|[Disabled]||
|>|>|Console Redirection Settings|
//-----CPU Configuration-----
#region(close,CPU Configuration)
&bold(){CPU Configuration}
|>|>|&bold(){Socket 0 CPU Infomation}|
|Intel(R) Atom(TM) x7-Z8700 CPU @ 1.60GHz||&color(blue){先行機種一部はx7-Z8750あり}|
|CPU Signature|406c3||
|Microcode Patch|362||
|Max CPU Speed|1600 MHz||
|Min CPU Speed|480 MHz||
|Intel HT Technology|Not Supported||
|Intel VT-x Technology|Supported||
|L1 Data Cache|24 kB x 4||
|L2 Data Cache|32 kB x 4||
|L2 Cache|1024 kB x 2||
|L3 Cache|Not Supported||

|>|>|&bold(){CPU Thermal Configuration}|

|CPU Speed|1600 MHz||
|Limit CPUID Maximum|[Disabled]||
|Bi-directional PROCHO|[Enabled]||
|Intel Virtualization|[Enabled]||
|Power Technology|[Energy Efficient]||
//-----PPM Configuration-----
#region(close,PPM Configuration *)
**PPM Configuration
|CPU C State Report|Enabled||
|Max CPU C-state|C7&color(blue){→C6またはC1}|&color(blue){10/25より前のBIOSではスリープ中の電源断回避可能}|
|>|>|&bold(){Thermal Configuration}|
|>|>|Thermal Configuration Parameters&br()Dynamic Platform&Thermal Framework|
|Intel® DPTF Processor|[Enabled]||
|Critical Trip Point|[90 C]||
|Passive Trip Point|[85 C]||
|>|>|Intel® DPTF Skin Hotspot Proxy Senser|
|Intel® DPTF Skin Hots|[Enabled]||
|Critical|[90 C]||
|Passive|[57 C]||
|>|>|Intel® DPTF Ambient Estimation Participant|
|Intel® DPTF Ambient E|[Disabled]||
|Critical|[85 C]||
|Passive|[52 C]||
|>|>|Intel® DPTF Charger-Display Senseor Participa...|
|Intel® DPTF Changes-d|[Enabled]||
|Critical|[85 C]||
|Passive|[52 C]||
|>|>|Intel® DPTF Charger Bord Senser Participant|
|Charger Board Sensor|[Disabled]||
|Critical|[85 C]||
|Passive|[61 C]||
|>|>|Intel® DPTF Charger Participant|
|Intel® DPTF Charger P|[Enabled]||
|>|>|Intel® DPTF Display Participant|
|Intel® DPTF Display P|[Enabled]||
|Display High Limit|100||
|Display Low Limit|40||
|>|>|Intel® DPTF Power Participant|
|Intel® DPTF Power Par|[Enabled]||
|>|>|Intel® Ambient Temperture Participant|
|Intel® Ambient Temper|[Enabled]||
|Ambient Constant Sign|[+]||
|Ambient Constant 0|30||
|Ambient Constant Sign|[+]||
|Ambient Constant 1|30||
|Ambient Constant Sign|[+]||
|Ambient Constant 2|30||
|Ambient Constant Sign|[+]||
|Ambient Constant 3|0||
|Ambient Constant Sign|[+]||
|Ambient Constant 4|0||
|Ambient Constant Sign|[+]||
|Ambient Constant 5|0||
|>|>|Ambient Based Trip Point Change|
|Ambient Based Trip Po|[Enabled]||
|>|>|Allow High Performance|
|Allow High Performanc|[Disabled]||
|Intel® Dynamic Power|[Enabled]||
|Current Logical Proce|[Disabled]||
|Start P-State|[P0]||
|Step Size|[25%]||
|CLPM|[OS level]||
|Supper Debug|[Disabled]||
|>|>|WWAN Participant|
|Enable/Disable WWAN P|[Disabled]||
|WWAN Device Critical|[75 C]||
|WWAN Device Passive T|[40 C]||
|>|>|Thermal Sampling Period for STR2|
|Sampling Period Value|300||
|>|>|Memory Participant|

|>|>|&bold(){Thermal Failsafe Settings}|
|BatteryId DBI Base|240||
|BatteryId Analog Base|19||
|VBattery Threshold|3700||
|PROCHOT# input|[Disabled]||
|Thermal Throttling Me|[Disabled]||
|>|>|Soc AUX3 Threshold|
|HOT (TJ_TARGET) Offse|3||
|>|>|Platform AUX3 Thresholds|
|Systherm 0 (Skin Hots|110||
|Systherm 1 (Ambient E|110||
|Systherm 2 (Changer-D|110||
|>|>|Platform Critical Thermal Event|
|Boot on invalid batte|[Enabled]||
|Modem Selection|[7262_ES2XX_SSIC]||
|>|>|Silent Lake Feature Configuration|
|Silent Lake|[Disabled]||
//-----PCI Subsystem Setting-----
#region(close,PCI Subsystem Setting)
&bold(){PCI Subsystem Setting}
|>|>|AMI PCI Driver Version : A5.01.08|
|>|>|PCI Settings Common for all Devices:|
|Above 4G Decoding|[Disabled]||
|SR-IOV Supported|[Disabled]||
|Restore PCIE Register|[Disabled]||
|Don't Reset VC-TC Map|[Disabled]||
|>|>|Change Settings og The Following PCI Devices:|
|>|>|WARNING: Changing PCI Device(s) settings may&br()have unwanted side effects! System May Haqng!&br()PROCEED WITH CAUTION.|
//-----USB Configutation-----
#region(close,USB Configutation)
&bold(){USB Configuration}
|USB Module Version|11||
|USB Controllers:|1 XHCI||
|USB Devices:|2 keybords, 2 Mice||
|XHCI Hand-off|[Enabled]||
|USB Mass Strage Driver|[Enabled]||
|>|>|USB hardware delays a|
|USB transfer time-out|[20 sec]||
|Device reset time-out|[20 sec]||
|Device power-up delay|[Auto]||
//-----Platform Trust Technology-----
#region(close,Platform Trust Technology)
&bold(){TPM Configuration}
//-----Security Configuration-----
#region(close,Security Configuration)
//-----System Component-----
#region(close,System Component *)
**System Component
|Asset SLP_SOIX_N in S|[Auto]||
|>|>|PCIe based WLAN module - BCM4356|
|LPC Pins PNP Setting|[Disabled]||
|XDB GPIO|[Disabled]||
|Flashless Modem|[Disabled]||
|MS Custom Sdbus Drive|[Enabled]||
|Toggle SelfClockDisab|[Disabled]||
|AOS GPS HID Selection|[Broadcom 47521 GPS]||
|CHT-HR setup options|[Disabled]||
|VGG 50mW Workaround|[Enabled]||
|OS IMAGE ID|[Windows 8.1]||
|PSS Storage|[Disabled]||
|S5-Charging driver|[Disabled]&color(blue){→そのまま}|&color(blue){充電ケーブル接続中の起動が可能}|
|S5 LPM Settings|[Disabled]&color(blue){→[Enabled]}|&color(blue){電源オフ時も充電可能になる}|
|Persistent RAM size|[Disabled]||
|Offline Crash Dump se|[Disabled]||
|>|>|&bold(){Boot Configuration}|
|Setup Prompt Timeout|1||
|Bootup NumLock State|[On]||
|Quiet Boot|[Enabled]||
|Fast Boot|[Enabled]||
| SATA Support|[All Sata devices]||
| VGA Support|[EFI Driver]||
| USB Support|[Partial Initial]||
| PS2 Support|[Disabled]||
| Network Stack Driver|[Disabled]||
|>|>|&bold(){Boot Option Priorities}|
|Boot Option #1|Windows Boot Manager||
|Boot Option #2|UEFI: Built-in EFI …||
|Save Changes and Exit|&color(red){設定後は保存して終了}|
|Discard Changes and Exit||
|Save Changes and Reset||
|Discard Changes and Exit||
|>|&bold(){Save Options}|
|Save Changes||
|Discard Changes||
|Restore Default|&color(red){他項目設定前に実施。}|
|Save as User Defaults||
|Restore User Defaults||
|>|&bold(){Boot Override}|
|UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell||
|Windows Boot Manager||
|Launch EFI Shell from filesystem device||
|Reset System with ME disable Mode||

#region(open,BIOS項目一覧 2016/10/18版)
//========== Main ==========

#region(open,BIOS項目一覧 2016/09/29版)
//========== Main ==========

