{1199}{}{ [この人が教えられることはない]}

#{100}{}{You see a seedy-looking Mexican man with slick hair.}
#{101}{}{You see Hernandez, the rascally gambler.}
{100}{}{ 髪 の 毛 つ や つ や 怪 し さ 満 点 の メ キ シ コ 人 だ}
{101}{}{ 卑 し い ギ ャ ン ブ ラ ー 、 Hernandez だ}

#{102}{}{Oye, muchacho, allow me to introduce myself. I am Hernandez,
# a man of mucho gusto! You look like you are new here. Please,
# allow me to be your informant to the casino.}
#{103}{}{Can you tell me about the casino?}
#{104}{}{No, thanks.}
{102}{}{ そこの若い人。自己紹介させてくださいや。あっしはHernand
{103}{}{ カジノについて教えてくれ。}
{104}{}{ いや、結構だ。}
{105}{}{ おしゃけ?}

#{106}{}{But of course! This fine establishment is run by
# the famous Gizmo. A true visionary and a very wealthy
# man.}
#{108}{}{You say Gizmo is a visionary. What's his vision?}
#{109}{}{What are the odds like on the games here?}
{106}{}{ そりゃあもちろん!この立派な建物は、かの有名なGizmoのもの
{107}{}{ なるほど。}
{108}{}{ Gizmoに先見の明がねえ。一体どんな?}
{109}{}{ ゲームの勝率はどのくらいなんだ?}

#{110}{}{My friend, I hate to impose, but perhaps you could assist me.
# I have developed a sure-fire system, because I have discovered
# how Gizmo runs his tables, but I do not have the caps to
# play.}
#{111}{}{ [You get the feeling that he's trying to scam you.]}
#{112}{}{Perhaps you can spare a few caps? I guarantee success.}
#{113}{}{Sure, sounds good.}
#{114}{}{No, thanks.}
#{115}{}{I think you're lying. You're trying to scam me.}
{110}{}{ あのー、本当はこんなこと言いたくないんですが、力を借していただ
{112}{}{ 数ドルでいいんで貸して頂けないですかねーなんて。絶対に成功しや
{113}{}{ いいとも。上手くいきそうだな。}
{114}{}{ いや、やめておく。}
{115}{}{ 嘘ついてるだろう。詐欺ろうっていうんだな。}

#{116}{}{Sorry, mi amigo. Hey, let me show you a neat game . . .}
{116}{}{ おっとっと、アミーゴ。ほら、あっちの台も見てみな・・・}

#{117}{}{Thank you very much, mi amigo! In a few days I shall be able
# to pay you back, with interest. My system is slow, you see,
# it requires much patience, but it will most certainly reap
# great profits!}
{117}{}{ アミーゴ、恩に着やす!2,3日したら利子をつけて返しやすよ。ア

#{118}{}{Very well, but I guarantee success! If you want to get in
# on the riches just waiting, come back soon, or I will find
# another partner!}
{118}{}{ 分かりやした。でもきっと上手くいきやすから!簡単に大金が手に入

#{119}{}{My friend, I see you are a man of much taste, as well.
# Perhaps a simple game of dice?}
#{120}{}{All right!}
#{121}{}{No, thanks, I'd rather try something else.}
{119}{}{ こういうの結構いける口なんでしょ。ダイスゲームなんて分かりやす
{120}{}{ よっしゃ!}
{121}{}{ いや、いい。他のゲームをやりたいんでな。}

#{122}{}{Gizmo had a dream of setting up a place where people
# could meet and enjoy themselves. He had the ambition to
# make it happen. The result is the casino you see here.}
#{123}{}{He gives people a chance to shrug off their cares in the
# broken world outside. And he brings money into Junktown!}
#{124}{}{Sounds like a good idea.}
#{125}{}{Life's hard enough. I don't trust the motives of someone
# who would encourage people to lose their money.}
{122}{}{ Gizmoには夢がありやした。皆が集まって自由に楽しめる場所を
{123}{}{ おかしくなっちまった世界で暮らしていく不安を軽くする機会がみん
{124}{}{ いい話だなー。}
{125}{}{ 人生ってのは厳しいものだろ。人に向かってどんどん金を浪費しろな

#{126}{}{You obviously don't share Gizmo's brilliance. This place
# is a respite from the harshness of everyday life.}
{126}{}{ Gizmoには優れた才能があるんですがねぇ、全く理解してもらえ

#{127}{}{Well, Gizmo runs a pretty good house, although the games are,
# how shall we say, rather weighted towards the house.
# It's not like his dealers cheat, though. But unless you have
# a system, like me, you will need to be very clever.}
{127}{}{ まあ、Gizmoはいい感じのハコを用意してくれたわけですが、ゲ
{128}{}{ そりゃどうも。}


# op
#{130}{}{How is your system coming?}
#{131}{}{Nothing, thanks.}
{130}{}{ システムの調子はどうだい。}
{131}{}{ 何でもない。邪魔したな。}

#{132}{}{My system is developing slowly. I have living expenses
# and such, you know, but it is working!}
#{133}{}{That's great!}
#{134}{}{I think that you are a liar and a cheat. Where's my money?}
{132}{}{ 少しずつよくなってきてまして。生活費に毛が生えた程度ですが、ま
{133}{}{ やるなあ。}
{134}{}{ こりゃ嘘つきでいかさま師だな。私の金はどこへやった?}

#{135}{}{So, you think you have tumbled to me, eh? Well, you won't
# get anything from me!}
{135}{}{ あっしの企みに気がついたってか?だったらあんたに返すもんはあり

# TRANSLATION NOTE: The following two lines are identical in English, but they
# differ in foreign translations. The first line is for the case of the
# player-character masculine ("my friend" will be masculine); the second line is
# for the case of the player-character feminine ("my friend" will be feminine).

#{136}{}{Buenos dias, my friend! What can I do for you today?}
#{137}{}{Buenos dias, my friend! What can I do for you today?}
{136}{}{ ブエノス・ディアス(こんにちは)!今日は何の用で?}
{137}{}{ ブエノス・ディアス(こんにちは)!今日は何の用で?}


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