# (140) Tolya, a Desert Raider

#{100}{}{You see Tolya, a desert bandit.}
{100}{}{ 砂 漠 の な ら ず 者 、 Tolya だ}

#{101}{}{Hello, I am Tolya. Looks like you just wandered in from
# the desert. Who are you?}
#{102}{}{I'm }
#{103}{}{. What do you do?}
#{104}{}{Can you tell me about your camp?}
{101}{}{ よう。俺はTolyaだ。「砂漠を歩いてたらこんな所に着いた」っ
{102}{}{ 私は}
{103}{}{という。 仕事は 何を?}
{104}{}{ このキャンプのことを教えてもらえないか?}
{105}{}{ んーぁ?}

#{106}{}{As a raider, I explore the lands in search of new supplies. There have been
# some towns which have been graced by our presence.}
#{107}{}{In other words, you steal from the people you visit.}
#{108}{}{Hey, that's really great of you. I'm sure that Garl is pleased with you.}
#{109}{}{What places have you been to?}
{106}{}{ 俺はレイダーだ。色々な場所へ探検に出て生活に必要な物を探してく
{107}{}{ 言い換えれば、訪れた先の住民から盗み取るってことだな。}
{108}{}{ おー、なかなかやるなぁ。Garlもさぞ満足だろうね。}
{109}{}{ これまでどんな所へ行ったことが?}

#{110}{}{Come now, Garl tells me never to talk to strangers. You should
# at least be willing to tell me your name.}
#{111}{}{You're right. I'm }
# Will you tell me something about your band?}
#{113}{}{Look you idiot, I don't have to say anything to you.}
{110}{}{ あのなあ、他所者とは口をきくなってGarlから言われてんだよ。
{111}{}{ 確かに。私は}
{112}{}{という。 この集団の ことを 教えて くれないか?}
{113}{}{ けっ、アホが。お前に話すことなんかないんだよ。}

#{114}{}{Go away, moron.}
{114}{}{ あっちに行け、知恵遅れが。}

#{115}{}{We never steal. We just take the extra that others have and redistribute it
# among our hungry people.}
#{116}{}{So, basically, you steal it.}
#{117}{}{That sounds like a really great idea.}
{115}{}{ 盗むなんてとんでもない。余り物をいただいて飢えた者同士分かち合
{116}{}{ ふむ、要するに盗んでくるわけだ。}
{117}{}{ 実に素晴らしい考え方ですなあ。}

#{118}{}{I've been to many places in the wastelands. The closest places that I've
# been to are Shady Sands and Junktown. They are very grateful
# for the trips we make to them.}
#{119}{}{You visit Shady Sands?}
#{120}{}{Where's Junktown?}
{118}{}{ 色々な所に行ったことがあるぞ。一番近くにあるのがShady S
{119}{}{ Shady Sandsに出向くのか?}
{120}{}{ Junktownの場所は?}

#{121}{}{You are starting to become annoying now. I think I will end
# that slight problem.}
{121}{}{ いい加減うっとおしくなってきたな。さっさと終わらせるか。}

#{122}{}{We are the Khan, and our leader is Garl. We are the most feared
# group in the wasteland, and with good reason. We take
# what we want, and those who get in our way pay the price.}
{122}{}{ 俺たちはKhans。まとめているのはGarlだ。うちほど恐れら

#{123}{}{Yes, we go to Shady Sands from time to time. It adds a little
# excitement to the lives of everyone concerned.}
#{124}{}{What about Junktown?}
{123}{}{ ああ、時々な。その場に居合わせたらちょっとしたスリルを味わえる
{124}{}{ Junktownの方は?}

#{125}{}{Why, Junktown is just a little bit to the south of here.
# Go a few miles, turn right at the dying cactus. You can't miss it!}
#{126}{}{You also said you visit Shady Sands.}
{125}{}{ そうだな、 Junktownはここからちょっと南に行った所にあ
{126}{}{ Shady Sandsにも出向くとの話だったが。}

#{127}{}{Do not bother me right now. I am preparing for the next raid.}
{127}{}{ 邪魔しないでくれ。次の襲撃の準備中だ。}


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