# (338) Sinthia, the Sell Baby in Junktown

#{100}{}{You see Sinthia, the seductive sellbaby.}
#{101}{}{You see a pouty, shapely woman.}
{100}{}{ セ ク シ ー な 売 春 婦 、 Sinthia だ}
{101}{}{ 口 元 が 色 っ ぽ く ス タ イ ル も い い 女 性 だ}

#{102}{}{Hey, darling, how you doing?}
#{103}{}{Okay. Bye.}
#{104}{}{Just fine, but I could be better.}
{102}{}{ あらいらっしゃい。調子どう?}
{103}{}{ ぼちぼちだ。それじゃあ。}
{104}{}{ なんというか、まあ、イマイチだな。}
{105}{}{ うー。}

#{106}{}{Oh, baby, I understand. You gotta run home to momma.
# Well, come back here when you need some luvin'!}
{106}{}{ あらあら仕方ないわね。ママの所にお帰んなさい。好き好きしたくなっ

#{107}{}{Yeah, sweets, same to you.}
{107}{}{ ええ、坊や、あなたもね。}

#{108}{}{You'll find whatever, or whoever, you're looking for,
# honey, and that'll make you all better, I'm sure.}
{108}{}{ 探し物だろうと尋ね人だろうと見つかるわよ。そうすれば気分も上向

#{109}{}{Maybe I can help you with that.}
#{110}{}{Maybe you can. How much to you charge?}
#{111}{}{I wouldn't let my dog touch you.}
{109}{}{ 力になれるかしら。}
{110}{}{ そうだな。いくらだ?}
{111}{}{ お前には足すら触らせないから。}

#{112}{}{Oh, baby, if you got to ask . . . more than you can afford.
# Maybe next time, sugar. See you around.}
{112}{}{ そうね、強いて言うなら・・・あなたには払えない額よ。 また今度

#{113}{}{Oh, sugar, that's just plain disgusting.}
{113}{}{ あらあら、ホント最低な人ね。}

# float
#{114}{}{Oh, gawd, please help me.}
#{115}{}{Please don't let him kill me.}
#{116}{}{I'm too young to die.}
#{117}{}{Oh, gawd, I'm too pretty to die.}
{114}{}{ あーん、お願い、助けて。}
{115}{}{ お願い、こんな奴に殺されたくないの。}
{116}{}{ まだ死ぬような歳じゃないわ。}
{117}{}{ あーん、もう、こんなかわいいのに死ぬわけないじゃない。}

#{118}{}{Thank you for what you did. No one ever took care of me like
# that before.}
#{119}{}{I can really take care of you later.}
#{120}{}{You're welcome.}
{118}{}{ 本当にありがとう。あんな風にしてくれたのはあなたが初めてよ。}
{119}{}{ 後でゆっくり相手してやるよ。}
{120}{}{ どういたしまして。}
{121}{}{ うんー}

#{122}{}{Thanks again.}
{122}{}{ ありがとうね。}

#{123}{}{Is that all you can think about? Geez. Some people.}
{123}{}{ それしか頭にないの?もう。全く。}

#{124}{}{I mean, my boss didn't even send some of his goons to help.
# You'd think for all the cash I make for that loser, he
# would at least live up to his part of the bargain.}
#{125}{}{Who's your boss?}
#{126}{}{What bargain?}
{124}{}{ うちのボスは手下の1人すら助けに寄越さなかったってのにね。あい
{125}{}{ 誰がボスなんだ?}
{126}{}{ 契約?}

#{127}{}{Gizmo, of course. He runs all the sin in this town.
# Killian sure as hell wouldn't put up with me or my kind.
# If it wasn't for the fact that I make Giz a whole hell of
# a lot of money, I'd have to do other things to him.}
{127}{}{ もちろんGizmoのことよ。この街で起こる悪事には全て関わって

#{128}{}{And, honey, those thoughts just don't do my stomach a whole
# lot of good.}
#{129}{}{What else does Gizmo control?}
#{130}{}{You should just hang it up and move on with your life.}
{128}{}{ こんな事考えるだけでも気分が悪くなるわ。}
{129}{}{ 他にGizmoが取り仕切っていることは?}
{130}{}{ さっさとやめてまっとうに生きていく方がいいぞ。}

#{131}{}{You're telling me. But what else can I do? It seems like
# my life has been designed by someone else. Oh, well. A
# girl has to make a living.}
{131}{}{ そんなこと分かってる。でも仕方ないじゃない。私の人生なんて他人

#{132}{}{But sugar, this one's for free.}
#{133}{}{Thanks again, honey. We women gotta stick together.}
{132}{}{ でも今回はわたしのサービスよ。}
{133}{}{ 本当にありがとうね。女同士力を合わせましょう。}

#{134}{}{Just about every bad thing a person could do in this town.
# He owns the Casino. He runs me and some of the other
# gals, even some little kids. I hear he is trying to take
# over the bar.}
#{136}{}{Giz wants to take care of Killian, if you get my meaning.}
{134}{}{ この街で起こりうる人の手による悪事は全てそう。カジノも所有して
{136}{}{ GizはKillianを始末したがっているわ。まあ、そういうこ

#{135}{}{You stay away from him, okay? Take it from me, he is not
# the kind of patron he wants to make you think he is.
# Stay away.}
{135}{}{ あいつには近づかないこと。いい?わたしを信じて。あいつは一々自

#{137}{}{Why, honey, I take care of men, and they take care of me in
# return. Gizmo gets 25% and I supposedly get his protection.
# You saw how well that went, huh?"}
#{138}{}{What else does Gizmo control?}
{137}{}{ ええそうよ。わたしが客を取れば身を守ってくれる。上がりの25%
  がGizmoに行き、 その庇護を受けられることになってるんだけ
{138}{}{ 他にGizmoが取り仕切っていることは?}

#{139}{}{You feel like paying another visit to Sinthia.}
#{140}{}{Maybe Sinthia would like some company . . .}
{139}{}{ Sinthia に ま た 会 い た く な っ た}
{140}{}{ Sinthia も 喜 ん で 付 き 合 っ て く れ る だ ろ う ・ ・ ・}

#{141}{}{You shit! You killed him! Why did you have to kill him?
# You bastard! I can't believe you killed him. All he wanted was someone to
# talk to. You don't care about human life, do you?}
#{142}{}{You shit! You killed him! Why did you have to kill him?
# You bitch! I can't believe you killed him. All he wanted was someone to
# talk to. You don't care about human life, do you?}
{141}{}{ 最低!殺すなんて!殺さなくてもよかったじゃない!なんて奴!ほん
{142}{}{ 最低!殺すなんて!殺さなくても良かったじゃない!なんて女!ほん

#{143}{}{Just get the hell out of my room!}
{143}{}{ さっさと部屋から出てって!}

#{144}{}{You killed him! I can't believe you killed him. All he
# wanted was someone to talk to . . .}
#{145}{}{He ain't dead. He's just gonna have a hurt head when he
# wakes up.}
{144}{}{ 殺すなんて!ほんと信じられない。話し合いで解決できたのに・・・}
{145}{}{ 死んでないぞ。目が覚めたら頭痛がする程度だ。}
{146}{}{ んんー}

#{147}{}{Yeah, whatever. Get the hell out of my room!}
{147}{}{ もう、何だっていいわ。さっさと部屋から出てって!}

#{148}{}{Oh, sorry. I though he was dead. I though you killed him.
# He's not such a bad guy, after all. Just a little lonely.}
#{149}{}{No problem.}
{148}{}{ ご、ごめんなさい。てっきり死んだかと。 殺しちゃったと思ってた
{149}{}{ 問題ない。}

#{150}{}{You again. What can I help you with this time?}
#{151}{}{Just stopping by to see how you are doing.}
#{152}{}{I've got $40, if you got ten minutes.}
#{153}{}{I need some more info on your boss.}
{150}{}{ あなたね。今日はどうしたの?}
{151}{}{ 顔が見たくて寄っただけだ。}
{152}{}{ 40ドルあるから10分いいかな。}
{153}{}{ 君のボスについて聞きたいことがある。}

#{154}{}{Ah, honey, I don't think so. Imagine how the children
# would turn out.}
{154}{}{ いいえ、そうは思わないわ。子供たちがどうなるか想像してみて。}

#{155}{}{Doing fine, thanks to you, sugar.}
{155}{}{ いい感じよ。ありがとうね。}

#{156}{}{What do you want to know, but make it short, honey, I'm on
# the clock.}
{156}{}{ いいけど手短にね。仕事中だから。}

# op
#{157}{}{How many guards does he have?}
#{158}{}{Where does he stash the money?}
#{159}{}{Does he have any weaknesses?}
#{160}{}{Thanks, doll, but I don't need to know anything else.}
{157}{}{ 奴のもとにガードは何人いる?}
{158}{}{ 奴はどこに金を貯めている?}
{159}{}{ 奴に何か弱点はないか?}
{160}{}{ ありがとう。今日もきれいだね。でももう聞くことはなかったよ。}

#{161}{}{Hmm. I know about eight, personally, if you get my meaning.
# I think he has another ten or so.}
{161}{}{ うーん。8人は個人的にも知ってるけど。まあ、そっちの意味も含め

#{162}{}{Money? How would I know? He only takes my money, he doesn't
# show me his. I would guess that it's in his bedroom,
# but for all I know, he could keep it where the sun doesn't
# shine. And for Giz, that's a big place.}
{162}{}{ お金?わたしが知るわけないじゃない。吸い取っていくばっかりで向

#{163}{}{Only that he thinks he doesn't have any. Well, that and
# he's a fat slob, who can't move for a damn. He's got to
# have his guards help him move around. Even then, they gotta
# use a little tricycle. Heh heh.}
{163}{}{ 弱点がないと思っていることくらいね。まあ、後はひどいデブだって

# float
#{164}{}{Sugar, you got a date.}
#{165}{}{Sure, honey, for you.}
#{166}{}{I'll show you a good time.}
{164}{}{ いきましょう。}
{165}{}{ ええ、いいわよ。}
{166}{}{ 楽しませてあげる。}

#{167}{}{Honey, you need some more money. I like you and all,
# but a girl has to make a living.}
{167}{}{ それじゃあ足りないわよ。あなたのことは大好きだけど、女の子1人

#{168}{}{I reserve the right to refuse admittance, and honey,
# you ain't getting nowhere near me!}
{168}{}{ 出入り禁止にする権利、まだあるから。絶対そばに近寄らないで!}

#{169}{}{Sinthia is asleep.}
#{170}{}{Sinthia is busy.}
#{172}{}{Sorry, honey, I don't do freaks.}
#{173}{}{Take your cash, your attitude, and your small prick somewhere else!}
#{174}{}{Oh, gawd, somebody help me!}
#{175}{}{You gain }
#{176}{}{ experience for successfully rescuing Sinthia.}
{169}{}{ Sinthia は 眠 っ て い る}
{170}{}{ Sinthia は 今 忙 し い}
{172}{}{ ごめんなさい、気まぐれはなしよ。}
{173}{}{ 態度は大きいのにアソコは小さいねぇ!金持って出て行きな!}
{174}{}{ あーん、誰か助けて!}
{175}{}{ 経 験 値}
{176}{}{ ポ イ ン ト を 得 た 。 う ま く Sinthia を 助 け 出 し た}

# ll
#{171}{}{Sinthia refuses to speak with you.}
#{177}{}{The guards remove the raider while he is unconscious.}
{171}{}{ Sinthia は 口 を き い て く れ な い}
{177}{}{ レ イ ダ ー は 意 識 を 失 っ て い る 内 に ガ ー ド が 運 び 出 し た}


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