
その他のキャラクターのボイス一覧《TW》 - (2010/04/11 (日) 10:28:04) のソース

*KILLING FLOORその他のキャラクターボイス一覧
  更新日時:&update(format=Y/m/d H:i:s) 
ここではKILLING FLOORに登場する[[プレイヤーキャラクター>http://www29.atwiki.jp/killingfloor/pages/136.html]]以外のキャラクターのセリフの意味について記述します。
** &spanid(trader){Trader responses(トレーダーの台詞)}
***Shortly after the beginning of a wave(waveが始まった直後)
- I'm moving. See you when you've got the job done.
- Stay sharp.
- If you live long enough, I'll be here.
- Watch out for me, boys.
- Don't forget about me, boys, come and find me.
- I've moved, so look out for me. 

***Shortly before the end of a wave(waveが終わる直前)
- Lots of lovely guns, just waiting for you.
- You nearly made it; better get close to me!
- You've nearly got them all! I want you close, babe.
- I'm ready and waiting! Watch where you are.
- Shop'll open soon lads, head this way. 

***At the end of the wave when the Trader opens(waveが終わってお店が開いた時)
- I like the big ones, don't you?
- The shop is open, boys; come get me!
- They're all dead! It's time to go shoppin'!
- Come and get 'em! Lovely big guns!
- I'll tool you up, just right. 

***When 30 seconds (i.e. half) of the Trader's opening time is spent(トレーダーが開店してから30秒〈つまり半分〉経った時)
- Move it guys. I want to get out of here.
- Last orders you lot.
- Clock's runnin'. Get a move on.
- Shift your arses guys. Time's getting short.
- Make your mind up quick boys. 

***If you try to buy a weapon you have insufficient funds for(お金が足りない武器を買おうとした時)
- You ain't got the money for that one babe.
- Not enough dosh for that one, hun.
- You'll need more money for that piece.
- You're jokin' right? You're skint!
- Guns don't grow on trees, sweety. You'll need more money for that one. 

***If you try to buy a weapon you don't have the space to carry(持つスペースが無い武器を買おうとした時)
- That one's too big for you, hun. Sell me something first.
- You're no Frank Bruno! You can't carry that.
- You can't carry that, babe, so sell me something first.
- You're off your rocker! How'd you think you're gonna carry that one?
- Shame, darlin', but even you can't carry that much. 

***When the Trader closes at the beginning of a new wave(waveが開始してトレーダーが閉店した時)
- They're coming! I'm gone.
- It was fun having you all, but you're on your own for now.
- Do a good job, and I'll be waiting.
- That's some good stuff I sold you. Put it to good use.
- They're guns, boys. You know what to do with 'em.

***When the Trader opens before the Patriarch's wave(Patriachが来るwaveの前にトレーダーが開店した時)
- Something really big's coming. Stock up while you can.
- This time, buy the really big guns.
- Everything has to go this time. Rob 'em while you can.
- I'm not coming back boys, so make the most of it.
- Last chance, boys. Spend it while you've got it. 

** &spanid(patriarch){Patriarch responses(Patriachの台詞)}
***When he first appears(登場時)
- Excellent! Another batch of subjects.
- What've you done to my children?!
- You've murdered my children!
- I'll show you! I'll show you all!
- You'll pay for what you've done!
- I'll show you no mercy. 

***When he has been brought to his knees(膝を付いた時)
- Now this is a fight.
- Now we're having fun.
- That hardly hurts.
- You're really starting to piss me off.
- You're ruining everything!
- What do you think you're doing? 

***When he runs away to heal and summons his "children"(回復と『子供達』の召喚のために逃げた時)
- Save me, my children! Daddy needs you.
- This can't happen. My children; show me how much you love me.
- My children are returning... It makes me so proud.
- Come! Come my children! Don't let your Daddy die.
- Come! Help me, my children.
- Come out! Come out and make your father proud.
- We are a family! My children will show you how much they love me.
- My children! Come out! Don't let them do this.
- Save me, my children! Show them how much you love me.

***At any time while fighting him(戦闘中いつでも)
- I always told her, I'd make something of myself. And she never listened.
- Everything is so simple when you have a rocket launcher for an arm!
- You can't run forever.
- Superior genetics.
- Eventually I will catch you.
- Look at you! Running around like insects. I'll crush you like the pests you are. 
- You sure are good at running away.
- I don't think you fully understand the situation: you're all going to die. 

***If your squad is wiped out in the final wave(最終waveで全滅した時)
- What was it that you had hoped to accomplished? I cannot be stopped.
- This is it? This is the best they had? What a waste of time.
- I thought you were the best, but you're just like all the others; pathetic.
- There's plenty of research to be done around here...
- Send more men! Send entire armies! I will destroy them all.
- Hahahaha! You're pathetic! 

***When he is about to fire his chain gun(チェインガン使用時)
- Time for a more direct approach.
- This is the end of you! 

***When he is about to fire a rocket(ロケット使用時)
- Wait right there. Hahahahaha!
- One in the pipe.
- Stay there. I'll make this quick. 


*** &spanid(bloat){Bloat}
- It needs more salt.
-  I'm fat.
- I am so hungry.
- "Awkward silence..."
- What is that smell?

*** &spanid(stalker){Stalker}
- I'm here somewhere.
- Probably just your imagination.
- Come on, give us a kiss.

*** &spanid(siren){Siren}
- Why did they have to take my eyes?
- I'm going to sing, they love it then I sing.
- Get me out of this... jacket!
- Everything is black... everything.

*** &spanid(husk){Husk}
- "Laughter"
- I know where you are.
- Consume.
- Acquired.
- There you are.

*** &spanid(scrake){Scrake}
- That was nice.
- April Fool.
- "Laughter"
- You are all so flawed.
- I like trousers.

*** &spanid(fleshpound){FleshPound}
- Flesh pound!
- "Laughter" Fear me!
- Tenderize.
- I am going to fix you.
- Merging process, complete.
- Level of aggression, 11.
- Kill... all ... humans... kill!