# (644) random fisherman

#{100}{}{You see a weary fisherman.}
{100}{}{ 疲 れ き っ た 漁 師 だ}

# float
#{101}{}{Sir, I've heard about you, and I'd appreciate it if you left me and my
# boy in peace.}
{101}{}{ あんた、噂は聞いているぞ。俺とせがれのことはそっとしておいてくれるとありがたいんだが。}

#{102}{}{Ma'am, I've heard about you, and I'd appreciate it if you left me and my
# boy in peace.}
{102}{}{ あんた、噂は聞いているぞ。俺とせがれのことはそっとしておいてくれるとありがたいんだが。}

#{103}{}{Howdy sir. I don't often see strangers in this spot. Is there something
# I can do for you?}
#{104}{}{Howdy ma'am. I don't often see strangers in this spot. Is there something
# I can do for you?}
#{105}{}{You wouldn't happen to know where I could find a water chip, would you?}
#{106}{}{You wouldn't know anything about mutant armies, would you?}
#{107}{}{Where do you come from?}
#{108}{}{How's the fishing?}
#{109}{}{Give me everything you've got or I'll kill you!}
{103}{}{ やあどうも。こんな所まで人が来るなんて珍しいな。何か力になれる
{104}{}{ やあどうも。こんな所まで人が来るなんて珍しいな。何か力になれる
{105}{}{ ウォーターチップがどこで手に入るかなんて分かるわけありません
{106}{}{ ミュータントの軍隊なんて知りませんよね。}
{107}{}{ どちらの出身ですか?}
{108}{}{ 漁の調子はどう?}
{109}{}{ 持ち物全てよこさないと殺すぞ。}
{110}{}{ うっちゃい!}

#{111}{}{Wait a minute, aren't you that fella who wanders the wastes and kicks the
# monsters' butts? Can I help you?}
#{112}{}{What a minute, aren't you that filly who wanders the wastes and kicks the
# monsters' butts? Can I help you?}
#{113}{}{I'm running a little low on supplies . . .}
{111}{}{ ちょっと待った。あんた、荒野を旅して化け物どもを倒してるんだよ
{112}{}{ ちょっと待った。あんた、荒野を旅して化け物どもを倒してるんだよ
{113}{}{ 水と食料がちょっと不足気味で。}

#{114}{}{No man's ever called me inhospitable, and I don't want to repeat what
# women call me, but I am trying to fish and I need absolute quiet to catch the
# damn things, so please try to keep quiet.}
#{115}{}{Has anyone ever told you that you ramble on?}
#{117}{}{I'm looking for information.}
{114}{}{ 男からはつまらん奴だなんて言われたことなどないってのに女どもと
{115}{}{ 口数が多い割りに話がつまらないとか、誰かに言われたのか?}
{116}{}{ 分かった。}
{117}{}{ 話を聞きたいんだが。}

#{118}{}{Do I look like a scavenger to you? Well, maybe I do, but that's because I
# spend a lot of time in the Wastes trying to teach my boy to fish and be a man.}
{118}{}{ ガラクタ集めでもしてるように見えるか?まあ、そんなもんか。でも

#{119}{}{I haven't done any scavenging in six years. Too many Rad Scorpions.
# A fella could get killed out there with all them varmints running around.}
{119}{}{ ここ6年は碌な収穫がない。 Rad Scorpionが多すぎて

#{120}{}{About eight years ago, I sold some chips in Junktown. I don't know what
# they did. One of them could have been a water chip, though I wouldn't bet on it.}
{120}{}{ だいたい8年前か、Junktownでチップを何枚か売っ払ったこ

#{121}{}{Anyhow, I need quiet for my fishing, so I'd appreciate it if you'd keep
# quiet and let me get back to work before me and my boy starve.}
{121}{}{ ともかくだ。漁の時に騒がしいと困る。お喋りはこのくらいにして、

#{122}{}{Mutant armies? Not in this spot. Just regular armies would be bad enough,
# heh heh.}
{122}{}{ ミュータントの軍隊?ここにはいないぞ。普通の軍隊でさえ碌でもな

#{123}{}{You know there's too much politics in the world. I keep telling my boy
# that these politicians can't wait to blow up the world again. That's why I'm
# living off the land, to avoid the politicians! Only way to live.}
{123}{}{ この世の至る所で権力争いが行われてるだろう。せがれにもいつも話

#{124}{}{Now that's rather personal information there. I've killed men for asking
# less, just ask the boy. But I think you look like an honest person, so
# I'll let it slide this time.}
{124}{}{ 随分立ち入ったことを聞くもんだな。そういう質問をする奴はこれま

#{125}{}{Well, I've fished this place for the last five years and it keeps
# getting worse and worse. I think it's Skunk, the three-eyed giant catfish, that
# keeps scaring everything away from my spot.}
{125}{}{ ここで漁を始めて5年になるが、年々とれなくなってきた。Skun

#{126}{}{But I'm gonna get that fish, just you wait. It's getting personal
# between us, and only one of us is gonna walk away, believe me. I'm more serious
# than the Brotherhood of Steel about this.}
{126}{}{ だが俺が捕まえてやるからな。 見てろよ。あんたには話すがな、生
  Brothehood of Steelなんかよりよっぽど真剣だからな。}

#{127}{}{Now you'll probably kill me, but if I don't stand up to you, I'll be
# setting a bad example for the boy. See my dilemma? Why don't you just walk
# away and make it easier for both of us!}
#{128}{}{I'm not walking away, and you won't be walking at all unless you do
# what I say.}
#{129}{}{Shut up and die!}
#{130}{}{Fine. I'll leave you in peace.}
{127}{}{ たぶん、俺はおまえに殺られるだろう。でもな、立ち向かって勝てな
{128}{}{ 立ち去るつもりはない。言うとおりにしなければ歩くことも出来な
{129}{}{ うるさい死ね!}
{130}{}{ 分かった。何もせずに立ち去ろう。}

#{131}{}{Son, I think you've been wandering the wastes a little too long.}
{131}{}{ あんた、荒野にいるのがちょっと長すぎたんじゃないか。}

#{132}{}{Miss, I think you've been wandering the wastes a little too long.}
{132}{}{ あんた、荒野にいるのがちょっと長すぎたんじゃないか。}

#{133}{}{Try some of this.}
#{134}{}{Try some of . . . oh damn, where did I put it . . .}
{133}{}{ これを飲んでみろ。}
{134}{}{ これを飲ん・・・ありゃ、どこに置いたか・・・}

#{135}{}{Well, I heard about a big Vault way to the East, and reports of a secret
# Vault somewhere down south. And there may be some chips in Junktown and the Hub.
# Hope that helps.}
{135}{}{ 東に行くと大きなVaultがあるらしい。 どこか南の方に秘密の

#{136}{}{I hate to be inhospitable, but I need quiet for my fishing, so I'd
# appreciate it if you'd keep quiet and let me get back to work before me and my
# boy starve. And good luck killing those varmints.}
{136}{}{ 無愛想でいるのは本意じゃないが、 漁をするには音を立てられんの

#{137}{}{Mutant armies? Just plain armies would be bad enough. I heard tell that
# someone's been harassing the ghouls over in Necropolis, but that was a while
# ago.}
{137}{}{ ミュータントの軍隊?普通の軍隊でさえ碌でもないってのにミュータ

#{138}{}{Now that's a personal question. My mother's womb, of course, but that's
# a little too flip. I don't have a home no more. Me and my boy just wander and
# try to survive.}
{138}{}{ 立ち入った質問だな。もちろん母親の胎だ、ってのは答えにならない

#{139}{}{I do know where some caches are stored, but that's my secret.}
{139}{}{ 金を置いてある場所はもちろん知っているが、誰にも明かさない。}

#{140}{}{Well, it's kill or be killed - the Law of the Wastes - out here, but I'll
# tell you what. You keep killing monsters and I'll give you some supplies.}
{140}{}{ まあ、ここじゃあ殺るか殺られるかだな。「荒野の掟」だ。だが俺が

#{141}{}{Yeah you are. But what the hell does 'runk' mean? Whatever it is, I
# hope it's friendly.}
{141}{}{ そうかそうか。で、「うっちゃい」って一体どういう意味だ?まあ何

#{142}{}{Now I'm hurt. Here I go, out of my way to be neighborly, and you accuse
# me of rambling! Well! I don't offend easy, but you just gone and made me mad
# enough to nuke someone.}
{142}{}{ 言いやがったな。人がわざわざ親切にしてやったのに、話がつまらな

#{143}{}{Anyhow, why don't you just get outta here. Git!}
{143}{}{ もういい。とっとと立ち去れ、アホウが!}

#{144}{}{Thank you kindly.}
{144}{}{ ありがとうな。}

#{145}{}{What do you want to talk about?}
#{146}{}{I'm trying to find a water chip.}
#{147}{}{I'm trying to find out about some mutant armies.}
#{148}{}{What can you tell me about the Brotherhood?}
#{149}{}{What can you tell me about the Boneyard?}
{145}{}{ 何の話を聞きたいんだ?}
{146}{}{ ウォーターチップを探しているんだが。}
{147}{}{ ミュータントの軍隊を探しているんだが。}
{148}{}{ Brotherhoodのことを教えてほしい。}
{149}{}{ Boneyardのことを教えてほしい。}

#{150}{}{I'm sorry friend, I don't think I can help you.}
{150}{}{ すまんな、力になれそうもない。}

#{151}{}{'Runk' ain't the same as keeping quiet. Now shut yer yap and get outta here.}
{151}{}{ 「うっちゃい」ってのは静かにしていることとは違うぞ。グダグダ言

#{152}{}{Fine. Take what you want and get out.}
{152}{}{ 分かった分かった。欲しい物を取ったら失せろ。}

#{153}{}{You really aren't very friendly, are you?}
{153}{}{ 仲良くしようなんて腹はないんだろ。}

#{154}{}{You'll forgive me if I ain't more appreciative, but I think you should
# just leave.}
{154}{}{ 感謝はしないが許してくれよ。さあ、さっさと帰ってくれ。}

#{155}{}{I try to avoid them if I can. Their patrols can be pretty nasty if they
# decide not to take a liking to you.}
{155}{}{ 俺ならなるべく出会わないようにする。あそこのパトロールは、気に

#{156}{}{That's down on the coast. I hear stories about gangs running amok and all
# sorts of things that I don't want the boy to see, so I'm staying away from that
# place!}
{156}{}{ 海岸沿いに南へ行った所にある。手に負えないギャングの話や、せが

# float
#{157}{}{Now put that thing away before you hurt someone. A man can't have a civil
# conversation when there are weapons drawn.}
{157}{}{ ほら、誰かが怪我をする前にそんなものはしまえ。武器を構えてちゃ、話すもんも話せんぞ。}

#{158}{}{Son, there's nothing like a battle between a fish and a man.}
#{159}{}{Son, did I ever tell you about the time I caught the giant eel . . .}
#{160}{}{Son, don't talk back to your father!}
#{161}{}{Maybe this time I'll catch that three-eyed catfish.}
#{162}{}{Dinner's coming right up!}
#{163}{}{There's nothing like the taste of a juicy fish on an open fire.}
#{164}{}{Quiet son, you're scaring away the fish.}
{158}{}{ 魚と人の戦いより楽しめる話はないぞ。}
{159}{}{ 巨大うなぎを捕まえた時の話はしたことがあったか。}
{160}{}{ こら、父親に口答えするんじゃない!}
{161}{}{ 今度こそはあの三つ目なまずを捕まえてやる。}
{162}{}{ 晩飯だぞ!}
{163}{}{ 焚き火で焼いたとれたての魚ほど美味いものはないな。}
{164}{}{ 静かに。魚が逃げてしまったぞ。}


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