
#ref error :ご指定のページがありません。ページ名を確認して再度指定してください。
位置 Western Plaguelands
適正LV 58-60
最大収容人数 5Player
略称 Scholo


Alliance / Horde共通

[58] Plagued Hatchlings (Dungeon) (Eastern Plaguelands/Light's Hope Chapel:Betina Bigglezink 81.59)
Plagued Hatchlingを20匹倒してくる
 [58] Healthy Dragon Scale (Item:Healthy Dragon Scale)
 Healthy Dragon ScaleをLight's Hope Chapel:Betina Bigglezink 81.59へ渡す(Drop:Plagued Hatchling 4%程度?)

[60] Leonid Barthalomew (Burning Steppes:Tinkee Steamboil)
Eastern Plaguelands/Light's Hope ChapelのLeonid BarthalomewへFrozen Eggsを持って行く
UBRSのQuest[60] Egg Collection (Raid)からの続き
 [60] Betina Bigglezink (Eastern Plaguelands/Light's Hope Chapel: Leonid Barthalomew the Revered)
 Betina BigglezinkへFrozen Eggsを持って行く
  [60] Dawn's Gambit (Eastern Plaguelands/Light's Hope Chapel:Betina Bigglezink)
  Vectusを倒してくる。箱(Dawn's Gambit)をViewing Roomに置くとMOBが襲ってくるようになります

[60] Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher (Dungeon) (Western Plaguelands/Caer Darrow:Eva Sarkhoff)
一番奥の6部屋上段の中央にいるDoctor Theolen Krastinovを倒し、左右にある肉片Remains of Eva SarkhoffとRemains of Lucien Sarkhoffを燃やしてくる
 [60] Krastinov's Bag of Horrors (Dungeon) (Western Plaguelands/Caer Darrow:Eva Sarkhoff)
 地下室の奥にいるJandice Barovを倒し、バッグ(Krastinov's Bag of Horrors)を持ってくる
  [60] Kirtonos the Herald (Western Plaguelands/Caer Darrow:Eva Sarkhoff)
  Kirtonos the Heraldを倒してくる。Blood of Innocentsをベランダ(The Porch)の火桶(Brazier of the Herald)で使うと出現します
  Reward:Spectral Essence
[62] The Human, Ras Frostwhisper (Elite) (Western Plaguelands:Magistrate Marduke)
Arathi HighlandsのStromgardeでKeepsake of Remembranceを探してくる(赤い本Obj:位置Random?Ogreエリアの暖炉周りなど数箇所で確認)
Quest開始NPCに会う為にはTrinketSpectral Essenceを装備している必要があります
 [62] The Dying, Ras Frostwhisper (Elite) (Western Plaguelands:Magistrate Marduke)
 Eastern Plaguelands/Light's Hope ChapelのLeonid Barthalomew the Reveredのところへ行く
  [62] Menethil's Gift (Elite) (Eastern Plaguelands:Leonid Barthalomew the Revered)
   [62] Menethil's Gift (Elite) (Eastern Plaguelands:Leonid Barthalomew the Revered)
   Soulbound KeepsakeをLeonid Barthalomewへ持って行く
    [62] Soulbound Keepsake (Elite) (Eastern Plaguelands:Leonid Barthalomew the Revered)
    Western Plaguelands/Caer DarrowのMagistrate Mardukeのところへ戻りSoulbound Keepsakeを見せる
     [62] The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper (Eastern Plaguelands:Leonid Barthalomew the Revered)
     ScholomanceでRas Frostwhisperを探してSoulbound Keepsakeを使って倒し頭(Human Head of Ras Frostwhisper)を持ってくる

Warlock Only Dreadsteed Quest (未確認)
[60] Lord Banehollow (Burning Steppes:Gorzeeki Wildeyes)
Shadowy PotionをGorzeeki Wildeyesから購入し。Felwood/JaedenarのLord Banehollowと話す。
 [60] Ulathek the Traitor (Felwood/Jaedenar:Lord Banehollow)
 Ulathekを倒し心臓(The Traitor's Heart)を持ってくる 。
  [60] Ulathek the Traitor (Felwood/Jaedenar:Lord Banehollow)
  Ur'danからXorothian Stardustを購入しBurning SteppesのGorzeeki Wildeyesへ届ける 。
   [60] Imp Delivery (Dungeon) (Burning Steppes:Gorzeeki Wildeyes)
   Alchemy LabへImp in a Jarを持って行き、羊皮紙(Parchment Created)を作成する。Dire MaulのQuest [60] Arcaniteへと続く...


[55] Scholomance (Alterac Mountains:Commander Ashlam Valorfist)
Western Plaguelands/Chillwind PointのAlchemist Arbingtonと話す
 [57] Skeletal Fragments (Western Plaguelands/Chillwind Point:Alchemist Arbington)
 Skeletal Fragmentsを15個集めてくる(Drop:骨系)
  [57] Mold Rhymes With... (Western Plaguelands/Chillwind Point:Alchemist Arbington)
  Imbued Skeletal Fragmentsと15GをTanaris/GadgetzanのKrinkle Goodsteelまで持って行く
   [57] Fire Plume Forged (Tanaris/Gadgetzan:Krinkle Goodsteel)
   Skeleton Key MoldとThorium Bar2個をUn'Goro Crater火山のトップで使う
    [60] Araj's Scarab (Elite) (Western Plaguelands/Chillwind Point:Alchemist Arbington)
    Andorhal中央でAraj the Summonerを倒しAraj's Scarabを持ってくる
     [60] The Key to Scholomance (Western Plaguelands/Chillwind Point:Alchemist Arbington)
     Skeleton Keyを受け取る

[60] Barov Family Fortune (Dungeon) (Western Plaguelands:Weldon Barov 43.83)
The Deed to Tarren Mill 1個
The Deed to Southshore 1個
The Deed to Caer Darrow 1個
The Deed to Brill 1個を集めてくる(各部屋の紙Obj)
 [62] The Last Barov (PvP) (Western Plaguelands:Weldon Barov 43.83)
 BulwarkにいるAlexi Barovを倒し頭(Head of Alexi Barov)を持ってくる


[55] Scholomance (Tirisfal Glades/The Bulwark:High Executor Derrington)
Apothecary Dithersと話す
 [57] Skeletal Fragments (Tirisfal Glades/The Bulwark:Apothecary Dithers)
 Skeletal Fragmentsを15個集めてくる(Drop:骨系)
  [57] Mold Rhymes With... (Tirisfal Glades/The Bulwark:Apothecary Dithers)
  Imbued Skeletal Fragmentsと15GをTanaris/GadgetzanのKrinkle Goodsteelまで持って行く
   [57] Fire Plume Forged (Tanaris/Gadgetzan:Krinkle Goodsteel)
   Skeleton Key MoldとThorium Bar2個をUn'Goro Crater火山のトップで使う
    [60] Araj's Scarab (Elite) (Tirisfal Glades/The Bulwark:Apothecary Dithers)
    Andorhal中央でAraj the Summonerを倒しAraj's Scarabを持ってくる
     [60] The Key to Scholomance (Tirisfal Glades/The Bulwark:Apothecary Dithers)
     Skeleton Keyを受け取る

[60] Barov Family Fortune (Dungeon) (Tirisfal Glades/Bulwark:Alexi Barov)
The Deed to Tarren Mill 1個
The Deed to Southshore 1個
The Deed to Caer Darrow 1個
The Deed to Brill 1個を集めてくる(各部屋の紙Obj)
 [62] The Last Barov (PvP) (Tirisfal Glades/Bulwark:Alexi Barov)
 AllianceのChillwind PointにいるWeldon Barovを倒し頭(Head of Weldon Barov)を持ってくる

Shaman Only
[60] Material Assistance (Orgrimmar:Sagorne Creststrider)
Azerothian DiamondとPristine Black Diamondを持ってくる
 [60] The Darkreaver Menace (Shaman Only) (Orgrimmar:Sagorne Creststrider)
 Rattlegore部屋でDeath Knight DarkreaverをSummon後に倒し頭(Darkreaver's Head)を持ってくる



Icon 名前 用途 鍵以外 入手法
#ref error :ご指定のページがありません。ページ名を確認して再度指定してください。
Skeleton Key 入口のKey Pick Lock=○
Truesilver Skeleton Key=?
Reward:[60] The Key to Scholomance
#ref error :ご指定のページがありません。ページ名を確認して再度指定してください。
Viewing Room Key (Charge1) Viewing Room Key入口のKey Pick Lock=×
Truesilver Skeleton Key=×
Drop:Scholomance地下 Rattlegore


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最終更新:2007年05月06日 16:34