# (36) Doc Morbid's assistant, Flash, from Junktown

# float
#{100}{}{Watch yourself around the Doc, and I won't have
# to get medieval on your face.}
{100}{}{ Docの前では慎重に振舞えよ。俺に顔をボコボコにされたくなかったらな。}

#{101}{}{We're closed. Come back later.}
#{102}{}{I gotta see the Doc.}
#{103}{}{OK, will do.}
#{104}{}{It is very important that I see the doctor.}
{101}{}{ 時間外だ。またにしてくれ。}
{102}{}{ Docに会わせてくれ。}
{103}{}{ 分かった。そうするよ。}
{104}{}{ どうしてもドクに会わなければならないんだ。}
{105}{}{ んーー}

# float
#{106}{}{Nice weather we're having, huh?}
{106}{}{ いい天気だな、ええ?}

# float
#{107}{}{That's just too bad. Get out of here, and don't come
# back until morning. This office isn't open at night.}
{107}{}{ 残念だったな。帰った帰った。朝になるまで来るんじゃないぞ。夜間はやってないからな。}

#{108}{}{Hold on a second, I gotta check with the Doc.}
{108}{}{ ちょっと待っててくれ。Docに聞いてくる。}

#{109}{}{What do you want now?}
#{110}{}{I gotta see the Doc.}
#{111}{}{Is the doctor available?}
{109}{}{ 今度は何の用だ?}
{110}{}{ Docに会わせてくれ。}
{111}{}{ ドクはいますか?}
{112}{}{ んーー}

#{113}{}{No way. The Doc is sleeping. Come back later.}
{113}{}{ ダメだな。Docは睡眠中だ。また後で来い。}

#{114}{}{I dunno, why don't you talk to him yourself.}
{114}{}{ 知るか。直接言えばいいだろ。}

#{115}{}{Yeah, OK. Get out.}
{115}{}{ あーそうか。帰れ。}

#{116}{}{Hey, this is private property. You'd better be leaving, now.}
#{117}{}{Eat my dung.}
#{118}{}{If you don't get out of my way, you'll be needing the
# doctor for personal reasons.}
{116}{}{ おい、ここは私有地だぞ。出て行くんだ。ほら。}
{117}{}{ クソ喰らえ。}
{118}{}{ 私の前から消えないと、個人的に医者を呼ぶはめになるぞ。}

#{119}{}{Don't you know that women are the weaker sex?}
#{120}{}{Think I'm weak? Watch this then . . .}
#{121}{}{I'll just be leaving.}
{119}{}{ 知らんのか。女は男より劣ってるんだぞ。}
{120}{}{ 私が劣ってるって?しっかり見とくんだね・・・}
{121}{}{ もう帰る。}

#{122}{}{Take your puny threats and run home to mamma. You're talking
# to a real man here.}
#{123}{}{Think I'm weak? Watch this then . . .}
#{124}{}{I'll just be leaving.}
{122}{}{ 可愛らしいメンチだなおい。ママのところにとっとと帰れ。今お前と話
{123}{}{ 私が劣ってるって?しっかり見とくんだね・・・}
{124}{}{ もう帰る。}

#{125}{}{Whoa! If you really want to see him, go right ahead.}
{125}{}{ おおっと!どうしても会いたいんなら、右へ進んでくれ。}

# op
#{126}{}{Well, when is the doctor here?}
{126}{}{ じゃあ、何時ならいるんだ?}

#{127}{}{The doc sees patients from 8 to 5. Now get outta here.}
{127}{}{ 診察時間は8時から5時までだ。ほら、帰った帰った。}

# op
#{128}{}{When is the doctor here?}
{128}{}{ 何時ならいるんだ?}


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