
# (235) injured Shady Sands guard
{1199}{}{ [教えられること:Water, War, Shady, Junktown, Hub, Raiders, Caravans, Chip,
Sands, Followers, Cathedral, Garl, Master, Unity, Set, Watershed, Necropolis, hall,
Library, Overseer, Medic, Healing, Vault, Vault13, Killian, Gizmo, boneyard, Casino,
Store, Deathclaw, Exodus, Initiates, Paladins, Scribes, Children, Brotherhood, Vats, 
Military, Base, Apocalypse, Mutants, Morpheus, Khans, Tandi, Alya, Diana, Gwen, 
Petrox, Tolya, Booze, Drugs, Seth, Aradesh, Razlo, Zimmerman, Regulators, Scavs,
Blades, Nicole, Lieutenant, Psychics, Experiments, Police, Merchants]}

#{100}{}{You see a short, stocky man.}
#{113}{}{You see Ian.}
{100}{}{ 小 柄 で が っ ち り し た 男 だ}
{113}{}{ Ian だ}

#{101}{}{We don't like your kind in these parts.}
{101}{}{ お前のような奴がこの辺りにいるのは気に入らん。}

#{102}{}{Hello, stranger. You look like you're new here. What's
# your name?}
#{103}{}{My name's not important.}
#{104}{}{I'm }
{102}{}{ よう、見ない顔だな。ここは初めてか?名前は?}
{103}{}{ 私の名前などどうでもいい。}
{104}{}{ 私は}
{105}{}{ だ。}
{106}{}{ あー?}

#{107}{}{Well, then, neither are you.}
{107}{}{ そうか。ならお前もどうでもいい人間ってことか。}

#{108}{}{Good to meet you. I'm Ian.}
#{109}{}{What do you do here?}
#{110}{}{I'd like to know more about this place. Can you help?}
{108}{}{ よろしく。俺はIanだ。}
{109}{}{ ここで何を?}
{110}{}{ ここのことを色々知りたいんだが、教えてくれないか?}

#{111}{}{Sorry, but I don't have time to waste on morons.}
{111}{}{ おっと、馬鹿に関わっている暇はないんでね。}

#{112}{}{I was a guard for the merchants of the Hub. However, I was
# shot during a raid by bandits. I've been staying here, since the people
# have helped me recover. Still, my knowledge of the outside world
# and my experience make me useful here. Shady Sands is my
# home now. Occasionally, I even get to visit Junktown or the Hub
# to do some trading, since I'm the only person here who has ever
# really left town.}
#{114}{}{I'm sorry to hear about your injury.}
#{115}{}{Where's this Hub, and Junktown?}
#{116}{}{Can you tell me about the bandits?}
{112}{}{ 以前はHub商人のガードをやっていたんだが、無法者連中の襲撃を
 y Sandsが故郷だよ。JunktownやHubまで取引しに
{114}{}{ 怪我をしたのは気の毒だったな。}
{115}{}{ そのHub、Junktownの場所は?}
{116}{}{ その無法者のことを教えてくれ。}

#{117}{}{Shady Sands is a small but self-sufficient community. The only trouble
# here is with the bandits and the Radscorpions.}
#{118}{}{Why are the Radscorpions trouble?}
#{119}{}{Are there many bandits?}
{117}{}{ Shady Sandsは小さな集落だが、自給自足でやっている。
{118}{}{ どうしてRadscorpionが問題に?}
{119}{}{ ならず者の数は多いのか?}

#{120}{}{There are several. They come from various groups. They steal
# our food and occasionally shoot a few people.
# Seth organized the guards to help fight them off.}
#{121}{}{Can you tell me about Seth?}
#{122}{}{There are different groups? Who are they all?}
{120}{}{ それなりだ。複数のグループに分かれている。食料が奪われる上に何
{121}{}{ Sethのことを教えてくれ。}
{122}{}{ グループがいくつもあるのか。どう分かれているんだ。}

#{123}{}{Radscorpions are very dangerous. They have a poisonous
# stinger in the tail, and they are very quick.
# Aradesh has been trying to find a way to get rid of them.
# If you feel brave, you could talk to Aradesh about them.}
{123}{}{ Radscorpionは非常に危険だ。尾の針には毒があるし、動

#{124}{}{Thanks. It's been healing up well, thanks to Razlo.}
{124}{}{ ありがとう。Razloのおかげで順調に回復しているよ。}

#{125}{}{Seth is a very brave fighter. He occasionally goes to
# the Radscorpion caves to kill a few Radscorpions, but
# they always wind up coming back. There are just too many
# for him to fight.}
#{126}{}{Are the Radscorpions really that dangerous?}
{125}{}{ Sethは非常に勇敢な戦士だ。Radscorpionの巣穴まで
 行って何匹か殺してくることもあるんだが、 結局また沸いて出てく
{126}{}{ Radscorpionって本当にそこまで危険なのか?}

#{127}{}{What can I help you with?}
{127}{}{ どんな用件かな。}

#{128}{}{There are three groups: the Khans, the Vipers, and the
# Jackals. They pretty much hate each other, but they
# all raid Shady Sands.}
#{129}{}{Tell me more about Shady Sands.}
{128}{}{ グループは3つ、Khans、Vipers、Jackalsだ。お
 互いに激しく対立しているが、どこもShady Sandsを襲撃する。}
{129}{}{ Shady Sandsのことをもっと教えてくれ。}

# lower left
#{130}{}{He has the confident, relaxed stance of an experienced fighter.}
{130}{}{ 自 信 に 溢 れ 悠 然 と し て お り 、
熟 練 の 戦 士 の 風 格 を 備 え て い る}

# The player-character's name is inserted by the code in between lines 131 and 132.
#{131}{}{So, }
#{132}{}{, what can I do for you?}
{131}{}{ で、}
{132}{}{ 、用件は何かな。}

# op
#{133}{}{Tell me about the raiders.}
#{134}{}{Tell me about Radscorpions.}
#{135}{}{Tell me about Shady Sands.}
#{136}{}{Tell me about Seth.}
#{137}{}{Can you give me directions to the Hub and Junktown?}
#{138}{}{Nothing, thanks.}
{133}{}{ ならず者のことを教えてくれ。}
{134}{}{ Radscorpionのことを教えてくれ。}
{135}{}{ Shady Sandsのことを教えてくれ。}
{136}{}{ Sethのことを教えてくれ。}
{137}{}{ HubとJunktownへはどう行けばいいか教えてくれ。}
{138}{}{ 何でもない。ありがとう。}

#{139}{}{The Hub is a big trading center far south of Shady Sands. It's run by
# several different caravan groups of merchants: the Water Merchants, the
# Crimson Caravan, and the Far Go Traders. Junktown is a little south and a ways west.
# It's smaller, but still a good place to drop in for a drink. It's overseen by a
# fellow by the name of Killian Darkwater, the local shopkeeper, sheriff, and mayor.}
{139}{}{ Hubは、ShadySandsのずっと南にある一大交易拠点だ。
 街の運営を行っているのは3つのキャラバングループ。 Water
 Merchants、Crimson Caravan、Far G
 o Tradersだ。Junktownはそれより手前、やや西寄
 いことには変わりない。街を監督しているのはKillian Da
{140}{}{ ありがとう。}

#{141}{}{I may not be a very good fighter any more,
# but I'm good enough to best the likes of you!}
{141}{}{ 戦いに以前ほどのキレはないかもしれないが、お前のような奴を負か

# The player-character's name is inserted by the code in between lines 142 and 143.
#{142}{}{What can I do for you, }
#{144}{}{Hmm. Nothing. Never mind, Ian.}
#{145}{}{You can leave now.}
#{146}{}{Can you give me directions to the Hub and Junktown?}
{142}{}{ 何か用かな、}
{143}{}{ 。}
{144}{}{ んー、いや、何でもない、Ian。}
{145}{}{ 帰っていいぞ。}
{146}{}{ Hub、Junktownへはどう行けばいいか教えてくれ。}

#{147}{}{Well, since you ask, all right. See you around.}
{147}{}{ 分かった。あんたがそう言うのなら。それじゃあな。}

#{148}{}{No thanks. I'm needed here.}
{148}{}{ 結構だ。私はここで必要とされている。}

# op
#{149}{}{Could you help me out a bit? Your experience would be useful.}
{149}{}{ 私に力を貸してくれないか。あなたの経験が役に立つと思う。}

#{150}{}{Let's go. It'll be good to get back into action!}
{150}{}{ 行こう。戦いの日々に戻るのも悪くない。}

# float
#{151}{}{This is Killian's, a general store. Killian's a good man, and they
# have plenty of stock.}
#{152}{}{Gizmo's casino. A hive of gambling and underworld activity. Careful; they
# say the games are rigged.}
#{153}{}{This place gives me the creeps.}
#{154}{}{What the hell happened here?}
#{155}{}{This is gonna be a tough nut to crack.}
{151}{}{ ここがKillianの雑貨屋だ。いい奴だし、品揃えも豊富だぞ。}
{152}{}{ Gizmoのカジノだ。ギャンブラーと裏社会の人間が集まる場所だ。
{153}{}{ ゾッとするよ。}
{154}{}{ ここで一体何が?}
{155}{}{ これは難儀しそうだな。}

#{156}{}{Hmm. Tempting offer, since this place gets boring. Tell ya what. Standard
# rates. 100 caps, and you've got a deal.}
#{158}{}{No thanks.}
#{159}{}{How about a piece of the action, instead?}
{156}{}{ ふむ。魅力的な申し出だ。ここにいるのも退屈してきたからな。条件
{157}{}{ 乗った。}
{158}{}{ 結構だ。}
{159}{}{ 代わりに儲けを折半てのはどうだ?}

#{160}{}{All right, I'll help you out in exchange for my share of loot.}
#{161}{}{No, I don't think so. Come back when you have some caps.}
{160}{}{ いいだろう。戦利品の折半と引き換えに力を貸そう。}
{161}{}{ いや、それではダメだ。金ができてから来てくれ。}

# float
#{162}{}{This is the Weapon Shop. It's run by Beth. She's good for guns, but
# better for gossip.}
#{163}{}{Jake's weapons. High prices, but really good guns.}
#{164}{}{Office of the Water Merchants. They're the big movers and shakers of the
# Hub, since they supply the water that keeps everything going.}
#{165}{}{This is the Crimson Caravan. I did some work for them. They do a lot of
# high-risk jobs.}
#{166}{}{Far Go Traders, run by Butch Harris. He's ot-nay oo-tay ight-bray, if you
# catch my meaning.}
#{167}{}{Ah, now the Maltese Falcon is the place to be. Good music, good drinks,
# and good company.}
{162}{}{ ここはWeapon Shop、店主はBethだ。銃に関して詳し
{163}{}{ Jakeの武器屋だ。値は張るが非常に優れた銃を扱っている。}
{164}{}{ Water Merchantsのオフィスだ。 Hubの有力者だ
{165}{}{ ここはCrimson Caravan。ここで働いていたことがあ
{166}{}{ Butch Harris率いるFar Go Tradersだ。
{167}{}{ ああ、ここが人気の店Maltese Falconだ。 上質の音

#{168}{}{That is one ugly son of a bitch!}
{168}{}{ 醜いクソ野郎だ!}

# lower left
#{169}{}{You gain 100 experience points for convincing Ian to join your quest.}
{169}{}{ 経 験 値 100 ポ イ ン ト を 得 た 。
Ian を 説 得 し て 旅 の 仲 間 に 加 え た}

# float
#{170}{}{Heard about some of these places before, but never been in one. Seems nice
# and clean . . . a little too clean for my taste.}
{170}{}{ 話には聞いた事があるが来たことは一度もない。

#{171}{}{Not that you asked me, but the man needs to give you a little breathing
# room.}
#{172}{}{Y'know, that woman couldn't lead a tango, much less a revolution.}
{171}{}{ 頼まれたからじゃあない。一息ついてもらわないといけなくなったん
{172}{}{ あのなあ。あの女はタンゴのリードもできないんだぞ。革命の指導な

# op
#{173}{}{What weapons are you skilled with?}
{173}{}{ 使い慣れている武器は?}

#{174}{}{I'm a good shot with just about any sort of pistol, and I can use a
# submachine gun, too. I also know how to handle a knife.}
{174}{}{ ピストルならどんなものでもかなりの腕だ。 サブマシンガンも使える

# Translation note
# The following line is directed at Katja, a female scavenger, not at the player.
# Ian is noting that he thinks that the Boneyard was a worse place than the
# mutants' military base.

# float
#{175}{}{I thought the Boneyard was worse.}
{175}{}{ Boneyardの方がひどいんじゃないか。}

# op
#{200}{}{Draw your best weapon next time we go into battle.}
{200}{}{ 今度戦闘になったら一番いい武器を使ってくれ。}

#{201}{}{Sure thing.}
{201}{}{ 分かった。}

#{202}{}{Can I do something for you before I go?}
#{203}{}{Um, yeah. I think we should stick together, after all.}
#{204}{}{Uh, no. Thanks.}
{202}{}{ 行く前にしておくことはあるか?}
{203}{}{ んー、そうだな。やはり一緒にいることにしよう。}
{204}{}{ いや、いい。ありがとう。}

# Ian tell-me-abouts


#{1100}{}{No idea what a water chip is. Sorry, friend.}
#{1101}{}{Happened a few decades back. Basically, a bunch of countries got kind of
# antsy, and everything went BOOM!}
#{1102}{}{A small and peaceful village. Probably the most promising community in the
# wastes.}
#{1103}{}{A medium-sized town made of junk, overseen by a sherrif named Killian. It's
# just a few days southwest of Shady Sands.}
#{1104}{}{The Hub is the biggest trading center in the New West. It's run primarily
# by a group called the Water Merchants, but there are some other traders there, too.
# It's a booming town, but there's a lot of political fighting between the traders.}
{1100}{}{ ウォーターチップが何なのか分からない。すまないな。}
{1101}{}{ 数十年前の出来事だ。要するに、色んな国でイライラが募ってドカー
{1102}{}{ 平和な小村だ。おそらくこの荒野で一番未来が明るい集落だろうね。}
{1103}{}{ ジャンクでできた中規模の町で、Killianという保安官が監督
 している。Shady Sandsから南西へほんの数日で着く。}
{1104}{}{ Hubはニューウェスト最大の交易拠点だ。一番力を持っているのは
 Water Merchantsと呼ばれるグループだが、商人は他

#{1105}{}{There are several different groups of raiders out there. The most organized
# group is called the Khans; they seem to think they can conquer the world or
# something.}
#{1106}{}{Most caravans come from the Hub. They travel all over the place. I worked
# for a group called the Crimson Caravan before my untimely injury.}
#{1107}{}{No idea what a water chip is. Sorry, friend.}
#{1108}{}{A small and peaceful village. Probably the most promising community in the
# wastes.}
#{1109}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
{1105}{}{ ならず者の集団はいくつかある。一番まとまっているのがKhans
{1106}{}{ キャラバンの大半はHubから来る。遠路はるばるね。私は折り悪く
 負傷するまでCrimson Caravanというグループで働いていた。}
{1107}{}{ ウォーターチップが何なのかわからない。すまないな。}
{1108}{}{ 平和な小村だ。おそらくこの荒野で一番未来が明るい集落だろうね。}
{1109}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}

#{1110}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1111}{}{Garl's some dumb-ass who thinks he can take over the world with his
# crummy raiders. Yeah, whatever.}
#{1112}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1113}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1114}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
{1110}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1111}{}{ Garlは、自分ところのしょうもない手勢で世界を征服できると思
{1112}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1113}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1114}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}

#{1115}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1116}{}{Isn't that the mythical city of the dead?}
#{1117}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1118}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1119}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
{1115}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1116}{}{ 架空の死者の都市のことじゃないのか?}
{1117}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1118}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1119}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}

#{1120}{}{Razlo's a great doctor. You should see him if you're hurt.}
#{1121}{}{Razlo does s good job of fixing people up, and his junja juice is well
# worth it!}
#{1122}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1123}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1124}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
{1120}{}{ Razloは優れた医者だ。怪我をしたら診てもらうといい。}
{1121}{}{ Razloの治療の腕は大したもんだ。彼のジュンジャ・ジュースは
{1122}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1123}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1124}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}

#{1125}{}{Killian's mayor of Junktown. He also runs a store there. He's a
# decent fellow. Never did any work for him, but he seems okay.}
#{1126}{}{Gizmo runs a casino in Junktown. I hear that it's rigged, though.}
#{1127}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1128}{}{The casino is Gizmo's big project in Junktown. Brings in a lot of
# tourists and money, but problems come with it.}
#{1129}{}{Killian runs a good general store in Junktown.}
{1125}{}{ KillianはJunktownの市長だ。店の経営もしている。
{1126}{}{ GizmoはJunktownでカジノを経営している。だが、イカサマ
{1127}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1128}{}{ カジノはJunktownにおけるGizmoの大事業だ。大勢の観
{1129}{}{ KillianはJunktownで雑貨屋をやっている。いい店だ。}

#{1130}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1131}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1132}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1133}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1134}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
{1130}{}{ すまんな。よく分からない。}
{1131}{}{ すまんな。よく分からない。}
{1132}{}{ すまんな。よく分からない。}
{1133}{}{ すまんな。よく分からない。}
{1134}{}{ すまんな。よく分からない。}

#{1135}{}{Yeah, there's some kids in Shady Sands. So? None of 'em are mine.}
#{1136}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1137}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1138}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1139}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
{1135}{}{ ああ、Shady Sandsにも子供がいるぞ。で?どれも俺の子
{1136}{}{ すまんな。よく分からない。}
{1137}{}{ すまんな。よく分からない。}
{1138}{}{ すまんな。よく分からない。}
{1139}{}{ すまんな。よく分からない。}

#{1141}{}{You know, we'll always have war. Just the next one's gonna be fought with
# sticks.}
#{1142}{}{I saw some weird things when I was guarding caravans for the Hub.
# Mutated coyotes and mantises and scorpions and such.}
#{1143}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1144}{}{They're a sorry group of raiders who attack Shady Sands and think that
# they're gonna take over the world or some such crap.}
#{1145}{}{She's Aradesh's daughter. She's pretty sweet, but I've got someone
# waiting for me back home.}
{1141}{}{ まあ、今後も戦争は起こるだろうが。ただ、次の戦争は棒を得物に戦
{1142}{}{ Hubへ向かうキャラバンのガード中に得体の知れないものを見たこ
{1143}{}{ すまんな。よく分からない。}
{1144}{}{ Shady Sandsを襲い世界を征服するだか何だかバカなこと
{1145}{}{ Aradeshの娘だ。とてもかわいい娘だが、私には帰りを待って

#{1146}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1147}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1148}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1149}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1150}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
{1146}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1147}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1148}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1149}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1150}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}

#{1151}{}{Got any beer?}
#{1152}{}{I used some Psycho once on a caravan raid. It made me twitchy. Odd.}
#{1153}{}{Seth is the captain of the guards. Between you and me, he couldn't
# guard a fruit if it was nailed to his leg.}
#{1154}{}{Aradesh is the leader of Shady Sands. A kind and patient man, although
# he's kinda looney.}
#{1155}{}{Hey, if you need help, Razlo's the man to see. He's a great doctor.}
{1151}{}{ ビールあるか?}
{1152}{}{ キャラバンにいた頃Psychoを使ったことがある。使用後はイラ
{1153}{}{ Sethは自警団の長だ。ここだけの話、果物に目がないから果物を
{1154}{}{ AradeshはShady Sandsの長だ。温和で忍耐強い人
{1155}{}{ おい、もし助けが必要ならRazloを頼るといい。素晴らしい医者だ。}

#{1156}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1157}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1158}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1159}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1160}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
{1156}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1157}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1158}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1159}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1160}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}

#{1161}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1162}{}{I dunno. I think there's something to it, yeah, but there's
# just not enough evidence.}
#{1163}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1164}{}{Sorry, bud. Don't know much.}
#{1165}{}{Some merchants come from the Hub to trade with Junktown. That's all
# I know.}
{1161}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1162}{}{ 分からない。不思議な力が存在するとは思うが、うーん、十分な証拠
{1163}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1164}{}{ すまんな、よく分からない。}
{1165}{}{ HubからJunktownへ取引しにやって来る商人もいる。分か


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