#{100}{}{You see Cindy crying.}
#{101}{}{You see Lisa crying.}
#{102}{}{You see Sandy crying.}
#{103}{}{You see Mary crying.}
#{104}{}{You see Stacy crying.}
#{105}{}{You see Susan crying.}
#{106}{}{You see Cindy.}
#{107}{}{You see Lisa.}
#{108}{}{You see Sandy.}
#{109}{}{You see Mary.}
#{110}{}{You see Stacy.}
#{111}{}{You see Susan.}
{100}{}{ Cindy が 泣 い て い る}
{101}{}{ Lisa が 泣 い て い る}
{102}{}{ Sandy が 泣 い て い る}
{103}{}{ Mary が 泣 い て い る}
{104}{}{ Stacy が 泣 い て い る}
{105}{}{ Susan が 泣 い て い る}
{106}{}{ Cindy だ}
{107}{}{ Lisa だ}
{108}{}{ Sandy だ}
{109}{}{ Mary だ}
{110}{}{ Stacy だ}
{111}{}{ Susan だ}

#{112}{}{Hello, }
# Have you found the water chip yet?}
#{114}{}{No, not yet.}
#{115}{}{I will. How are you doing?}
{112}{}{ こんにちは、}
{113}{}{ ウォーターチップはもう見つかった?}
{114}{}{ まだだよ。}
{115}{}{ 見つけるさ。調子はどう?}
{116}{}{ うらー!}

#{117}{}{Oh . . . you don't understand me. I guess we really don't have
# much hope after all. Excuse me while I cry.}
{117}{}{ まあ・・・話が通じてないわね。どの道、希望なんてほとんど無いの
{118}{}{ ウガ!}

#{119}{}{Please find it before my baby dies of thirst.}
#{121}{}{You've got to find it! Don't let us die like this!}
#{123}{}{Keep trying. I believe in you. I know you will do everything
# you can to save us.}
{119}{}{ お願いだから、水が尽きてみんな死んじゃう前に見つけてよ。}
{120}{}{ [終了]}
{121}{}{ しっかりしてよ!こんなことで死なせないで!}
{122}{}{ [終了]}
{123}{}{ 頑張ってね。信じてるから。みんなを助ける為に力を尽くしてくれる
{124}{}{ [終了]}

#{125}{}{I am afraid of what is happening. Someone has been stealing
# water and now everyone is on edge.}
#{126}{}{Who would do such a thing?}
#{127}{}{What happened?}
{125}{}{ 今起きている事件が心配だわ。水を盗んでいる人がいて、みんなピリ
{126}{}{ 誰がそんなことを?}
{127}{}{ 何があった?}

#{128}{}{Some people have been accused and fights have broken out
# over it but nobody really knows.}
#{129}{}{Ok. Thanks.}
{128}{}{ 誰がやったやらないで喧嘩になったりもしたわ。でも、本当の所は誰
{129}{}{ そうか。ありがとう。}

#{130}{}{Some people reported that their water had been stolen.
# They weren't given more water but some friends shared
# with them. After this everybody got very paranoid and
# started guarding their water. A few days later
# someone knocked the guard out in the ration supply area
# and stole water.}
#{131}{}{That is terrible! What can I do?}
{130}{}{ 一部の人から、自分の水が盗まれたとの報告が上がっているの。規定
{131}{}{ ひどいな!力になれるかい?}

#{132}{}{Maybe you can stop whoever is doing this.}
#{133}{}{I'll take a look around.}
{132}{}{ 誰の仕業だろうと、あなたなら止められそうね。}
{133}{}{ ちょっと見てくるよ。}


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