
# (81) the ghoul leader in Necropolis
{1199}{}{ [教えられること:Set, Master, Water, Watershed, Hall, Necropolis, Chip]}

#{100}{}{You see the ghoul leader.}
{100}{}{ グ ー ル の 長 だ}

#{101}{}{Thank you for not shooting first. Can I help you with anything?}
#{102}{}{Yes, I'm looking for water.}
#{103}{}{Sure, who are you?}
{101}{}{ まずは撃たないでくれたことに感謝しとく。何か力になれるかな。}
{102}{}{ 水を探している。}
{103}{}{ うむ、あなたは?}
{104}{}{ ない}

#{105}{}{Ahh, if you like you may rest here, we will not harm you.}
{105}{}{ ああ、ここで休みたいということじゃったら、こちらも何もせんよ。}
{106}{}{ あー}

#{107}{}{I am the leader of a simple people who have left the surface
# because of the others.}
#{108}{}{Who has forced you down here?}
#{109}{}{Geez, that's pretty dumb.}
#{110}{}{Hmm. Ok. Bye.}
{107}{}{ 地上に残った者たちのせいで地上を離れることになった民をまとめて
{108}{}{ 誰のせいで地下に来るハメに?}
{109}{}{ おやおや、随分間抜けな話だな。}
{110}{}{ ふーん、そう。じゃあな。}

#{111}{}{The surface of Necropolis and the water is controlled
# by Set and his Ghouls. We are a much more peaceful group - which
# disgusts Set.}
#{112}{}{Who is this Set?}
#{113}{}{Well, I've taken care of Set. He won't bother you further.}
#{114}{}{How then do you survive down here without water?}
#{115}{}{Well I sure wouldn't like a bunch of pansies either, Set
# sounds like an OK guy.}
{111}{}{ Necropolisの地表と水を支配しているのはSetと配下の
{112}{}{ そのSetとは何者だ?}
{113}{}{ ああ、Setなら私が始末した。もう煩わされることもないだろうよ。}
{114}{}{ じゃあ水もないのにこんな地下でどうやって生きているんだ?}
{115}{}{ オカマどもの相手なんぞしたくないね。Setはどうやらまともな奴

#{116}{}{Set is a Ghoul like us, but has assumed a certain amount of
# power in the above ground world. He is an oaf.}
#{117}{}{He sounds a lot more interesting than you freaks.}
#{118}{}{Why does he let you survive down here?}
{116}{}{ Setは私たち同様グールなんじゃが、地表でそれなりの権力を握っ
{117}{}{ お前たちみたいな変人どもよりよっぽど面白みがありそうだな。}
{118}{}{ 地下で生かされているのは何故だ?}

#{119}{}{He does not speak of it, however Set is afraid of not having
# enough people to defend Necropolis if it ever needed it. So, he gives
# us what water we need.}
#{120}{}{Where does all of this water come from?}
#{121}{}{I need water for my people! If you know where he gets it
# from, tell me now!}
#{122}{}{I am looking for a Water Chip, to give my people the water
# they need. Do you know where I might find one?}
#{123}{}{I wouldn't keep you guys around to defend a paper bag. So
# what's this about water?}
{119}{}{ Setは口には出さんが、いざNecropolis防衛となった時
{120}{}{ ここの水はどこから取水しているんだ?}
{121}{}{ 町で水が必要なんだ。どこから水を入手しているのか分かるのなら
{122}{}{ 町で水を供給するためにウォーターチップを探している。どこにあ
{123}{}{ 私だったらハリボテ防衛のためにあなた達をとどめておくようなこ

#{124}{}{Up until recently we pumped our water from the ground, with
# a pump in the Watershed.}
#{125}{}{Until recently? What has happened that changed things?}
#{126}{}{How do I get to the Watershed?}
#{127}{}{What is the Watershed?}
{124}{}{ つい最近まではWatershedにあるポンプを使って地下から水
{125}{}{ 最近までは?状況を変えるような出来事でもあったのか?}
{126}{}{ Watershedへ行くには?}
{127}{}{ Watershedとは?}

#{128}{}{Since our pump stopped working, we have been getting our water
# from a place under the ground. I have heard that a water computer
# is being used to purify the water.}
#{130}{}{Where is that?}
{128}{}{ ポンプが動かなくなったんで、地下にある施設から水を手に入れてお
{129}{}{ どうも。}
{130}{}{ それはどこに?}

#{131}{}{The watershed is to the north. You'll need to take the sewers
# to get there.}
{131}{}{ Watershedは北に行ったところにあるぞ。下水を通って行か

#{132}{}{You aren't thinking of taking the Water Chip from us are you?}
#{133}{}{Umm.. Me, no, I would never do such a thing. I am just going
# to see how it all works.}
#{134}{}{Of course, my people need the Water Chip to survive.}
{132}{}{ まさかウォーターチップを持っていこうなんて考えとるんじゃなかろ
{133}{}{ う・・・いやいや、そんなことは決して。どういう仕組みになって
{134}{}{ その通り。私の町の人達が生きていくためにウォーターチップが必
{135}{}{ なんでまた?}

#{136}{}{If you take the Water Chip from us, then we will all die. With
# our water pump broken we need it to survive.}
#{137}{}{Well, I really don't care about you and your people. We need
# the water chip for our own survival. Goodbye.}
#{138}{}{Is it possible that your pump could be fixed?}
{136}{}{ ウォーターチップを持っていかれてしもうたら私たちは全員あの世行
{137}{}{ あんたらがどうなろうが全く興味ない。こちらも生きていくために
{138}{}{ ポンプを修理できる可能性はないのか?}

#{139}{}{If that is the case then I can't let you leave my presence alive.}
{139}{}{ そういうことなら、このまま生きて帰すわけにはいかん。}

#{140}{}{I do not think that I believe you.}
#{141}{}{I am sorry I did not mean to deceive you. What is wrong with
# taking the Water Chip.}
#{142}{}{Well I don't really care. If you won't get out of my way, I'll
# just remove you myself.}
{140}{}{ 信用できん。}
{141}{}{ すみません、騙すつもりでは。ウォーターチップを持っていくこと
{142}{}{ 全然構わんよ。あくまで邪魔をするというのなら、私自ら片をつけ

#{143}{}{That may be difficult. The parts needed to fix the pump were lost
# in the sewers under the watershed.}
#{144}{}{Why is that so difficult?}
#{145}{}{Do you mean these parts? (You show the parts you found to the
# Ghoul Leader)}
{143}{}{ 難しいじゃろうな。ポンプの修理に必要な部品はWatershed
{144}{}{ そこまで困難な訳は?}
{145}{}{ この部品のことか?[拾った部品をグールの長に見せた]}

#{146}{}{The sewers there are filled with monsters, and none of my people
# that I have sent to retrieve them have come back. Are you willing to
# retrieve the parts, so that the Water Pump can be fixed?}
#{147}{}{Sounds like too much trouble, I think I'll just take the Water
# Chip.}
#{149}{}{Since you guys are to incompetent to do this yourself, I guess
# I'll have to lend a hand.}
{146}{}{ 下水のあの辺りはモンスターだらけじゃ。部品の回収にやった者は誰
{147}{}{ ちょっと大変そうだな。ウォーターポンプを貰っていくだけにする
{148}{}{ 分かった。}
{149}{}{ あんたらにはできないからな、力を貸してやらないといけないよう

#{150}{}{Thank you. When you get the parts, return here. It is possible
# that I can help you further.}
#{151}{}{Ok, I'll be on my way then.}
{150}{}{ ありがとう。部品を手に入れたら戻ってきてくれ。その後のことも力
{151}{}{ 分かった。行ってくる。}

#{152}{}{Have you found the parts for the Water Pump yet?}
#{153}{}{Not yet.}
#{154}{}{Nope. And I've decided to forget the whole thing.}
#{155}{}{Where was I supposed to find them again?}
{152}{}{ 取水ポンプの部品は見つかったか?}
{153}{}{ まだだ。}
{154}{}{ いや。もうきれいさっぱり忘れることにしたよ。}
{155}{}{ どの辺りにあるんだったけ。}

#{156}{}{Well I wish you luck then.}
{156}{}{ 成功を祈っておるよ。}

#{157}{}{You have returned. Do you have the parts needed to repair the
# Water Pump?}
#{158}{}{Yes, here they are.}
#{159}{}{Yeah, but I've decided to forget about fixing the Water Pump.}
{157}{}{ 戻ったか。取水ポンプの修理に必要な部品は手に入ったか?}
{158}{}{ はい、どうぞ。}
{159}{}{ ああ。だけど取水ポンプの修理はあきらめることにしたよ。}

#{160}{}{Well it looks like you may need some help with the parts. Here
# are some books that we have found littered around. They may help you.
# Now please take the parts to the water shed and repair the pump.}
{160}{}{ ふむ、どうやら部品の扱いに関して力添えが必要なようじゃな。この

#{161}{}{Unfortunately I will be able to help you no further. Good luck
# with the Water Pump. Please take the parts to the water shed and
# repair the pump.}
{161}{}{ 残念じゃが、これ以上は力になれんようじゃ。取水ポンプの件、成功

#{162}{}{Have you fixed the Water Pump yet?}
#{163}{}{No not yet, but I am still working on it.}
#{164}{}{No, and I am not planning on it now.}
{162}{}{ 取水ポンプの修理は済んだか?}
{163}{}{ いや、まだだが鋭意努力中だ。}
{164}{}{ いや、今のところやるつもりはないよ。}

#{165}{}{Yes those are the parts I was talking about. Thank the flow
# that you already have them.}
#{166}{}{Is there anything else I should know?}
#{167}{}{Well that's as close as they are going to get to the Water Pump.}
{165}{}{ そうじゃ、今話したのはその部品のことじゃ。既に入手済みとはあり
{166}{}{ 他に知っておくべきことは?}
{167}{}{ もう少しで取水ポンプに取り付けられるところだったぞ。}

#{168}{}{As I already told you, they can be found in the sewers underneath
# the Water shed. Go east from here, and then north. You will find the
# Watershed in that direction.}
#{169}{}{Thanks for the directions. Goodbye.}
{168}{}{ 既に話してあるとおり、部品はWatershed地下の下水にある
{169}{}{ 道順を教えてくれてありがとう。それでは。}

#{170}{}{Well thank you for that service. Was there something else you
# wanted to know?}
#{171}{}{How do you survive down here without water?}
{170}{}{ そうか、ありがとう。他に知りたいことはあったかな。}
{171}{}{ 水もないのにこんな地下でどうやって生きているんだ。}

#{172}{}{It is where all the water is stored and handed out to us.}
#{173}{}{Where is it located?}
{172}{}{ 全ての水が蓄えられており、そこから供給を受けておる。}
{173}{}{ その場所は?}

#{174}{}{Lately I have heard rumors that someone has taken over the
# control of the Watershed. However, our rations are still being
# delivered for some reason.}
#{175}{}{How do I get to the Watershed?}
#{176}{}{What is the Watershed?}
{174}{}{ 最近Watershedが何者かに制圧されたとの噂を耳にしたんじ
{175}{}{ Watershedへはどう行けばいい?}
{176}{}{ Watershedとは?}

#{177}{}{Thank you for repairing the Water Pump, and I hope all is
# well with your people when you return with what you have found.}
#{178}{}{Thank you for your help. Goodbye.}
{177}{}{ 取水ポンプを修理してくれたこと、感謝しますぞ。手に入れたものを
{178}{}{ 力添え感謝します。それでは。}

#{179}{}{You have fixed the Water Pump and the flow has returned from
# the deep. However, I see you have not found what you are looking for.}
#{180}{}{Yes, I cannot seem to find the location of the Water Chip.}
{179}{}{ ポンプの修理は済み、再び地下深くから取水できるようになった。じ
{180}{}{ ええ。どうしてもウォーターチップの場所が分からなくて。}

#{181}{}{I have heard that it is located deeply below the Watershed.
# I wish you luck in searching for it.}
{181}{}{ 噂ではWatershedの地下深くにあるらしいぞ。首尾よく見つ

#{182}{}{I see that you have what you came here to find. You realize
# that we will die if you take the Water Chip from us.}
#{183}{}{Yes, but I am still working to fix the Water Pump. Where did
# you say I could find the parts?}
#{184}{}{I need the Water Chip and I don't have time to deal with your
# problems.}
#{185}{}{What other options do I have.}
{182}{}{ 目当ての物を手に入れたか。ウォーターチップを持っていかれたらこ
{183}{}{ ええ。ですが取水ポンプの修理には今も取り組んでいます。部品は
{184}{}{ ウォーターチップは必要だし、そちらの問題に関わっている暇はな
{185}{}{ 他にどんな選択肢が?}

#{186}{}{I am tired of putting up with your snide remarks. I do not
# wish to speak with you any further.}
{186}{}{ そういう悪意に満ちた発言は我慢ならん。これ以上話すことはない。}

#{187}{}{We once had a pump located in the Watershed that pumped the
# flow from the deep. However, it was broken and the parts needed to
# fix it were lost in the sewers directly below the Watershed.}
#{189}{}{Why have you not retrieved the parts yourself?}
{187}{}{ 地下深くの水脈から取水するポンプがWatershedにあったん
{189}{}{ なぜ自ら回収しに行かないんだ?}

#{190}{}{You have nothing to fear from us!}
#{191}{}{I will speak with you before you leave.}
#{192}{}{You have left me no choice, but to stop you myself.}
#{193}{}{Wait. Don't shoot!}
#{194}{}{You have nothing to fear from us!}
#{195}{}{I will speak with you before you leave.}
#{196}{}{You have left me no choice, but to stop you myself.}
{190}{}{ そちらの脅威になるようなもんなど何もない!}
{191}{}{ 行く前に話しておくことがある。}
{192}{}{ 選択肢が残されておらん、私自らあんたを止める以外には。}
{193}{}{ 待て。撃つんじゃない!}
{194}{}{ そちらの脅威になるようなもんなど何もない!}
{195}{}{ 行く前に話しておくことがある。}
{196}{}{ 選択肢が残されておらん、私自らあんたを止める以外には。}

#{200}{}{Tough luck.}
#{201}{}{Can't the water pump be repaired?}
#{202}{}{I'm sorry but my people need the chip to survive.}
#{203}{}{Please don't take our chip. Without it we will die.}
#{204}{}{Maybe, but the parts are lost in the sewers beneath the watershed.
# With all those monsters there, we can't get them back.}
#{205}{}{Sorry, I wish I could help.}
#{206}{}{I'll find the parts.}
{200}{}{ 生憎じゃったな。}
{201}{}{ 取水ポンプの修理はできんのか?}
{202}{}{ すまんが、こちらも生きていくためにチップが必要でな。}
{203}{}{ チップを持っていかんでくれんか。それがないとお陀仏なんじゃ。}
{204}{}{ かもしれんが、部品はWatershed地下の下水で行方知れずに
{205}{}{ 申し訳ない、お役に立てればよかったのですが。}
{206}{}{ 部品を見つけてきます。}

############ Tell Me Abouts


#{1100}{}{He tries to control Necropolis, and has forced us underground.}
#{1101}{}{He has something to do with the Mutants. I don't know much more.}
#{1102}{}{We get our water from the place under the Watershed. It might
# have something to do with that.}
#{1103}{}{The broken water pump is there. Also, that's where the Mutants
# hand out the water from their new source.}
#{1104}{}{Set's so-called palace.}
#{1105}{}{City of the Dead, where we would like to live peacefully, if Set
# or the Mutants will let us.}
#{1106}{}{We get our water from the place under the Watershed. It might have
# something to do with that.}
{1100}{}{ Necropolisを支配しようとしておる。私たちを地下へ追い
{1101}{}{ ミュータントと何らかの関係がある。それ以上は分からん。}
{1102}{}{ Watershed地下にある施設から水を引いておる。それと何か
{1103}{}{ 破損した取水ポンプはそこにある。ミュータントが新たな水源から引
{1104}{}{ Setのいわゆる宮殿というやつじゃ。}
{1105}{}{ 死者の街。Setやミュータントたちが許してくれるのなら、私たち
{1106}{}{ Watershed地下にある施設から水を引いておる。それと何か


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