# (317) Paladin Guard in the Brotherhood surface (Caravan Guard)

#{100}{}{You see a Paladin guard.}
{100}{}{ ガ ー ド 任 務 中 の パ ラ デ ィ ン だ}

# float
#{101}{}{Pssst, see any good deals?}
#{102}{}{Sorry, I'm on duty. Can't talk right now.}
#{103}{}{What a nice day. I hope we don't have any attacks today.}
#{104}{}{Some of these Caravan traders are a little strange.}
#{105}{}{Good day.}
#{106}{}{Hi there, good looking.}
#{107}{}{Greetings, initiate.}
#{108}{}{If you have any questions about our order, you should
# talk to Cabbot, over by the door.}
#{109}{}{Cabbot is the one you want to talk to; he's the
# young lad by the door.}
#{110}{}{Pssst, see any good deals?}
{101}{}{ どうだ、掘り出し物でもあるかい。}
{102}{}{ すまない、勤務中なんだ。話はできない。}
{103}{}{ いい天気だな。こんな日は襲撃がなきゃあいいんだが。}
{104}{}{ キャラバンの連中にはちょっと変わった奴もいる。}
{105}{}{ よう。}
{106}{}{ やあ、元気そうだな。}
{107}{}{ こんにちは、イニシエイト。}
{108}{}{ この組織のことで質問があるならCabbotに聞くといい。入口の傍にいるからな。}
{109}{}{ 話ならCabbotにするといい。入口の傍にいる若い男がそうだ。}
{110}{}{ どうだ、掘り出し物でもあるかい。}

# float
#{111}{}{If you're here to trade you're talking to the wrong person.}
#{113}{}{Don't bother me, worm.}
#{114}{}{Do I look like I'm interested in anything you might have
# to offer?}
#{115}{}{Hmph. The nerve.}
#{116}{}{Initiate, you should know better than to bother us while
# we're on watch.}
#{117}{}{If you have any questions about the Order, you should
# talk to Cabbot, by the door.}
#{118}{}{Initiate, shouldn't you be doing something useful?}
#{119}{}{I don't think you should be here, stranger.}
{111}{}{ 買い物に来たんだったら話す相手が違うぞ。}
{112}{}{ ん?}
{113}{}{ うるさいぞ、虫けらが。}
{114}{}{ お前の話に興味を持つとでも思ったか?}
{115}{}{ ふん。うっとおしいぞ。}
{116}{}{ イニシエイト、勤務中の人間を煩わせるような真似はよせ。}
{117}{}{ 組織のことで質問があるのならCabbotに聞くといい。入口の傍にいる。}
{118}{}{ イニシエイト、お前は本当につまらん事をする奴だな。}
{119}{}{ 見ない顔だな、こんな所に来てはいかん。}


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