# (496) Convert from the Followers to the Children

#{100}{}{You see a woman.}
{100}{}{ 女 性 だ}

#{101}{}{I do not wish to die, sir. I am not a soldier.}
#{102}{}{I do not wish to die, ma'am. I am not a soldier.}
#{103}{}{Start talking, and I'll let you live.}
#{104}{}{Neither am I. I only kill when I have to.}
#{105}{}{Aren't you going to praise the Master or something!}
#{106}{}{I'll trade your life for a good stiff drink. Where do they keep the booze?}
#{107}{}{Good night bitch!}
#{108}{}{Me Big Soldier! Hah! Hah! Hah!}
{101}{}{ どうか命ばかりは。兵隊ではないのです。}
{102}{}{ どうか命ばかりは。兵隊ではないのです。}
{103}{}{ 口を割るなら命は取らない。}
{104}{}{ 私もだ。必要がない限り殺しはしない。}
{105}{}{ Masterだか何だかを崇めてるんじゃないのか!}
{106}{}{ 強い酒と引き換えなら助けてやってもいい。どこに置いてある?}
{107}{}{ おやすみビッチ!}
{108}{}{ おれつよいへーたい!はっ!はっ!はーっ!}

#{109}{}{I'm glad you came to talk to me. I heard what you said to Laura. You mustn't do this.}
#{110}{}{What do you think I'm going to do?}
#{111}{}{Laura? Who's Laura?}
#{112}{}{Oh, oh.}
#{113}{}{Oh, that was a big mistake! And it's gonna cost you.}
#{114}{}{Wha tak? Raar!}
{109}{}{ 丁度よかった。聞きましたよ、Lauraに言ったことを。そのよう
{110}{}{ 私が何をすると思っているんだ?}
{111}{}{ Laura?誰だそれは?}
{112}{}{ あーあー}
{113}{}{ あー、話すんじゃなかった!お前には死んでもらうぞ。}
{114}{}{ いたこと?あっー!}

#{115}{}{I think we've said all that needs to be said. Good bye.}
{115}{}{ お互い話すべきことは全て話したようですね。さようなら。}

#{116}{}{I do not speak to people at the point of a weapon. Lower it, and we may talk.}
{116}{}{ 武器を突きつけてくる人とは話しません。下ろすのでしたら話しても

#{117}{}{Hello again. I hope you've found this place interesting.}
#{118}{}{I've seen higher forms of entertainment.}
#{119}{}{Of course, sister. Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame!}
#{120}{}{You know, every time I talk to someone, people keep repeating everything they say over
# and over again.}
#{121}{}{Entertainment? Where's the booze!}
#{122}{}{This place is boring! Where's the blood? Where's the death?}
{117}{}{ こんにちは。楽しんでいただけていればいいのですが。}
{118}{}{ 質の高い余興を拝見させてもらったよ。}
{119}{}{ もちろんです、シスター。Masterを称えよ!「聖なる炎」を
{120}{}{ いやー、誰に話しかけても同じ事を頭から何度も何度も繰り返すん
{121}{}{ 楽しむだ?酒はないのかよ!}
{122}{}{ 退屈だな!血は流れないのか?死人は出ないのか?}

#{123}{}{Greetings initiate. How may I be of service to you?}
#{124}{}{I was a little nervous about our long range plans.}
#{125}{}{What's going on around here?}
#{126}{}{Where's the Master?}
#{127}{}{Who's in charge here?}
#{128}{}{Gimme a break sister. Nobody serves another person unless a gun's against their head!}
{123}{}{ こんにちは、イニシエイト。何かお役に立てることはありますか?}
{124}{}{ 計画の先が長いせいでちょっとナーバスになって。}
{125}{}{ この辺りの最近の状況は?}
{126}{}{ Masterはどちらに?}
{127}{}{ ここの指導者は?}
{128}{}{ ナンセンスですよ、シスター。他人のお役に立とうなんざ、頭に銃

#{129}{}{Hello, sir. Your reputation precedes you! Is there anything I can help you with?}
#{130}{}{Hello, miss. Your reputation precedes you! Is there anything I can help you with?}
#{131}{}{I was wondering what the Cathedral is all about.}
#{132}{}{How does one become an initiate?}
#{133}{}{Where's the Master?}
#{134}{}{Who's in charge here?}
#{135}{}{Gimme a break sister. Nobody serves another person unless a gun's against their head!}
{129}{}{ こんにちは。評判はかねがね伺っております!何かお力になれること
{130}{}{ こんにちは。評判はかねがね伺っております!何かお力になれること
{131}{}{ Cathedralってのは一体全体何なんだろうね。}
{132}{}{ イニシエイトになるにはどうすれば?}
{133}{}{ Masterはどちらに?}
{134}{}{ ここの指導者は?}
{135}{}{ ナンセンスですよ、シスター。他人のお力になろうなんざ、頭に銃

#{136}{}{Hello, sir. Your reputation precedes you! Is there anything I can help you with?}
#{137}{}{Hello, miss. Your reputation precedes you! Is there anything I can help you with?}
#{138}{}{I was wondering what the Cathedral is all about.}
#{139}{}{How does one become an initiate?}
#{140}{}{Where's the Master?}
#{141}{}{Who's in charge here?}
#{142}{}{Gimme a break sister. Nobody serves another person unless a gun's against their head!}
{136}{}{ こんにちは。評判はかねがね伺っております!何かお力になれること
{137}{}{ こんにちは。評判はかねがね伺っております!何かお力になれること
{138}{}{ Cathedralってのは一体全体何なんだろうね。}
{139}{}{ イニシエイトになるにはどうすれば?}
{140}{}{ Masterはどちらに?}
{141}{}{ ここの指導者は?}
{142}{}{ ナンセンスですよ、シスター。他人のお力になろうなんざ、頭に銃

#{143}{}{I know who you are. And you will forgive my rudeness, but I don't speak to psychotic
# killers. Good-bye.}
#{144}{}{My reputation has been greatly exaggerated. Does the Cathedral judge people on rumor
# and innuendo?}
#{145}{}{Psychotic killer? Who, me!}
#{146}{}{Baby, I'm no psycho, I'm just plain nuts, and if you don't answer my questions I'll prove it!}
{143}{}{ 何者かは承知しています。無礼の段はご容赦いただきますよ。精神に
{144}{}{ なんだか大げさに伝わり過ぎているようだな。Cathedral
{145}{}{ 精神異常の人殺し?誰が?私か!}
{146}{}{ おいおい、精神異常じゃあない、正真正銘のキチガイなんだよ!質

#{147}{}{I do not form bonds of loyalty easily. And I do not break them easily either. I will
# tell you nothing.}
{147}{}{ 気安く忠義を誓うことはありません。そして安易にそれを破ることも

#{148}{}{Good. Then we can leave each other alone and call it even.}
{148}{}{ よかった。ではお互い干渉せず貸し借りもなしということで。}

#{149}{}{Praising the Master will not save my life. Go ahead, and do it. I can do nothing to stop you.}
{149}{}{ Masterを崇めたところで何になります。 どうぞ、おやりなさ

#{150}{}{There's a still somewhere away from the Cathedral. They don't permit drugs or alcohol
# around here.}
{150}{}{  Cathedralを離れればどこかに蒸留設備があることでしょ

#{151}{}{Attempt to take the key to the secret entrance from Morpheus and kill the Master.}
#{152}{}{Why wouldn't I want to do that?}
#{153}{}{I don't know what you're talking about.}
#{154}{}{Why would I want to do that?}
#{155}{}{Have you ever heard about knowing too much?}
{151}{}{ Morpheusから秘密の入口の鍵を奪ってMasterを殺そう
{152}{}{ いけないことか?}
{153}{}{ 一体何の話やら。}
{154}{}{ そんなわけないじゃないか。}
{155}{}{ 知りすぎるとどうなるか知っているか?}

#{156}{}{The spy for the Followers of the Apocalypse who's currently in one of the meditation rooms.}
#{157}{}{There's a spy here? We must inform the High Priests at once!}
#{158}{}{I don't know what you're talking about.}
#{159}{}{Why would I be spying on you?}
#{160}{}{Have you ever heard about knowing too much?}
{156}{}{ 瞑想室の一室にいるFollowers of the Apoca
{157}{}{ ここにスパイが?今すぐハイプリーストに伝えなければ!}
{158}{}{ 一体何の話でざんしょ。}
{159}{}{ 私があなたをスパイするわけないじゃないか。}
{160}{}{ 知りすぎるとどうなるか知っているか?}

#{161}{}{This place isn't about entertainment, it's about enlightenment. More importantly,
# it's about making the right choices about the destiny of the world. See you around.}
{161}{}{ 余興などではありません。 蒙を啓き悟りを啓く、そのためのもので

#{162}{}{Riight. Sure. Of course. See you later.}
{162}{}{ 確かに。そうね。当然です。また後ほど。}

#{163}{}{I know. I have a tendency to do that too, when I have nothing original to say. See you later.}
{163}{}{ そうですね。とりたてて話すこともない時など、わたしとてそうなり

#{164}{}{People who have the spirit of the Holy Flame need no other spirits. Or so they say. You
# know how that goes_}
{164}{}{ 「聖なる炎」の魂をその身に宿す者には、それ以外の魂など必要あり

#{165}{}{Upstairs. Ask the Nightkin to shed your blood, they'll be more than happy to oblige.}
{165}{}{ 上へどうぞ。Nightkinに頼んで切り刻んでもらいなさい。大

#{166}{}{Because the Master is a necessary evil. Because somebody has to unite the world, and
# he's the only one in the area who has a chance to unify it.}
#{167}{}{Anyone ever tell you that Unity is overrated?}
#{169}{}{I don't believe in necessary evils.}
#{170}{}{I like this world just fine.}
#{171}{}{I don't think I like this conversation.}
{166}{}{ Masterの存在は必要悪です。誰かが世界を一つにまとめなけれ
{167}{}{ Unityは過大評価されている、そう言われたことはないか?}
{168}{}{ 理由は?}
{169}{}{ 必要悪なんてものは信用できませんね。}
{170}{}{ この世界のことは十分気に入ってるけどな。}
{171}{}{ こんな話もううんざりだ。}

#{172}{}{Very well, if you won't acknowledge what you said, I won't help you. Good bye.}
{172}{}{ いいでしょう。自分の発言を事実だと認めないのなら、こちらも力に

#{173}{}{Because you think that it's wrong for the Children to invade our neighbors. Because
# you think that killing the Master will stop it.}
#{174}{}{And if I believed that, why would I be wrong?}
#{175}{}{That's blasphemy!}
#{176}{}{If you think that I believe it, why haven't you turned me over?}
#{177}{}{Do I look like the sort of person who minds a good killing?}
{173}{}{ Childrenが近隣に武力侵攻するのは間違いだと思っています
{174}{}{ だとしても、私は何もおかしくないぞ。}
{175}{}{ 冒涜だ!}
{176}{}{ そう思っているのにガードに引き渡さないのはなぜです?}
{177}{}{ 私が殺しをためらうような人間に見えるか?}

#{178}{}{Have you ever heard of being in over your head? No one, however well-armed or trained,
# can defeat a half dozen Nightkin. I'm a woman of peace. I'm trying to save you.}
{178}{}{ 「お手上げ」って聞いたことはある?装備や訓練がいかに充実してい

#{179}{}{Look at the people who caused the Apocalypse! They didn't believe in peace and unity,
# and look what they did to us! Unity is the only way to prevent this from happening again,
# and Unity must happen NOW, before the other Vaults around the world have a chance to
# muster their forces.}
#{180}{}{You seem a little too intelligent for this pack of zombies.}
#{181}{}{You want everyone to act like the people in this room? That's worse than being dead!}
#{182}{}{You're crazy! That'll just lead to another Apocalypse.}
#{183}{}{And why is the Master the best one to lead us?}
{179}{}{ あの「大災害」を起こした人間のことを考えて御覧なさい!彼らの頭
{180}{}{ ゾンビにしては少しは頭が回るようだな。}
{181}{}{ みんなこの部屋にいる連中のようになればいいと思っているのか?
{182}{}{ 正気とは思えないね。そんなことじゃあまた「この世の終わり」が
{183}{}{ Masterが最高の指導者たる理由は?}

#{184}{}{You've never taken a life? You aren't packing enough firepower to give the
# Brotherhood of Steel gun envy? Stop being such a hypocrite! You feel it's justified
# to defend yourself. The Master's defending humanity from another attack of self-destruction.
# It's all the same!}
#{185}{}{How do you know there isn't someone better out there?}
#{186}{}{Maybe I should consider this.}
#{187}{}{So mass slaughter is all right if you intend to save the world?}
#{188}{}{That's bullshit, Lady!}
{184}{}{ 一度も命を奪ったことがないと?Brotherhood of S
{185}{}{ 外部にもっとましな人間がいてもおかしくないんじゃないか?}
{186}{}{ ちょっと考えてみる。}
{187}{}{ 世界を救うためなら大量殺戮も差し支えないと?}
{188}{}{ ナンセンスですな!}

#{189}{}{What the Hell kind of world do you think this is? It's a nightmare out there!}
#{190}{}{How do you know there isn't something better out there?}
#{191}{}{Maybe I should consider this.}
#{192}{}{A world where I can be free to live my own life as I choose.}
#{193}{}{Life ain't pretty, sister. Never has been, never will be.}
{189}{}{ この世界がどんな状態か本当に分かっているの?外は悪夢そのものな
{190}{}{ 外部にもっとましな人間がいてもおかしくないんじゃないか?}
{191}{}{ ちょっと考えてみる。}
{192}{}{ 好みの人生を自由に送れる世界だな。}
{193}{}{ 人生ってのは決して見てて気持ちいいもんじゃないんだぞ。これま

#{194}{}{Tough. I don't like radiation and the FEV virus, but I didn't have a choice about
# it. You can't always get what you want in this world. Sometimes you have to make compromises.
# And sometimes you have to open your mind to unpleasant ideas.}
#{195}{}{Funny. I don't see the Master allowing his flock to do that.}
#{196}{}{There's compromises, and there's genocide.}
#{197}{}{Get out of my face!}
#{198}{}{The only choice that concerns me right now is how long you're going to live.}
{194}{}{ 聞きなさい。わたしとて放射線だFEVウイルスだというのは気に入
{195}{}{ おかしいな。Masterが信徒にそれを許すとは思えないんだが。}
{196}{}{ 妥協の結果が虐殺なわけか。}
{197}{}{ さっさと失せろ!}
{198}{}{ いま気になる選択肢はただ一つ、お前の命があとどのくらいかって

#{199}{}{Maybe I'll be so intelligent that when the Master takes power, I'll be able to do
# something to help. Maybe you will too! Join us! Join us and change the world! Just think
# about it, that's all I ask!}
{199}{}{ Masterが覇権を握られた暁には、更に高い知能を得て何かのお

#{200}{}{There have always been drones in any society. Forget them! We need drones, but we
# also need soldiers and queens. And you look like a good soldier at least. Consider what
# you could do, you could be very useful to our cause. Help us. Think about what I've said,
# that's all I ask!}
{200}{}{ どんな社会にも無気力な者はいるものです。そんなものは忘れてしま
  えれば、とても有意に大義に尽くすことができますよ。 いかがです

#{201}{}{Or maybe we can overwhelm their defenses before they have time to build up again.
# Maybe we can unite the other Vaults and cities with one swift, clean stroke. A united world
# won't be perfect, but it will have a better chance of holding itself together. Think about it!}
{201}{}{ あるいは守りを固められる前に制圧できるかもしれません。素早く正

#{202}{}{I've looked at the locals. The Brotherhood of Steel and the Children of the Apocalypse
# just want to be left alone. The Hub thinks they can buy the world - what a pack of fools! Only
# the Master has the strength to do what must be done. Think about it!}
{202}{}{ このエリアの住人のことは調べました。Brotherhood o
  f SteelとChildren of the Apocaly

#{203}{}{I'm glad to hear that. I hope you come to the right decision.}
{203}{}{ それは結構なことです。正しい決断をなされるよう祈っております。}

#{204}{}{No. It isn't all right. But it's the only option that has a chance of saving us over the
# long term, which is why I'm with these people. There's no better way! Think about it!}
{204}{}{ いいえ。差し支えあります。ですが長い目で見れば、人類を救う可能

#{205}{}{Is it? Think about it. Think real hard. If you continue to oppose us, you'll die. You've
# seen our forces, you know there's more where that came from. A lot more! You can't stop us! But
# If you join us, you could save lives. Just think about it!}
{205}{}{ そうですか?よく考えてみてください。敵対を続ければ死ぬことにな

#{206}{}{I don't. But if I see someone else I like, I'll be in position to help them. None of the
# locals have a chance. They're all dead, or converted if they're fortunate. You can be one of the
# fortunate ones. Join us. Just think about it!}
{206}{}{ 分かりません。ですが、もし他にそういう人物がいるのならば力を貸

#{207}{}{The world won't stay like that. It never does. And if all we do is build packs of powerful
# enclaves, eventually one of them will get powerful enough to start the Apocalypse over again.
# Join us and unite the world before this happens! Think about it!}
{207}{}{ 今後も変わらずとはいきませんよ。絶対に。みなが思い思いに居留地

#{208}{}{And that's just a cowardly excuse that solves nothing. If life is shitty, we should try
# to change it. We owe it to ourselves and to our children. Do you think the world will stay the
# same when we divide ourselves into warring pieces? Think about it!}
{208}{}{ 臆病者の言いそうなことです。それでは何も解決しませんよ。人生が

#{209}{}{Or maybe there's salvation disguised as genocide. Maybe the world won't be such a bad
# place if people work for the Master's vision. Perhaps we can even find ways to do it with less
# bloodshed. Think about it!}
{209}{}{ あるいは虐殺の姿を借りた救済もあるのかもしれません。Maste
  rの構想に従えば、 世の中もそれほど悪いものにはならないでしょ

#{210}{}{Fine. But if you continue on your current path, you will die. I thought I should warn you.}
{210}{}{ 結構。ですが今の途を辿り続けていれば、いつか命を落としますよ。

#{211}{}{You can kill me. You'll prove my point, of course, but I'll still die. Your choice.}
{211}{}{ 殺すのならどうぞ。こちらが正しいと証明することになりますね。ま

#{212}{}{Because of the Apocalypse! Look what it did to us! Unity is the only way to prevent this
# from happening again, and Unity must happen NOW, before the other Vaults around the world
# have a chance to muster their forces.}
#{213}{}{You seem a little too intelligent for this pack of zombies.}
#{214}{}{You want everyone to act like the people in this room? That's worse than being dead!}
#{215}{}{I'll consider it.}
#{216}{}{You're crazy! That'll just lead to another Apocalypse.}
#{217}{}{And why is the Master the best one to lead us?}
#{218}{}{I ain't a philosopher lady. I'm just someone who's good at killing.}
{212}{}{ 「大災害」!そのせいでどんな目にあったことか!同じ事を繰り返さ
{213}{}{ ゾンビにしては少しは頭が回るようだな。}
{214}{}{ みんなこの部屋にいる連中のようになればいいと思っているのか?
{215}{}{ ちょっと考えてみる。}
{216}{}{ 正気とは思えないね。そんなことじゃあまた「この世の終わり」が
{217}{}{ Masterが最高の指導者たる理由は?}
{218}{}{ 考えるのは苦手でね。私は人殺しに長けてるだけんなんだが。}

#{219}{}{Because you're an intelligent and brave person who could be of great help to us.
# Yes, some of things we do are horrible. But our overall goal is not only good, it's necessary
# to the survival of the human race. Don't be so hasty to help the Followers. They don't have
# all the answers!}
#{220}{}{You seem a little too intelligent for this pack of zombies.}
#{221}{}{You want everyone to act like the people in this room? That's worse than being dead!}
#{222}{}{I'll consider it.}
#{223}{}{You're crazy! That'll just lead to another Apocalypse.}
#{224}{}{And why is the Master the best one to lead us?}
#{225}{}{I ain't a philosopher lady. I'm just someone who's good at killing.}
{219}{}{ あなたのように頭がよく勇気もある人間は非常に得がたい存在だから
{220}{}{ ゾンビにしては少しは頭が回るようだな。}
{221}{}{ みんなこの部屋にいる連中のようになればいいと思っているのか?
{222}{}{ ちょっと考えてみる。}
{223}{}{ 正気とは思えないね。そんなことじゃあまた「この世の終わり」が
{224}{}{ Masterが最高の指導者たる理由は?}
{225}{}{ 考えるのは苦手でね。私は人殺しに長けてるだけんなんだが。}

#{226}{}{We all have a part to play. Some of us are mindless drones who do the work meant
# for stupid people. Some of us are thinkers. Some of us are killers. There's a place for
# you here if you want it. Please think about it!}
{226}{}{ 誰にでも役割というものがあります。愚かで無気力な者にはそれに相
  応しい仕事があります。頭脳労働に向いている者、 人殺しに長けた

#{227}{}{We have many things planned. The Holy Flame came first, which purged the world of
# evil. Then came the Master. Now we are at the time of Unity, when we struggle to conquer
# the divisions of the world. After Unity shall come Peace. The Age of Peace is the reason
# for all our struggles.}
#{228}{}{Why must so many people die to attain peace?}
#{229}{}{That sounds wonderful. Praise the Master!}
#{230}{}{But wasn't the fire of the Apocalypse evil?}
#{231}{}{This all sounds like bullshit to me.}
{227}{}{ 計画の内容は多岐に渡っています。はじめに「聖なる炎」があり、世
{228}{}{ 平和のためになぜこれほど多くの人が死ななければならないんだ?}
{229}{}{ 実に素晴らしい。Masterを称えよ!}
{230}{}{ だが「大災害」の炎は邪悪なものじゃなかったのか?}
{231}{}{ 全くもってくだらん話にしか思えん。}

#{232}{}{I'm sure you are. Nervousness is a wise emotion, it keeps us from prying into
# unpleasant corners, and prevents us from doing stupid things. Good-bye.}
{232}{}{ そうでしょうとも。ナーバスになるというのはとても理にかなったこ

#{233}{}{Initiates seek the answers to questions. Which is what you should be doing. Good-bye.}
{233}{}{ イニシエイトは疑問に対する答えを探すものです。まさに、今あなた

#{234}{}{I don't know. People believe his spirit is within these walls. It certainly
# sounds like that to me.}
#{235}{}{What do people say about his physical form?}
#{236}{}{Did I hear a bit of skepticism?}
#{237}{}{Is there even a Master, or is this a scam?}
#{238}{}{That's an annoyingly vague answer.}
#{239}{}{Thank you, sister.}
{234}{}{ 分かりません。Masterの魂はこの壁の先にいらっしゃると信じ
{235}{}{ どのような姿形をしていると言われているのです?}
{236}{}{ ちょっと疑っているようですね?}
{237}{}{ Masterなんて存在するのか?単なるペテンなのか?}
{238}{}{ ひどく曖昧な答えですなあ。}
{239}{}{ ありがとう、シスター。}

#{240}{}{The high priest of the Cathedral is Morpheus. He can be found in the Upper
# Sanctuary, but does not give personal audiences. You might persuade Father Lasher to
# vouch for you, he can be found down here, in the Rectory.}
#{241}{}{Morpheus? Is he a good man?}
#{242}{}{Why do they call him Lasher?}
#{243}{}{And what about the Master?}
#{244}{}{Is there anything else I should know?}
#{245}{}{Thank you, sister.}
{240}{}{ CathedralのハイプリーストはMorpheusです。Up
  per Sanctuaryにおられるはずですが、個人的に人に会
{241}{}{ Morpheus?いい人ですか?}
{242}{}{ どうしてLasherと呼ばれているのです?}
{243}{}{ Masterに関してはご存じないですか?}
{244}{}{ 他に私が知っておくべきことは?}
{245}{}{ ありがとう、シスター。}

#{246}{}{You may change your mind. Or you may lose your life. This all depends on your
# actions and your point of view. Good-bye.}

#{247}{}{We have very similar interests. You have slain monsters and brigands and made
# the world a safer place. We plan to do the same, on a larger scale.}
#{248}{}{What sort of scale?}
#{249}{}{Who are the monsters and brigands that you're planning to slay?}
#{250}{}{Does this have anything to do with the Holy Flame I keep hearing about?}
#{251}{}{Sorry lady, but I don't believe a word of what you're saying.}
#{252}{}{How wonderful. Praise the Master! Praise the Holy Flame!}
{247}{}{ お互い似たようなことを考えるものですね。あなたはこれまで怪物や
{248}{}{ どんな規模で?}
{249}{}{ 怪物や盗賊というが、どういった連中を殺すつもりでいるんだ?}
{250}{}{ 「聖なる炎」と何か関わりがあるのですか?よく耳にしますが。}
{251}{}{ 申し訳ないのですが、言葉どおりに信じることはできません。}
{252}{}{ スバラスィー。Masterを称えよ!「聖なる炎」を称えよ!}

#{253}{}{Peace, love, and Unity, of course. What else could we be about? But you can
# discover these things for yourself. Good-bye.}
{253}{}{ 平和、愛、そしてUnity。言うまでもありませんね。それ以外の

#{254}{}{You should spend several weeks of meditation and fasting here, and then approach
# one of the elders. Or you could volunteer for service work.}
#{255}{}{I've noticed some of your people in other towns...}
#{256}{}{Who do I approach about volunteering?}
#{257}{}{Weeks! That's a long wait.}
#{258}{}{What elder is the best to approach?}
#{259}{}{Service work? Like killing your enemies?}
{254}{}{ ここで数週間瞑想と断食を行なっていただきます。その後にエルダー
{255}{}{ 他の街でもここの人たちを見かけたんだが・・・}
{256}{}{ 奉仕活動の件は誰に言えばいい?}
{257}{}{ 数週間も!随分待たされるんだな。}
{258}{}{ どのエルダーに言うのがベストなんだ?}
{259}{}{ 奉仕活動?敵を殺すとかか?}

#{260}{}{My apologies. At the very least, you might be honestly seeking redemption for your
# crimes. How may I help you.}
#{261}{}{I was wondering what the Cathedral is all about.}
#{262}{}{How does one become an initiate?}
#{263}{}{Where's the Master?}
#{264}{}{Who's in charge here?}
#{265}{}{Gimme a break sister! Nobody serves another person unless a gun's against their head!}
{260}{}{ それは失礼しました。少なくとも、正直に自分の罪を償おうとしてい
{261}{}{ Cathedralってのは一体全体何なんだろうね。}
{262}{}{ イニシエイトになるにはどうすれば?}
{263}{}{ Masterはどちらに?}
{264}{}{ ここの指導者は?}
{265}{}{ ナンセンスですよ、シスター。他人のお力になろうなんざ、頭に銃

#{266}{}{It is dangerous to allow a mad dog into one's house, just because you can't see
# its saliva. Good-bye.}
{266}{}{ よだれを垂らしているのが見えないからといって狂犬を家の中に入れ

#{267}{}{Then you have been maligned, because the entire Boneyard tells horror stories about
# you. And I have no desire to find out if they're true. Good-bye.}
{267}{}{ 汚名を被っていますね。恐ろしい人間だという話はBoneyard

#{268}{}{No struggle comes without a price, and the greatest struggle inevitably enacts the
# greatest cost. That is the paradox of peace, I fear. Words to think about, at any rate. Good-bye.}
{268}{}{ 闘争に犠牲はつきものです。激しい闘争であればその分犠牲が増える

#{269}{}{That is a paradox. Of course it was, but the greatest evils can lead to the greatest
# good. All it requires is intelligence and courage on the part of those who survive. Words to
# think about, at any rate. Good-bye.}
{269}{}{ そこなんです。確かに矛盾していますが、邪悪の権化が善の化身とな

#{270}{}{We shouldn't judge people by physical appearance. The Master's goal is noble, and
# that's all I need to know. As for what other people say, ask them.}
{270}{}{ 外見で人を判断してはなりません。 Masterの目的は崇高なも

#{271}{}{Perhaps a bit. The Master's vision is so ambitious and brilliant that I suppose I
# can be forgiven a few doubts. If I discouraged you, I apologize. I would suggest you seek
# hardier souls than mine for instruction. Good-bye.}
{271}{}{ まあ少しは。Masterの構想はあまりにも野心溢れる華々しいも

#{272}{}{Of course there's a Master! Why wouldn't there be? We do many things, even some things
# I'm not entirely proud of, but deceit isn't one of them. The Master's vision of Peace and Unity
# is a true one. Good-bye.}
{272}{}{ もちろん実在します!いらっしゃらない訳がないでしょう?わたし達
  せんが、偽ることなどありません。「Peace and Unit

#{273}{}{There's nothing vague about 'I don't know'. Goodbye sir.}
#{274}{}{There's nothing vague about 'I don't know'. Goodbye miss].}
{273}{}{ 「分からない」のどこが曖昧だと言うのです。失礼します。}
{274}{}{ 「分からない」のどこが曖昧だと言うのです。失礼します。}

#{275}{}{You're welcome sir. May the Master bless you with wisdom.}
#{276}{}{You're welcome miss. May the Master bless you with wisdom.}
{275}{}{ どういたしまして。Masterから叡智を授けられますように。}
{276}{}{ どういたしまして。Masterから叡智を授けられますように。}

#{277}{}{He's an intelligent man, and is trusted by the Master. That should be enough. May
# the Master bless you with wisdom. Good-bye.}
{277}{}{ 聡明で、Masterの信頼も得ておいでです。それだけ知っておけ

#{278}{}{He educates the children, and does so harshly. Is there anything else?}
#{279}{}{Morpheus? Is he a good man?}
#{280}{}{Why should Lasher be allowed to hurt children?}
#{281}{}{And what about the Master?}
#{282}{}{Is there anything else I should know?}
#{283}{}{Thank you, sister.}
{278}{}{ 子供たちに教育をしているのですが、それが実に厳しいのですよ。他
{279}{}{ Morpheus?いい人なのか?}
{280}{}{ Lasherはどうして子供を痛めつけることを許されているんだ?}
{281}{}{ Masterのことなんだが。}
{282}{}{ 他に知っておくべきことは?}
{283}{}{ ありがとう、シスター。}

#{284}{}{I can tell you nothing that you don't already know. My apologies.}
{284}{}{ あなたの知らないことは一切お伝えできません。申し訳ありません。}

#{285}{}{Many things I'm sure. But these answers are best discovered on our own, not through
# rumor and innuendo. Good-bye.}
{285}{}{ 色々とあります。 ですが、答えは自分自身で見つけるのが一番です

#{286}{}{You are welcome, sir.}
#{287}{}{You are welcome, miss.}
{286}{}{ どういたしまして。}
{287}{}{ どういたしまして。}

#{288}{}{As large as possible. The world is in chaos. It needs order, or it will not survive.
# We will bring order, and prevent the monsters from hurting it again, as they did in the
# Apocalypse. Words to think about, at any rate. Good-bye.}
{288}{}{ 可能な限り大規模にです。世の中は大いに乱れています。秩序がなけ

#{289}{}{Those who would let their selfish desires oppose the better good of humanity. The
# Apocalypse was caused by human selfishness. If the world is to survive, this madness must be
# purged from the human heart. Words to think about, at any rate. Good-bye.}
{289}{}{ 身勝手な欲望を善良な人間に対して向ける者たちのことです。「大災


#{294}{}{There was Deacon Olivier; no, she's gone now_ and Father Pinochet_ no, he's no
# longer available. I hesitate to mention Lasher, but he's the only one left now. Well,
# I'm sure you'll find a way. Good luck.}
{294}{}{ Deacon Olivierを・・・いや、もう亡くなりましたね

#{295}{}{Death is never a service, even when it's a necessity. Good bye sir.}
#{296}{}{Death is never a service, even when it's a necessity. Good bye miss.}
{295}{}{ 死は奉仕たりえません。たとえ避けられない場合であってもです。失
{296}{}{ 死は奉仕たりえません。たとえ避けられない場合であってもです。失

#{297}{}{That is something I've wondered myself. But such criticism is not warranted,
# I'm certain. Perhaps you should speak to the children.}
{297}{}{ わたし自身、疑問に思ったことがあります。ですが、批判するような

# op
{298}{}{ [終了]}

# op
#{299}{}{Me go.}
{299}{}{ かえる}

#{300}{}{We have taken initiates in sooner, but the Church is performing some
# major Crusades, and I think we're being more selective than usual about recruits.
# But faith will persevere, and patience is a virtue. Good luck, my friend.}
#{301}{}{We have taken initiates in sooner, but the Church is performing some
# major Crusades, and I think we're being more selective than usual about recruits.
# But faith will persevere, and patience is a virtue. Good luck, my friend.}
{300}{}{ 以前はもっと短期間で受け入れていましたが、いま教団は大規模な聖
{301}{}{ 以前はもっと短期間で受け入れていましたが、いま教団は大規模な聖

#{302}{}{I know of no plans to invoke the Holy Flame again. The Sacred Fire was
# sacred only because it gives us a chance to purge the world of imperfection.
# It is our actions that will make the flame Holy. We must take the evils of the
# world and make them tools for Good. Just as your weapons defend your life,
# our actions defend the world. Farewell, friend.}
#{303}{}{I know of no plans to invoke the Holy Flame again. The Sacred Fire was
# sacred only because it gives us a chance to purge the world of imperfection.
# It is our actions that will make the flame Holy. We must take the evils of the
# world and make them tools for Good. Just as your weapons defend your life,
# our actions defend the world. Farewell, friend.}
{302}{}{ 「聖なる炎」を再び呼び出す計画については存じません。件の聖火が
  らに他なりません。 炎に神性をもたらすのはわたし達の行いなので
{303}{}{ 「聖なる炎」を再び呼び出す計画については存じません。件の聖火が
  らに他なりません。 炎に神性をもたらすのはわたし達の行いなので

#{304}{}{We perform many services for people. Healing the sick, feeding the hungry,
# teaching the young. I am quite proud of them. If you corner Father Morpheus,
# he may be able to tell you how to get involved with our hospices. Farewell, friend.}
#{305}{}{We perform many services for people. Healing the sick, feeding the hungry,
# teaching the young. I am quite proud of them. If you corner Father Morpheus,
# he may be able to tell you how to get involved with our hospices. Farewell, friend.}
{304}{}{ 様々な奉仕を行なっておりますので。病める者には治療を施し、腹を
{305}{}{ 様々な奉仕を行なっておりますので。病める者には治療を施し、腹を

#{306}{}{If you corner Father Morpheus, he may be able to tell you how to get
# involved with our hospices. Farewell, friend.}
#{307}{}{If you corner Father Morpheus, he may be able to tell you how to get
# involved with our hospices. Farewell, friend.}
{306}{}{ ファーザーMorpheusがつかまれば、施設に関わる方法を教え
{307}{}{ ファーザーMorpheusがつかまれば、施設に関わる方法を教え


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