# (598) Master Merchant from the Hub
{1199}{}{ [この人が教えられることはない]}

#{100}{}{You see a Master Merchant}
{100}{}{ 元 締 め だ}

# float
#{101}{}{Arrest this thief!}
{101}{}{ この盗人野郎を捕らえろ!}

#{102}{}{...I don't care what they say.  We need new parts... Oh, yes.
# Sorry. What can I do for you?}
#{103}{}{I want a job.}
#{104}{}{Do you have a water chip?}
#{105}{}{Nothing, bye.}
{102}{}{ ・・・向こうの言い分なんかどうでもいい。こっちも新しい部品がい
{103}{}{ 仕事がほしい。}
{104}{}{ ウォーターチップは扱っているか?}
{105}{}{ 何でもない。それでは。}
{106}{}{ ぷるぷる}

#{107}{}{Sure, great.  You're hired.  Wait.  What position?
#  Oh, caravan guard right?  Yeah, sure. You can work for us.  You look okay.  Anything else?}
#{109}{}{Yes, do you have a water chip?}
{107}{}{ 丁度いい。採用。っと、どの口だい?ああ、キャラバンガードだね?
{108}{}{ ない。}
{109}{}{ ウォーターチップは扱っているか?}
{110}{}{ ぶーぶー?}

#{111}{}{Sorry, no time for nonsense!}
{111}{}{ 悪いけど、たわ言に関わっている暇はないね。}

#{112}{}{Water chip... hmm.  Oh, those old Vault purifying control chips.
#  Well, I'm sure I speak for the entire town when I say
# you won't find one here.  Without the proper equipment they're worthless.
#  Only a Vault, or maybe Necropolis would have any
# use for one.  Why do you ask?}
#{113}{}{Necropolis?  Why would they need one?}
#{114}{}{My vault's chip broke and I'm looking for a replacement.}
#{115}{}{Just curious.}
#{116}{}{I can't say.}
{112}{}{ ふーむ、ウォーターチップねえ・・・ああ、昔Vaultで使ってい
{113}{}{ Necropolis?あんな所で必要なのか?}
{114}{}{ 私のVaultのチップが壊れたので代わりを探している。}
{115}{}{ ちょっと興味があって。}
{116}{}{ 答えられない。}

#{117}{}{Really? Well as you probably have heard, we supply a great
# deal of water throughout the area.  I am sure we could
# arrange to send a caravan up to your Vault for a fee.}
#{118}{}{How much are we talking about?}
#{119}{}{I don't know if I can trust you.}
#{120}{}{No thanks.}
{117}{}{ そうなんだ?おそらく既に知っているとは思うけど、うちではこの一
{118}{}{ ちなみにいくらだ?}
{119}{}{ 信用していいものかどうか。}
{120}{}{ いや、結構だ。}

#{121}{}{Yeah, if you say so.}
{121}{}{ ああ、そういうことね。}

#{122}{}{Then I'm sorry, I don't think I can help.}
{122}{}{ なら悪いけどこちらも力になれない。}

#{123}{}{Can't trust me?!?  I'm routinely trusted to deliver water
# to people far more paranoid than yourself!  What do you
# think we are?  Terrorists?}
#{124}{}{Okay fine.  How much money do you want to start the Caravans.}
#{125}{}{I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to imply anything, but I can't take the risk.}
{123}{}{ 信用できないって?!?うちはあんたよりもずっと偏執症の連中の所
{124}{}{ よく分かったよ。キャラバンの手配にいくら必要なんだ?}
{125}{}{ すまない。含むところはないんだが、リスクは負えない。}

#{126}{}{Well, if you change your mind let me know. I'm very curious now.}
{126}{}{ そう、気が変わったら知らせてちょうだい。こちらはかなり乗り気で

#{127}{}{Hello again.}
#{128}{}{I need a water chip.}
#{129}{}{I'm still looking for a water chip.}
#{130}{}{I want a job.}
{127}{}{ やあ。あんたか。}
{128}{}{ ウォーターチップがほしい。}
{129}{}{ 相変わらずウォーターチップを探しているんだが。}
{130}{}{ 仕事がほしい。}
{131}{}{ それじゃ。}

#{132}{}{Sure, great.  You're hired.  Wait.  What position?  Oh,
# caravan guard right?  Yeah, sure.  You can work for us.  You look okay.}
{132}{}{ 丁度いい。採用。っと、どの口だい?ああ、キャラバンガードだね?

#{133}{}{We already went through this.  Are you willing to
# pay the price to have the water caravans start?}
#{134}{}{Earlier you mentioned that Necropolis might have a water chip.
#  Why would they need one?}
#{135}{}{How much are we talking about?}
#{136}{}{No, not yet.}
{133}{}{ その話はもう済んだよ。水交易を始めるための代金を払ってくれるの
{134}{}{ Necropolisにウォーターチップがあるかもしれないと以
{135}{}{ ちなみにいくらだ?}
{136}{}{ いや、まだだ。}

#{137}{}{Well, it's just a guess really.  We tried to start
# a caravan route to Necropolis once, but they refused to trade with us.
#  Nobody in their right mind refuses water these days unless
# they have a reliable supply.  I figure they must have their own
# purifier or they would have died out a long time ago.  So are
# you looking to have us go up to your Vault?}
#{138}{}{Yes, how much is it going to cost me?}
#{139}{}{No thanks.}
{137}{}{ まあ、実際のところ推測にすぎないけど。以前Necropolis
{138}{}{ そうだな、いくらかかるんだ?}
{139}{}{ いや、結構だ。}

#{140}{}{Well, it is quite a distance away.  2000 caps should
# cover the initial caravan, and I'm sure your Vault will
# have stuff to trade to keep us going for a while.  However
# with our current reserves, I'm guessing that we will only be
# able to keep your Vault going for an extra 100 days or so.}
{140}{}{ まあ、かなり遠いからね。初回送り出すのに2000ドルあればいい

# op
#{141}{}{Alright, here is the money.}
#{142}{}{The Vault should be able to take care of most of your
# initial payment.  Why don't I give you 1000 instead to start.}
#{143}{}{It is quite a ways, but the Vault has plenty of goods
# to reimburse you for your upfront money.  So, how about 500 instead?}
#{144}{}{I don't have the cash, I'll come back when I do.}
{141}{}{ よろしく。代金だ。}
{142}{}{ 前金の大半はVaultの方で用意できるはずだ。今払うのは10
{143}{}{ 確かに遠いが、先行投資に見合うだけのものが大量にVaultに
{144}{}{ 手持ちがない。金ができてから来るよ。}

#{145}{}{It looks like you don't have enough money, come back when you do.  Remember you need }
#{146}{}{ caps.}
{145}{}{ 金が足りないようだね。用意できたら来てちょうだい。必要額は}
{146}{}{ ドルだよ。}

#{147}{}{Ok, I can start sending the caravans up to your Vault
# today.  Now you ought to know, the caravans are pretty visible going
# across the desert.   So, sending the caravans out that way is
# going to paint a pretty good picture for anyone that might be
# looking for your Vault.   Are you still sure you want them sent out that way?}
#{148}{}{I guess not.}
#{149}{}{Yes, the Vault needs water.}
{147}{}{ オーケー、今日からでもVaultとの交易を始められるよ。一応知
{148}{}{ それは困る。}
{149}{}{ 大丈夫だ。Vaultには水が必要だ。}

#{150}{}{That sounds fair enough.  The technology from the Vaults
# can fetch a pretty good price down here in the Hub.}
#{151}{}{Sorry but I can only accept full payment.}
{150}{}{ なるほどもっともだ。Vault製のものならHubでかなりいい値
{151}{}{ 悪いけど一括払いしか受け付けないよ。}

#{152}{}{That sounds fair enough.  The technology from the Vaults
# can fetch a pretty good price down here in the Hub.}
#{153}{}{Sorry but I can only accept full payment.}
{152}{}{ なるほどもっともだ。Vault製のものならHubでかなりいい値
{153}{}{ 悪いけど一括払いしか受け付けないよ。}

#{154}{}{Are you going to pay the amount I asked for to get the water caravans rolling?}
{154}{}{ こちらが提示した額を払って水交易を始めるかい。}

#{155}{}{Ok, they'll start off in a few hours.}
{155}{}{ オーケー、数時間後には出発するからね。}

# float
#{156}{}{I'm sorry, but the Water Merchants will not associate with you any longer.}
{156}{}{ 悪いけど、Water Merchantsとあんたの付き合いはもうこれっきりで。}

#{157}{}{Do you have the }
#{158}{}{ caps for us to start the water caravan to your vault?}
{157}{}{ Vaultとの水交易を始めるなら}
{158}{}{ ドル必要だけど?}

# 200-201 added with patch 1.3 from TeamX

#{200}{}{... What? ... Hell. Is that YOU? After you've lost all
# damn caravans? Get the hell outta here, we wouldn't give you job anymore.}
#{201}{}{YOU? Don't say anything. Damn, you've abandoned them!
# I don't know if this is right, but may be I'll give you one more chance. Go talk to driver.}
{200}{}{ ・・・は?・・・お前か!どのツラ下げて来やがった。お前のいたキ
{201}{}{ お前か。言い訳はするな。全く、途中で放り出しやがって!正しい判


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最終更新:2010年03月27日 17:35


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