Wicked website packages pre-teen gaijin girl pedophilia for Japanese fetishes

「Wicked website packages pre-teen gaijin girl pedophilia for Japanese fetishes」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Wicked website packages pre-teen gaijin girl pedophilia for Japanese fetishes - (2008/10/27 (月) 11:52:56) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

The story below is originally published on Mainichi Daily News by Mainichi Shinbun (http://mdn.mainichi.jp).
They admitted inventing its kinky features, or rather deliberately mistranslating them from the original gossip magazine.
In fact, this is far from the general Japanese' behavior or sense of worth.
※ この和訳はあくまでもボランティアの方々による一例であり、翻訳の正確さについては各自判断してください。

"Wicked website packages pre-teen gaijin girl pedophilia for Japanese fetishes"


Fans of Japan's pedophilic Rorikon genre are turning their penchant for pre-pubescent cheesecake toward a website filled with footage of Caucasian teens decked out in Japanese fetish costumes, according to Cyzo (April).

Candy Doll, the site, is packed with images of young, blonde European girls in their pre-teens prancing through mystical forests, giggling and accompanied by soppy background music.
「キャンディードール」というサイトにアクセスしてみると、荘厳な音楽をBGMに、幻想的雰囲気の森の中 ローティーンの金髪ヨーロッパ系少女たちがあどけなく微笑みながら駆け回る画像が満載だ。

But the girls are dressed in typically Japanese fetish costumes, like maid outfits, school swimsuits or something resembling the Gothic-Lolita look.

"The concept I have in mind is turning the two-dimensional into the 2 1/2-dimensional," Candy Doll's operator, a Japanese man who only gives the name Backbeard, tells Cyzo.
"If there's an anime where the lead character is a 14-year-old German girl who pilots a robot, the world she lives in can become a lot closer if a Japanese dresses up a real German girl.
Basically, I want to use the site to recreate the Gothic aesthetic beauty of Europe in the Middle Ages and at the same time accommodate the factors that make up the two-dimensional culture of Akihabara-types."
「アニメのキャラクターでロボットを操縦するドイツ人の14歳の少女がいれば、日本人よりも本物のドイツ人少女に コスプレさせた方が、その世界観に近い。
基本的には、中世ヨーロッパの耽美でゴシックな世界観を表現しながらも、 アキバ系2次元文化の要素も取り入れる方針です」

Backbeard films on location in Europe for at least two weeks at a time, putting footage of at least 20 girls all aged under 15 up on the Candy Doll site and making them available to subscribers who pay 3,000 yen a month for unlimited downloads.
The site also sells — successfully according to the monthly — a photo collection of underage European models called "Hokuou Bishojo 11 Nin no Arisu Tachi (Eleven Beautiful Little Northern European ' Alice ' Girls)" and a DVD called "Nymphet."
TDK, the Sumida-ku, Tokyo-based company that runs the site, has also arranged for 10 young Caucasian models to hand out pamphlets on the streets of Akihabara to promote its dubious concept at the end of this month.
また、写真集「北欧美少女 11人のアリスたち」、DVD「Nymphet ニンフェット」も同サイトで好評発売中。

Despite the site — and the monthly's article with its racist and pedophilic prompts to "brothers who fancy little white girls" and a photo of a 12-year-old girl in a skimpy white leotard, stockings and wearing cat ears — Backbeard insists there's nothing overdone in the exposure of "junior idols," the term the Japanese use to describe young pin-ups aged under 15.

"We haven't gone overboard with exposure," Backbeard tells Cyzo. "All we want to do is build a world of beauty." (By Ryann Connell )




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