
# (556) boy who works for Dan the Brahmin Man

#{100}{}{You see Billy.}
{100}{}{ Billy だ}

#{101}{}{Hi there.}
#{102}{}{Hi, what are you doing?}
#{103}{}{Can I have a brahmin?}
#{104}{}{Hi.  Uh, bye.}
{101}{}{ やあ。}
{102}{}{ やあ。何をしてるんだい?}
{103}{}{ ブラーミンをもらえないか?}
{104}{}{ やあ。んー、それじゃ。}
{105}{}{ けっ!}
{106}{}{ ずゃ。}

#{107}{}{Why would you want a brahmin? Do you have a caravan? Well, it doesn't matter. I only take care of
# them. Dan is the one that owns them; he won't sell them though.}
#{109}{}{I was just kidding.}
{107}{}{ どうしてブラーミンがいるの?キャラバンでもやってるの?まあ、ど
{108}{}{ どうして?}
{109}{}{ 冗談だよ。}

#{110}{}{Cuz of all the missing caravans. He doesn't have any to spare, the caravans use most of them. The
# others are sold for food. Well, I better stop talking; Dan will get mad if he sees me talking to a stranger.}
{110}{}{ キャラバンがいくつも行方不明になってるから。分けてあげる余裕は
  のを見られたら Danに怒られるから。}

#{111}{}{Oh, okay.}
{111}{}{ ああ、そうか。}

#{112}{}{Nothing . . . I mean, I'm taking care of the brahmin.}
#{113}{}{What's the spear for? Are they dangerous?}
#{114}{}{What's a brahmin?}
{112}{}{ 何も・・・ああ、ブラーミンの面倒をみてるんだよ。}
{113}{}{ その槍は何に?そいつら獰猛なのかい?}
{114}{}{ ブラーミンってのは?}

#{115}{}{What's a brahmin? You must be joking. Why they're one of the major
# food sources and forms of transportation around here. They haul the caravans.
# Dan says this is a really important job, but it's the Bone.}
#{116}{}{Oh, I knew that!}
#{117}{}{Dan's right. You are doing a great job.}
#{118}{}{Yea, it looks that way. Have fun.}
{115}{}{ ブラーミンってのは?って。冗談でしょ。この辺じゃ、大事な食料源
  だし輸送の足としても使ってるじゃない。 キャラバンの荷運びとし
{116}{}{ ああ、そのブラーミンか!}
{117}{}{ Dan が正しいな。素晴らしい仕事じゃないか。}
{118}{}{ そうだな。ま、頑張れよ。}

#{119}{}{Hey, you're one of those skags aren't you?}
{119}{}{ おい、あんたもヤクやってんじゃないだろうね?}

#{120}{}{Really? You think so? Gee, thanks.}
{120}{}{ 本当に?そう思う?いいねぇ、ありがとう。}

#{121}{}{You're not from around here, are you? I'll give you one tip:
# Don't get caught stealing!}
#{122}{}{Sure, thanks.}
#{123}{}{I wouldn't dream of stealing. Stealing is wrong.}
{121}{}{ この辺の人じゃないね?いいことを教えてあげる――泥棒しちゃだめ
{122}{}{ 分かった。ありがとう。}
{123}{}{ 盗みなんて考えたこともないよ。盗みはダメだ。}

#{124}{}{Yea, I think I'm starting to agree with you. This job isn't so bad, really.
# It makes me feel good for some reason. Well, I've got to go before I get
# in trouble.}
{124}{}{ ああ、僕もそんな気がしてきたよ。確かにそんな悪い仕事じゃないか

# float
#{125}{}{Please don't hurt me or my brahmin.}
#{126}{}{Don't hurt me!}
#{127}{}{Stop it!}
#{128}{}{Please leave me alone.}
#{129}{}{You're scaring me.}
{125}{}{ お願いだから僕にもブラーミンにも手を出さないで。}
{126}{}{ 乱暴しないで!}
{127}{}{ やめて!}
{128}{}{ 頼むから放っといて。}
{129}{}{ 怖いよ。}

# float
#{130}{}{Hey what are you trying to do?  I don't have anything you'd want.}
#{131}{}{Stop that!}
{130}{}{ おい、何をしようってんだよ?あんたが欲しがりそうな物なんて何もないよ。}
{131}{}{ やめて!}

#{132}{}{Dangerous? No, not really. They can give you a really nasty bite,
# but they're pretty cool. They fart and burp a lot. I don't know why.}
#{133}{}{So what's the spear for?}
#{134}{}{Okay, thanks.}
{132}{}{ 獰猛?いや、そうでもないよ。そりゃ噛まれたらやばいけど、とても
{133}{}{ で、その槍は?}
{134}{}{ そうか。ありがとう。}

#{135}{}{Oh, they can be awfully stubborn when I want them to do something.  I just gently stick them to get
# them to move around . . .  plus I don't want to get too close; they sometimes kick. }
{135}{}{ ああ、こいつらはね、何かさせようとしても全然言うことを聞いてく
  僕が近づきたくないってのもあるか。蹴ってくることもあるんだよ。 }

#{136}{}{Please don't talk to me. Dan is going to yell at me again.  He really gets pissed -  I mean - mad, when
# I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing.}
#{137}{}{He's just trying to help. Work hard and I'm sure he'll be nicer.}
#{138}{}{Here kid, take 50 bucks and get away from this jerk.}
{136}{}{ 頼むから話しかけないで。またDanにどやされちまうよ。仕事に集
{137}{}{ 指導してくれてるだけじゃないか。しっかり働けば優しくしてくれ
{138}{}{ おい坊主、50ドルやるからそのクズ野郎の所から逃げな。}
{139}{}{ 分かった。}
{140}{}{ アッーーー!}
{141}{}{ るー?}

# float
#{142}{}{Please don't, I'm already in enough trouble.}
{142}{}{ 本当に勘弁して。これ以上困らせないでよ。}

#{143}{}{I AM working hard!}
#{144}{}{I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. He's just trying to help you.}
#{145}{}{No you aren't, you lazy little skeev!}
#{146}{}{Okay. }
{143}{}{ ちゃんとやってるって!}
{144}{}{ すまない、そんなつもりでは。彼は指導しようとしてるだけだよ。}
{145}{}{ 違うね、このうっとおしい怠け者めが!}
{146}{}{ そうか。}

#{147}{}{Yea, maybe you're right . . . actually, he seems pretty cool,
# but I wish he wouldn't yell at me so much.}
{147}{}{ うん、その通りかもね・・・確かにすごくいい人なんだけど、こんな

#{148}{}{Yea, right.}
{148}{}{ うん、そうだね。}

#{149}{}{Up yours, you old fart!}
#{150}{}{Up yours, you old hag!}
{149}{}{ うるせえ、このクソジジイ!}
{150}{}{ うるせえ、このクソババア!}

#{151}{}{WOW! I can live on this for the rest of my life! Thanks a lot, mister!}
#{152}{}{WOW! I can live on this for the rest of my life! Thanks a lot, ma'am!}
{151}{}{ うおー!これで残りの人生やってけるよ!どうもありがとう、お兄さ
{152}{}{ うおー!これで残りの人生やってけるよ!どうもありがとう、お姉さ

#{153}{}{WOW! Thanks . . . Well? . . . You're just trying to get me in trouble again!}
{153}{}{ うおー!ありがとう・・・で?・・・また僕を嫌な目にあわそうって

#{154}{}{Please don't talk to me, Dan is really mad.}
#{155}{}{Don't worry. I had a talk with him, he'll try to be nicer to you.}
#{156}{}{And he should be! You're a terrible kid!}
{154}{}{ 頼むから話しかけないでよ。Danが本気で怒ってる。}
{155}{}{ 大丈夫だ。彼と話し合ってきたから。これからはもっと優しくして
{156}{}{ そりゃ当然だ!手に負えない子供だからな。}
{157}{}{ だすぇぇ}

# float
#{159}{}{Those girls over there sure are dumb.}
#{160}{}{Hi again.}
#{161}{}{Brahmin are cool.}
#{162}{}{Dan's taking me to the Falcon if I do a good job.}
#{163}{}{Dan's going to take me on a caravan some day!}
#{164}{}{I'm going to be an adventurer when I grow up.}
{158}{}{ やあ!}
{159}{}{ あそこにいる女たちは絶対アホだよ。}
{160}{}{ また会ったね。}
{161}{}{ ブラーミンは大人しいよ。}
{162}{}{ しっかり働いたら、DanがFalconに連れて行ってくれるんだ。}
{163}{}{ Danはいつか僕にキャラバンを任せてくれるんだ!}
{164}{}{ 大きくなったら冒険家になるんだ。}

#{165}{}{Really? Oh, okay. I hope you didn't hurt him. He's really not so bad.
# He just yells a lot.}
{165}{}{ 本当?  そっかー。でも手は出してないよね。別に悪い人じゃないん

#{166}{}{Hello again.}
#{167}{}{What is it you do again?}
#{168}{}{Can I have a brahmin?}
#{169}{}{Just stopping by to see how things are going. Bye.}
{166}{}{ やあ。}
{167}{}{ 何してるんだっけ?}
{168}{}{ ブラーミンをもらえないかい?}
{169}{}{ どんな調子か見に寄っただけだよ。それじゃ。}
{170}{}{ ケッ!}
{171}{}{ ずゃ}

# float
#{172}{}{I'd better get back to work.}
#{173}{}{Those girls over there sure are dumb.}
#{174}{}{Hi again.}
#{175}{}{I'm going to be an adventurer when I grow up.}
#{176}{}{Brahmin sure do shi . . . uh, poop a lot.}
#{177}{}{I can't talk right now.}
#{178}{}{I don't want to get in trouble.}
{172}{}{ 仕事に戻るよ。}
{173}{}{ あそこにいる女たちは絶対アホだよ。}
{174}{}{ また会ったね。}
{175}{}{ 大きくなったら冒険家になるんだ。}
{176}{}{ ブラーミンうぜぇ・・・あー、クタクタだ。}
{177}{}{ 話す時間はないよ。}
{178}{}{ 面倒なことに巻き込まないで。}


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