
# (700) Lone Raider Trying to get to camp
{1199}{}{ [この人が教えられることはない]}

# float
#{100}{}{Just because you've got a weapon drawn doesn't mean that I'm gonna give
# you what you want . . .}
#{101}{}{You've beaten me! What more do you want, dammit!}
#{102}{}{I don't got nothing to say! Talk is for the weak!}
{100}{}{ 武器を持ち出したくらいでほしい物が手に入ると思ったら大間違いだ。}
{101}{}{ 俺の負けだ!これ以上どうしてほしいってんだ、クソが!}
{102}{}{ 話すことなどない!話し合いは弱者のすることだ!}

#{103}{}{I don't know who you are, but I'll give you a fair warning: anyone who
# messes with the Khans, dies messy.}
#{104}{}{You know, if you really thought you were stronger, you'd kill me.}
#{105}{}{Too bad. I'm messing with you!}
#{106}{}{Fine. Let's not mess with each other, and we'll be happy.}
#{107}{}{I surrender. Please don't kill me!}
{103}{}{ 誰かは知らんが警告はしておいてやる。Khansに盾突くと酷い死
{104}{}{ あのな、本当に自分の方が強いと思うんだったら殺せばいいだろ。}
{105}{}{ それは残念。お前に喧嘩を売ってやるよ。}
{106}{}{ 分かった。お互いに干渉しない、それでお互いハッピーだ。}
{107}{}{ 降参です。殺さないでください!}
{108}{}{ ンガー!}
{109}{}{ ほへ?}

#{110}{}{Hail brother Khan! How goes the hunt? Have many weaklings died today?}
#{111}{}{Hail sister Khan! How goes the hunt? Have many weaklings died today?}
#{112}{}{I will save my boasts for the campfire, but I have many tales to tell!}
#{113}{}{I have seen much blood and taken much plunder.}
#{114}{}{Not bad. How about you?}
#{115}{}{I've done better . . .}
{110}{}{ Khansの同胞よ!狩りの具合はどうだ。今日は何人臆病者をやった?}
{111}{}{ Khansの同胞よ!狩りの具合はどうだ。今日は何人臆病者をやった?}
{112}{}{ 自慢話は宴までとっておくけどな、話は山ほどあるぞ!}
{113}{}{ 血はたっぷり見たし略奪品も大量だ。}
{114}{}{ 悪くない。そちらは?}
{115}{}{ それなりだな・・・}

#{116}{}{You are an enemy of the Khans! You attack our warriors and take our women!
# Give me a reason why I shouldn't cut out your heart!}
#{117}{}{Cut the bravado. Where's Tandi? Tell me, or you die!}
#{118}{}{Can't think of anything. Let's fight!}
#{119}{}{Because we'll both live if you don't try.}
#{120}{}{I'm in no condition to fight. I surrender.}
{116}{}{ Khansのかたき!俺の仲間を男も女もやりやがったな!心臓を切
{117}{}{ 強がりはよせ。Tandiはどこだ?教えなければ殺す。}
{118}{}{ 特に思いつかないな。おっぱじめようぜ。}
{119}{}{ そんなことやめとけ。お互い生きていられるようにな。}
{120}{}{ 争うつもりはない。降伏する。}

#{121}{}{Are you one of them? One of the mutants?}
#{122}{}{What do you know about mutants?}
#{123}{}{Yeah, I'm a mutant!}
#{124}{}{Do I look like a mutant to you?}
{121}{}{ 奴らの仲間か?ミュータントなのか?}
{122}{}{ ミュータントのことを教えてくれ。}
{123}{}{ そうだ、ミュータントだ!}
{124}{}{ 私がミュータントに見えるのか?}
{125}{}{ 違う。}

#{126}{}{Perhaps. If you wish to fight, I'll fight. If you wish to go in peace,
# you have my word as a Khan that I will not attack.}
#{127}{}{Let's fight.}
#{128}{}{Let's not fight.}
#{129}{}{Word of a Khan? What a joke!}
{126}{}{ 恐らくな。そちらがやりたいんだったらやってやるよ。平和に済ませ
{127}{}{ やろうや。}
{128}{}{ やらない。}
{129}{}{ Khansが約束?冗談は休み休み言ってくれ!}

#{130}{}{You are too strong for me, and I am tired by many days in the wastes. I do
# not wish to die. Though it shames me, I surrender.}
{130}{}{ お前にはとてもかなわない。荒野に長くいるのも疲れた。死にたくも

#{131}{}{I agree. I give my word that you may go in peace, provided that you do not
# provoke me. Do not trouble me again.}
{131}{}{ 分かった。そちらが挑発してこない限りこちらからは何もしない。約

#{132}{}{I don't want anything that belongs to a coward, including your life! Get
# out of my sight!}
{132}{}{ 臆病者の持ち物などいらん、命も含めてな!俺の前から失せろ!}

#{133}{}{You stupid animal. I shall enjoy killing you.}
{133}{}{ 忌々しい畜生が。楽しんで殺してやるよ。}

#{134}{}{Uh, yes . . .}
{134}{}{ う、うむ・・・}

#{135}{}{I shall enjoy hearing them. Farewell, brother!}
#{136}{}{I shall enjoy hearing them. Farewell, sister!}
{135}{}{ 連中の話なら喜んで聞いてやるよ。じゃあな!}
{136}{}{ 連中の話なら喜んで聞いてやるよ。じゃあな!}

#{137}{}{Really? Then I must have it for my own!}
{137}{}{ 本当か?なら俺がもらってやるよ!}

#{138}{}{Yes, I have heard that fortune heavily favors you. It is for that reason
# alone that I do not challenge you for your spoils. Farewell, my brother! May we
# next meet side by side in battle.}
#{139}{}{Yes, I have heard that fortune heavily favors you. It is for that reason
# alone that I do not challenge you for your spoils. Farewell, my sister! May we
# next meet side by side in battle.}
{138}{}{ ああ、相当ツイテるらしいな。俺がその戦利品に手を出さない理由も
{139}{}{ ああ、相当ツイテるらしいな。俺がその戦利品に手を出さない理由も

#{140}{}{I am tired and weary from a journey many days longer than I expected. Rad
# scorpions killed my companions. I long for the comforts of the camp and the
# healing caress of our women.}
{140}{}{ 旅が思ってた以上に長引いちまって本当にうんざりしてんだ。仲間も

#{141}{}{May fortune again find favor with you. Farewell, my brother.}
#{142}{}{May fortune again find favor with you. Farewell, my sister.}
{141}{}{ また運に味方してもらえるといいな。それじゃあな。}
{142}{}{ また運に味方してもらえるといいな。それじゃあな。}

#{143}{}{They have destroyed Shady Sands. They kill anyone in their path. I never
# dreamt such ferocity existed. We are all doomed . . .}
{143}{}{ 連中Shady Sandsを破壊しちまった。出会った者は皆殺し

#{144}{}{Murdering dog!}
{144}{}{ 人殺しのイヌが!}

#{145}{}{No, but it is hard to tell. I have heard that they cloak themselves in
# night, that they cloud men's minds, and take the form of beautiful women!
# We are all doomed!}
{145}{}{ いや、何と説明したらいいのか。噂だと、奴らは夜に紛れて男の心を

#{146}{}{That is good. I long to avenge our dead, and even the dead of Shady Sands.
# Any mutant that crosses my path will die! Go forth, friend! Go forth and kill!
# Death to the mutants!}
{146}{}{ よかった。俺はどうしても死んだ仲間の敵を討ちたい。 Shady

#{147}{}{You will die for those words!}
{147}{}{ 言いやがったな。死ね!}


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最終更新:2010年03月09日 18:27


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