# (667) Strange Celtic Wanderer
{1199}{}{ [この人が教えられることはない]}

#{100}{}{You see a man in studded leather armor with an odd assortment of
# knick-knacks.}
#{101}{}{You see Patrick, the Celt.}
{100}{}{ 男 性 だ 。
妙 な 飾 り を た く さ ん ぶ ら さ げ た ス タ デ ッ ト レ ザ ー アーマー を 身 に 付 け て い る}
{101}{}{ ケ ル ト 人 Patrick だ}

#{102}{}{Greetings, traveler. What brings you out this far?}
#{103}{}{Just wandering.}
#{104}{}{Um, why are you carrying all that junk?}
#{105}{}{I need to find a water purification control chip.}
#{106}{}{I'm killing everybody I can get within shooting distance of. Prepare to die.}
{102}{}{ ごきげんよう、旅の方。このような僻地に何用ですかな。}
{103}{}{ あてもなく彷徨っているだけだ。}
{104}{}{ うーむ、そんなガラクタばかり身に付けてどういうつもりなんだ?}
{105}{}{ 水質浄化制御チップがどうしても必要なんだが。}
{106}{}{ 射程距離に捉えた獲物は皆殺しだ。覚悟しろ。}
{107}{}{ もきゅーん!}

#{108}{}{I see. Much like myself, then.}
#{109}{}{Oh? You're not from one of the communities out here?}
#{110}{}{Can you direct me to a nearby settlement?}
#{111}{}{So what's your story?}
#{112}{}{Well, see ya.}
{108}{}{ なるほど。では私と同じですな。}
{109}{}{ あれ?この辺りの集落の人じゃないのか?}
{110}{}{ 近くにある集落までの道を教えてもらえないだろうか。}
{111}{}{ で、そちらは何を?}
{112}{}{ そうか、じゃあな。}

#{113}{}{It's not junk! It's trade goods!}
#{114}{}{Uh, right. Bye.}
#{115}{}{Uh huh. So what's your story?}
{113}{}{ ガラクタだなどと!歴とした商品です!}
{114}{}{ あー、さいですか。それじゃ。}
{115}{}{ ふむふむ。で、そちらは何を?}

#{116}{}{Hmm. Haven't seen one of those before. What seems to be the trouble?}
#{117}{}{This chip controls water purification for my Vault. It's blown out, though.}
#{118}{}{It's broken.}
{116}{}{ んー。一度も見たことがありませんねぇ。どうされたのです?}
{117}{}{ 私のVaultでは水質浄化の制御をこのチップで行なっている。
{118}{}{ 壊れてしまったんだ。}

#{119}{}{I wander from place to place, making a living with music and a little bit
# of tinkering work.}
#{120}{}{What kind of work do you do?}
#{121}{}{What kind of music do you sing?}
#{122}{}{Well, it's good to meet you. Bye.}
{119}{}{ 各地を渡り歩き、音楽とちょっとした修理の仕事で生計を立てており
{120}{}{ どういった仕事を?}
{121}{}{ どういった曲を?}
{122}{}{ そうか、会えてよかったよ。それじゃ。}

#{123}{}{Using the coastline as a referent, you've got Shady Sands about a week
# inland, and Junktown a few days south of there. Hub's just another couple days
# south of Junktown. Avoid Necropolis to the east of those, though. Not worth
# the trouble.}
{123}{}{ 海岸線を起点にしますと、内陸に向けて1週間程度進むとShady
  Sandsが、 そこから南へ数日の所にJunktownがありま

#{124}{}{What do you know about Shady Sands?}
#{125}{}{What do you know about Junktown?}
#{126}{}{What do you know about the Hub?}
#{127}{}{What do you know about Necropolis?}
{124}{}{ Shady Sandsのことを教えてほしい。}
{125}{}{ Junktownのことを教えてほしい。}
{126}{}{ Hubのことを教えてほしい。}
{127}{}{ Necropolisについて教えてほしい。}

#{128}{}{I don't think I could help you with that. I never had much of a chance to
# study pre-war Vault technology.}
{128}{}{ お力にはなれそうもありませんねぇ。戦前のVaultテクノロジー

#{129}{}{Mostly a little electrical and mechanical tinkering. I helped Junktown with
# their lights and showed the people in Shady Sands a better design for their
# stoves.}
#{130}{}{Really? Think you could fix a water chip?}
{129}{}{ 主に簡単な電気機器の修理を。Junktownでは電灯のことで手
  を貸しましたし、Shady Sandsの方々には暖房設備の改善
{130}{}{ なんと。ウォーターチップの修理はできそうですか?}

#{131}{}{Oh, mostly old folk songs and some Celtic music. It's a change of pace.}
#{132}{}{Would you happen to know "Na Gheala Mbeadh", as I think it's called?}
#{133}{}{I see. What else do you do?}
{131}{}{ まあ、主に古い民謡やケルト音楽などですな。気分転換になります。}
{132}{}{ 「Na Gheala Mbeadh」だったかな、知ってるかい?}
{133}{}{ なるほど。他にどんなことを?}

#{134}{}{Shady Sands is a small, self-sufficient community led by Aradesh, a kind
# man and strong leader. They are peaceful and hard-working. They are probably the
# best chance for a new civilization here.}
#{135}{}{Shady Sands is a small farming community. They were led by a good man
# named Aradesh, but I've heard he's gone. It's a pity. Without him I don't know
# if they'll survive.}
{134}{}{ Shady SandsはAradeshを長とする小さな自給自足
{135}{}{ Shady Sandsは小さな農耕コミュニティです。Arade

#{136}{}{Junktown? A small trading city. Strange place until you get used to it.
# They are run by mayor Killian Darkwater, a hard but fair man.}
#{137}{}{Junktown? A small trading city. Strange place until you get used to it.
# They are run by Gizmo, a gambling mogul and crime-lord.}
#{138}{}{Junktown? A small trading city. Not too remarkable.}
{136}{}{ Junktown?小さな交易都市ですな。慣れるまでは違和感のあ
  る場所です。町長のKillian Darkwaterが治めてい
{137}{}{ Junktown?小さな交易都市ですな。慣れるまでは違和感のあ
{138}{}{ Junktown?小さな交易都市です。大したものはありませんな。}

#{139}{}{The Hub is a major trading center. It's said that you can find anything
# there, and I'd say that's not too far wrong.}
{139}{}{ Hubは交易の一大中心地ですな。あそこに行けば何でも揃うという

#{140}{}{Necropolis is the city of the dead. It's inhabited by ghouls, the
# descendants of humans who sought shelter in a Vault there. Story goes that the
# Vault failed somehow, so now the only inhabitants are carrion-eating monsters.}
{140}{}{ Necropolisは死人の街です。住んでいるのはグールたち、

#{141}{}{It was overrun by an army of mutants last I heard. I'd stay away from
# there, if I were you.}
{141}{}{ 最後に聞いた話だとミュータントの軍隊に制圧されたそうです。私だ

# op
#{142}{}{Do you suppose that Vault might have parts that I could salvage?}
{142}{}{ そのVaultに回収できる部品が残っているだろうか?}

#{143}{}{Possibly, but I for one wouldn't risk the ghouls. Latest word is they've
# some sort of powerful new leader.}
{143}{}{ 可能性はありますな。ですが、私個人としてはグールのもとに行くの

#{144}{}{Why, certainly. Would you like to hear it?}
{144}{}{ ええ、もちろんです。お聞かせしましょうか?}
{145}{}{ よろしく。}
{146}{}{ いらん。}

#{147}{}{[Patrick sings songs and the two of you reminisce for several hours. You
# feel invigorated.]}
{147}{}{ [Patrickの歌を耳に、数時間に渡り2人で過去に思いを馳せ

#{148}{}{Hello again. Can I help you?}
#{149}{}{Yeah, can you give me some directions?}
#{150}{}{No, never mind, thanks.}
{148}{}{ やあどうも。どうかしましたか。}
{149}{}{ ええ、ちょっと道を教えてもらいたい。}
{150}{}{ いや、何でもない。どうも。}


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