

紙媒体MDN時代のwaiwaiタイトル1999年 - (2008/10/08 (水) 16:15:05) の1つ前との変更点



#include(CAUTION!!) ---- |番号|掲載年月日|表題(英語)|引用雑誌名|引用雑誌号数|表題(日本語)|署名(イニシャル)| |1|19990103|Confused women giving deadwood hubbies the ax|Aera|12/28-1/4|30代女性理由なき離婚|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |2|19990103|From hooker to lawyer - some girls have all the fun|Shukan Hoseki|1/7-14|「女子大生風俗嬢」たちのその後!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |3|19990103|Weight-obsessed high school kids fading away|Shukan Hoseki|1/7-14|世紀末の子供たちを襲うやせたい症候群!|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |4|19990103|1st VVVVVV victim succumbs to the hard facts of life|Shukan Bunshun|12/31-1/7|バィアグラ死不動産屋に8人の恋人がいた!|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |5|19990103|Sinister city?(Whether just a foreigners' slum or a setting for hardboiled fiction, nobody seems to be willing to give Kabukicho an even break. Mark Schreiber reports.)|-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |6|19990110|Shrine hopping: Prayers for love, health, sex and wealth|Shukan Yomiuri|1/3-10|ご利益別・神社仏閣ガイド|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |7|19990110|TV tenderfoots find small screen eases marital woes|Spa!|1/13|「テレビ出たがりシロートさん」その"動機"と"出演後"|RC(Ryann Connel)| |8|19990110|Mr. Moms shedding their ties, and tying their aprons|Aera|1/11|「良妻賢母」な男たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |9|19990110|Defective modern weapons reduce SDF punch to pop|Bungei Shunju|January|自衛隊の兵器は欠陥だらけだ|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |10|19990110|From bad to worse(Corporate collapses, snow-covered cherry blossoms, AUM revival, the dreaded Big One…Shukan Gendai paints a gloomy picture for the year ahead. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |11|19990117|Rude & crude: The new generation of brats & boors|Aera|1/18|身勝手な子 非常識な親|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |12|19990117|Oldies tell young studs to put up or shut up|Sunday Mainichi|1/24|「中年力」をつけて何が悪い!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |13|19990117|More to illegal VVVVVV market than just big bucks|Shukan Hoseki|1/28|直撃!「暴落」バイアグラに狂騒する性の商人たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |14|19990117|‘Official' number of HIV carriers a fraction of truth|Shukan Shincho|1/21|報道されないエイズ感染者「6万人」の恐怖|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |15|19990117|Memory rewrite(We're lost without it - and maybe with it, too, says Da Capo. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |16|19990124|Shooting and selling porno videos key to marital bliss|Shukan Josei Seven|1/28|私たち夫婦が性生活10年ビデオを公開した理由|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |17|19990124|Era of celebrity scandals fading into the distance|Aera|1/18|スキャンダルの時代は終わった|RC(Ryann Connel)| |18|19990124|The future of ejaculation left floating in the air|Spa!|1/27|ニッポン人の射精の明日を考える|RC(Ryann Connel)| |19|19990124|Recession biting into gangs' bread and butter|Sunday Mainichi|1/31|組長になりたくないヤクザ急増中|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |20|19990124|Here, try this pill(Michael Hoffman looks into the gullible world of tele-dating and finds blind trust is rewarded with rape, robbery…or death.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |21|19990131|Amateur scam artists cashing in on digital age|Spa!|1/27|大増殖する「シロート詐欺師」たちの大胆な手口|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |22|19990131|Heavy-handed wives have men crying out for mercy|Aera|2/1|妻の虐待に耐える夫|RC(Ryann Connel)| |23|19990131|[[Some gals can't get enough of Viagra-addicted supermen>急増中!「バイアグラ依存症」の女と男]]|Shukan Gendai|2/6|[[急増中!「バイアグラ依存症」の女と男]]|RC(Ryann Connel)| |24|19990131|Bored Kansai kids stalking their victims just for kicks|Shukan Jitsuwa|2/4|関西の若者に急増「ストーカー遊び」の恐怖|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |25|19990131|Taking on the big boys(More and more individuals, says Da Capo, are fighting back against the bullies of modern society. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |26|19990207|Betrayed gal finds revenge tastes sweeter than sex|Shukan Josei Seven|2/11|私を裏切った4人の男を地獄へ!!『復讐する女』|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |27|19990207|Who's defending Japan from its GSDF felons?|Flash|2/9|強制猥褻、殺人...自衛隊マル秘『犯罪録』入手|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |28|19990207|Industries rely on codes to escape sticky situations|Sunday Mainichi|2/14|デパート・キャバレー・美容院業界の「サインを盗め!」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |29|19990207|How to beat young thugs at their own game|Shukan Taishu|2/15|若者暴力から身を守る緊急10ヵ条|RC(Ryann Connel)| |30|19990207|Hooked on health(Vitamin supplements, magnetic matresses, swallowing urine… Aera asks what's all the fuss about? Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |31|19990214|3-month wait for Japan's most popular hooker|Shukan Shincho|2/11|人気ナンバーワン・ヘルス嬢は「3ヵ月」待ち|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |32|19990214|Heavy-handed girls putting the hard word on old-timers|Shukan Taishu|2/22|善良お父さん族を襲う「ガンつけ女」現わる!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |33|19990214|Marital bliss means living apart for some couples|Shukan Hoseki|2/18|急増!「別居婚」願望の女たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |34|19990214|Man sues for the right to snore through rakugo|Weekly Playboy|2/16|「平気で告発する人々」大増殖の謎|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |35|19990214|Cult-crazed(Brainwashed gals tell Shukan Gendai there's nothing wrong with giving your body and soul to the cause. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |36|19990221|Women still want to tie the knot, but not to any old Joe|Shukan Jitsuwa|2/25|女を怖がる男 差別する女|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |37|19990221|Self-hating adults opt to pass the buck on babies|Aera|2/22|子供拒否する女たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |38|19990221|New sexual harassment law a touchy issue|Shukan Taishu|3/1|「セクハラ法」4・1施行でこうなる「罪と罰」!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |39|19990221|Will new decree tale the wind out of pink sails?|Shukan Post|2/26|「新風営法でオレたちのスケベはどうなる?|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |40|19990221|Concrete relationship(The Construction Ministry was not amused when Forbes magazine attacked what it claimed was 'rampant corruption and gang involvement' in Japan's public works. Mark Schreiber reports.)|-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |41|19990228|Road getting bumpier for overworked cab drivers|Shukan Hoseki|3/4|タクシードライバー大不況日記|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |42|19990228|Warning! Hot, comforting bath may be your last|Sunday Mainichi|3/7|風呂が危ない 交通死より多い入浴死|RC(Ryann Connel)| |43|19990228|Amateur nude models stealing starlets' spotlight|Spa!|2/24|シロート女が「裸になる」ホントの理由|RC(Ryann Connel)| |44|19990228|Weirdo patients making doctors sick to the stomach|Sunday Mainichi|3/7|医師大放談「こんな患者は来るな!」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |45|19990228|Netting the suckers(Shukan Taishu wonders whether cyberspace in the 21s-century will be a new world wasteland. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |46|19990307|Old habits die hard for the 'worst wives in history'|Shukan Jitsuwa|3/11|史上最悪「わがまま妻」急増|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |47|19990307|Weird happenings striking terror into horror film stars|Shukan Josei Seven|3/11|恐怖実話 血も凍った廃墟の精神病棟のロケ|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |48|19990307|‘Love thy neighbor' forms the bane of some lives|Aera|3/8|恐怖の非常識 大迷惑な人達|RC(Ryann Connel)| |49|19990307|Needle extortion attempts eating away at society|Friday|3/5|犯人がスーパーで食べ物に「光る針」を入れるとき|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |50|19990307|Profiting from prophecy(‘In the year 1999 and seven months, the great king of terror will come from the sky. He will bring back to life the king of Angolmois. Before and after, Mars reigns happily.' A thoroughly confused Mark Schreiber reports.)|-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |51|19990314|96-year-old student says daily hard-on the key to life|Shukan Josei|3/16|「福祉に頼るな老人も一日一回××をピンとたたせなあかん!」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |52|19990314|Homestay porno queens get bed but no breakfast|Shukan Post |3/19|「娘の米国短期留学」にご用心!AVバイトが急増中|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |53|19990314|Japan's nightlife offers a bevy of Balkan beauties|Shukan Taishu|3/22|「ルーマニア美女」ネオン街に大増殖する|ML(Magda Lupescu)| |54|19990314|Fertility shrines hard-up as public interest goes limp|Weekly Playboy|3/23|男が奮い勃つ!?道祖神を求めて’99|RC(Ryann Connel)| |55|19990314|Transplant trauma(Michael Hoffman puts the scope on the media madness surrounding the nation's first organ transplant operation from a brain-dead donor.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |56|19990321|‘Health' emporium rates 500 men's family jewels|Shukan Josei Seven|3/25|オチンチン500本大調査データ公開|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |57|19990321|Terror tykes put the boot into helpless teachers|Shukan Gendai|3/27|「学級崩壊」全国縦断!卒業式が恐ろしい|RC(Ryann Connel)| |58|19990321|Workers get a new lease on life after being laid off|Aera|3/15|リストラで幸せになる|RC(Ryann Connel)| |59|19990321|Gasp! The teen-age mutant Japanese are coming!|Da Capo|3/17|世紀末ニッポン人のカラダ大異変|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |60|19990321|I'm on the pill(After a near eternity, a sexual revolution is set to slip between the sheets of the nation's bedrooms. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |61|19980328|Osaka's juvenile runaways tearing up record books|Shukan Hoseki|4/1|大阪「家出児童」29年連続日本一|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |62|19980328|Fussy career gals carry too high a price tag|Shukan Hoseki|4/8|アエラ型OL「結婚しない」本音は「結婚できない」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |63|19980328|Daylight-saving clock ticking for end of world|Shukan Post|3/26|「週刊ポストはサマータイム導入に断固反対する|RC(Ryann Connel)| |64|19980328|What sort of honey will you get for your money?|Da Capo|4/7|風俗って本当に気持ち良くしてくれるの?|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |65|19980328|Telefriend world(Mobile phones are offering an empty substitute for human relationships, muses Spa! Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |66|19990404|[[‘Pussy' preaches how to get the most out of the old fella>女性いま、こんなにいやらしい]]|Sunday Mainichi|4/11|[[女性いま、こんなにいやらしい]]|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |67|19990404|Back pain strikes victims at the worst possible time|Shukan Taishu|4/12|とんでもない時に突然襲う「ギックリ腰」壮絶体験集|RC(Ryann Connel)| |68|19990404|Young guys put their own price on going out for a date|Shukan Shincho|4/1|男が身を売る「逆援助交際」流行の兆し|RC(Ryann Connel)| |69|19990404|Strange new katakana job titles all the rage|Sunday Mainichi|4/11|ヘンな肩きが増えている|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |70|19990404|Operation blunder(Medical equipment here maybe world class, but says Aera, the treatment patients receive is often closer to Third World class. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |71|19990411|Watch out gals! That stalker could be your own mom|Aera|4/12|マザーストーカーに脅える娘たち|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |72|19990411|New Thai-style root linked to titanic titties|Focus|4/14|「豊胸」タイ芋のウソ?ホント?|RC(Ryann Connel)| |73|19990411|Nude photographers will give almost anything a shot|Spa!|4/14|投稿写真界の「巨匠」たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |74|19990411|For the dearly divorced, it's never too late to try again|Shukan Yomiuri|4/19|バツイチ熟年が走る「別居再婚」|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |75|19990411|Biting back(Josei Seven ponders if the government's efforts to finally put some teeth into the Animal Protection Act will prevent cruelty. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |76|19990418|Truckin' tramps redefining expressway 'rest' areas|Shukan Jitsuwa|4/22|高速道路運転手相手の売春の実態|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |77|19990418|If you don't stop me, I'm afraid I'll kill my baby|Shukan Josei|4/20|「助て!このままではこの子を殺してしまう」|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |78|19990418|Police padding books with payouts to phony informers|Friday|4/23|これが警視庁「裏ガネ作り」の手口!|MK(Masuo Kamiyama)| |79|19990418|Veteran hotel's dirty laundry|Shukan Taishu|4/26|ラブホテルの「欲情現場」最前線フロントのおばさんは見た!|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |80|19990418|Easy target(With a hostile neighbor getting bolder and bolder, is the nation ready to defend itself? Ryann Connell reports.)|-|-|-|RC(Ryann Connel)| |81|19990425|School teachers get failing grades for bad behavior|Shukan Gendai|5/1|職員室崩壊|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |82|19990425|How to they get away with that sort of anal behavior?|Shukan Hoseki|5/16-23|平成日本ヘンな「常識」天下の「悪法」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |83|19990425|Companies force-feeding goods on their own staff|Spa!|4/28|ボクらの買わねば自社商品事情|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |84|19990425|Old age simulation shows life behind the silver curtain|Da Capo|4/21|老人になってはじめて分かることがある|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |85|19990425|Where babies come from(Kids are never too young to learn about sex, advocates Aera, but others fear premature education. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |86|19990502|Gullible youth easy prey for street-corner vultures|Shukan Taishu|5/10-17|都会にはびこる「街頭サギ」の悪ラツ手口|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |87|19990502|International marriages all tied up in knots|Spa!|5/5-12|国際結婚のドツボ報告|RC(Ryann Connel)| |88|19990502|Photo-booth porn the latest way to beat the recession|Flash|5/11-18|「アソコの写真買ってください」仰天OLが出現!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |89|19990502|Colleges becoming a haven for romper-room kiddies|Sunday Mainichi|5/2|大学も「学級崩壊」だあ~|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |90|19990502|Slave labor(Shukan Kinyobi fills us in on the nation's exploitation of foreign workers. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |91|19990509|Naughty foreign gals leave island women high and dry|Shukan Jitsuwa|5/13-20|外国人ホステス150人上陸で離婚、家庭崩壊の悲劇が続く八丈島|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |92|19990509|Nation's 'sex monsters' reveal tricks of the trade|Shukan Taishu|5/10-17|平成ニッポンの「SEXモンスター」性豪連発!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |93|19990509|Pesky crows, rats gnawing away at Tokyoites' nerves|Spa!|5/5-12|本当は恐ろしい都会の「カラス・ネズミ」物語|RC(Ryann Connel)| |94|19990509|Modern-day massages offering explosive therapy|Shukan Post|5/7-14|東京青山で「性感アロマテラピー」の“夢性”体験をリポート!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |95|19990509|Could it happen here?(In the wake of the Columbine High School massacre in the US, this nation had better not get complacent. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |96|19990516|Cornered kids take a stab at wielding domestic justice|Friday|5/21|父親を殺す少年たちに宿った狂気の正体|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |97|19990516|Girls find raunchy deliveries meet their nympho needs|Spa!|5/19|「オンナ向け出張性感」がOLにウケル理由|RC(Ryann Connel)| |98|19990516|Whining wives the key to saving troubled marriages|Shukan Post|5/21|「夫を捨てるミドル妻」危機のサイン|RC(Ryann Connel)| |99|19990516|Death rumors exaggerated, AUM,s alive - and kicking|Shukan Bunshun|5/13|再び「サリン事件」が起きるか|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |100|19990516|Shape of things to come? (Sew, sex, sex. Now that Mark schreiber has your attention, what new worlds will be left for Japanese sexuality to conquer in the 21st century?) |-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |101|19990523|Smokers turn the friendly skies into a war zone|Shukan Taishu|5/31|スッチーと喫煙者が繰り広げる「機内」大ゲンカ深刻事情|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |102|19990523|Company secretaries privy to corporate secrets|Sunday Mainichi|5/28|秘書は見た!!社内極秘情報|RC(Ryann Connel)| |103|19990523|Today's young guys find any excuse not to work|Spa!|5/26|「ネガティブ・プータロー君」のボクが働かない理由|RC(Ryann Connel)| |104|19990523|Fujitsu pulls the plug on in-house Internet peepers|Asahi Geino|5/27|インターネットの「エッチページ」を見て首になったんだって!!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |105|19990523|Milking the system (Despite a luck of funds, the unemployment club, says Area, is partying - well, bathing - its pants off. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |106|19990530|Corporate tightwads cut staff outlays to the bone|Shukan Asahi|6/4|タクシー・新聞代ケチリから領収書の「字体鑑定」まで経費削減世紀末|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |107|19990530|[[The money sucks, but guys get off on sex industry jobs>風俗で働く男たちの「理由」]]|Spa!|6/2|[[風俗で働く男たちの「理由」]]|RC(Ryann Connel)| |108|19990530|Working gals find equality not all it's cracked up to be|Sunday Mainichi|6/6|男女雇用均等法で沈没した女性たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |109|19990530|Moms turn blind eye to loafing grown daughters|Aera|5/24|「母はぐうたら娘を棄てられない」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |110|19990530|Sex & mind control (Shukan Hoseki discovers that a space-age orgy cult keeps the converts coming. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |111|19990606|New semen tracer stains more than reputations|Shukan Post|6/11|妻たちが仕掛ける「浮気発見」グッズ|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |112|19990606|Host clubs turn to dirty tricks to woo the ladies|Shukan Taishu|6/14|凄腕ホストが女客を奪い合う「仁義なき戦い」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |113|19990606|Living in high-rise condos could lead to an early death|Shukan Gendai|6/12|驚愕データ!マンション住人は寿命が9年短い|RC(Ryann Connel)| |114|19990606|Illegal Chinese cultivating their own killing fields|Shukan Hoseki|6/17|中国人密航者5人をメッタ刺し!「蛇頭」凄惨な血の制裁現場|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |115|19990606|Maternal madness (Babies in lockers, starvation, abandonment…Shukan Taishu fears parental love is dying. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |116|19990613|Worst smoker list blackens `smoking clean' image|Shukan Taishu|6/21|99ワーストスモーカー発表に「そりゃないぜ!」|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |117|19990613|That deodorizer can could be perving on your poop|Asahi Geino|6/17|女装トイレ潜入までした極ワル手口!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |118|19990613|Hey, wait a second, lady, that's sexual harassment!|Aera|6/14|男がセクハラを感じるとき|RC(Ryann Connel)| |119|19990613|Media left red-faced after `family for rent' hoax|Sunday Mainichi|6/20|スクープ!新ビジネス「レンタル家族」はヤラセだった|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |120|19990613|Hell haven (Part rollercoaster, part House of Horrors, Shukan Jitsuwa takes us on a ride with a difference. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |121|19990620|Gals hanker for the sweet taste of virginal lads|Spa!|6/16|「童貞狩りオンナ」はホントにいるの?|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |122|19990620|Karaoke the latest weapon in fight against the bulge|Shukan Taishu|6/28|「出っ腹」に朗報歌えば痩せる!カラオケ・ダイエット|RC(Ryann Connel)| |123|19990620|Kimchi row spicing up Tokyo-Seoul relations|Sunday Mainichi|6/27|食品ガイドラインで日韓キムチ戦争勃発す|GB(Geoff Botting)| |124|19990620|Ishihara betting on a casino to put Tokyo back in black|Shukan Post|6/25|警察庁が米国ラスベガスに密使を送っていた!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |125|19990620|Disappearing act (Sapio demands the government pull its finger out and act over the alleged kidnappings of Japanese nationals. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |126|19990627|Smelly middle-aged men caused big stink at the office|Shukan Bunshun|6/24|ついに「消臭化粧品」登場“オジサンの臭い”が消える!|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |127|19990627|‘Hospital of horrors' kills off patients for profit|Shukan Hoseki|7/1|毎月10人以上が死亡する都内の恐怖病院|GB(Geoff Botting)| |128|19990627|Tokyo's homeless women: Foot loose and fancy free|Spa!|6/30|「TOKYO住所不定ギャル」衝撃の「昼と夜」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |129|19990627|Smuggling, pornos…like who's going to bust us?|Spa!|6/23|「取り締まる法律がない!?」事件簿|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |130|19990627|Host with the most (Spa! Spotlights the pampered lives of men working at host clubs. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |131|19990704|Grown men in diapers: getting the inside poop|Shukan Jitsuwa|7/8|幼児プレイに群がる中年男の病理|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |132|19990704|A once-in -a-lifetime shot to blow three big once|Takarajima|7/7|3万円で買う極楽体験|RC(Ryann Connel)| |133|19990704|Pervy prof users position to show off big lens fetish|Shukan Hoseki|7/8|名門大の集団セクハラ事件|GB(Geoff Botting)| |134|19990704|Higher-earning gals prick hubbies' childish pride|Aera|7/5|出世妻と男の面子|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |135|19990704|Class Duffers ( Shukan Hoseki reveals how university standards have disintegrated, despite attempts to overhaul the system. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |136|19990711|Korean-bashing Japanese author lives to tell the tale|Shukan Bunshun|7/8|「殴り殺される覚悟で書いた韓国、韓国人批判」が爆発的に売れている|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |137|19990711|The wonderful world of weird & wacky magazines|Spa!|7/14|仰天珍雑誌大解剖講座!!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |138|19990711|Brokers snare vulnerable young gals into sex trade|Shukan Jitsuwa|7/15|性風俗の人身売買恐ろしい手口|GB(Geoff Botting)| |139|19990711|Medics sound alarm over terrifying new 'hyper TB'|Shukan Gendai|7/17|厚生省が緊急事態宣言!「ハイパー結核」の戦慄|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |140|19990711|Frisky Year ( what happens when children who never had a childhood meet teachers who never left theirs? Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |141|19990718|Taxi drivers' ears tuned to a world of misery|Shukan Taishu|7/19|タクシードライバーは見た!走る密室の中にうごめく不況絵図|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |142|19990718|Train gropers hand fresh blow to commuting gals|Shukan Post|7/23|「満員電車の痴漢」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |143|19990718|‘80s classic porno flicks pulling in big bucks|Shukan Jitsuwa|7/22|80年代の美少女ものが人気10数年前のファンが得意客|GB(Geoff Botting)| |144|19990718|Mobile-phone scams ringing louder and louder|Shukan Taishu|7/26|「携帯食い逃げ」セコさ爆発!!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |145|19990718|Digital skulduggery ( When police and criminal\s engage in a high-tech battle of wits, it's the average citizen who's most likely to get caught in the crossfire. Number 306777447110(Mark Schreiber) reports.)|-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |146|19990725|Wheelchair-bound granny turns it on for \300 a pop|Bungei Shunju|August|老人SEX革命|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |147|19990725|‘Love hotels' rising to the occasion with wacky themes|Spa!|7/28|この夏は、ユニークなラブホテルに誘おう!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |148|19990725|New-look Kobe becoming one big white elephant|Shukan Gendai|7/24|神戸市の果てしない迷走行政|GB(Geoff Botting)| |149|19990725|Computer price-buster declares war on AUM|Asahi Geino|7/29|「日本一安いパソコン店」社長がオウムに宣戦布告|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |150|19990725|A bit on the side ( Hey, has your lady really gone out shopping with her friends? Spa! Believes otherwise. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |151|19990801|Townspeople picket store to turn back the clock|Flash|8/10|「ドン・キホーテ」深夜営業強行で住民と激突!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |152|19990801|Necking on trains has old folks going for the jugular|Shukan Taishu|8/9|急増「電車内濃厚キッス」に告発ブーイング大噴出!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |153|19990801|TV celebrities regularly tuning in to ' Channel Orgy'|Shukan Post|8/6|TV界「乱交SEXパーティー汚染」はTBSだけじゃなかった|GB(Geoff Botting)| |154|19990801|Women's magazine goes from soft touch to hard blow|Shukan Bunshun|7/29|困ってしまうあの「HANAKO」までセックス大特集|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |155|19990801|Railway Rage ( Sparks turn what should be an innocuous train trip into a journey of utter terror. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |156|19990808|Youngsters getting high on outdoor 'rave' orgies|Shukan Post|8/13|「野外ドラッグ・パーティ」に初めて潜入|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |157|19990808|Machines selling horned beetles a prickly issue|Shukan Jitsuwa|8/19|カブトムシ自販機が火種!勃発した「昆虫虐待論争」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |158|19990808|Aggghhh…‘tis the season for alfresco lovemaking|Shukan Taishu|8/16|野外SEXとんでもない仰天現場|GB(Geoff Botting)| |159|19990808|‘Shut-ins' lock themselves into a terrified life of fear|Bungei Shunju|August|「ひきこもり」百万人の悲劇|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |160|19990808|Color gangs ( Juvenile crimes are creating a rainbow of violence in Tokyo's streets. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |161|19990815|Modern-day escort gals more like old-style moms|Spa!|8/11/18|恋人派遣サービスでなごむボクらのヤワすぎる欲望|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |162|19990815|Pleasure & pain, which sex gets the better deal?|Sunday Mainichi|8/22-29|男と女どっちがトクか|RC(Ryann Connel)| |163|19990815|Joyriders piloting planes into rough weather|Shukan Post|8/13|今度はJAS機女性同伴マニアが操縦室に同乗全ドキュメント|GB(Geoff Botting)| |164|19990815|Women's screams turning on fax machines|Sunday Mainichi|8/22-29|女の悲鳴がファックスを動かす!?|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |165|19990815|Adapt or die? ( Must the nation learn English or perish from global isolation? Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |166|19990822|New buds in 'pink' trade learning all is not rosy|Da Capo|9/1|「ネオ射精産業」旗手養成のスパルタ寺子屋|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |167|19990822|Alternative weddings leading up the aisle to hell|Spa!|8/25|「オリ婚で離婚寸前カップル」たちの大誤算|RC(Ryann Connel)| |168|19990822|Couples groovin' to lusty beat at karaoke boxes|Shukan Taishu|8/22-30|夏休みカラオケSEXの仰天現場|GB(Geoff Botting)| |169|19990822|Jobless Aomori youths sell body & soul in Tokyo|Weekly Playboy|8/31|<10代の就職率50%>の青森を救え!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |170|19990822|Elite date rape ( Prestigious university, wild party, sleeping pills, video… Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |171|19990829|Dead-serious jokesters laughing into early graves|Spa!|8/25|「ボケ・ツッコミ恐怖症」の人たちの笑えない日常|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |172|19990829|[[Erotic class aims to help women get a head in life>コギャルも仰天の「カルチャースクール」東京・新宿で「フェラチオ講座」が始まった]]|Friday|9/3|[[コギャルも仰天の「カルチャースクール」東京・新宿で「フェラチオ講座」が始まった]]|RC(Ryann Connel)| |173|19990829|Depressed jobless get off on sordid court cases|Shukan Jitsuwa|9/2|性犯罪に群がる現代人|GB(Geoff Botting)| |174|19990829|So what if lover boy is 20 years your senior|Takarajima|9/1|ワタシたち「シブ専」です|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |175|19990829|Food monsters ( Ignorance is no bliss with genetically altered lurking in our fridges. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |176|19990905|Salarymen stash cash for post-divorce delight|Shukan Hoseki|9/9|崩壊するサラリーマン家庭急増する「離婚積立て」!|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |177|19990905|Goofy sex service takes mickey out of Disneyland|Shukan Jitsuwa|9/9|ディズニーランドが売り物のデリヘルの満足度|RC(Ryann Connel)| |178|19990905|Cabaret club doles out handy benefits to jobless|Shukan Taishu|9/13|失業社員は無料のキャバクラ現場|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |179|19990905|Homeless prefer Kim's Dong to summer swelter|Friday|9/10|大阪「釜ヶ崎」の“最悪の夏”を本誌記者が実感ルポ|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |180|19990905|Time bombs? ( Time: It's a bird. It's a plane. No, It's Super Japan! Aera: Ugh! American news weeklies write with forked tongue. Schreiber: Gee, are we talking about the same country here?)|-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |181|19990912|Teen-age girls living in a cesspit of sleaze|Spa!|9/8|10~20代ギャル掟破りの「衛生観念」に眩暈が|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |182|19990912|How the hell did they come up with a name like that?|Sunday Mainichi|9/19|知っている?この会社の由来|RC(Ryann Connel)| |183|19990912|Modern men getting off on soft, furry cuties|Aera|9/13|僕の中のカワイイ「僕」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |184|19990912|Rogue teachers bleeding kids and parents dry|Shukan Josei Seven|9/16|なんでもありの危ない教師たち!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |185|19990912|Fighting prejudice ( An elderly burakumin man digs up the roots of discrimination. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |186|19990919|Tonight's gourmet menu: Boiled eggs or steamed rice|Spa!|9/15|イマドキ「20代ママたち」の貧食卓を覗く|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |187|19990919|High-school tarts now turning marriage tricks|Hanashi no Channel|10/1|女子高生のための結婚相談所|GB(Geoff Botting)| |188|19990919|Hey desperate jobseekers, give yourself a good plug!|Shukan Post|9/24|「強い履歴書」を書く10大ポイント|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |189|19990919|Hit commercial's slurpy sounds creating rumbles|Shukan Jitsuwa|9/30|食事時はやめてくれ!永谷園のお茶漬けCMにヘキエキ|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |190|19990919|Dirty coppers (The mud on Kanagawa's finest just gets thicker and thicker. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |191|19990926|Are you man enough to wear girl's shoes to work?|Shukan Hoseki|9/30|15センチ厚底サンダルで通勤体験トイレで駅で..6回転んだ!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |192|19990926|Cruel chicks frame innocent dudes as train molesters|Asahi Geino|9/30|あなたを「痴漢の罠」にハメる美女グループが埼京線に出没|RC(Ryann Connel)| |193|19990926|[[Gals in the red take different type of working holidays>まだあった!!人身売買ルートヨーロッ発]]|Hanashi no Play|10/16|[[まだあった!!人身売買ルートヨーロッ発]]|GB(Geoff Botting)| |194|19990926|As autumn leaves fall, baldies spring to life|Sunday Mainichi|10/3|リアップが起爆剤「薄毛ビジネス」絶好調|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |195|19990926|[[Hooked on sex]](Compulsive sex is taking over where drinking and gambling left off. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |196|19991003|Japanese guys find loving Filipinas leads to heartbreak|Shincho 45|October|それでもフィリピーナにはまる男たち|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |197|19991003|Wicked wives beatin' up on 'nice-boy' hubbies|Sunday Mainichi|10/10|夫を殴る妻たちの叫び|RC(Ryann Connel)| |198|19991003|‘Safe' Japan under siege as armed robberies soar|Shukan Taishu|10/11|強盗だらけ|GB(Geoff Botting)| |199|19991003|Hey young moms, wake up and smell the diapers!|Spa!|9/29|「バカ妊婦たち」のドタバタ出産報告|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |200|19991003|Agghh, sorry, I forgot (Memory is not perfect, but where do you draw the line between healthy and senile forgetfulness? Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |201|19991010|Taxi drivers fight dirty in losing war for fares|Shukan Taishu|10/18|タクシードライバー急増で過熱する「客獲り」最前線|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |202|19991010|So how much does a man have to put out to put in?|Spa!|10/13|平成SEXコスト・クロニクル|RC(Ryann Connel)| |203|19991010|Foreign stewardesses offer after-flight service|Hanashi no Channel|10/15|外国人スッチー売春サークルの驚愕サービス|GB(Geoff Botting)| |204|19991010|Hanshin Tigers goods sink into bargain basement|Shukan Post|10/18|「サッチー」「愛人」で注文大失速!ノムさんグッズ業者の悩み節|RC(Ryann Connel)| |205|19991010|Graying alone ( The nation's elderly women are increasingly finding that life without companionship is a flavorless stew. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |206|19991017|Married women left to sing the sexless blues|Fujinkoron|10/17|「セックスレスに悩む妻たち」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |207|19991017|Wouldn't be seen dead with a critter-corpse keyholder|Shukan Post|10/22|気色悪ッ!女子高生たちが持ち歩く死骸キーホルダー|RC(Ryann Connel)| |208|19991017|Insurance saleswomen sell soul to peddle policies|Shukan Post|10/22|大手生保レディが衝撃の内幕暴露「ザ・売春営業」|GB(Geoff Botting)| |209|19991017|Sumo bigwigs leave ailing wrestler out in the cold|Shukan Gendai|10/23|「ガン闘病」大翔鳳は相撲協会に見捨てられた|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |210|19991017|Blind faith ( Weekly Playboy asks why any sane person would still want to associate with the AUM Shinrikyo. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |211|19991024|Tasty tales from rear-view mirrors of Tokyo taxis|Shukan Hoseki|10/23|タクシードライバーたちが書いた車中SEX「体験記」|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |212|19991024|Too big to hump - the death of the dinosaurs|Shukan Hoseki|11/4|こんなに凄い!恐竜のSEX|RC(Ryann Connel)| |213|19991024|‘Selfish' women driving men to divorce|Shukan Taishu|11/1|離婚妻たちの鬼のような極悪暴挙|GB(Geoff Botting)| |214|19991024|Behind every stupid mom, is an equally stupid dad|Spa!|10/20|気がつけばボクは「バカパパ」になっていた|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |215|19991024|Random rampages ( Safe Japan? Ha. Nowadays anything can happen to anyone, anytime. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |216|19991031|[[Sexy scams taking horny gents for a ride]]|Shukan Jitsuwa|11/4|[[乱交淫乱バスツアー3行広告にハマッタ男>Sexy scams taking horny gents for a ride]]|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |217|19991031|Modern-day newlyweds get new kind of reception|Spa!|11/3|「結婚披露宴」が壊れていく!!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |218|19991031|Cash swindlers on the lookout for foreign chumps|Sunday Mainichi|11/7|黒い百ドル札日本上陸|GB(Geoff Botting)| |219|19991031|Weight-obsessed mums take it out on the kids|Shukan Asahi|11/5|赤ちゃん1歳未満ダイエットの愚|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |220|19991031|I'll never get AIDS (For today's casual youth, ignorance is bliss. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |221|19991107|Unreal inanimate lover has guys turning to jelly|Shukan Taishu|11/15|75万超高級ダッチワイフに殺到した礼状の中身|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |222|19991107|Sexy seer says more to fellatio than meets the eye|Shukan Taishu|11/15|シャブればわかる!?仰天「フェラ占い」の真相|RC(Ryann Connel)| |223|19991107|Sexless women grabbing bulls by their horns|Shukan Hoseki|11/11-18|30代夫婦SEXの本音100|GB(Geoff Botting)| |224|19991107|Deranged sadist unveils self on child abuse site|Sunday Mainichi|11/14|インターネット「虐待日記」の全容|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |225|19991107|Street Beat (Tokyo's street musicians find there's more than music when it comes to performing on thoroughfares. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |226|19991114|The things some people will do for a quick buck|Shukan Post|11/19|バカウケ!世紀末珍商売総まくり|MK(Masuo Kamiyama)| |227|19991114|From sweat to spit, all fetishes come to the Net|Spa!|11/17|「フェチ系エロサイト」の爆発的進化を覗く|RC(Ryann Connel)| |228|19991114|New phone a ringing success for call-girls|Shukan Jitsuwa|11/18|携帯電話のiモードで女を選ぶ新風俗|GB(Geoff Botting)| |229|19991114|And who said flattery won't get you anywhere?|Big Tomorrow|December|「ホメ殺し屋」路上でメシを食らう人々|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |230|19991114|Enough doom & gloom (Japanophiles give thumbs up to a nation on its knees. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |231|19991121|Parasite singles leeching their families to the bone|Shukan Yomiuri|11/28|いま日本にはびこるパラサイト・シングル|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |232|19991121|Famished fishermen have a whale of a meal|Flash|11/30|唖然!〝迷子"クジラを漁民が食べちゃった!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |233|19991121|Burusera shop sells used panties - still piping hot|Shukan Jitsuwa Extra|12/20|児童ポルノ法で何故かブルセラ人気復活|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |234|19991121|Hikaru Utada, cell phones, PCs - the hits of 1999|Nikkei Trendy|December|99年ヒット商品ベスト30|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |235|19991121|Jewish conspiracy (Shukan Post is left red-faced after running an article claiming Jewish capitalists were taking over the LTCB. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |236|19991128|Hooked on anything in the age of addiction|Weekly Playboy|12/7|ニッポン人「総アデイクト時代」がやってきた!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |237|19991128|How to avoid getting killed for the insurance money|Sunday Mainichi|12/5|保険金殺人にあわないための10ヵ条|RC(Ryann Connel)| |238|19991128|Sex, lies and more lies - married women's tall tales|Shukan Hoseki|12/9|人妻6800人!乱倫SEXフアイル|GB(Geoff Botting)| |239|19991128|Netting babes on the Net: It's all in the interface|Nikkei Woman|December|男たちは何を求めてネットに来るのか|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |240|19991128|Stalkeresses (Mysterious phone calls, razor blades in the mail, blackmail…Hanashi no Channel presents a rogues' gallery of female stalkers. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |241|19991205|What ever you do, never hit up on these types of gals|Shukan Jitsuwa|12/9|誘惑されてもSEX抜群でもやってはいけない女|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |242|19991205|The bizarre things people do at end-of-year parties|Spa!|12/8|「世紀末忘年会」の過激な無礼講|RC(Ryann Connel)| |243|19991205|Sexual harassment costing some punters big time|Hanashi no Channel|12/17|理由なきセクハラ|GB(Geoff Botting)| |244|19991205|Tokyo's big blackout a preview of things to come?|Asahi Geino|12/9|東京大停電で露呈した公共施設のヤバイ現実|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |245|19991205|Y2K: Worst nightmare (Believe all the hype? Shukan Taishu says you'd better. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |246|19991212|Japanese in hot soup over Chinese restaurant gaffe|Shukan Shincho|12/9|中国で「料理が違う」と責任を土下座させた日本人|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |247|19991212|Today's limp men just want to be pampered|Shukan Taishu|12/20|風俗嬢が嘆く「いまどきの客」軟弱下半身|RC(Ryann Connel)| |248|19991212|Stingy foreigners reveal penny-pinching secrets|Shukan Hoseki|12/16|在日外国人20人のドケチ生活を丸覗き!|GB(Geoff Botting)| |249|19991212|Gals snapping at dates who aren't snapping to it|Spa!|12/8|街角〝ブチキレ女"たちの「私がムカツク理由」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |250|19991212|A feel for groping (Women may no longer be easy prey for molesters but trains are still their hunting grounds. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |251|19991219|Japanese gals dumping local guys by the truckload|Aera|12/13|「ニッポンの男を棄てる女たち恋愛亡命」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |252|19991219|Good ol' family love for dads gone to the dogs|Shukan Yomiuri|12/19|「娘のオヤジ嫌い」煽るカミさん|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |253|19991219|Osaka gov. put the knock on many a poor lassy|Shukan Asahi|12/24|ノック大阪府知事新たなセクハラ疑惑|GB(Geoff Botting)| |254|19991219|Year-end a dangerous time for reeling businesses|Shukan Taishu|12/27|年末年始によくわかる会社倒産の兆候危険度チェック|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |255|19991219|Faking it (Shukan Gendai puts the camera on the many TV programs that tend to bend the truth. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |256|19991226|Female fraud artist gives patients a bum deal|Spa!|12/22|怪しげな「肛門治療」が成り立っていた理由とは?|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |257|19991226|Street-smooching girlies raise hackles among oldies|Shukan Post|1/1-7|女子高生に流行街中挨拶キスはあ~気色悪ッ!!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |258|19991226|Misfired ballistic missiles may ring in the New Year|Shukan Taishu|1/3-10|核ミサイル誤射これだけの確立|GB(Geoff Botting)| |259|19991226|Entrepreneurs go all out to milk the millennium|Shukan Hoseki|12/30|安い!多い!楽しい!なんでも\2,000仰天ミレニアムサービス大集合!!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |260|19991226|What a yea!!! ( 'Tis the season of celebration and apocalypse. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| ---- *関連ページ #related()
#include(CAUTION!!) ---- |番号|掲載年月日|表題(英語)|引用雑誌名|引用雑誌号数|表題(日本語)|署名(イニシャル)| |1|19990103|Confused women giving deadwood hubbies the ax|Aera|12/28-1/4|30代女性理由なき離婚|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |2|19990103|From hooker to lawyer - some girls have all the fun|Shukan Hoseki|1/7-14|「女子大生風俗嬢」たちのその後!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |3|19990103|Weight-obsessed high school kids fading away|Shukan Hoseki|1/7-14|世紀末の子供たちを襲うやせたい症候群!|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |4|19990103|1st Viagra victim succumbs to the hard facts of life|Shukan Bunshun|12/31-1/7|バィアグラ死不動産屋に8人の恋人がいた!|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |5|19990103|Sinister city?(Whether just a foreigners' slum or a setting for hardboiled fiction, nobody seems to be willing to give Kabukicho an even break. Mark Schreiber reports.)|-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |6|19990110|Shrine hopping: Prayers for love, health, sex and wealth|Shukan Yomiuri|1/3-10|ご利益別・神社仏閣ガイド|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |7|19990110|TV tenderfoots find small screen eases marital woes|Spa!|1/13|「テレビ出たがりシロートさん」その"動機"と"出演後"|RC(Ryann Connel)| |8|19990110|Mr. Moms shedding their ties, and tying their aprons|Aera|1/11|「良妻賢母」な男たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |9|19990110|Defective modern weapons reduce SDF punch to pop|Bungei Shunju|January|自衛隊の兵器は欠陥だらけだ|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |10|19990110|From bad to worse(Corporate collapses, snow-covered cherry blossoms, AUM revival, the dreaded Big One…Shukan Gendai paints a gloomy picture for the year ahead. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |11|19990117|Rude & crude: The new generation of brats & boors|Aera|1/18|身勝手な子 非常識な親|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |12|19990117|Oldies tell young studs to put up or shut up|Sunday Mainichi|1/24|「中年力」をつけて何が悪い!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |13|19990117|More to illegal VVVVVV market than just big bucks|Shukan Hoseki|1/28|直撃!「暴落」バイアグラに狂騒する性の商人たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |14|19990117|‘Official' number of HIV carriers a fraction of truth|Shukan Shincho|1/21|報道されないエイズ感染者「6万人」の恐怖|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |15|19990117|Memory rewrite(We're lost without it - and maybe with it, too, says Da Capo. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |16|19990124|Shooting and selling porno videos key to marital bliss|Shukan Josei Seven|1/28|私たち夫婦が性生活10年ビデオを公開した理由|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |17|19990124|Era of celebrity scandals fading into the distance|Aera|1/18|スキャンダルの時代は終わった|RC(Ryann Connel)| |18|19990124|The future of ejaculation left floating in the air|Spa!|1/27|ニッポン人の射精の明日を考える|RC(Ryann Connel)| |19|19990124|Recession biting into gangs' bread and butter|Sunday Mainichi|1/31|組長になりたくないヤクザ急増中|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |20|19990124|Here, try this pill(Michael Hoffman looks into the gullible world of tele-dating and finds blind trust is rewarded with rape, robbery…or death.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |21|19990131|Amateur scam artists cashing in on digital age|Spa!|1/27|大増殖する「シロート詐欺師」たちの大胆な手口|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |22|19990131|Heavy-handed wives have men crying out for mercy|Aera|2/1|妻の虐待に耐える夫|RC(Ryann Connel)| |23|19990131|[[Some gals can't get enough of Viagra-addicted supermen>急増中!「バイアグラ依存症」の女と男]]|Shukan Gendai|2/6|[[急増中!「バイアグラ依存症」の女と男]]|RC(Ryann Connel)| |24|19990131|Bored Kansai kids stalking their victims just for kicks|Shukan Jitsuwa|2/4|関西の若者に急増「ストーカー遊び」の恐怖|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |25|19990131|Taking on the big boys(More and more individuals, says Da Capo, are fighting back against the bullies of modern society. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |26|19990207|Betrayed gal finds revenge tastes sweeter than sex|Shukan Josei Seven|2/11|私を裏切った4人の男を地獄へ!!『復讐する女』|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |27|19990207|Who's defending Japan from its GSDF felons?|Flash|2/9|強制猥褻、殺人...自衛隊マル秘『犯罪録』入手|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |28|19990207|Industries rely on codes to escape sticky situations|Sunday Mainichi|2/14|デパート・キャバレー・美容院業界の「サインを盗め!」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |29|19990207|How to beat young thugs at their own game|Shukan Taishu|2/15|若者暴力から身を守る緊急10ヵ条|RC(Ryann Connel)| |30|19990207|Hooked on health(Vitamin supplements, magnetic matresses, swallowing urine… Aera asks what's all the fuss about? Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |31|19990214|3-month wait for Japan's most popular hooker|Shukan Shincho|2/11|人気ナンバーワン・ヘルス嬢は「3ヵ月」待ち|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |32|19990214|Heavy-handed girls putting the hard word on old-timers|Shukan Taishu|2/22|善良お父さん族を襲う「ガンつけ女」現わる!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |33|19990214|Marital bliss means living apart for some couples|Shukan Hoseki|2/18|急増!「別居婚」願望の女たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |34|19990214|Man sues for the right to snore through rakugo|Weekly Playboy|2/16|「平気で告発する人々」大増殖の謎|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |35|19990214|Cult-crazed(Brainwashed gals tell Shukan Gendai there's nothing wrong with giving your body and soul to the cause. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |36|19990221|Women still want to tie the knot, but not to any old Joe|Shukan Jitsuwa|2/25|女を怖がる男 差別する女|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |37|19990221|Self-hating adults opt to pass the buck on babies|Aera|2/22|子供拒否する女たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |38|19990221|New sexual harassment law a touchy issue|Shukan Taishu|3/1|「セクハラ法」4・1施行でこうなる「罪と罰」!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |39|19990221|Will new decree tale the wind out of pink sails?|Shukan Post|2/26|「新風営法でオレたちのスケベはどうなる?|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |40|19990221|Concrete relationship(The Construction Ministry was not amused when Forbes magazine attacked what it claimed was 'rampant corruption and gang involvement' in Japan's public works. Mark Schreiber reports.)|-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |41|19990228|Road getting bumpier for overworked cab drivers|Shukan Hoseki|3/4|タクシードライバー大不況日記|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |42|19990228|Warning! Hot, comforting bath may be your last|Sunday Mainichi|3/7|風呂が危ない 交通死より多い入浴死|RC(Ryann Connel)| |43|19990228|Amateur nude models stealing starlets' spotlight|Spa!|2/24|シロート女が「裸になる」ホントの理由|RC(Ryann Connel)| |44|19990228|Weirdo patients making doctors sick to the stomach|Sunday Mainichi|3/7|医師大放談「こんな患者は来るな!」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |45|19990228|Netting the suckers(Shukan Taishu wonders whether cyberspace in the 21s-century will be a new world wasteland. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |46|19990307|Old habits die hard for the 'worst wives in history'|Shukan Jitsuwa|3/11|史上最悪「わがまま妻」急増|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |47|19990307|Weird happenings striking terror into horror film stars|Shukan Josei Seven|3/11|恐怖実話 血も凍った廃墟の精神病棟のロケ|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |48|19990307|‘Love thy neighbor' forms the bane of some lives|Aera|3/8|恐怖の非常識 大迷惑な人達|RC(Ryann Connel)| |49|19990307|Needle extortion attempts eating away at society|Friday|3/5|犯人がスーパーで食べ物に「光る針」を入れるとき|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |50|19990307|Profiting from prophecy(‘In the year 1999 and seven months, the great king of terror will come from the sky. He will bring back to life the king of Angolmois. Before and after, Mars reigns happily.' A thoroughly confused Mark Schreiber reports.)|-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |51|19990314|96-year-old student says daily hard-on the key to life|Shukan Josei|3/16|「福祉に頼るな老人も一日一回××をピンとたたせなあかん!」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |52|19990314|Homestay porno queens get bed but no breakfast|Shukan Post |3/19|「娘の米国短期留学」にご用心!AVバイトが急増中|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |53|19990314|Japan's nightlife offers a bevy of Balkan beauties|Shukan Taishu|3/22|「ルーマニア美女」ネオン街に大増殖する|ML(Magda Lupescu)| |54|19990314|Fertility shrines hard-up as public interest goes limp|Weekly Playboy|3/23|男が奮い勃つ!?道祖神を求めて’99|RC(Ryann Connel)| |55|19990314|Transplant trauma(Michael Hoffman puts the scope on the media madness surrounding the nation's first organ transplant operation from a brain-dead donor.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |56|19990321|‘Health' emporium rates 500 men's family jewels|Shukan Josei Seven|3/25|オチンチン500本大調査データ公開|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |57|19990321|Terror tykes put the boot into helpless teachers|Shukan Gendai|3/27|「学級崩壊」全国縦断!卒業式が恐ろしい|RC(Ryann Connel)| |58|19990321|Workers get a new lease on life after being laid off|Aera|3/15|リストラで幸せになる|RC(Ryann Connel)| |59|19990321|Gasp! The teen-age mutant Japanese are coming!|Da Capo|3/17|世紀末ニッポン人のカラダ大異変|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |60|19990321|I'm on the pill(After a near eternity, a sexual revolution is set to slip between the sheets of the nation's bedrooms. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |61|19980328|Osaka's juvenile runaways tearing up record books|Shukan Hoseki|4/1|大阪「家出児童」29年連続日本一|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |62|19980328|Fussy career gals carry too high a price tag|Shukan Hoseki|4/8|アエラ型OL「結婚しない」本音は「結婚できない」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |63|19980328|Daylight-saving clock ticking for end of world|Shukan Post|3/26|「週刊ポストはサマータイム導入に断固反対する|RC(Ryann Connel)| |64|19980328|What sort of honey will you get for your money?|Da Capo|4/7|風俗って本当に気持ち良くしてくれるの?|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |65|19980328|Telefriend world(Mobile phones are offering an empty substitute for human relationships, muses Spa! Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |66|19990404|[[‘Pussy' preaches how to get the most out of the old fella>女性いま、こんなにいやらしい]]|Sunday Mainichi|4/11|[[女性いま、こんなにいやらしい]]|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |67|19990404|Back pain strikes victims at the worst possible time|Shukan Taishu|4/12|とんでもない時に突然襲う「ギックリ腰」壮絶体験集|RC(Ryann Connel)| |68|19990404|Young guys put their own price on going out for a date|Shukan Shincho|4/1|男が身を売る「逆援助交際」流行の兆し|RC(Ryann Connel)| |69|19990404|Strange new katakana job titles all the rage|Sunday Mainichi|4/11|ヘンな肩きが増えている|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |70|19990404|Operation blunder(Medical equipment here maybe world class, but says Aera, the treatment patients receive is often closer to Third World class. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |71|19990411|Watch out gals! That stalker could be your own mom|Aera|4/12|マザーストーカーに脅える娘たち|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |72|19990411|New Thai-style root linked to titanic titties|Focus|4/14|「豊胸」タイ芋のウソ?ホント?|RC(Ryann Connel)| |73|19990411|Nude photographers will give almost anything a shot|Spa!|4/14|投稿写真界の「巨匠」たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |74|19990411|For the dearly divorced, it's never too late to try again|Shukan Yomiuri|4/19|バツイチ熟年が走る「別居再婚」|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |75|19990411|Biting back(Josei Seven ponders if the government's efforts to finally put some teeth into the Animal Protection Act will prevent cruelty. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |76|19990418|Truckin' tramps redefining expressway 'rest' areas|Shukan Jitsuwa|4/22|高速道路運転手相手の売春の実態|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |77|19990418|If you don't stop me, I'm afraid I'll kill my baby|Shukan Josei|4/20|「助て!このままではこの子を殺してしまう」|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |78|19990418|Police padding books with payouts to phony informers|Friday|4/23|これが警視庁「裏ガネ作り」の手口!|MK(Masuo Kamiyama)| |79|19990418|Veteran hotel's dirty laundry|Shukan Taishu|4/26|ラブホテルの「欲情現場」最前線フロントのおばさんは見た!|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |80|19990418|Easy target(With a hostile neighbor getting bolder and bolder, is the nation ready to defend itself? Ryann Connell reports.)|-|-|-|RC(Ryann Connel)| |81|19990425|School teachers get failing grades for bad behavior|Shukan Gendai|5/1|職員室崩壊|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |82|19990425|How to they get away with that sort of anal behavior?|Shukan Hoseki|5/16-23|平成日本ヘンな「常識」天下の「悪法」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |83|19990425|Companies force-feeding goods on their own staff|Spa!|4/28|ボクらの買わねば自社商品事情|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |84|19990425|Old age simulation shows life behind the silver curtain|Da Capo|4/21|老人になってはじめて分かることがある|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |85|19990425|Where babies come from(Kids are never too young to learn about sex, advocates Aera, but others fear premature education. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |86|19990502|Gullible youth easy prey for street-corner vultures|Shukan Taishu|5/10-17|都会にはびこる「街頭サギ」の悪ラツ手口|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |87|19990502|International marriages all tied up in knots|Spa!|5/5-12|国際結婚のドツボ報告|RC(Ryann Connel)| |88|19990502|Photo-booth porn the latest way to beat the recession|Flash|5/11-18|「アソコの写真買ってください」仰天OLが出現!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |89|19990502|Colleges becoming a haven for romper-room kiddies|Sunday Mainichi|5/2|大学も「学級崩壊」だあ~|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |90|19990502|Slave labor(Shukan Kinyobi fills us in on the nation's exploitation of foreign workers. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |91|19990509|Naughty foreign gals leave island women high and dry|Shukan Jitsuwa|5/13-20|外国人ホステス150人上陸で離婚、家庭崩壊の悲劇が続く八丈島|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |92|19990509|Nation's 'sex monsters' reveal tricks of the trade|Shukan Taishu|5/10-17|平成ニッポンの「SEXモンスター」性豪連発!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |93|19990509|Pesky crows, rats gnawing away at Tokyoites' nerves|Spa!|5/5-12|本当は恐ろしい都会の「カラス・ネズミ」物語|RC(Ryann Connel)| |94|19990509|Modern-day massages offering explosive therapy|Shukan Post|5/7-14|東京青山で「性感アロマテラピー」の“夢性”体験をリポート!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |95|19990509|Could it happen here?(In the wake of the Columbine High School massacre in the US, this nation had better not get complacent. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |96|19990516|Cornered kids take a stab at wielding domestic justice|Friday|5/21|父親を殺す少年たちに宿った狂気の正体|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |97|19990516|Girls find raunchy deliveries meet their nympho needs|Spa!|5/19|「オンナ向け出張性感」がOLにウケル理由|RC(Ryann Connel)| |98|19990516|Whining wives the key to saving troubled marriages|Shukan Post|5/21|「夫を捨てるミドル妻」危機のサイン|RC(Ryann Connel)| |99|19990516|Death rumors exaggerated, AUM,s alive - and kicking|Shukan Bunshun|5/13|再び「サリン事件」が起きるか|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |100|19990516|Shape of things to come? (Sew, sex, sex. Now that Mark schreiber has your attention, what new worlds will be left for Japanese sexuality to conquer in the 21st century?) |-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |101|19990523|Smokers turn the friendly skies into a war zone|Shukan Taishu|5/31|スッチーと喫煙者が繰り広げる「機内」大ゲンカ深刻事情|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |102|19990523|Company secretaries privy to corporate secrets|Sunday Mainichi|5/28|秘書は見た!!社内極秘情報|RC(Ryann Connel)| |103|19990523|Today's young guys find any excuse not to work|Spa!|5/26|「ネガティブ・プータロー君」のボクが働かない理由|RC(Ryann Connel)| |104|19990523|Fujitsu pulls the plug on in-house Internet peepers|Asahi Geino|5/27|インターネットの「エッチページ」を見て首になったんだって!!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |105|19990523|Milking the system (Despite a luck of funds, the unemployment club, says Area, is partying - well, bathing - its pants off. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |106|19990530|Corporate tightwads cut staff outlays to the bone|Shukan Asahi|6/4|タクシー・新聞代ケチリから領収書の「字体鑑定」まで経費削減世紀末|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |107|19990530|[[The money sucks, but guys get off on sex industry jobs>風俗で働く男たちの「理由」]]|Spa!|6/2|[[風俗で働く男たちの「理由」]]|RC(Ryann Connel)| |108|19990530|Working gals find equality not all it's cracked up to be|Sunday Mainichi|6/6|男女雇用均等法で沈没した女性たち|RC(Ryann Connel)| |109|19990530|Moms turn blind eye to loafing grown daughters|Aera|5/24|「母はぐうたら娘を棄てられない」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |110|19990530|Sex & mind control (Shukan Hoseki discovers that a space-age orgy cult keeps the converts coming. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |111|19990606|New semen tracer stains more than reputations|Shukan Post|6/11|妻たちが仕掛ける「浮気発見」グッズ|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |112|19990606|Host clubs turn to dirty tricks to woo the ladies|Shukan Taishu|6/14|凄腕ホストが女客を奪い合う「仁義なき戦い」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |113|19990606|Living in high-rise condos could lead to an early death|Shukan Gendai|6/12|驚愕データ!マンション住人は寿命が9年短い|RC(Ryann Connel)| |114|19990606|Illegal Chinese cultivating their own killing fields|Shukan Hoseki|6/17|中国人密航者5人をメッタ刺し!「蛇頭」凄惨な血の制裁現場|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |115|19990606|Maternal madness (Babies in lockers, starvation, abandonment…Shukan Taishu fears parental love is dying. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |116|19990613|Worst smoker list blackens `smoking clean' image|Shukan Taishu|6/21|99ワーストスモーカー発表に「そりゃないぜ!」|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |117|19990613|That deodorizer can could be perving on your poop|Asahi Geino|6/17|女装トイレ潜入までした極ワル手口!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |118|19990613|Hey, wait a second, lady, that's sexual harassment!|Aera|6/14|男がセクハラを感じるとき|RC(Ryann Connel)| |119|19990613|Media left red-faced after `family for rent' hoax|Sunday Mainichi|6/20|スクープ!新ビジネス「レンタル家族」はヤラセだった|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |120|19990613|Hell haven (Part rollercoaster, part House of Horrors, Shukan Jitsuwa takes us on a ride with a difference. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |121|19990620|Gals hanker for the sweet taste of virginal lads|Spa!|6/16|「童貞狩りオンナ」はホントにいるの?|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |122|19990620|Karaoke the latest weapon in fight against the bulge|Shukan Taishu|6/28|「出っ腹」に朗報歌えば痩せる!カラオケ・ダイエット|RC(Ryann Connel)| |123|19990620|Kimchi row spicing up Tokyo-Seoul relations|Sunday Mainichi|6/27|食品ガイドラインで日韓キムチ戦争勃発す|GB(Geoff Botting)| |124|19990620|Ishihara betting on a casino to put Tokyo back in black|Shukan Post|6/25|警察庁が米国ラスベガスに密使を送っていた!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |125|19990620|Disappearing act (Sapio demands the government pull its finger out and act over the alleged kidnappings of Japanese nationals. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |126|19990627|Smelly middle-aged men caused big stink at the office|Shukan Bunshun|6/24|ついに「消臭化粧品」登場“オジサンの臭い”が消える!|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |127|19990627|‘Hospital of horrors' kills off patients for profit|Shukan Hoseki|7/1|毎月10人以上が死亡する都内の恐怖病院|GB(Geoff Botting)| |128|19990627|Tokyo's homeless women: Foot loose and fancy free|Spa!|6/30|「TOKYO住所不定ギャル」衝撃の「昼と夜」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |129|19990627|Smuggling, pornos…like who's going to bust us?|Spa!|6/23|「取り締まる法律がない!?」事件簿|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |130|19990627|Host with the most (Spa! Spotlights the pampered lives of men working at host clubs. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |131|19990704|Grown men in diapers: getting the inside poop|Shukan Jitsuwa|7/8|幼児プレイに群がる中年男の病理|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |132|19990704|A once-in -a-lifetime shot to blow three big once|Takarajima|7/7|3万円で買う極楽体験|RC(Ryann Connel)| |133|19990704|Pervy prof users position to show off big lens fetish|Shukan Hoseki|7/8|名門大の集団セクハラ事件|GB(Geoff Botting)| |134|19990704|Higher-earning gals prick hubbies' childish pride|Aera|7/5|出世妻と男の面子|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |135|19990704|Class Duffers ( Shukan Hoseki reveals how university standards have disintegrated, despite attempts to overhaul the system. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |136|19990711|Korean-bashing Japanese author lives to tell the tale|Shukan Bunshun|7/8|「殴り殺される覚悟で書いた韓国、韓国人批判」が爆発的に売れている|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |137|19990711|The wonderful world of weird & wacky magazines|Spa!|7/14|仰天珍雑誌大解剖講座!!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |138|19990711|Brokers snare vulnerable young gals into sex trade|Shukan Jitsuwa|7/15|性風俗の人身売買恐ろしい手口|GB(Geoff Botting)| |139|19990711|Medics sound alarm over terrifying new 'hyper TB'|Shukan Gendai|7/17|厚生省が緊急事態宣言!「ハイパー結核」の戦慄|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |140|19990711|Frisky Year ( what happens when children who never had a childhood meet teachers who never left theirs? Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |141|19990718|Taxi drivers' ears tuned to a world of misery|Shukan Taishu|7/19|タクシードライバーは見た!走る密室の中にうごめく不況絵図|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |142|19990718|Train gropers hand fresh blow to commuting gals|Shukan Post|7/23|「満員電車の痴漢」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |143|19990718|‘80s classic porno flicks pulling in big bucks|Shukan Jitsuwa|7/22|80年代の美少女ものが人気10数年前のファンが得意客|GB(Geoff Botting)| |144|19990718|Mobile-phone scams ringing louder and louder|Shukan Taishu|7/26|「携帯食い逃げ」セコさ爆発!!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |145|19990718|Digital skulduggery ( When police and criminal\s engage in a high-tech battle of wits, it's the average citizen who's most likely to get caught in the crossfire. Number 306777447110(Mark Schreiber) reports.)|-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |146|19990725|Wheelchair-bound granny turns it on for \300 a pop|Bungei Shunju|August|老人SEX革命|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |147|19990725|‘Love hotels' rising to the occasion with wacky themes|Spa!|7/28|この夏は、ユニークなラブホテルに誘おう!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |148|19990725|New-look Kobe becoming one big white elephant|Shukan Gendai|7/24|神戸市の果てしない迷走行政|GB(Geoff Botting)| |149|19990725|Computer price-buster declares war on AUM|Asahi Geino|7/29|「日本一安いパソコン店」社長がオウムに宣戦布告|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |150|19990725|A bit on the side ( Hey, has your lady really gone out shopping with her friends? Spa! Believes otherwise. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |151|19990801|Townspeople picket store to turn back the clock|Flash|8/10|「ドン・キホーテ」深夜営業強行で住民と激突!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |152|19990801|Necking on trains has old folks going for the jugular|Shukan Taishu|8/9|急増「電車内濃厚キッス」に告発ブーイング大噴出!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |153|19990801|TV celebrities regularly tuning in to ' Channel Orgy'|Shukan Post|8/6|TV界「乱交SEXパーティー汚染」はTBSだけじゃなかった|GB(Geoff Botting)| |154|19990801|Women's magazine goes from soft touch to hard blow|Shukan Bunshun|7/29|困ってしまうあの「HANAKO」までセックス大特集|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |155|19990801|Railway Rage ( Sparks turn what should be an innocuous train trip into a journey of utter terror. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |156|19990808|Youngsters getting high on outdoor 'rave' orgies|Shukan Post|8/13|「野外ドラッグ・パーティ」に初めて潜入|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |157|19990808|Machines selling horned beetles a prickly issue|Shukan Jitsuwa|8/19|カブトムシ自販機が火種!勃発した「昆虫虐待論争」|RC(Ryann Connel)| |158|19990808|Aggghhh…‘tis the season for alfresco lovemaking|Shukan Taishu|8/16|野外SEXとんでもない仰天現場|GB(Geoff Botting)| |159|19990808|‘Shut-ins' lock themselves into a terrified life of fear|Bungei Shunju|August|「ひきこもり」百万人の悲劇|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |160|19990808|Color gangs ( Juvenile crimes are creating a rainbow of violence in Tokyo's streets. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |161|19990815|Modern-day escort gals more like old-style moms|Spa!|8/11/18|恋人派遣サービスでなごむボクらのヤワすぎる欲望|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |162|19990815|Pleasure & pain, which sex gets the better deal?|Sunday Mainichi|8/22-29|男と女どっちがトクか|RC(Ryann Connel)| |163|19990815|Joyriders piloting planes into rough weather|Shukan Post|8/13|今度はJAS機女性同伴マニアが操縦室に同乗全ドキュメント|GB(Geoff Botting)| |164|19990815|Women's screams turning on fax machines|Sunday Mainichi|8/22-29|女の悲鳴がファックスを動かす!?|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |165|19990815|Adapt or die? ( Must the nation learn English or perish from global isolation? Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |166|19990822|New buds in 'pink' trade learning all is not rosy|Da Capo|9/1|「ネオ射精産業」旗手養成のスパルタ寺子屋|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |167|19990822|Alternative weddings leading up the aisle to hell|Spa!|8/25|「オリ婚で離婚寸前カップル」たちの大誤算|RC(Ryann Connel)| |168|19990822|Couples groovin' to lusty beat at karaoke boxes|Shukan Taishu|8/22-30|夏休みカラオケSEXの仰天現場|GB(Geoff Botting)| |169|19990822|Jobless Aomori youths sell body & soul in Tokyo|Weekly Playboy|8/31|<10代の就職率50%>の青森を救え!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |170|19990822|Elite date rape ( Prestigious university, wild party, sleeping pills, video… Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |171|19990829|Dead-serious jokesters laughing into early graves|Spa!|8/25|「ボケ・ツッコミ恐怖症」の人たちの笑えない日常|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |172|19990829|[[Erotic class aims to help women get a head in life>コギャルも仰天の「カルチャースクール」東京・新宿で「フェラチオ講座」が始まった]]|Friday|9/3|[[コギャルも仰天の「カルチャースクール」東京・新宿で「フェラチオ講座」が始まった]]|RC(Ryann Connel)| |173|19990829|Depressed jobless get off on sordid court cases|Shukan Jitsuwa|9/2|性犯罪に群がる現代人|GB(Geoff Botting)| |174|19990829|So what if lover boy is 20 years your senior|Takarajima|9/1|ワタシたち「シブ専」です|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |175|19990829|Food monsters ( Ignorance is no bliss with genetically altered lurking in our fridges. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |176|19990905|Salarymen stash cash for post-divorce delight|Shukan Hoseki|9/9|崩壊するサラリーマン家庭急増する「離婚積立て」!|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |177|19990905|Goofy sex service takes mickey out of Disneyland|Shukan Jitsuwa|9/9|ディズニーランドが売り物のデリヘルの満足度|RC(Ryann Connel)| |178|19990905|Cabaret club doles out handy benefits to jobless|Shukan Taishu|9/13|失業社員は無料のキャバクラ現場|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |179|19990905|Homeless prefer Kim's Dong to summer swelter|Friday|9/10|大阪「釜ヶ崎」の“最悪の夏”を本誌記者が実感ルポ|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |180|19990905|Time bombs? ( Time: It's a bird. It's a plane. No, It's Super Japan! Aera: Ugh! American news weeklies write with forked tongue. Schreiber: Gee, are we talking about the same country here?)|-|-|-|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |181|19990912|Teen-age girls living in a cesspit of sleaze|Spa!|9/8|10~20代ギャル掟破りの「衛生観念」に眩暈が|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |182|19990912|How the hell did they come up with a name like that?|Sunday Mainichi|9/19|知っている?この会社の由来|RC(Ryann Connel)| |183|19990912|Modern men getting off on soft, furry cuties|Aera|9/13|僕の中のカワイイ「僕」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |184|19990912|Rogue teachers bleeding kids and parents dry|Shukan Josei Seven|9/16|なんでもありの危ない教師たち!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |185|19990912|Fighting prejudice ( An elderly burakumin man digs up the roots of discrimination. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |186|19990919|Tonight's gourmet menu: Boiled eggs or steamed rice|Spa!|9/15|イマドキ「20代ママたち」の貧食卓を覗く|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |187|19990919|High-school tarts now turning marriage tricks|Hanashi no Channel|10/1|女子高生のための結婚相談所|GB(Geoff Botting)| |188|19990919|Hey desperate jobseekers, give yourself a good plug!|Shukan Post|9/24|「強い履歴書」を書く10大ポイント|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |189|19990919|Hit commercial's slurpy sounds creating rumbles|Shukan Jitsuwa|9/30|食事時はやめてくれ!永谷園のお茶漬けCMにヘキエキ|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |190|19990919|Dirty coppers (The mud on Kanagawa's finest just gets thicker and thicker. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |191|19990926|Are you man enough to wear girl's shoes to work?|Shukan Hoseki|9/30|15センチ厚底サンダルで通勤体験トイレで駅で..6回転んだ!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |192|19990926|Cruel chicks frame innocent dudes as train molesters|Asahi Geino|9/30|あなたを「痴漢の罠」にハメる美女グループが埼京線に出没|RC(Ryann Connel)| |193|19990926|[[Gals in the red take different type of working holidays>まだあった!!人身売買ルートヨーロッ発]]|Hanashi no Play|10/16|[[まだあった!!人身売買ルートヨーロッ発]]|GB(Geoff Botting)| |194|19990926|As autumn leaves fall, baldies spring to life|Sunday Mainichi|10/3|リアップが起爆剤「薄毛ビジネス」絶好調|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |195|19990926|[[Hooked on sex]](Compulsive sex is taking over where drinking and gambling left off. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |196|19991003|Japanese guys find loving Filipinas leads to heartbreak|Shincho 45|October|それでもフィリピーナにはまる男たち|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |197|19991003|Wicked wives beatin' up on 'nice-boy' hubbies|Sunday Mainichi|10/10|夫を殴る妻たちの叫び|RC(Ryann Connel)| |198|19991003|‘Safe' Japan under siege as armed robberies soar|Shukan Taishu|10/11|強盗だらけ|GB(Geoff Botting)| |199|19991003|Hey young moms, wake up and smell the diapers!|Spa!|9/29|「バカ妊婦たち」のドタバタ出産報告|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |200|19991003|Agghh, sorry, I forgot (Memory is not perfect, but where do you draw the line between healthy and senile forgetfulness? Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |201|19991010|Taxi drivers fight dirty in losing war for fares|Shukan Taishu|10/18|タクシードライバー急増で過熱する「客獲り」最前線|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |202|19991010|So how much does a man have to put out to put in?|Spa!|10/13|平成SEXコスト・クロニクル|RC(Ryann Connel)| |203|19991010|Foreign stewardesses offer after-flight service|Hanashi no Channel|10/15|外国人スッチー売春サークルの驚愕サービス|GB(Geoff Botting)| |204|19991010|Hanshin Tigers goods sink into bargain basement|Shukan Post|10/18|「サッチー」「愛人」で注文大失速!ノムさんグッズ業者の悩み節|RC(Ryann Connel)| |205|19991010|Graying alone ( The nation's elderly women are increasingly finding that life without companionship is a flavorless stew. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |206|19991017|Married women left to sing the sexless blues|Fujinkoron|10/17|「セックスレスに悩む妻たち」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |207|19991017|Wouldn't be seen dead with a critter-corpse keyholder|Shukan Post|10/22|気色悪ッ!女子高生たちが持ち歩く死骸キーホルダー|RC(Ryann Connel)| |208|19991017|Insurance saleswomen sell soul to peddle policies|Shukan Post|10/22|大手生保レディが衝撃の内幕暴露「ザ・売春営業」|GB(Geoff Botting)| |209|19991017|Sumo bigwigs leave ailing wrestler out in the cold|Shukan Gendai|10/23|「ガン闘病」大翔鳳は相撲協会に見捨てられた|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |210|19991017|Blind faith ( Weekly Playboy asks why any sane person would still want to associate with the AUM Shinrikyo. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |211|19991024|Tasty tales from rear-view mirrors of Tokyo taxis|Shukan Hoseki|10/23|タクシードライバーたちが書いた車中SEX「体験記」|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |212|19991024|Too big to hump - the death of the dinosaurs|Shukan Hoseki|11/4|こんなに凄い!恐竜のSEX|RC(Ryann Connel)| |213|19991024|‘Selfish' women driving men to divorce|Shukan Taishu|11/1|離婚妻たちの鬼のような極悪暴挙|GB(Geoff Botting)| |214|19991024|Behind every stupid mom, is an equally stupid dad|Spa!|10/20|気がつけばボクは「バカパパ」になっていた|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |215|19991024|Random rampages ( Safe Japan? Ha. Nowadays anything can happen to anyone, anytime. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |216|19991031|[[Sexy scams taking horny gents for a ride]]|Shukan Jitsuwa|11/4|[[乱交淫乱バスツアー3行広告にハマッタ男>Sexy scams taking horny gents for a ride]]|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |217|19991031|Modern-day newlyweds get new kind of reception|Spa!|11/3|「結婚披露宴」が壊れていく!!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |218|19991031|Cash swindlers on the lookout for foreign chumps|Sunday Mainichi|11/7|黒い百ドル札日本上陸|GB(Geoff Botting)| |219|19991031|Weight-obsessed mums take it out on the kids|Shukan Asahi|11/5|赤ちゃん1歳未満ダイエットの愚|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |220|19991031|I'll never get AIDS (For today's casual youth, ignorance is bliss. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |221|19991107|Unreal inanimate lover has guys turning to jelly|Shukan Taishu|11/15|75万超高級ダッチワイフに殺到した礼状の中身|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |222|19991107|Sexy seer says more to fellatio than meets the eye|Shukan Taishu|11/15|シャブればわかる!?仰天「フェラ占い」の真相|RC(Ryann Connel)| |223|19991107|Sexless women grabbing bulls by their horns|Shukan Hoseki|11/11-18|30代夫婦SEXの本音100|GB(Geoff Botting)| |224|19991107|Deranged sadist unveils self on child abuse site|Sunday Mainichi|11/14|インターネット「虐待日記」の全容|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |225|19991107|Street Beat (Tokyo's street musicians find there's more than music when it comes to performing on thoroughfares. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |226|19991114|The things some people will do for a quick buck|Shukan Post|11/19|バカウケ!世紀末珍商売総まくり|MK(Masuo Kamiyama)| |227|19991114|From sweat to spit, all fetishes come to the Net|Spa!|11/17|「フェチ系エロサイト」の爆発的進化を覗く|RC(Ryann Connel)| |228|19991114|New phone a ringing success for call-girls|Shukan Jitsuwa|11/18|携帯電話のiモードで女を選ぶ新風俗|GB(Geoff Botting)| |229|19991114|And who said flattery won't get you anywhere?|Big Tomorrow|December|「ホメ殺し屋」路上でメシを食らう人々|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |230|19991114|Enough doom & gloom (Japanophiles give thumbs up to a nation on its knees. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |231|19991121|Parasite singles leeching their families to the bone|Shukan Yomiuri|11/28|いま日本にはびこるパラサイト・シングル|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |232|19991121|Famished fishermen have a whale of a meal|Flash|11/30|唖然!〝迷子"クジラを漁民が食べちゃった!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |233|19991121|Burusera shop sells used panties - still piping hot|Shukan Jitsuwa Extra|12/20|児童ポルノ法で何故かブルセラ人気復活|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |234|19991121|Hikaru Utada, cell phones, PCs - the hits of 1999|Nikkei Trendy|December|99年ヒット商品ベスト30|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |235|19991121|Jewish conspiracy (Shukan Post is left red-faced after running an article claiming Jewish capitalists were taking over the LTCB. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |236|19991128|Hooked on anything in the age of addiction|Weekly Playboy|12/7|ニッポン人「総アデイクト時代」がやってきた!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |237|19991128|How to avoid getting killed for the insurance money|Sunday Mainichi|12/5|保険金殺人にあわないための10ヵ条|RC(Ryann Connel)| |238|19991128|Sex, lies and more lies - married women's tall tales|Shukan Hoseki|12/9|人妻6800人!乱倫SEXフアイル|GB(Geoff Botting)| |239|19991128|Netting babes on the Net: It's all in the interface|Nikkei Woman|December|男たちは何を求めてネットに来るのか|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |240|19991128|Stalkeresses (Mysterious phone calls, razor blades in the mail, blackmail…Hanashi no Channel presents a rogues' gallery of female stalkers. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |241|19991205|What ever you do, never hit up on these types of gals|Shukan Jitsuwa|12/9|誘惑されてもSEX抜群でもやってはいけない女|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |242|19991205|The bizarre things people do at end-of-year parties|Spa!|12/8|「世紀末忘年会」の過激な無礼講|RC(Ryann Connel)| |243|19991205|Sexual harassment costing some punters big time|Hanashi no Channel|12/17|理由なきセクハラ|GB(Geoff Botting)| |244|19991205|Tokyo's big blackout a preview of things to come?|Asahi Geino|12/9|東京大停電で露呈した公共施設のヤバイ現実|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |245|19991205|Y2K: Worst nightmare (Believe all the hype? Shukan Taishu says you'd better. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |246|19991212|Japanese in hot soup over Chinese restaurant gaffe|Shukan Shincho|12/9|中国で「料理が違う」と責任を土下座させた日本人|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |247|19991212|Today's limp men just want to be pampered|Shukan Taishu|12/20|風俗嬢が嘆く「いまどきの客」軟弱下半身|RC(Ryann Connel)| |248|19991212|Stingy foreigners reveal penny-pinching secrets|Shukan Hoseki|12/16|在日外国人20人のドケチ生活を丸覗き!|GB(Geoff Botting)| |249|19991212|Gals snapping at dates who aren't snapping to it|Spa!|12/8|街角〝ブチキレ女"たちの「私がムカツク理由」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |250|19991212|A feel for groping (Women may no longer be easy prey for molesters but trains are still their hunting grounds. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |251|19991219|Japanese gals dumping local guys by the truckload|Aera|12/13|「ニッポンの男を棄てる女たち恋愛亡命」|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |252|19991219|Good ol' family love for dads gone to the dogs|Shukan Yomiuri|12/19|「娘のオヤジ嫌い」煽るカミさん|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |253|19991219|Osaka gov. put the knock on many a poor lassy|Shukan Asahi|12/24|ノック大阪府知事新たなセクハラ疑惑|GB(Geoff Botting)| |254|19991219|Year-end a dangerous time for reeling businesses|Shukan Taishu|12/27|年末年始によくわかる会社倒産の兆候危険度チェック|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |255|19991219|Faking it (Shukan Gendai puts the camera on the many TV programs that tend to bend the truth. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| |256|19991226|Female fraud artist gives patients a bum deal|Spa!|12/22|怪しげな「肛門治療」が成り立っていた理由とは?|CC(Cheryl Chow)| |257|19991226|Street-smooching girlies raise hackles among oldies|Shukan Post|1/1-7|女子高生に流行街中挨拶キスはあ~気色悪ッ!!|RC(Ryann Connel)| |258|19991226|Misfired ballistic missiles may ring in the New Year|Shukan Taishu|1/3-10|核ミサイル誤射これだけの確立|GB(Geoff Botting)| |259|19991226|Entrepreneurs go all out to milk the millennium|Shukan Hoseki|12/30|安い!多い!楽しい!なんでも\2,000仰天ミレニアムサービス大集合!!|MS(Mark Schreiber)| |260|19991226|What a yea!!! ( 'Tis the season of celebration and apocalypse. Michael Hoffman reports.)|-|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)| ---- *関連ページ #related()




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