
#{100}{}{You see the Caravan Driver.}
{100}{}{ キ ャ ラ バ ン ド ラ イ バ ー だ}

#{101}{}{Did you want to return to the Hub? I'll pay you another 400 scripts.}
#{102}{}{Rutger should be pleased; we made it without any casualties. Did you
# want to come back with us? We're almost ready to go. The pay will be
# another 400 scripts.}
#{103}{}{That was easier than I expected. Are you coming back with us?
# I'm sure another 400 scripts would come in handy.}
#{104}{}{That wasn't too bad. If you want to come back with us to the Hub,
# you're welcome to. We'll pay you another 400 scripts.}
#{105}{}{It's always a shame to lose someone. Rutger isn't going to take
# this well, but we could use your help getting back. Are you interested?
# Pay's still 400 scripts.}
{101}{}{ Hubまで戻りたくなったか?追加で400スクリプト払うぞ。}
{102}{}{ Rutgerが喜ぶだろうな。今回は死傷者ゼロだった。一緒に戻る
{103}{}{ 思っていたよりは楽だったな。一緒に戻るか?もう400スクリプト
{104}{}{ まあ、悪くはなかったぞ。一緒にHubまで戻りたいのなら歓げいし
{105}{}{ 死者を出すってのはやはり残念なことだな。Rutgerは納得しな

#{106}{}{Damn! I hate losing good guards. We've got to be more careful
# on our way back. We've got to cover each other. We can't let this
# happen again. I'll pay you another 400 scripts. Up for it?}
#{107}{}{Are you able to come back to the Hub with us? I can't risk losing
# another guard. The pay's 400 scripts. What do you say?}
#{108}{}{I really could use your help getting back. Rutger's going to kill
# me and I don't know if I can make it alone. If you're interested, pay's
# still 400 scripts. So, what do you say?}
#{109}{}{It's going to be a tough trip back going alone. Would you come
# back to the Hub with me for another 400 scripts?}
#{110}{}{I can't believe we lost both of the other guards. Rutger and
# Butch are going to have my ass.}
{106}{}{ クソッ!使えるガードを亡くしちまうとは。帰りはもっと注意して行
{107}{}{ Hubまで一緒に戻れないか?これ以上ガードを失うわけにはいかな
{108}{}{ 帰りもどうか助けてくれないか。このままじゃRutgerに殺され
{109}{}{ 帰りが一人旅というのはきついな。追加で400スクリプト払うから
{110}{}{ 信じられん。ガードを二人も失っちまうとは。こりゃ、Rutger

{111}{}{ はい}
{112}{}{ いいえ}
{113}{}{ うぐっ}

#{114}{}{Great. Let's go.}
#{115}{}{What, are you afraid?}
#{116}{}{Ah, you're missing out on some action.}
#{117}{}{That's okay. I'm sure we can make it back without a problem.
# Thanks for helping us all get here in one piece.}
#{118}{}{That's okay. I understand. It'll be rough with just one guard,
# but we'll make it.}
#{119}{}{Uh, okay. I'm sure I can make it alone.}
#{120}{}{You all right? The trip must have been harder on you than I thought.}
#{121}{}{You on drugs?}
#{122}{}{Maybe I don't want you on my caravan.}
#{123}{}{So did you change your mind? Do you want the job?}
{114}{}{ よし。行こうか。}
{115}{}{ 何?怖いのか?}
{116}{}{ へー、せっかく戦闘ができるというのにな。}
{117}{}{ 分かった。まあ、何事も無く帰り着けるはずだ。往路は無事にたどり
{118}{}{ そうか。分かったよ。ガード一人だけじゃ厳しそうだが、まあ何とか
{119}{}{ うーん、分かった。一人でも何とかやれるはずだ。}
{120}{}{ 大丈夫か?この旅は予想以上にあんたの体にこたえたんだな。}
{121}{}{ ヤクをやってるのか?}
{122}{}{ うちのキャラバンには必要ないかな。}
{123}{}{ 気が変わったのかい?仕事をするか?}

{124}{}{ はい}
{125}{}{ いいえ}
{126}{}{ るー?}

#{127}{}{Easy money. So, do you want to come back with us to the Hub?
# The pay's the same either way; but then again, so is the danger.}
#{128}{}{So, you up for 600 more caps? I've got to head back to the Hub.
# Hopefully this'll be another easy one.}
#{129}{}{I knew you'd come back with us. It'll be 600 caps again. You
# interested?}
#{130}{}{I hate losing someone like that; that's why we pay the big bucks.
# This is a dangerous route. Well, Demetre's expecting us back soon. Pay's
# the same. Do you want to come back with us?}
#{131}{}{You ready for some more action? This time we won't even get a
# scratch! I'll give you 600 caps for the trip back to the Hub.}
{127}{}{ 楽に稼げるぞ。てことで、Hubまで一緒に戻るか?報酬は行きと同
{128}{}{ さて、もう600キャップ稼いでみないか?Hubまで戻らにゃなら
{129}{}{ 帰りも一緒に行ってくれるよな。今度も600キャップだ。どうだ?}
{130}{}{ あんな風に人が死ぬのは嫌なもんだ。だからこそ報酬を弾んでいるわ
{131}{}{ もう一暴れする用意はいいか?今度はかすり傷一つもらうんじゃない

#{132}{}{I know. It's a shame to lose someone, but at least it was in
# battle. You up for another go at it? We're heading back to the Hub.
# Give you 600 caps again.}
#{133}{}{Damn, I can't believe we lost both of those guards. Demetre's
# going to be pissed. The pay will be the same, but I'm heading back
# soon. So what do you say? You and me kick some butt?}
#{134}{}{Now that was a fight, it's a shame about the other two. Demetre
# won't like these losses but at least we made it. Are you going to be
# accompanying me back the Hub? It will, of course, pay 600 caps.}
#{135}{}{I love the taste of battle but I hate loosing my troops. Do you
# think you and I can handle them again? I'm heading out soon -- only
# down side is that the pay's the same. Sorry, no compensation.}
{132}{}{ そうだな。人を亡くすのは残念だが、少なくとも戦死だからな。あん
  た、もう少し働かないか? Hubまで戻るところなんだが。今度も
{133}{}{ クソッ、ガードを2人とも失っちまうとは。Demetreがキレる
{134}{}{ 戦闘とはいえ、後の2人は残念だったな。Demetreは気に入ら
{135}{}{ 戦闘するのは大好きだが、自分の兵隊を亡くすのは大嫌いだ。あんた

#{137}{}{Okay. I'm sure we'll make it back just fine.}
#{138}{}{I only really need one guard anyhow.}
#{139}{}{Ah, I can take them all on myself.}
#{140}{}{Ah, you're back! You want the job then, right?}
{136}{}{ ばか}
{137}{}{ 分かった。問題なく辿り着けるはずだ。}
{138}{}{ いずれにせよ本当に必要なガードは1人だけだ。}
{139}{}{ ああ、私が全て引き受けてやろう。}
{140}{}{ おお、あんたか!てことは、仕事が欲しいんだよな?}
{141}{}{ あっー}

#{142}{}{Why, hello there. Looking for a job? We could use someone to help
# guard our caravans on the way back to the Hub. The pay's 400 scripts.}
#{144}{}{No thanks.}
{142}{}{ おっ、こんにちは。仕事を探しているのか?Hubへの帰路、キャラ
{143}{}{ やるよ。}
{144}{}{ 結構だ。}
{145}{}{ げー}

#{146}{}{Why, hello there. Looking for a job? We could use someone to help
# guard our caravans on the way back to the Hub. The pay's 600 caps, but
# mind you it's normally quite a dangerous trip.}
{146}{}{ おっ、こんにちは。仕事を探しているのか?Hubへの帰路、キャラ
{147}{}{ いいとも。}
{148}{}{ あい}

#{149}{}{Let me know if you change your mind. We leave at 1400 hours.}
#{150}{}{Sorry, you don't look like you're in any shape for caravan duty.}
#{151}{}{If you can't talk straight I can't hire you.}
#{152}{}{If you want a job, lay off the drugs.}
#{153}{}{Did you change your mind about the job?}
#{154}{}{Yes. I'll hire on.}
#{156}{}{Here's your pay. Let me know if you're coming back with us.}
{149}{}{ 気が変わったら教えてくれ。1400時に出発するからな。}
{150}{}{ すまんな。あんたはキャラバンの仕事に向いてないと思うぞ。}
{151}{}{ 率直に話ができない奴は雇えないな。}
{152}{}{ 仕事が欲しけりゃ、ヤクを止めろ。}
{153}{}{ 仕事をやる気になったかい?}
{154}{}{ ああ。雇ってくれ。}
{155}{}{ やく?}
{156}{}{ 報酬だ。一緒に戻る気になったら教えてくれ。}


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