# (579) Hub Children Guard

#{100}{}{You see a guard for the Children.}
{100}{}{ Children の ガ ー ド だ}

# float
#{101}{}{Phillips! Let's take this guy out!}
#{102}{}{Get outta my face!}
{101}{}{ Phillips!こいつを外へ放り出すぞ!}
{102}{}{ さっさと失せろ!}

#{103}{}{What do you want?}
#{104}{}{Tell me about your work.}
#{105}{}{What's this place about?}
#{106}{}{You wouldn't know where I can find a water chip?}
#{107}{}{What can you tell me about a man named Decker?}
#{108}{}{Nice weapon you got there}
{103}{}{ 何の用だ。}
{104}{}{ 仕事は何を。}
{105}{}{ ここは一体?}
{106}{}{ ウォーターチップの在り処なんて知らないよね。}
{107}{}{ Deckerという名の男について何か知らないか。}
{108}{}{ いい武器持ってるねぇ。}
{109}{}{ うー、ミルク}

#{110}{}{I'm a hired hand. If anyone bothers these space cadets,
# I kill em. You got a problem with that?}
#{111}{}{So you're a bodyguard}
#{112}{}{Who hired you?}
#{113}{}{Anything interesting happening in the Hub?}
#{114}{}{What are you making?}
#{115}{}{Yeah. A big problem.}
#{116}{}{No problem, friend.}
{110}{}{ ここで雇われている。訓練生に迷惑をかける奴がいたら殺す。何か文
{111}{}{ つまりボディガードか。}
{112}{}{ 雇い主は?}
{113}{}{ Hubで何か面白いことでもあったかい?}
{114}{}{ 稼いで何に使うんだ?}
{115}{}{ ああ。大有りだ。}
{116}{}{ いや、別に。}

#{117}{}{Something called a Holy Flame. Don't listen to this bullshit, it'll rot your brain!}
#{118}{}{What's your take on this Holy Flame?}
#{119}{}{Man, are these people ever stupid!}
#{120}{}{Anything interesting happening in the Hub?}
#{121}{}{Where did these guys come from?}
{117}{}{ Holy Flameとかってやつだよ。こんなしょうもないこと聞
{118}{}{ Holy Flameってのは何だと思う?}
{119}{}{ ここの連中は本当アホだよな!}
{120}{}{ Hubで何か面白いことでもあったかい?}
{121}{}{ ここの連中はどこから来たんだ?}

#{122}{}{Water chip? Do you mean like ice chips? Up in the mountains, maybe.}
#{123}{}{No, I mean the computer chip to control a water purification system.}
#{124}{}{Not that kind of chip, you moron!}
#{125}{}{Uh thanks. I think.}
#{126}{}{You ever been to the mountains?}
{122}{}{ ウォーターチップ?アイスチップみたいなもんか?山に登りゃあ見つ
{123}{}{ そうじゃない。水質浄化システム制御用のコンピューターチップな
{124}{}{ そういうチップじゃねーよ、アホが。}
{125}{}{ そりゃどうも。だろうね。}
{126}{}{ 登ったことがあるのかい?}

#{127}{}{Yeah, I heard about him. He's a real bastard, but he pays his bills.
# Phillips worked for him a few
# times.}
#{128}{}{So you think he's a creep?}
#{130}{}{Would you take a job from him.}
{127}{}{ ああ、噂は聞いてるぞ。本当に汚い野郎だが、金はきっちり出してく
{128}{}{ 嫌な奴だと?}
{129}{}{ Phillips?}
{130}{}{ 奴から仕事をもらいたいと思うか?}
{131}{}{ そうか。ありがとう。}

#{132}{}{Yeah, this is the only one I'd want in a fire fight. What can I do for you?}
#{133}{}{Where can a guy go here to get some quality weapons?}
#{134}{}{What's up with these Cathedral guys?}
#{135}{}{Where can a guy go to find action around here?}
#{136}{}{You wouldn't know where I can find a water chip?}
#{137}{}{What can you tell me about a man named Decker?}
{132}{}{ だろう。撃ち合いになってもこれさえあれば問題ないね。何か探して
{133}{}{ そこそこの武器を手に入れられる所はこの街にあるか?}
{134}{}{ ここにいるCathedralの連中はどんな様子だ?}
{135}{}{ この辺りで一暴れしたければどこに行けばいい?}
{136}{}{ ウォーターチップがありそうな場所なんて知らないよな。}
{137}{}{ Deckerという名の男について何か知らないか。}

#{138}{}{Sorry pal, but I'm on duty. No small talk.}
#{139}{}{Get the Hell out of my face before I kill you.}
#{140}{}{Way to go, Rocket Scientist! Who else could I be, Doc Morbid? Jeez!}
#{141}{}{The priest bitch. Who else did you think? Jeez!}
#{142}{}{I hate to admit it pal, but I've been out of the loop for weeks.
# You better ask someone else.}
{138}{}{ すまんが仕事中なんでな。お喋りはなしだ。}
{139}{}{ 生きてるうちにとっとと失せろや。}
{140}{}{ その通り。あんた天才だな!それ以外俺に何ができるよ、Doc M
{141}{}{ あのクソ尼だよ。他に誰がいるんだ?ケッ!}
{142}{}{ いやー言いたかないんだが、ここ数週間の出来事は全く知らんのだ。

#{143}{}{Room and board and not much else. These religious types are cheap!}
#{144}{}{Then let's solve it!}
#{145}{}{Fine. Because nobody likes a problem around here.}
#{146}{}{It's gotta be a scam. Nobody's really dumb enough to believe
# all this religious shit. Could they?}
#{147}{}{Yeah. It's a good thing that they aren't paying me to
# agree with them. Holy flame, my ass!}
{143}{}{ まーほとんどは生活費だな。こういう「神様ー」って連中はケチ臭く
{144}{}{ じゃあ聞いてやるよ!}
{145}{}{ よし。この街じゃ面倒ごとは嫌われるからな。}
{146}{}{ 間違いなく詐欺だな。宗教だか何だか知らんがこんなの心から信じる
{147}{}{ だな。金を出すからお前も信仰しろなんて言われなくてよかったよ。
  Holy Flameクソ喰らえ!}

#{148}{}{I dunno. I can tell you one thing, whatever you can say about
# the religion, they're not amateurs. They
# came in and organized this place like clockwork.
# This isn't just another band of mindless zombies.}
#{149}{}{Jeez, I thought only Vaults used that sort of crap!}
#{150}{}{Watch your mouth, asshole. These people may believe in peace and love, but I don't!}
#{151}{}{No problem.}
#{152}{}{Nah. The higher you climb, the worse the radiation gets.}
{148}{}{ さあな。あんたが宗教ってものをどう思うかは別にして、これだけは
{149}{}{ んー、そういうのはVaultにしかないんじゃなかったか。}
{150}{}{ 言葉には気をつけろよ、タコ。ここの連中は愛だ平和だっていってる
{151}{}{ お安い御用だ。}
{152}{}{ ないぞ。高い所まで登るほど放射線もきつくなるからな。}

#{153}{}{Uh, if you like psychotic, stone cold ruthless bastards, then he's the man.}
#{154}{}{My partner. The guy who's guarding Jain.}
#{155}{}{It depends on how much risk you like. My life's been kinda
# busy lately, so I came here to lie low. But
# if you like action, sure. Just don't screw up or you're dead, that's all.}
#{156}{}{I hear the Water Merchants are always packing the best shit.
# But people will say anything about the
# Water Merchants. It ain't here among this crowd, that's for damn sure.}
#{157}{}{I been trying to get a good read on these guys for weeks.
# At first I thought they were fools, but now・
# I ain't sure. They're organized, and they've got a plan. I can smell it!}
{153}{}{ んー、精神に異常がある冷酷無比な野郎がいいってんなら、まさしく
{154}{}{ 俺の相棒だ。Jainのガードをしている。}
{155}{}{ 危険と天秤にかけるこったな。俺は最近ちょっと慌しかったんでな、
{156}{}{ いつもいい武器を持ち歩いてるのはWater Merchants
{157}{}{ ここの連中が何を考えてるのか、ここ数週間俺なりに観察してみた。

#{158}{}{I hear Decker's got some action, but man, it's shitty work
# and if you screw up, you're as good as dead.}
#{159}{}{Water purification chip? You don't use well water? Good lord!
# I heard tell of a Vault near Shady Sands
# where you might find one, but that place is completely caved in. I don't think I can help you.}
{158}{}{ Deckerのところに行けばいいらしい。だが胸糞悪い仕事だぞ。
{159}{}{ 水質浄化チップ?井戸水を使ってないのか?なんとまあ。Shady

# float
#{160}{}{Can't talk. The boss don't like it. Sorry.}
{160}{}{ 話はできない。ダメだと言われていてな。すまん。}

#{161}{}{Hey, you!}
{161}{}{ この野郎!}

#{162}{}{Hey! What do you think you're doing!}
#{163}{}{Why the lock?}
#{164}{}{Hey, I'm backing off!}
#{165}{}{Can you give me a hand with this door? It's stuck!}
#{166}{}{You saw me! Too bad for you・
{162}{}{ おい!何してやがる!}
{163}{}{ なぜ鍵を?}
{164}{}{ いや、何もしてないぞ!}
{165}{}{ ちょっと手を貸してくれないか。扉が開かないんだ!}
{166}{}{ 見たな!お前も運がないな・・・}

#{167}{}{None of your business! Get outta here!}
#{168}{}{Good! Now get outta here!}
#{169}{}{Get lost! If you pull this sort of shit again, I'll kill you personally!}
{167}{}{ お前の知ったことか。さっさと帰れ!}
{168}{}{ よし。じゃあさっさと帰れ!}
{169}{}{ 失せろ!今度同じことをやってみろ、この手で殺してやるからな。}

# float
#{170}{}{We ain't supposed to talk to you. On your way, pal.}
{170}{}{ あんたとは話すなと言われている。帰ってくれないか。}

#{171}{}{Hey! What do you think you're doing!}
#{172}{}{Why the lock?}
#{173}{}{Hey, I'm backing off!}
#{174}{}{Can you give me a hand with this door? It's stuck!}
#{175}{}{You saw me! Too bad for you・
#{176}{}{None of your business! Get outta here!}
#{177}{}{Good! Now get outta here!}
#{178}{}{Get lost! If you pull this sort of shit again, I'll kill you personally!}
{171}{}{ おい!何してやがる!}
{172}{}{ なぜ鍵が?}
{173}{}{ いや、何もしてないぞ!}
{174}{}{ ちょっと手を貸してくれないか。扉が開かないんだ!}
{175}{}{ 見たな!お前も運がないな・・・}
{176}{}{ お前の知ったことか。さっさと帰れ!}
{177}{}{ よし。じゃあさっさと帰れ!}
{178}{}{ 失せろ!今度同じことをやってみろ、この手で殺してやるからな。}


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