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だれでも歓迎! 編集

歌:Cana (Sotte Bosse)



暖融融地 不知怎麼了地
在我的身畔 笑了出來
這樣的你 那柔嫩的小臉 啊啊 最討厭了。

被戴上鐵製項圈的我 的行動、動彈不得

歡聲毫無光彩 警笛大作停不下
臉上帶著未爆彈一般的表情 大家明明指著我大笑 吶
你 為什麼 在我的 身邊 哭泣著呢?

『大野狼要來了』會被吃掉喔 不論是羊是我是你或這座城
『大野狼要來了』不能不說出口 在謊言拒絕謊言以前 以前

不久之後大家大家指責斥罵我 太不小心了,儘管太不小心了
直到還真的,就要張開大嘴 把整個城市街道都吞下去肚 大家都面無血色突然逃掉跑走了
因為你也突然就要遠行到哪裡去了 我明明是瞭解的
我 為什麼 會這麼 啊啊 痛苦呢?

『大野狼要來了』不是早就說過了 事到如今大家 已經太遲了!
『大野狼要來了』不得不說出口 在那傢伙肚子餓了以前

並不是故意要扯謊 只是在 “負號” 上面、請再加上 “負號” 一樣
在 “謊言” 上頭再加上 “謊言” 現實總比虛構的故事 還要來得略微淒慘一點
所以向這個不了了之的世界 來吧 大聲地 “說謊!” “說謊!” 喊道―

「有點尷尬難辦 對不起哪。」邊說著
替我 “加上” 了不合身的項圈 你向我抱歉

『大野狼要來了』就要被吃掉了喔 不論是羊是我是你或這座城

暖融融地 像發生了什麼地 在我的身畔 笑了出來
這樣的你 那柔嫩的小臉 啊啊 最討厭了。


這是我對你說出的 最初也是最後的謊言


PV英文歌詞翻譯:らさ lasah

all warm and worried.
laughing by my side
those soft cheeks that you have,
oh how I hate them so much.

my friend's friend was eaten!
oh what imprudence, imprudence
" there will be no effect immediately, I heard. "
such ambiguity. mister big-wig.
with an iron collar put around my neck
I can't move at all,
so I snarled at this irresponsible world in a loud voice.

" it's a lie! "

the cheers won't colour
the alarms won't stop ringing
because I can't affirm myself at all
through everyone laughs at me with a faces like a dud shell,
why are you crying by my side?

" the wolf is coming "
be careful or we'll be eaten ; the sheep, me, you, this town
" the wolf is coming "
I need to say, before the lie denies the lie.

before long, everyone started snarling at me
oh what imprudence, imprudence
as if " it's something even more obscure than a wolf " that was a lie.
with a mouth so huge, it swallowed the whole town,
so everyone, everyone turned pale and suddenly ran away

and suddenly you went somewhere too,
I knew it from the beginning.
but why oh why is it that my heart hurts?

" the wolf is coming "
I told you so, at this point it's too late!
" the wolf is coming "
I need to say, before that guy gets hungry.

it's not that I told a lie,
like multiplying a "minus" by a "minus"
I multiplied a "lie" by a "lie"
reality is a bit more gruesome than fiction.
so here, to this irresponsible world in a loud voice,

"it's a lie!", that "it's a lie!"

"I'm sorry it's awkward" you said,
and put a clumsy collar around my neck
an apology from you to me

" the wolf is coming "
be careful or we'll be eaten ; the sheep, me, you, this town
" the wolf is coming "
we were wolves until the end, weren't we

all warm and worried.
laughing by my side
those soft cheeks that you have,
oh how I hate them so much.

the first and last lie that I ever told you

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • sasakure.UK
  • Cana
  • Sotte Bosse

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