
# (664) Gypsy fortune-teller of Adytum

#{100}{}{You see a dark-skinned man adorned with bright scarves and trinkets.}
#{101}{}{You see Chuck, the gypsy fortune-teller.}
{100}{}{ 浅 黒 い 肌 の 男 だ 。
鮮 や か な ス カ ー フ と 小 さ な ア ク セ サ リ ー で 着 飾 っ て い る}
{101}{}{ ジ プ シ ー の 占 い 師 、 Chuck だ}

#{102}{}{Hello, stranger. May I be of service?}
#{104}{}{I'm just looking around, thanks.}
#{105}{}{I'm getting to know the people of Adytum.}
#{106}{}{Why do you assume that I need something?}
{102}{}{ こんにちは、見知らぬ人よ。お役にたてるかな?}
{103}{}{ うっぐ!}
{104}{}{ ブラブラしてるだけです。どうも。}
{105}{}{ Adytumの住民とお近づきになりたいのですが。}
{106}{}{ なぜそうお考えで?}

#{107}{}{Hmm. Don't worry, my simple friend, you have great things ahead.}
{107}{}{ ふむ、気にするでない、出会ったばかりの友よ。そなたの前途には大

#{108}{}{And what do you think of our town?}
#{109}{}{It's okay.}
#{110}{}{Don't like it much. Not too friendly.}
#{111}{}{You've done remarkably well, considering the hostile circumstances.}
{108}{}{ して、この町のことをどう思いなさる?}
{109}{}{ いい所です。}
{110}{}{ イマイチです。愛想が悪すぎますね。}
{111}{}{ 周りが敵ばかりであることを考えると、とてもうまくいっていると

#{112}{}{I'm called Chuck. Welcome to Adytum.
# I'm afraid that most of the people here aren't too forthcoming with strangers, though.}
#{113}{}{Yeah, I noticed.}
#{114}{}{So, what's your job, Chuck?}
#{115}{}{See you around, Chuck.}
{112}{}{ 私はChuckと呼ばれておる。Adytumへようこそ。だが残念
{113}{}{ ええ、分かっています。}
{114}{}{ それで、Chuck、あなたの仕事は?}
{115}{}{ さようなら、Chuck。}

#{116}{}{Good journeys, wanderer.}
{116}{}{ よい旅を、旅の人。}

#{117}{}{We all need something, don't we? And you wouldn't have talked to me
# if you didn't want something, whether information, conversation, or perhaps guidance.
# I can tell that you've been through a lot. What do you need?}
#{118}{}{Uh, I don't need anything, thanks.}
#{119}{}{Now that you mention it, perhaps you can give me some advice.}
{117}{}{ 誰しも何かしら必要とせんかね?それに、特に用もないのに私に話し
{118}{}{ うーん、特に何も。どうも。}
{119}{}{ 仰るとおり、何か助言がいただけるかと。}

#{120}{}{[Chuck pulls out a set of Tarot cards.]
# Let me consult the cards. [Chuck shuffles the cards.]}
{120}{}{ [Chuckは一組のタロットカードを取り出した]カードに訊いて

#{121}{}{[Chuck pulls out a card with a picture of a man in
# a lab coat with a computer in one hand, and a card with a man in power armor.]
# The Heirophant and the Prince of Wands in the south . . . great wisdom
# and nobility await in a place to the south.}
#{122}{}{[Chuck pulls out a card with a picture of a man with a vibro-blade
# and a flag.] The Prince of Swords in the north . . .
# you must face a powerful foe far to the north.}
#{123}{}{[Chuck pulls out a card with a picture of a radio tower,
# and a card with a picture of a man in a suit with a scepter.]
# The Tower and the Emperor . . . great change awaits by the hands
# of a powerful leader. Whether that change is death, I cannot tell.}
#{124}{}{[Chuck pulls out a card with a picture of a man dancing on
# a nuclear warhead.] The Fool. I cannot help you; you must make your own way in the world.}
#{126}{}{Hmm. Thanks for the advice.}
#{127}{}{Do you actually believe this stuff?!}
{121}{}{ [Chuckはカードを引いた。1枚は、片手にコンピューターを抱
{122}{}{ [Chuckは一枚のカードを引いた。ヴィブロブレード(高速振動
{123}{}{ [Chuckはカードを引いた。1枚はラジオ塔の描かれたカード。
{124}{}{ [Chuckは1枚のカードを引いた。核弾頭の上で踊る男が描かれ
{125}{}{ [続き]}
{126}{}{ ふむふむ。ご忠言ありがとうございます。}
{127}{}{ こんな事本当に信じてるのですか?}

#{128}{}{It works for me. If you don't want to believe then it's not for you.}
#{129}{}{No offense, but it sounds like a load of superstition.}
#{130}{}{Well, I guess we each have our own beliefs.}
{128}{}{ 私の役には立っておるぞ。信じたくないのであれば、役には立たない
{129}{}{ 悪気は無いのですが、なんとも迷信じみているので。}
{130}{}{ まあ、それぞれに自分の信じるところがあると思います。}

#{131}{}{If that is how you feel, then I suppose we have nothing more to discuss.}
{131}{}{ そう思うのであれば、これ以上話し合うことは無いですな。}

#{132}{}{Indeed, we do. And your universe is shaped by your beliefs,
# while my universe is shaped by my thoughts. We may not share beliefs,
# but I wish you well in your universe.}
{132}{}{ 正にその通り。そなたの世界はそなたの信ずるところによって形作ら

#{133}{}{It is home.}
#{134}{}{Uh, yeah. See you around.}
#{135}{}{Things do seem a little quite around here.}
## {151}{の同文から、quiteでなくquietの誤りと判断}
#{136}{}{I know what you mean. I've seen a lot of suffering.}
{133}{}{ 我が家なのだよ。}
{134}{}{ あー、そうですね。それではまた。}
{135}{}{ この辺りは周りに比べると平穏なようですね。}
{136}{}{ よく分かります。私もこれまで数多くの苦難を経験してきました。}

#{137}{}{The Regulators make sure of that. The people of Adytum sometimes
# suffer because of their strict rules.}
#{138}{}{I guess so. Well, see you around.}
#{139}{}{And you're okay with this?}
{137}{}{ Regulatorsが目を光らせておるからの。連中の厳しいルー
{138}{}{ そうでしょうね。では、さようなら。}
{139}{}{ あなたはそれでいいのですか?}

#{140}{}{Since I wish to stay here, I accept the Regulators as part of that
# which is Adytum. However, I do what I can to lighten their lives.}
#{141}{}{You do not seem to agree with what they do.}
#{142}{}{Is there anything else that you could do?}
{140}{}{ ずっとここにいたいからの。RegulatorsもAdytumの
{141}{}{ 彼らの仕打ちに納得していないようですね。}
{142}{}{ 他にどういったことを?}

#{143}{}{The Regulators protect their own interests, and I must respect that.}
#{144}{}{Yeah, whatever.}
#{145}{}{I don't necessarily agree with that view, but can understand it.}
#{146}{}{It's been good talking. See you around.}
{143}{}{ 彼らは彼らでは自らの財産を守っておる。それは尊重せねばならんの
{144}{}{ はあ、そんなもんですか。}
{145}{}{ 同意はしかねる見解ですが、理解はできます。}
{146}{}{ お話できて良かったです。さようなら。}

#{147}{}{Well, I'm only one person, but help in what way I can.
# I advise you to fight for what you believe in, but most of all, choose
# the fights that are worth fighting, and find the times when compromise and
# hope will win greater victories.}
#{148}{}{Do you have any other advice?}
{147}{}{ まあ、私は1人の人間に過ぎぬのでな。自分にできる方法で手を貸す
{148}{}{ 他に何か助言はありますか?}

#{149}{}{The people of Adytum have much to do in a normal day.
# They do not want their work to be found wanting at the end of the day.}
#{150}{}{Yeah, well, whatever.}
#{151}{}{Things do seem a little quiet around here.}
{149}{}{ Adytumの住民は普段から忙しくしておるよ。皆、一日の終わり
{150}{}{ ええ、まあ、そんなもんですかね。}
{151}{}{ この辺りは周りに比べると平穏なようですね。}

#{152}{}{Thank you. It has been difficult. We lose people to the Deathclaws
# sometimes, and winters can be hard, especially when the Hub traders don't
# come. But we are surviving.}
#{153}{}{Good luck.}
#{154}{}{What is going on with the DeathClaws?}
{152}{}{ ありがとう。厳しい状況が続いていての。住民がDeathclaw
{153}{}{ 幸運を。}
{154}{}{ Deathclawとの間はどういう状況なのですか?}

#{155}{}{They infest an area North-East from here, and can often take
# the lives of people given the task of trading with the Gun Runners.}
#{156}{}{Hopefully you will find a solution.}
#{157}{}{Yeah. Whatever.}
{155}{}{ ここから北東に行った地域に出没する。Gun Runnersとの
{156}{}{ 解決策が見つかるといいですね。}
{157}{}{ はあ、どうでもいいことですな。}

#{158}{}{Perhaps. I think Adytum will be here. Instead of going to the world,
# the world must come to us, like you have.}
#{159}{}{Hmm. I guess so.}
{158}{}{ かもしれぬ。Adytumは今後もここにあるだろうしの。こちらか
{159}{}{ ふむ。そうでしょうね。}

#{160}{}{I'm a farmer. I also like to do a little bit of work on the buildings,
# restoring them and keeping them intact, and sometimes I give advice.}
#{161}{}{What kind of advice?}
{160}{}{ 私は農業を生業にしておる。他にも、好きでやっていることだが、建
{161}{}{ どういう助言を?}

#{162}{}{Yes, unfortunately. I think . . . it is a kind of crucible, that
# by surviving these hard times, we come to rely on each other and to learn
# the skills we need to survive. I think, eventually, mankind will be better for it.}
#{163}{}{I don't agree.  I have come across many gangs and raiders in my travels.
# They've become petty killers and thieves. I think that we all risk that eventually.}
#{164}{}{Perhaps you're right. Certainly those who survive will be stronger.}
{162}{}{ うむ、残念なことだが。思うに・・・試練のようなものなのだよ。こ
{163}{}{ それは違います。旅の途中、私はギャングやレイダーどもに何度も
{164}{}{ おそらくそうでしょう。生き延びた者が強くなるのは確かです。}

#{165}{}{They will eventually destroy themselves. And the people who will be
# left will be the ones who work together to survive, like us.}
{165}{}{ そういった連中は結局自ら破滅するだろう。そうして残った人間は、

#{166}{}{I'm glad that some of the outsiders, like you, feel that way.
# We need to find ways to work together to build something new.
# It won't start here; we are too regulated, but it has to start somewhere.}
{166}{}{ そなたのような他所から来た者にそう思ってもらえると嬉しいの。何

#{167}{}{Hello. What can I do for you?}
#{168}{}{Can I help you?}
#{170}{}{Just stopping by to say hello.}
#{171}{}{I'm looking for a little advice.}
#{172}{}{May I ask what you do around here?}
{167}{}{ こんにちは。どうかしたかな?}
{168}{}{ 何か用かな?}
{169}{}{ ん?}
{170}{}{ 挨拶しに寄っただけです。}
{171}{}{ 少し助言をいただきたいのですが。}
{172}{}{ この辺りであなたが何をなさっているのか伺いたいのですが。}

#{173}{}{Hello, then. I hope you're doing well.}
{173}{}{ それはそれは。うまくやっていけるよう祈っておるよ。}


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