

|1|19950108|TV drama featuring pregnant actress, amateur performers earns reviewer's disapproval|Dime|1/1|妊婦番組素人参加ブームの不一致|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|2|19950108|Love at first sight: the ABCs of attraction|Aera|1/2|人はなぜ人を好きになるのか|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|3|19950108|Hide under your desks! Here come the zombie Oils|Panja|February|それ行け!ゾンビOL|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|4|19950108|New Year's greeting cards - an in-depth look at the Postal Ministry's cash cow|Shukan Bunshun|1/5|郵政省のドル箱「年賀状」を解剖する|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|5|19950108|Stalking the wild boar (Gods of welfare or ravenous swine? Asahi Graph opens the Year of the Inoshishi with a report on the state of relations between man and beast. Michael Hoffman roots out the facts.)|Asahi Graph|1/6-13|-|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|6|19950115|On the eve of Tokyo's second great gomi war|Shukan Bunshun|1/19|第2次「東京ゴミ戦争」が開戦前夜!|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|7|19950115|Cancer, like other illnesses, is all in the mind|Shukan Asahi|1/20|がんを治す心理療法「余命6カ月」が20ヵ月に|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|8|19950115|The dreamers and realities of starting your own business|Spa!|1/18|独立起業ブームその理想と現実|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|9|19950115|Japan's lax gun enforcement leaves ex-FBI agent dumbstruck|Shukan Gendai|1/14-21|日本警察の「大甘」取り締まり|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|10|19950115|Sitting on the fence (Weekly Playboy warns that the Foreign Ministry's obsession with gaining a permanent seat on the UNSC has trapped Japan in the middle of a mine field. Ton-chan's wishy-washy foreign policy of deciding not to decide has put the nation |Weekly Playboy|1/17-24|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|11|19950122|Would somebody fill us in on the rules of queuing up?|Denim|January|並び方のルールがキチンとほしい|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|12|19950122|Hey, chapatsu are no longer a minority of delinquent rebels|Shukan Asahi|1/27|茶髪主義|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|13|19950122|Japan defenseless against another foreign alien - monkeys!|Aera|1/23|かわいい猿には毒がある|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|14|19950122|Will overseas mail order firms destroy Japan's retail trade?|Shukan Diamond|1/21|海外通販会社の相次ぐ進出で、心配される小売業の空洞化|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|15|19950122|Importing crime (Michael Hoffman puts DonDon's diagnosis of a cancerous side effect of the nation's recent dose of "internationalization" under the scope.)|DonDon|January|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|16|19950129|Lucky bus driver tells of teetering on the edge of highway after quake|Shukan Yomiuri|2/5|高速道路で宙ブラ あのバス運転手の戦慄|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|17|19950129|Murayama accused of canceling visit to Canada because he dislikes Chretien|Shukan Bunshun|1/26|村山総理カナダ訪問拒否の理由は「あの首相は虫が好かん」|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|18|19950129|How to live through the worst hay fever season in history|Shukan Gendai|2/4|これで万全!史上最悪の花粉症対策マニュアル|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|19|19950129|Giants 'Lone wolf' pitcher demands right to hate smoke|Shukan Hoseki|2/2|桑田投手ひとりぼっちで勝ち取った嫌煙権!|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|20|19950129|Flustered feminism (Michael Hoffman sheds light on Spa! Report claiming that the gap between the sexes on women's rights has narrowed. Sure, discrimination still exists, but a confused society doesn't seem to care.)|Spa!|1/25|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|21|19950205|The shocking Cabinet conversation 4 hours after the Kobe earthquake|Shukan Hoseki|2/9|激震発生4時間後、村山内閣「閣議」で大臣たちの驚くべき会話|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
||>|>|>|>|>|COLOR(RED):この号だけ以下の表示「The opinion expressed on this page are not those of the editor. Furthermore, the MDN does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the original article.」|
|22|19950205|For quake victims: Where the government fails, the Yamaguchi-gumi succeeds|Shukan Taishu|2/13|山口組超迅速救援活動とあ相変わらずマスコミ報道|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|23|19950205|How to draw the line between rich and poor|Panja|March|客商売のかたがたは「貧富の差」をここで見る|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|24|19950205|Astute observations on the boom in massive boobs|Da Capo|2/1|-|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|25|19950205|Rewriting history (An article claiming the Holocaust was a fabrication causes an uproar abroad and leads to the shut down of Marco Polo. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Marco Polo|February|戦後世界史最大のタブー『ナチ 「ガス室」はなかった』|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|26|19950219|Japanese critic slams countrymen's exaggerated concerns over cleanliness|Dime|2/16|日本人の異常潔癖症の不一致|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|27|19950219|Tokyo's Chanel Oils: Masters in the art of sleeping on the job|Shukan Taishu|2/27|社寝るOL急増のバカヤロー|JH(Jonathan Hendriksen)|
|28|19950219|For Kobe's quick-to-reopen erotic bars, business is booming|Asahi Geino|2/23|三ノ宮ヘルス嬢が語る被害者「もう一つの顔」|JH(Jonathan Hendriksen)|
|29|19950219|Will the Shanghai Mafia emerge from beneath the rubble of Kobe?|Sapio|2/25|「阪神大震災」瓦礫の街に上海マフィアが大挙上陸|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|30|19950219|Battling the bullies (How deeply is ijime rooted in Japanese society? Who's to blame? How's the Ministry of Education addressing the issue? Michael Hoffman searches for answers to these questions through the pages of Shukan Kinyobi and Aera.)|Shukan Kinyobi, Aera|2/10, 2/20|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|31|19950226|Yes, you too can reach the pinnacle of success - a freelance writer!|Shukan Playboy|3/7|素敵な「フリーライター」になる法|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|32|19950226|In this obscenity-filled society, what's the big deal about hea nuudo?|Shukan Post|3/3|「加納典明『きクぜ!2』はワイセツか」|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|33|19950226|It's no longer has to be cute, but bu-cute|Bart|2/27|ブキュート大好き小女たち|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|34|19950226|An excess of books is killing the industry|Aera|2/27|本が多すぎる|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|35|19950226|Warning! Earthquake! (Who says the Big One can't be predicted? Not the Greeks, that's for sure. Bart takes a swipe at the nation's skeptic specialists who say it's all in the hands of the gods. Michael Hoffman sifts through the facts.)|Bart|2/27|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|36|19950305|The collapse of Japan has begun - 'liquefaction' threatens disaster|Business Intelligence|April|『ザ・崩壊』“液状化”するニッポン|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|37|19950305|Are hitori nabe's days at ryokans numbered?|Panja|April|ひとり鍋の謎|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|38|19950305|The modern-day lives of the Izanagi boomers|Diamond Type|3/14|タイプ世代白書「20代の平均点」|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|39|19950305|The direct mail racket: Where privacy is being bought and sold|Shukan Yomiuri|3/12|ヘンなDMが来ませんか?プライバシー「売買の現場」|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|40|19950305|The sperm and the egg (Tarzan gives us all a lesson on the "Mystery of Birth." Well, at least that's what it promised a disappointed Michael Hoffman. In fact, what it does teach us is that infertility in young men is on the raise.)|Tarzan|3/8|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|41|19950312|Hey girls! Seeking revenge against your ex-boyfriend? The answer: Black magic|Shukan Taishu|3/20|黒魔術で憎いあいつに復讐できる|JH(Jonathan Hendriksen)|
|42|19950312|All this hype about 'real sound' means nothing to young people|Aera|3/6|DJにオーディオマニアはいない|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|43|19950312|Cholera outbreak in Bali smells purely Japanese|Shukan Shincho|3/9|バリ島「コレラ」患者百三十人の死者なき楽観|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|44|19950312|Everyone's getting in on the act of swindling|Spa!|3/15|サギ師たちの素顔と手口|JH(Jonathan Hendriksen)|
|45|19950312|Murderous impulse (Any woman a potential killer? Afraid so, claims Panja. While men may have reason, women just get the urge. Michael Hoffman sifts through the evidence.)|Panja|April|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|46|19950319|Japanese religious beliefs show a contradictory state of affairs|This is Yomiuri|April|日本人と信仰心|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|47|19950319|The day's of Japanese doing anything to avoid disgracing themselves are over|Denim|April|恥知らずの報酬|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|48|19950319|China's horrific air pollution is drifting over to Japan|Aera|3/20|大気汚染が日本を襲う|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|49|19950319|Wiping away the remnants of people's desires|The 21|April|人々の欲望の残滓をぬぐい取る|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|50|19950319|Nuclear nerves (Michael Hoffman weighs up the pros and cons of Atomic Energy through the pages of Shukan Kinyobi.)|Shukan Kinyobi|3/3|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|51|19950326|How 'elder sister' wives snare a young husband|Shukan Asahi|3/31|姉さん女房が明かす年下男の攻略法|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|52|19950326|How to identify fine restaurants at a glance|Spa!|3/29|「ハズレの店」を外観だけで見抜く|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|53|19950326|Japan's manga industry is showing signs of decline|Aera|3/27|巨大メディアに黄昏の始まり|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|54|19950326|Why does it cost the earth to get a driver's license?|Da Capo|4/5|運転免許取得にはなぜこんなにお金がかかるの|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|55|19950326|Unfettering our fantasies (Michael Hoffman plays a heroic samurai lord in Spa's drama on the proliferation of image clubs.)|Spa!|3/22|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|56|19950409|‘Experts' spout wacky theories over ' The great int'l sarin conspiracy'|Spa!|4/5|徹底検証<サリン>国際陰謀説 その恐るべき真相と理論|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|57|19950409|Refusal to pay NHK fees goes back 25 years|Shukan Shincho|4/6|「NHK受信料不払い同盟」二十五年の成果|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|58|19950409|Fed up with your job? Relax world's your oyster|Denim|May|将来オイシー「すきまな」仕事|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|59|19950409|Japan's 1st euthanasia trial bad news for all involved|Shukan Bunshun|4/6|誰もが不幸になった東海大「安楽死」事件|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|60|19950409|Book vs. cyberspace (The book ,as we know it, is living on borrowed time. Panja reveals that flooding of the market and the effects of the electronic age have thrown the industry into crisis. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Panja|May|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|61|19950416|Has the CIA shifted its focus to Japanese firms?|Shukan Diamond|4/15|軍事から経済へと戦略転換 CIAの標的は日本企業か|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|62|19950416|Balanced diet the key to cancer prevention|Daijobu|May|ガン専門医は何を食べているか|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|63|19950416|Young women troubled by constipation increasing|Shukan Bunshun|4/13|ウンコとの正しいつきあい方|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|64|19950416|Are you for or against daylight savings?|Aera|4/17|サマータイム 賛成?反対?|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|65|19950416|Social misfits? (Not so, says Michael Hoffman, who finds Spa!'s feature on the 'only-child syndrome' packed full of generalizations.)|Spa!|4/12|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|66|19950423|How to survive a close encounter with sarin|Sunday Mainichi|4/30|サリン遭遇身を守る7つのマニュアル|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|67|19950423|Bakkappuru's behavior disgusts older generation|Spa!|4/19|[平成バカップル]白書|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|68|19950423|If you can't find a marriage partner, blame yourself|Dime|4/20|「恋愛至上主義症候群」って何だ!?|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|69|19950423|Media hype causing occultism to run rampant|Sapio|4/27|TV,女性誌が無責任に煽った「超能力」「超常」ブームのツケ|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|70|19950423|Volunteer chaos (Michael Hoffman lends an ear to Bart's view that the nation's volunteer movement comes up woefully short when compared to America's.)|Bart|4/24|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|71|19950430|Sarin threat puts 13,000 SDF personnel on war alert|Shukan Hoseki|5/4|攻撃ヘリ、74式戦車が首都防衛で待機、自衛隊は空前の“臨戦態勢”!|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|72|19950430|Nine types of people with no aptitude for marriage|Sunday Mainichi|5/7-14|『結婚の才能がない9タイプ』|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|73|19950430|What's the attraction of religion for today's youth?|Shukan Gendai|5/6-13|宗教にすがる若者たちの「心象風景」|JH(Jonathan Hendriksen)|
|74|19950430|A tour of the nation's temporary hosing facilities|Weekly Playboy|5/9-16|仮の住処|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|75|19950430|Sterile students (Hey dudes, the party's over! AERA sighs that today's university students are too worried about finding a job to live it up. Michael Hoffman reflects on the end of an era.)|Aera|4/24|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|76|19950507|Princess Masako and dad, UN envoy Owada, on AUM's enemy list|Shukan Shincho|5/4-11|オウムに「黒い貴族」と名指された「大和田大使親子」|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|77|19950507|Department stores struggling to survive amid falling sales|Da Capo|5/3|売り上げ減が続く百貨店の生き残り戦略|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|78|19950507|The second-hand industry: Turning trash to treasure|Big Tomorrow|June|「今が狙い目!中古ビジネスでがっちり儲ける」|JH(Jonathan Hendriksen)|
|79|19950507|Stress, unhealthy lifestyles making Japanese men sterile|CADET|June|「精子半減」で男の性はどうなるの?|JH(Jonathan Hendriksen)|
|80|19950507|Stripping off inhibition (Who says the Japanese are shy? Michael Hoffman reveals all in Spa!'s feature on the compulsion to bare anything and everything.)|Spa!|5/3-10|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|81|19950514|English the key to future success of Japanese firms|Nikkei Business|5/1-8|問題は日本語だ|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|82|19950514|Government clamping down on cheap local beers|Shukan Yomiuri|5/21|安い“節税ビール”が増税されちゃいそう?|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|83|19950514|Marriage still appeals to Japanese women, but…|Bart|5/22|結婚から逃げる女たち|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|84|19950514|Breast shape still cause of concern for Japanese women|Spa!|5/17|[いいオッパイ。悪いオッパイ]の謎|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|85|19950514|Secret waters (Michael Hoffman takes us on an onsen tour deep in the heart of the Tohoku region through the pages of Asahi Graph.)|Asahi Graph|5/5-12|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|86|19950521|[[Japanese women pursue Thai males, and other 'Golden Week' happenings>タイ人ホスト買い漁る日本人オンナどもーッ]]|Shukan Taishu|5/29|[[タイ人ホスト買い漁る日本人オンナどもーッ]]|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|87|19950521|What's behind the boom in do-it-yourself crime manuals?|Nikkei Trendy|June|犯罪マニュアル本がブーム|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|88|19950521|Why can't we call US toll-free numbers?|Denim|June|海外通販のフリーダイヤルはなんで日本からかけられないんですか?|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|89|19950521|The man who launched a movement in the toilet|Spa!|5/24|トイレにムーブメントを起こした男|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|90|19950521|All in the name of art (One man's trash is another man's treasure. Michael Hoffman strolls through Brutus' exhibition of rubbish-cum-art.)|Brutus|5/15|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|91|19950528|AUM - And what the police aren't telling us|Shukan Yomiuri|6/4|麻原奪還計画:警察が伏せる報復テロ情報|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|92|19950528|For disgruntled Japanese, now's the time to emigrate|Aera|5/29|誰でもできる海外移住マニュアル|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|93|19950528|Checking the effectiveness of slimming cosmetics|Shukan Shincho|5/25|口コミで爆発的な売行き「痩せる化粧品」の真贋|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|94|19950528|Strong parallels between AUM, Soka Gakkai revealed|Shukan Jitsuwa|6/8|創価学会は脱会者の脅迫、いじめ中止|MK(Kamiyama Masuo)|
|95|19950528|Media circus (Just how easy is it to manipulate the press? Michael Hoffman puts the scope on a few of his peers through the pages of Aera.)|Aera|5/22|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|96|19950604|Asahara as Agent 007: Is AUM part of a British plot to destabilize Japan?|Shukan Post|6/9|「CIA関連文書」が説くオウムをめぐる国際大謀略|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|97|19950604|Imported monkeys could lead to outbreak of Ebola virus in Japan|Shukan Post|6/9|「検疫なし」のサル4000匹が輸入されている|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|98|19950604|Research shows gargling tea helps fight off influenza|Shukan Yomiuri|6/11|「うがいは紅茶」の科学的根拠|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|99|19950604|\1.3million buys you a dream condo in Thailand|Shukan Hoseki|6/8|タイのリゾート・ビーチでなんと150万円セカンドハウスは海外で買う!|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|100|19950604|Last of a generation (Michael Hoffman profiles a unique group of 42 elderly Japanese living in exile Cuba through the pages of Views.)|Views|July|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|101|19950618|The evolution of fetishism: Indulging has never been so easy|Spa!|6/14|フェティシズム タイプ別進化論|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|102|19950618|A knight in shining armor: Chikan hunting on Osaka's crowded trains|Shukan Bunshun|6/15|「許せん、斬る!」痴漢電車の必殺仕置人|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|103|19950618|The mysterious disappearance of cheap imported cup noodles!|Shukan Playboy|6/20|「輸入カッメン」が店頭から消えた謎!|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|104|19950618|A stroll through Kobe 100 days after the Great Hanshin Earthquake|Trendy|July|震災100日の神戸を歩く|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|105|19950618|Open-and-shut case?( The police investigation into last year's sarin attack in Matsumoto points to technical ignorance, serious procedural errors, and above all, an overdependence on confessions as a means of wrapping up the case. Mark Schreiber reports.)|Aera,  Shukan Sincho, Takarajima 30|6/19, -,-|-|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|106|19950625|Was the ANA hijacking a taste of things to come|Shukan Post|6/30|七月「麻原彰晃奪還計画」がある!|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
||>|>|>|>|>|COLOR(RED):この号以降以下の表記「The contents expressed onthis page are not necessarily the opinions of the editor. Futhermore, the MDN does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the original articles.」|
|107|19950625|What's the point of this job? 10 meaningless vocations|Spa!|6/21|ムナシイお仕事|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|108|19950625|Fighting for housing in Kobe amid the rainy season|Sunday Mainichi|6/25|高齢被災者たちの「住宅闘争」|AB(Andrew Bird)|
|109|19950625|Risque E-mail is rampant on Japan's internet|Aera|6/26|掲示板は性の無法地帯|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|110|19950625|Cult charisma (Manson, Jones, Koresh, Asahara - what's the appeal? Bart turns to a former FBI psychologist to explain it all. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Bart|6/26|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|111|19950702|Foreign hookers converge on Chiba in search of the mighty yen|Shukan Jitsuwa|7/7|金髪美女乱交パーティーの大盛況ルポ|MK(Kamiyama Masuo)|
|112|19950702|One of the nation's biggest matchmakers said not playing by the rules|Shukan Bunshun|6/29|告発されたアルトマンの「恥部」|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|113|19950702|Japan's first company for beating the bullies a hit|Friday|7/7|全国初「いじめ撃退会社」の評判|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|114|19950702|Balding's vicious circle: Relax a d learn to live with it|Sunday Mainichi|7/2|医学から見たハゲ克服法はこれです、これ!!|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|115|19950702|‘Israel Odyssey' (Michael Hoffman looks at the relationship between the Japanese and the Jews through the pages of Brutus.)|Brutus|July|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|116|19950716|Love hotels as we know them are heading for extinction|Spa!|7/19|ラブホテル進化論|HW(Hiroaki Wada)|
|117|19950716|How to leave a lasting impression on people|Denim|August|“売名”によく効く個人広告|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|118|19950716|[[A glimpse into the Sokka Gakkai's activities abroad>大国日本のもう一つの“輸出”]]|Aera|7/17|[[大国日本のもう一つの“輸出”]]|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|119|19950716|Over 60? Relax, you're only as old as you feel|Sunday Mainichi|7/23|六十歳「還暦」なんてやめようよ|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|120|19950716|America complex? (AERA claims that to Japan's bureaucrats, the center of the universe no longer lies across the Pacific. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Aera|7/10|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|121|19950723|Mob attack against TV Asahi cameraman underscores Korean hostility toward Japan|Shukan Gendai|7/29|取材中のテレ朝カメラマンを殴る蹴るソウルのデパート崩壊事故が日韓摩擦に|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|122|19950723|Fashion-conscious ko-madamu still living it up|Shukan Asahi|7/21|むかし「JJガール」いま「コマダム」バブリーな青春を忘れられない30代ママ|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|123|19950723|Roppongi becoming field of dreams for Ghanaians|Shukan Shincho|7/27|ガーナからやって来た六本木の「おしん経営者」|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|124|19950723|Getting high with Japan's 'adrenaline junkies'|Spa!|7/19|「アドレナリン・ジャンキー」の実態|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|125|19950723|Travel lore (From 1864, when a party of samurai first toured Egypt, to 1994, when one Japanese in 10 went abroad, overseas travel has come a long way. Michael Hoffman takes us on a historical tour of Japanese international travel through the pages of Flas|Flash|7/18|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|126|19950730|Another missing link in the Matsumoto sarin story|Shukan Shincho|7/27|今だからいえる「松本サリン」で黙殺された重大情報|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|127|19950730|Japanese don't mince words in protesting nuclear tests|Shukan Gendai|8/5|シラク大統領への怒りの手紙|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|128|19950730|Price war! Photo print charges hit all-time lows|Aera|7/31|同時プリント「ただ同然」の激戦|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|129|19950730|[[Any truth to the rumors linking Nomo to Heidi-Fleiss?>ハリウッド売春マダムが「野茂コール」]]|Friday|8/4|[[ハリウッド売春マダムが「野茂コール」]]|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|130|19950730|The postwar years (Remember starving in 1946? The '64 Olympics? The birth of the LDP? Lockheed? Michael Hoffman looks back over 50 years through the pages of AERA.)|Aera|7/15|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|131|19950806|[[The shocking drug scene among Japanese students in Beijing>北京の日本人留学生の驚くべき麻薬汚染]]|Shukan Hoseki|8/10|[[北京の日本人留学生の驚くべき麻薬汚染]]|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|132|19950806|Men in their 40s finding life sexually frustrating|Gendai|8/12|115人のサラリーマンに聞いたここまで変わった40歳の性生活|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|133|19950806|[[A look at the guys behind the scenes in the sex industry>フーゾクで働く男たち]]|Spa!|8/2|[[フーゾクで働く男たち]]|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|134|19950806|[[60% of what's reported about AUM is crap>「オウム報道の6割はガセだ!」]]|Weekly Playboy|8/15|[[「オウム報道の6割はガセだ!」]]|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|135|19950806|A power to be reckoned with (While the voter turnout in the recent Upper House election was disappointingly low, the intensity of feelings about its outcome was not. As reported by the weeklies, a major controversy looms over the influence of Soka Gakkai,|Monthly Hoseki, Shukan Shincho, Shukan Jitsuwa, Aera, Shukan Bunshun, Shukan Gendai, Shukan Hoseki|-, 8/3, 8/10, 8/7, 8/3, 8/12, 8/10|-|MK(Kamiyama Masuo)|
|136|19950820|Will the Hachioji supermarket murderers strike again?|Sunday Mainichi|8/20-27|八王子スーパー射殺事件再犯必死の冷酷ギャング|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|137|19950820|Unreported tragedy of the Kobe earthquake - rape|Shukan Bunshun|8/17-24|「レイプ多発」は本当だった|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|138|19950820|A revealing new fashion trend|Weekly Playboy|8/22-29|大胆ボディ見せたガールを直撃!|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|139|19950820|Nomo's solitary life in US has followers worried|Shukan Shincho|8/17-24|野茂フィーバーの陰で留守家族もう一つの心配|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|140|19950820|‘Occult mania' (Michael Hoffman takes a look at what Spa! Has to reveal about a growing preoccupation with the supernatural in Japan.)|Spa!|8/16-23|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|141|19950827|ANA hijacking marks the debut of the' Ninja Brigade'|Seikai|September|全日空機ハイジャックでベールを脱いだ警視庁の忍者部隊|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|142|19950827|Department stores living on borrowed time|Shukan Asahi|9/1|ここまで来たデパート残酷物語|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|143|19950827|Ted Ito: A nobody at home, but a star in the Philippines|Dime|9/7|テッド伊藤の「逆輸入歌手」事始|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|144|19950827|Jobless female grads turn to marriage agencies|Shukan Yomiuri|8/13|女子大生が結婚相談所に駆け込んでいるゾ!|DD(Daniel Day)|
|145|19950827|War and the young (Denim's war survey of 500 people in their twenties paints a fascinating picture of a generation. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Denim|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|146|19950903|What's with all these dire earthquake predictions?|Aera|9/14|なぜ次から次へ大地震でま情報|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|147|19950903|Yoshimoto Kogyo rapping to hip Osaka dialect|Bart|9/11|Jラップ「テイ・トウワの吉本興業入りで、日本のラップが進化する!」|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|148|19950903|Personal data lists available to anyone - for a price|Shukan Asahi|9/8|名物館長が語る名簿業界のアブナイ裏側|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|149|19950903|Some people just shouldn't return home for vacations|Sunday Mainichi|9/3|帰省の才能がない|DD(Daniel Day)|
|150|19950903|It was all a big mistake (In the golden, bubbly, postwar years, Japan has gone to the dogs, barks Paja. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Panja|Octorber|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|151|19950910|The deepening mystery of an assemblywomen's death|Shukan Hoseki|9/21|反創価学会の“闘士”女性市議が異常な「転落死」!|MK(Kamiyama Masuo)|
|152|19950910|Besides Nomo, who else could make it abroad?|Denim|Octorber|2匹目の野茂英雄|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|153|19950910|Young women finding Balinese men irresistible|Shukan Shincho|9/7|「バリ島の妻」となった日本人女性二百人の生活|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|154|19950910|NEC looking  to surf wave of Windows 95|Aera|9/4|ウィンドウズ95で巨人NECの運命|DD(Daniel Day)|
|155|19950910|Survival of the fittest (Cutthroat competition between the thousands of convenience stores that dot the nation has led to all-out war, declares Shukan Diamond. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Shukan Diamond|9/2|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|156|19950917|Deregulation touches the untouchable - barber shops|Aera|9/18|理髪店の自由化:24時間営業も登場か|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|157|19950917|[[Look up your sons! Loose women are proliferating>増殖中のユルイ女大研究]]|Hot Dog Press|9/25|[[増殖中のユルイ女大研究]]|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|158|19950917|Why do young people need schools for things like…?|Spa!|9/13|平成「スクール依存症」のナゾ|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|159|19950917|‘The Coming Plague': The new era of deadly diseases|Bart|9/11|新型感染症の恐怖|DD(Daniel Day)|
|160|19950917|Working women (Is the employment market for female graduates as grim as it's made out to be? All depends, says Spa!, on how you define a 'job.' Michael Hoffman reports.)|Spa!|9/13|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|161|19951001|How religious groups exert control on the government|Shukan Bunshun|9/28|ここまで凄い大宗教の“永田町支配”|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|162|19951001|How far will health addicts go to avoid getting ill?|Spa!|9/27|健康アナーキストたちの肖像|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|163|19951001|Some Americans can't get enough of things Japanese|Aera|10/2|アニメ文化は超カッコイイ!!|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|164|19951001|Some people just shouldn't gamble on the horses|Sunday Mainichi|9/24|競馬の才能がない|DD(Daniel Day)|
|165|19951001|The war is not over (Aera returns to the battlefields of China to look for traces left behind by the notorious Unit 731. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Aera|9/25|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|166|19951008|Catch superstar Asahara's trial - live at Tokyo Dome!|Spa!|10/4|シンプソン裁判も真っ青!?麻原裁判 in 東京ドーム傍聴記|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|167|19951008|Does the sight of couples kissing on trains offend you?|Aera|10/9|電車の中のキスを許せますか|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|168|19951008|Violence among Shinjuku's gay prostitutes on the rise|Shukan Bunshun|10/5|オカマ戦線異状あり|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|169|19951008|Adult magazine targeting women readers hits the spot|Shukan Shincho|10/5|「女が男を買う」雑誌「ヒミツ」の人気|DD(Daniel Day)|
|170|19951008|In the name of justice? (With the trial of AUM Shinrikyo guru Shoko Asahara on multiple murder charges just around the corner, Sunday Mainichi profiles the state of the anti-capital-punishment movement. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Sunday Mainichi|10/8|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|171|19951015|Teens bare their midriffs in an attempt to be daring|Da Capo|10/18|最近の若い娘たちはなぜヘソや下着を見せたがるのか?|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|172|19951015|Beginners' guide to the 'laws of nightclubbing'|Popeye|10/25|クラブで夜遊び!|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|173|19951015|Where do odd magazine names originate from?|Da Vinci|November|雑誌ネーミングの秘密|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|174|19951015|Getting the most out of your mobile phone - free calls!|Shukan Post|10/20|携帯電話「タダでかけられる」衝撃|HW(Hiroaki Wada)|
|175|19951015|Men without women (Spa! Gives the rundown on a motley crew that ranges from a 29-year-old who hasn't had a girlfriend in 8 years, to a salesman who'd rather spend time in the garden. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Spa!|10/11|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|176|19951022|Divorcees become hit commodity in Osaka|Shukan Gendai|10/28|大阪でバカうけ!「バツイチ・バンク」&バツイチ・リサイクルって何だ|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|177|19951022|How do local governments justify their existence?|Spa!|10/18|このセクションはいったい何をしているところ?|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|178|19951022|[[Freelance journalists starting to beat press club barriers>記者会見閉鎖的儀式も変わる]]|Aera|10/23|[[記者会見閉鎖的儀式も変わる]]|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|179|19951022|What if the O. J. Simpson trial had been in Japan?|Shukan Hoseki|10/26|日本なら死刑!シンプソン弁護団「8億円」の凄腕|DD(Daniel Day)|
|180|19951022|Medical murder (Shukan Bunshun asks how the Ministry of Health and Welfare could have allowed hemophiliacs to be treated with blood products containing the HIV virus. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Shukan Bunshun, Aera|10/19, 9/25|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|181|19951029|[[Hotels serve up exotic new ideas to generate business>ここまできた青息吐息 ホテルの超サービス合戦]]|Shukan Asahi|11/3|[[ここまできた青息吐息 ホテルの超サービス合戦]]|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|182|19951029|It's time to get to know your Iranian neighbors|Spa!|10/25|「在日イラン人」の素顔と本音|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|183|19951029|The ethics of ' borrowing' in the Japanese pop industry|Bart|10/26|パクリは正しい!?|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|184|19951029|[[What to do with Old Betsy?>「現金買い取り店は」なぜこんなに高いのか]]|Shukan Hoseki|11/2|[[「現金買い取り店は」なぜこんなに高いのか]]|DD(Daniel Day)|
|185|19951029|Nation of gamblers (DonDon deals a hand on the proliferation of gambling houses. Michael Hoffman reports.)|DonDon|November|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|186|19951105|Nomo's back in town - pass the collection plate|Shukan Jitsuwa|11/9|長島、王を越えた野茂が帰国で稼ぐ仕事と金額|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|187|19951105|Bugging phones is nothing new in diplomatic circles|Shukan Hoseki|11/9-16|CIAのニッポン盗聴、驚愕の実態|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|188|19951105|Workers' expense accounts reflect the changing times|Denim|December|「使える接待費」の限度額|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|189|19951105|[[The real reason the Imperial Household Agency blocks archaeologists from excavating Imperial tombs>天皇陵発掘を宮内庁が阻む本当の理由]]|Shukan Shincho|11/9|[[天皇陵発掘を宮内庁が阻む本当の理由]]|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|190|19951105|Why become a banker? (Panja's behind the scenes look into the industry reveals the rock-solid image that's portrayed is nothing short of a myth. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Panja|December|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|191|19951119|Hit products for 1995 usher in the megabit era|Nikkei Trendy|December|メガヒット時代が来た’95年ヒット商品ベスト30|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|192|19951119|[[What's the attraction of corpses for young women?>死体を愛する女たち大急増!]]|Weekly Playboy|11/28|[[死体を愛する女たち大急増!]]|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|193|19951119|Children today don't know right from wrong|Shukan Asahi|11/24|消化器「落下殺人」の戦慄|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|194|19951119|Starlets' affairs affect careers in different ways|Sunday Mainichi|11/26|不倫ははたまた結婚でCM業界は大変です|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|195|19951119|The pursuit of justice (American-style vs. Japanese-style. Spa! Puts the respective systems on trial. Michael Hoffman reports.)|Spa!|11/8|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|196|19951126|Yakuza cleanup pushes up prices for illegal guns|Focus|11/22|「密売拳銃」の値段が高騰 - 暴力団が暴力団を取り締まる東京盛り場事情|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|197|19951126|Why do women love to hate other women?|Sunday Mainichi|12/3|女性誌が「嫌われる女」特集を繰り返すワケ|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|198|19951126|[[Where have all the macho Japanese men disappeared to?>“男らしさ”が激変した!?]]|Spa!|11/22|[[“男らしさ”が激変した!?]]|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|199|19951126|What recession? Some of us are still striking it rich|Shukan Asahi|12/1|100億円が単位の世界のお金持ち平成「株上場長者」列伝|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|200|19951126|A dying breed (Aera profiles the last Ainu ' living off the blessings of the mountains.' Michael Hoffman reports.)|Aera|11/20|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|201|19951203|Kids ask the darndest things on TBS radio|Shukan Bunshun|12/7|「子供電話相談室」難問珍問ベスト10|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|202|19951203|Senior high-school students taking walk on the wild side|Aera|12/4|不良じゃないただ派手なだけ|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|203|19951203|Peddlers exploiting computer networks|Friday|12/8|パソコン通信で浸透する“危ないドラッグ”リスト|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|204|19951203|A yen for higher earning has people working on the sly|Spa!|12/6|「珍妙サイドビジネス」白書|NW(Nathan Westby)|
|205|19951203|Madam, your husband is pregnant (Who could possibly fall for this? More people than you think, says Da Capo in its feature on the art of deception. Michael Hoffmann reports.)|Da Capo|12/6|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|206|19951217|Future shock: Female oracle's prophecies have South Koreans in uproar|Shukan Post|12/14|「神に選ばれた女」美人占い師日本崩壊予言の戦慄|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|207|19951217|Peeping Tom climbs 20-m. crane to look into love hotel|Shukan Bunshun|12/14|地上20mのクレーンの天辺から出歯急した男|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|208|19951217|Dinosaur of Japanese television facing extinction|Aera|12/18|紅白歌合戦が危ない|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|209|19951217|Creative women producers turn to porno industry|Spa!|12/13|Hメディアで活躍する「女性クリエイター」の仕事と本音|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|210|19951217|Rebels with a cause (Shukan Gendai defends a boycott by elementary school students as a means of airing problems to the Education Ministry. Michael Hoffmann reports.)|Shukan Gendai|12/23|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|
|211|19951224|Does puzzling shooting incident spell trouble for another religious group?|Shukan Jitsuwa|12/28|新興宗教の境内で銃撃殺人の奇々怪々|MS(Mark Sreiber)|
|212|19951224|From ' Angel's Breath' perfume to umesh - trends for the new year|Dime|12/21|96年ヒット商品大胆予測|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|213|19951224|Cheap ' weekly offices' poor substitutes for 'love hotels'|Shukan Asahi|12/22|都会派サラリーマンの秘密基地ウィークリーオフィス活用術|TI(Takeshi Ito)|
|214|19951224|Techno-revolution a pain in the modem for many|Spa!|12/20|ハイテク迷路の出口を探せ!|GB(Geoff Botting)|
|215|19951224|What a year (The year of the Boar was anything but. From earthquakes to hijackings, sarin to redbacks, 1995 had the lot. Michael Hoffman looks back.)|Aera, Marco Polo, Shukan Post|-|-|MH(Michael Hoffman)|




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