# Messages from stat.c

#{107}{}{Maximum Hit Points}
#{108}{}{Maximum Action Points}
#{109}{}{Armor Class}
#{110}{}{Unarmed Damage}
#{111}{}{Melee Damage}
#{112}{}{Carry Weight}
#{114}{}{Healing Rate}
#{115}{}{Critical Chance}
#{116}{}{Better Criticals}
{116}{}{Better Criticals}

#{117}{}{Damage Threshold}
#{118}{}{Damage Threshold Laser}
#{119}{}{Damage Threshold Fire}
#{120}{}{Damage Threshold Plasma}
#{121}{}{Damage Threshold Electrical}
#{122}{}{Damage Threshold EMP}
#{123}{}{Damage Threshold Explosion}
{118}{}{ダメージ閾値 レーザー}
{119}{}{ダメージ閾値 炎}
{120}{}{ダメージ閾値 プラズマ}
{121}{}{ダメージ閾値 電気}
{122}{}{ダメージ閾値 EMP}
{123}{}{ダメージ閾値 爆発}

#{124}{}{Damage Resistance}
#{125}{}{Damage Resistance Laser}
#{126}{}{Damage Resistance Fire}
#{127}{}{Damage Resistance Plasma}
#{128}{}{Damage Resistance Electrical}
#{129}{}{Damage Resistance EMP}
#{130}{}{Damage Resistance Explosion}
#{131}{}{Radiation Resistance}
#{132}{}{Poison Resistance}
{125}{}{ダメージ耐性 レーザー}
{126}{}{ダメージ耐性 炎}
{127}{}{ダメージ耐性 プラズマ}
{128}{}{ダメージ耐性 電気}
{129}{}{ダメージ耐性 EMP}
{130}{}{ダメージ耐性 爆発}
{131}{}{ 放射線耐性}

#{135}{}{Current Hit Points}
#{136}{}{Current Poison Level}
#{137}{}{Current Radiation Level}
# @ Basic stats @
# Strength
#{200}{}{Raw physical strength. A high Strength is good for physical characters.
# Modifies: Hit Points, Melee Damage, and Carry Weight.}
# Perception
#{201}{}{The ability to see, hear, taste and notice unusual things. A high
# Perception is important for a sharpshooter.  Modifies: Sequence and ranged combat distance modifiers.}
# Endurance
#{202}{}{Stamina and physical toughness. A character with a high Endurance
# will survive where others may not. Modifies: Hit Points, Poison & Radiation
# Resistance, Healing Rate, and the additional hit points per level.}
{202}{}{持久力と肉体のタフさ。 Endurance が高いキャラクターであれば、
     ■修正■ ヒットポイント、毒物耐性、放射線耐性、回復速度、レベルごとの追加ヒットポイント}
# Charisma
#{203}{}{A combination of appearance and charm. A high Charisma is important
# for characters that want to influence people with words. Modifies: NPC reactions,
# and barter prices.}
言葉で人々を動かしたいのならば、 Charisma の高さがポイントとなる。
# Intelligence
#{204}{}{Knowledge, wisdom and the ability to think quickly. A high Intelligence
# is important for any character. Modifies: the number of new skill points per
# level, dialogue options, and many skills.}
どのようなタイプのキャラクターであっても、 Intelligence が高いに越したことはない。
# Agility
#{205}{}{Coordination and the ability to move well. A high Agility is important
# for any active character. Modifies: Action Points, Armor Class, Sequence, and many skills.}
キャラクターに積極的に行動させたければ、 Agility の高さが重要となる。
# Luck
#{206}{}{Fate. Karma. An extremely high or low Luck will affect the character
# - somehow. Events and situations will be changed by how lucky (or unlucky) your character is.}
{206}{}{運命。カルマ。 Luck が高低問わず極端に偏っている場合、キャラクターに「何らかの」影響がでてくる。
# Derived/Non Derived stats
# Maximum Hit Points
#{207}{}{How much damage your character can take before dying.  If you reach
# 0 HP or less, you are dead.}
# Maximum Action Points
#{208}{}{The number of actions that the character can take during one combat turn.}
# Armor Class
#{209}{}{Modifies the chance to hit this particular character.}
# Unarmed Damage
# Melee Damage
#{210}{}{The amount of bonus damage your character does in hand-to-hand combat.}
#{211}{}{The amount of bonus damage your character does in hand-to-hand combat.}
# Carry Weight
#{212}{}{The maximum amount of equipment your character can carry, in pounds.}
# Sequence
#{213}{}{Determines how soon in a combat turn your character can react.}
# Healing Rate
#{214}{}{At the end of each day, your character will heal 1 HP for
# each point of Healing Rate.  When you rest, you heal every six hours.}
# Critical Chance
#{215}{}{The chance to cause a critical hit in combat is increased by this amount.}
#{216}{}{Better Criticals}
#{217}{}{Damage Threshold}
#{218}{}{Damage Threshold Laser}
#{219}{}{Damage Threshold Fire}
#{220}{}{Damage Threshold Plasma}
#{221}{}{Damage Threshold Electrical}
#{222}{}{Damage Threshold EMP}
#{223}{}{Damage Threshold Explosion}
{216}{}{Better Criticals}
{218}{}{ダメージ閾値 レーザー}
{219}{}{ダメージ閾値 炎}
{220}{}{ダメージ閾値 プラズマ}
{221}{}{ダメージ閾値 電気}
{222}{}{ダメージ閾値 EMP}
{223}{}{ダメージ閾値 爆発}
# Damage Resistance
#{224}{}{Any damage taken is reduced by this amount.
# Damage Resistance can be increased by wearing armor.}
#{225}{}{Damage Resistance Laser}
#{226}{}{Damage Resistance Fire}
#{227}{}{Damage Resistance Plasma}
#{228}{}{Damage Resistance Electrical}
#{229}{}{Damage Resistance EMP}
#{230}{}{Damage Resistance Explosion}
{225}{}{ダメージ耐性 レーザー}
{226}{}{ダメージ耐性 炎}
{227}{}{ダメージ耐性 プラズマ}
{228}{}{ダメージ耐性 電気}
{229}{}{ダメージ耐性 EMP}
{230}{}{ダメージ耐性 爆発}
# Radiation Resistance
#{231}{}{The amount of radiation you are exposed to is reduced by this percentage.
# Radiation Resistance can be modified by the type of armor worn, and anti-radiation chems.}
# Poison Resistance
#{232}{}{Reduces poison damage by this amount.}
#{235}{}{Current Hit Points}
#{236}{}{Current Poison Level}
#{237}{}{Current Radiation Level}

#{301}{}{V. Bad}
#{307}{}{V. Good}         # Abbreviated for character editor
#{400}{}{Unspent Skill Points}
# Unspent Skill Points
#{500}{}{Points earned by going up a Level.
# Can be used to increase a skill by 1%, or a tag skill by 2%, per point spent.}
# Level
#{501}{}{The general competency of the player character. A measure of your experience and abilities.}
# Experience
#{502}{}{A reward for completing specific tasks, or defeating enemies in combat.
# More experience points are required to attain higher Levels.}
# Reputation
#{503}{}{What the world knows of your actions and deeds. This will modify NPC reactions.}
# Karma
#{504}{}{The effects of actions that you have taken.  Important information will be displayed.}
#  Experience-gain messages
#{600}{}{You have gone up a level.}
{600}{}{ レ ベ ル が 上 が っ た}


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