
# (623) Skulk in Boneyard area
{1199}{}{ [教えられること:Water, War, Shady, Junktown, Hub, Raiders, Caravans,
Chip, Sands, Followers, Cathedral, Garl, Master, Unity, Set, Watershed,
Necropolis, hall, Library, Overseer, Medic, Healing, Vault, Vault13,
Killian, Gizmo, boneyard, Casino, Store, Deathclaw, Exodus, Initiates,
Paladins, Scribes, Children, Brotherhood, Vats, Military, Base,
Apocalypse, Mutants, Morpheus, Khans, Tandi, Alya, Diana, Gwen, Petrox,
Tolya, Booze, Drugs, Seth, Aradesh, Razlo, Zimmerman, Regulators, Scavs,
Blades, Nicole, Lieutenant, Psychics, Experiments, Police, Merchants]}

#{100}{}{You see a slender young woman with a smudged face and dark clothing.}
#{101}{}{You see Katja, the thief.}
{100}{}{You see a slender young woman with a smudged face and dark clothing.}
{101}{}{ 盗 人 の Katja だ}

#{102}{}{You're not from around here. Who're you?}
{102}{}{ この辺の人間じゃないね。誰だい?}

# The player-character's name is inserted between lines 103 and 104 by the code.

#{103}{}{The name's }
#{105}{}{I'm a traveler.}
#{106}{}{I might ask the same of you.}
{103}{}{ 名前は}
{104}{}{ だ。}
{105}{}{ 旅をしている。}
{106}{}{ 同じ質問をさせてもらおうか。}

#{107}{}{And what, may I ask, are you doing in the Boneyards?}
#{108}{}{You ask a lot of questions.}
#{109}{}{First you tell me who you are.}
#{110}{}{I'm just an explorer.}
#{111}{}{I'm looking for a replacement water chip for my Vault.}
{107}{}{ で、Boneyardで何をしているのか聞かせてもらえるかい。}
{108}{}{ 質問ばかりだな。}
{109}{}{ 先に君が誰か教えてくれ。}
{110}{}{ ちょっと探検しているだけだ。}
{111}{}{ 私のVaultでウォーターチップの代えがいるので探している。}

#{112}{}{You learn to be careful out here. So what are you doing here?}
{112}{}{ 口のきき方に気をつけな。で、ここで何を?}

#{113}{}{All right, fair enough. I'm called Katja. What's it matter to you?}
#{114}{}{Why so hostile?}
#{115}{}{Hey, if you're going to be rude about it, then I'll see you later.}
#{116}{}{I'm looking for information. Can you help?}
{113}{}{ そう、まあいいわ。私はKatjaと呼ばれている。それが何か?}
{114}{}{ なんかトゲトゲしいな。}
{115}{}{ おい、そんな失礼な態度をとるんだったら行かせてもらうぞ。}
{116}{}{ 知りたいことがある。教えてもらえないか?}

#{117}{}{You might, but you're on my home turf, not vice-versa. So put up or
# shut up.}
#{118}{}{It's not important, I'm just a traveler. I need some information.}
{117}{}{ かもね。でもここは私の縄張りであって、あんたのじゃあない。こっ
{118}{}{ そんなことはどうでもいい、私はただの旅人だからな。ちょっと知

#{119}{}{A water purification chip? Sorry, don't know anything about that. Don't
# see much of that kind of tech here in the Boneyards, except maybe the stuff
# Miles works on.}
#{120}{}{Well, thanks anyhow.}
#{121}{}{Miles? Where can I find him, and could he help?}
#{122}{}{Can you tell me more about the Boneyards, then?}
{119}{}{ 水質浄化チップ?悪いね、何も分からないわ。Boneyardじゃ
{120}{}{ そうか、ともかく礼を言う。}
{121}{}{ Miles?どこに行けば会える?力を貸してくれそうな人物なのか?}
{122}{}{ ではBoneyardについてもっと教えてくれないか。}

#{123}{}{Just a traveler. I've heard that one before. Nobody comes to the
# Boneyard except those Hub merchants and people looking for a quick death at the
# hands of the gangs. What are you really here for?}
#{124}{}{You're right. I'm looking for a water purification chip.}
#{125}{}{I don't need to tell you anything.}
{123}{}{ ただの旅人ねぇ。さっきも聞いたよ。Boneyardに来るのはH
{124}{}{ そうだな。私は水質浄化チップを探している。}
{125}{}{ 話すことは何もない。}

#{126}{}{Damn straight. But that's a two-way street.}
{126}{}{ はっ、違いない。でも会話ってのはキャッチボールだよ。}

#{127}{}{Maybe. You definitely aren't one of those gangland shiv-shovers. What
# do you want?}
#{128}{}{I'm looking for a water purification chip.}
#{129}{}{I need more information about the Boneyard.}
#{130}{}{I need to know about the area around this city.}
{127}{}{ まあいいわ。あんたがこの土地のチンピラでないのは間違いないし。
{128}{}{ 水質浄化チップを探しているんだが。}
{129}{}{ Boneyardについてもっと教えてほしい。}
{130}{}{ この街周辺のことを教えてほしい。}

# op
#{131}{}{What can you tell me about the Blades?}
#{132}{}{What can you tell me about the Rippers?}
#{133}{}{What can you tell me about the Gun Runners?}
#{134}{}{What can you tell me about the Followers?}
#{135}{}{What can you tell me about Adytum?}
#{136}{}{Well, it was nice chatting. Gotta go.}
{131}{}{ Bladesのことを教えてくれ。}
{132}{}{ Rippersのことを教えてくれ。}
{133}{}{ Gun Runnersのことを教えてくれ。}
{134}{}{ Followersのことを教えてくれ。}
{135}{}{ Adytumのことを教えてくれ。}
{136}{}{ 話せて楽しかったよ。それじゃ。}

#{137}{}{Miles lives in Adytum. He's a scientist, mostly working with chemistry.
# If anyone could scrounge up a water chip or make a replacement, it would be him.}
#{138}{}{Thanks very much.}
{137}{}{ MilesはAdytumに住んでる。科学者で、大抵は化学関係の
{138}{}{ どうもありがとう。}

#{139}{}{Adytum is my original home. A little too boring for me, though. It's a
# fenced-off and self-sufficient town in the south end of the Boneyard, but not as
# far as the Cathedral. We trade sometimes with the Hub.}
{139}{}{ 私はAdytumの生まれなんだけど、ちょっと退屈すぎるわ。フェ

#{140}{}{I've dealt with them before. They're not too bad, as far as gangs go.
# They have a hide-out in an old club, with some outposts. If you're careful you
# might even be able to get some of them to talk.}
{140}{}{ 以前取引したことがある。ギャングだって前提で考えたらそれほど悪

#{141}{}{The Rippers are just plain ferocious. They're an inbred bunch that
# delights in torture and murder. I stay away from them, and you should, too.
# They actually put fuckin' land mines around their fortress.}
{141}{}{ Rippersは単純明快極悪非道。生まれつき拷問と殺人に楽しみ

#{142}{}{The Gun Runners used to be a real gang, but they went soft. They started
# setting up a deal where they trade weapons that they get from their victims or buy
# from the Hub. Since nobody here is up for the trip to the Hub personally, they do
# pretty good business, even though their prices are high.}
{142}{}{ Gun Runnersもかつては正真正銘のギャングだったんだけ

#{143}{}{The Followers of the Apocalypse are a group of peace-preachers who live in
# a large library near the heart of the Boneyard. Why they haven't been wiped out
# yet I can't say. They are lousy combatants and have no understanding of the real
# world, but other than that they are polite and well-educated.}
{143}{}{ Followers of the Apocalypseは平和平

#{144}{}{The Boneyard is a pretty hostile place. I've never had the opportunity to
# leave, though I suppose I'd take it. Let's see . . . just south of here you have
# the Cathedral. There's some sort of cult there, but I stay away from them.
# Something sinister is going on there. Also, I've heard about the trading center
# called the Hub, and caravans occasionally show up, but I've never been there.}
#{145}{}{I don't plan to stay in this place too much longer, myself.}
#{146}{}{Thanks for the information.}
#{147}{}{Can you tell me some more?}
{144}{}{ Boneyardで誰かに歓げいされるってことはまずないね。出て
{145}{}{ 私自身はここにそれほど長居するつもりはない。}
{146}{}{ 教えてくれてありがとう。}
{147}{}{ 他にも教えてほしいことが。}

#{148}{}{No kidding. If you're looking for another hand, I'll sign on. Better than
# spending the rest of my existence in this hellhole, right?}
#{149}{}{You're a welcome addition, but the desert's not much more fun.}
#{150}{}{Don't worry about it. Thanks anyhow.}
#{151}{}{Can I ask some more questions first?}
{148}{}{ そりゃそうよね。もし人手がいるんだったら私が契約書にサインする
{149}{}{ 仲間になってくれるのは嬉しいんだが、砂漠もそんなに楽しいもん
{150}{}{ 余計な心配はしなくていい。ともかく礼を言っておく。}
{151}{}{ その前に他にも質問していいかい。}

#{152}{}{This area's overrun with the three gangs - the Blades, Rippers, and Gun
# Runners - as well as serving as home for the Followers and for my own home,
# Adytum.}
{152}{}{ この辺りをシメているのは3つのギャング団――Blades、Ri
  ppers、Gun Runnersね。Followersの本拠

#{153}{}{All right, looks like we've got a little ass-kicking to do!}
{153}{}{ 大丈夫よ。どうやら楽しめそうね!}

#{154}{}{Look, 90% of the people in this city fall into one or more of three
# categories - rapists, murderers, or thieves. I'm a thief and you actually seem
# polite, so that makes me wonder, okay? Call it a survival instinct.}
#{155}{}{Sorry to step on your feet then. I guess I'll just go the hell away.}
#{156}{}{Well, can I at least ask a few questions?}
#{157}{}{I'm not from around here, so I don't think I count.}
{154}{}{ あのね、この街の人間の90%は強姦魔、殺人犯、盗人の3つの内1つ
  以上に該当するんだよ。 私は盗人、一方あんたはまともな人間っぽ
{155}{}{ 不快にさせて申し訳ない。すぐ立ち去ることにするよ。}
{156}{}{ えーと、少しでいいので質問させてもらえないかな。}
{157}{}{ 私はこの辺りの人間じゃないから、その数には入らないんじゃない

#{158}{}{Okay, but make it quick.}
{158}{}{ いいわよ、手短にね。}

#{159}{}{Huh. Guess I can't argue with that logic. So waddya want?}
#{160}{}{Can I ask you some questions?}
#{161}{}{I'm looking for a water purification chip. Can you help?}
#{162}{}{Thanks anyhow, but I'll be going now.}
{159}{}{ ふん。そんな屁理屈には付き合えないね。で、用件は。}
{160}{}{ 聞きたいことがある。}
{161}{}{ 水質浄化チップを探している。何か知らないか?}
{162}{}{ ともかく礼を言う。そろそろ行くよ。}

#{163}{}{What's up?}
#{164}{}{Can you give this lock a try?}
#{165}{}{Can you take a look at this trap?}
#{166}{}{Any advice?}
#{167}{}{Thanks for your help. You can go now.}
#{168}{}{Nothing yet. But stay tuned.}
{163}{}{ どうかした?}
{164}{}{ 鍵を開けてくれ。}
{165}{}{ 罠を調べてくれ。}
{166}{}{ どうしようか。}
{167}{}{ 力を貸してくれてありがとう。ここで別れよう。}
{168}{}{ 何でもない。そのままでよろしく。}

#{169}{}{You again? What're you back for now?}
#{170}{}{Just wanted to stop and say hello.}
#{171}{}{I have a few more questions if you can spare some time.}
{169}{}{ また来たの?今度は何の用?}
{170}{}{ 挨拶しに立ち寄っただけだ。}
{171}{}{ 時間をもらえるならいくつか聞きたいことがあるんだけど。}

# float
#{172}{}{It's unlocked.}
#{173}{}{There's something funny about that bookcase on the east wall. Looks like
# it's hiding something.}
{172}{}{ 外れたよ。}
{173}{}{ 東壁の本棚が変な感じね。何か隠してるみたい。}

# op
#{174}{}{Put your weapons away.}
{174}{}{ 武器をしまってくれ。}

#{175}{}{I hate dogs.}
{175}{}{ 犬は大嫌いだ。}

# float
#{176}{}{That food smells good.}
{176}{}{ おいしそうな匂い。}

# op
#{177}{}{What kinds of combat skills do you have?}
{177}{}{ どんな戦闘スキルを身に付けている?}

#{178}{}{I learned how to be a scrapper from my time in the Boneyard. I'm good with
# knives and submachine guns. My favorite is throwing knives, of course.}
{178}{}{ Boneyardにいた頃スクラップ屋としてやっていく術を身に付

#{179}{}{All right, although I don't feel right without a good knife.}
{179}{}{ 分かった。ナイフ無しじゃいい気分はしないけどね。}

# lower left
#{180}{}{You gain 200 experience points for picking up Katja, the Boneyard scav.}
{180}{}{ 経 験 値 200 ポ イ ン ト を 得 た 。
Boneyard の ス カ ベ ン ジ ャ ー Katja を 仲 間 に し た}

#{181}{}{What do you want now?}
#{182}{}{I changed my mind. I'd still like your help.}
#{183}{}{Nothing. Never mind.}
{181}{}{ 今度は何?}
{182}{}{ 気が変わった。やっぱり力を貸してほしい。}
{183}{}{ いや、何でもない。}

# float
#{184}{}{I'm really starting to hate this place.}
#{186}{}{Oh, ugh. I think I'm gonna be sick.}
#{187}{}{Hey, that wall with the tear in the plaster looks like it could move.}
#{188}{}{Watch out for Deathclaws!}
{184}{}{ 何だかムカつく場所ねえ。}
{186}{}{ ウエーッ。このままじゃ吐きそう。}
{187}{}{ ちょっと、その割れ目のある壁動きそうよ。}
{188}{}{ Deathclawに気をつけて。}

#{185}{}{Wow. I wish I had a hot dog and a really long stick.}
{185}{}{ わぉ。すっごい長いホットドッグがここにあったらよかったのに。}

# op
#{189}{}{Hubba hubba!}
{189}{}{ ふっば ふっば!}
{190}{}{ かえる!}

#{191}{}{I'm sorry but I just don't understand you.  Good bye.}
{191}{}{ 悪いけど何言ってるのか分からないわ。じゃあね。}

# Katja tell-me-abouts

#{980}{}{I don't know anything about that.}
#{981}{}{I can't really say I have heard of that.}
#{982}{}{No, I have not heard of that.}
{980}{}{ 何も分からない。}
{981}{}{ うーん、聞いたことがないね。}
{982}{}{ いや、聞いたことない。}


#{1100}{}{I don't know where you could find such a relic of old technology.}
#{1101}{}{The Angel's Boneyard is all that's left of the old city of Los Angeles.
# Mostly divided among warring factions, these days.}
#{1102}{}{The War brought misery and death all over the world. I sure hope that
# something like that never happens again. But from what I've seen, there's not
# much hope for humanity.}
#{1103}{}{Adytum used to be my home, but those people are just too paranoid and
# reclusive. They'll never survive by withdrawing from the world.}
#{1104}{}{The Followers of the Apocalypse preach peace and tolerance. Too bad it
# just doesn't cut it in this world.}
{1100}{}{ そんな過去のテクノロジーの遺物、どこで手に入るのやら。}
{1101}{}{ Angel’s Boneyardは、かつてLos Angels
{1102}{}{ 戦争は世界中に不幸と死をもたらした。二度と起こらないことを心の
{1103}{}{ 以前Adytumに住んでいたけど、あそこの住人はちょっと被害妄
{1104}{}{ Followers of the Apocalypseは平和と

#{1105}{}{The Cathedral is a monumental structure south of Adytum by about a day's
# walk or so. It's run by a weird cult that worships some sort of dark god.}
#{1106}{}{I don't know where you could find such a relic of old technology.}
#{1107}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1108}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1109}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
{1105}{}{ Cathedralは、Adytumから南へ1日かそこら歩いた所
{1106}{}{ そんな過去のテクノロジーの遺物、どこで手に入るのやら。}
{1107}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1108}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1109}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}

#{1110}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1111}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1112}{}{What, the city of the dead? Isn't that a myth?}
#{1113}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1114}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
{1110}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1111}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1112}{}{ は?死者の街?作り話じゃないの?}
{1113}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1114}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}

#{1115}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1116}{}{The Followers have a medic on hand at all times.}
#{1117}{}{You should go see the medic at the Followers if you need healing.}
#{1118}{}{Weren't the Vaults like big underground shelters?}
#{1119}{}{Weren't the Vaults like big underground shelters?}
{1115}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1116}{}{ Followersにはいつでも医者がいる。}
{1117}{}{ 治療が必要なら、Followersの医者に診てもらって来るといい。}
{1118}{}{ Vaultって巨大な地下シェルターとかじゃなかったっけ。}
{1119}{}{ Vaultって巨大な地下シェルターとかじゃなかったっけ。}

#{1120}{}{Weren't the Vaults like big underground shelters?}
#{1121}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1122}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1123}{}{Um, small town north of the Hub, I think.}
#{1124}{}{Shady what?}
{1120}{}{ Vaultって巨大な地下シェルターとかじゃなかったっけ。}
{1121}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1122}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1123}{}{ えーと、確かHubの北にある小さな町だっけ。}
{1124}{}{ ん?Shady何?}

#{1125}{}{Shady Sands? Never heard of it.}
#{1126}{}{The Hub's a huge trading center, with all sorts of stores and merchants.}
#{1127}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1128}{}{The Gun Runners sell stuff, and there's a store in Adytum.}
#{1129}{}{Ugh! The Deathclaws are all over in the Boneyard. I'd rather not even
# think about them. Huge and aptly named.}
{1125}{}{ Shady Sands?一度も聞いたことないね。}
{1126}{}{ Hubは一大通商都市だね。ありとあらゆる物が売ってるよ。}
{1127}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1128}{}{ Gun Runnersが物売ってるよ。Adytumにも店がある。}
{1129}{}{ っ。DeathclawはBoneyardのいたる所にいる。考え

#{1130}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1131}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1132}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1133}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1134}{}{I don't like kids.}
{1130}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1131}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1132}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1133}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1134}{}{ 子供は好きじゃない。}

#{1136}{}{I hear they're some sort of high-tech monks.}
#{1137}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1138}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1139}{}{I suppose there must be some remnants of the old military.}
#{1141}{}{You mean the big war? Wow, you sure have led a sheltered life if you
# don't know anything about that.}
{1136}{}{ ハイテク修道士ってな感じらしいね。}
{1137}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1138}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1139}{}{ 昔の軍隊の名残は間違いなくあるだろうね。}
{1141}{}{ 大戦のこと言ってんの?ハハッ、何一つ知らないってんだったら今ま

#{1142}{}{I've seen a rat with three eyes once. That's about all I know about
# mutants.}
#{1143}{}{I think he's a High Priest for the Cathedral, or something.}
#{1144}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1145}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1146}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
{1142}{}{ 三つ目のネズミを見たことがあるね。ミュータントについて知ってい
{1143}{}{ CathedralのHigh Priestか何かだったかな。}
{1144}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1145}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1146}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}

#{1147}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1148}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1149}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1150}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1151}{}{No thanks.}
{1147}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1148}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1149}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1150}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1151}{}{ いいえ、結構。}

#{1152}{}{Ugh. No, I'd rather not. I watched a friend die from an overdose of
# Psycho once. Not pretty.}
#{1153}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1154}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1155}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1156}{}{He's the mayor of Adytum. A fair, if somewhat vacillating, man.}
{1152}{}{ うっ。ごめん被るわ。 Psychoの過剰摂取で死んだ友達がいて
{1153}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1154}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1155}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1156}{}{ Adytumの町長。煮え切らないところはあるけど、公明正大な人

#{1157}{}{They watch over Adytum and keep it under control.}
#{1158}{}{I used to be a scav. We'd go out at night and try to find useful
# stuff in the ruins of the Boneyard. Very dangerous job. I got sick of Adytum,
# though.}
#{1159}{}{They're a group of cast-offs who live outside of Adytum.}
#{1160}{}{She's the leader of the Followers. An intelligent woman, and good
# hearted, too.}
#{1161}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
{1157}{}{ Adytumの「お守り」。町を支配してる連中よ。}
{1158}{}{ 私は以前スカベンジャーをやってたわ。夜中に出かけてBoneya
{1159}{}{ Adytumの外で暮らしているはぐれ者の集団。}
{1160}{}{ Followersの指導者。頭が良くて気も優しい女性ね。}
{1161}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}

#{1162}{}{I get "feminine intuition" occasionally, if that's what you mean.}
#{1163}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1164}{}{I don't know any more about that than you do.}
#{1165}{}{Merchants trade with Adytum occasionally, and sell to the Gun Runners.}
{1162}{}{ 「女の直感」なら時々ひらめくわよ。ん、そういうことじゃない?}
{1163}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1164}{}{ あんたが知ってる以上のことは知らないよ。}
{1165}{}{ Adytumとたまに取引してみたり、Gun Runnersに卸してみたり。}


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