# (80) Larry the super mutant
{1199}{}{ [教えられること:Chip, Necropolis, Set, Watershed, Hall, Lou, Ghouls, Normals]}

#{100}{}{You have enraged Larry.}
#{101}{}{You see Larry.}
{100}{}{ Larry を 激 怒 さ せ て し ま っ た}
{101}{}{ Larry だ}

# float
#{102}{}{If you disturb the boss, he's gonna hit you.}
#{103}{}{Humans are not allowed in Necropolis. You're coming with me.}
{102}{}{ ボスの邪魔をしたらぶん殴られるぞ。}
{103}{}{ 人間はNecropolis立ち入り禁止だ。ちょっと来い。}

#{104}{}{But . . .}
{104}{}{ ちょ・・・}
{105}{}{ 嫌だね。}
{106}{}{ フン!!}

# float
#{107}{}{Die human!}
{107}{}{ 死ね、人間!}

#{108}{}{The mutant ignores you.}
{108}{}{ ミ ュ ー タ ン ト に 無 視 さ れ た}

# Tell me about


#{1100}{}{I dunno.}
#{1101}{}{Yer standin in it.}
#{1102}{}{He's a wus. We should just wipe out him and his ghouls.}
#{1103}{}{That's here.}
#{1104}{}{I dunno.}
#{1105}{}{He Harry's boss.}
#{1106}{}{Wimpy things.}
#{1107}{}{Wimpier than ghouls.}
{1100}{}{ 知らん。}
{1101}{}{ 今お前が立っとる。}
{1102}{}{ 腰抜け。奴ともどもグールなんぞ皆殺しにしちまいてぇぇ。}
{1103}{}{ ここだ。}
{1104}{}{ 知らん。}
{1105}{}{ Harryのボス。}
{1106}{}{ 弱い連中。}
{1107}{}{ グールよりも弱い。}


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