「Shivering Isles/服・装飾品」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Shivering Isles/服・装飾品 - (2010/05/20 (木) 19:45:52) の1つ前との変更点



*シヴァリング・アイルズ追加服・装飾品 #contents **上半身 |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''備考''| |Brown Tunic|10|2|Bright clothing of Mania. Covers the hands.| |Grey Tunic|10|2|Bright clothing of Mania. Covers the hands.| |継ぎあてしたシャツ|10|2|There are two slightly different versions of the patchwork shirt.Dark clothing of Dementia.| **下半身 |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''効果''|''備考''| |Brown Trousers|10|2||Bright clothing of Mania.| |Grey Trousers|10|2||Bright clothing of Mania.| |継ぎあてしたズボン|10|2||There are two slightly different versions of the patchwork pants.Dark clothing of Dementia.| |Calming Pants|810|2|上昇 魅力 8pts|In the quest The Coming Storm, Fimmion has them and Ahjazda wants them.| **ローブ |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''効果''|''備考''| |Black Finery|10|2||Dark clothing of Dementia.Covers your hands and feet.| |Haskill's Suit|10|2||Worn by Haskill. This item cannot be obtained through legitimate means and cannot be worn as it is not marked as Playable.Covers your body, legs and feet.| |Heretic's Robe|3|2||Found on the Heretics of Mania. Wearing these robes allows you to walk among heretics without being attacked. If you get too close or are seen by a heretic boss, a verbal warning of your impostor status is given, and all heretics in the area will go back to being hostile to you.Identical in appearance to the Arch Mage's Robes.| |Light Blue Regalia|10|2||Vibrant clothing of Mania.Covers your hands and feet.| |Light Green Regalia|10|2||Vibrant clothing of Mania.Covers your hands and feet.| |Light Purple Regalia|10|2||Vibrant clothing of Mania.Covers your hands and feet.| |Luminary Robes|8|4||Worn by Luminary Kaz in The Howling Halls, Antechamber| |Order Priest's Robe|0|3||Found on the Priests of Order.Covers your hands and feet.| |Purple Finery|10|2||Dark clothing of Dementia.Covers your hands and feet.| |Red Finery|10|2||Dark clothing of Dementia.Covers your hands and feet.| |Robe of the Apostle|300|3||Covers your hands.| |Syl's Dress|10|2||Worn by Syl. This item cannot be obtained through legitimate means. Marked as unplayable, but can still be forcibly equipped using console codes.Covers your hands and feet.| |Thadon's Robe|10|2||Worn by Thadon. This item cannot be obtained through legitimate means.Covers your feet.| |Zealot's Robe|3|2||Found on Zealots of Dementia. Wearing the Zealot's Robe and Hood allows you to walk among zealots without being attacked. If you get too close or are seen by a zealot boss, they will announce your clever ruse and all zealots in the area revert to normal behavior.Covers your hands and feet.| |Apostle Robes|133|4|発光 10ft|Found on the Apostles during the Main Quest.Covers your hands.| |Shegorath's Regalia?[sic]|5100|3|上昇 運 10pts&br()上昇 魅力 30pts&br()上昇 話術 10pts|After completing the main quest, it can be found on Sheogorath's throne.Covers your hands and feet.| |Ciirta's Robes|1458~6558|4|体力上昇 5~25pts&br()上昇 破壊 2~8pts&br()防御 5~20%|レベル依存・最高30&br()Obtained from Ciirta's body during the Symbols of Office quest.| |Raiment of Arden-Sul|2010~5910|2|上昇 知力 5~11pts&br()上昇 気力 5~11pts&br()麻痺耐性アップ 10~40%&br()防御 7~25%|レベル依存・最高30&br()Given to you if you light the torch of Mania during the quest The Cold Flame of Agnon. It is identical in appearance to Light Blue Regalia and, like the Light Blue Regalia, covers your hands and feet.| |Raiment of Intrigue|1610~4010|2|上昇 運 4~10pts&br()上昇 速度 4~10pts&br()上昇 開錠 4~10pts&br()上昇 隠密 4~10pts|レベル依存・最高30&br()Given to you if you light the torch of Dementia during the quest The Cold Flame of Agnon. It is identical in appearance to Black Finery and, like the Black Finery, covers your hands and feet.| **フード |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''備考''| |Heretic's Hood|1|0.5|Found on the Heretics of Mania.Identical in appearance to Arch Mage' Hood| |Order Priest's Hood|0|2|Found on the Priests of Order.| |Zealot's Hood|1|0.5|Found on Zealots of Dementia.| **靴 |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''備考''| |Brown Loafers|10|2|Bright clothing of Mania.| |Orange Loafers|10|2|Bright clothing of Mania.| |Scruffy Shoes|10|2|There are two slightly different versions of the scruffy shoes.Dark clothing of Dementia.| **腕部 |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''効果''|''備考''| |Manacles of Pain|1500|0.1|低下 持久力 10pts&br()低下 知力 10pts&br()上昇 腕力 5pts&br()上昇 気力 5pts|Received from Relmyna Verenim after surviving her spell if you use her "Victims" topic to help her prisoners.| **首飾り |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''効果''|''備考''| |Amulet of Disintegration|15|0.4|防具破壊 10000pts&br()武器破壊 10000pts|クエスト「迫り来る嵐」で必要。鍛冶訓練のお供に| |Slaughterfish Scale Charm|2395|0.3|疾病耐性アップ 25%&br()水中呼吸|Found in urn with Din's Ashes in Ebrocca| |狂気の慈悲|1100~2600|0.4~0.6|炎耐性アップ 7~16%&br()冷気耐性アップ 7~16%&br()冷気耐性アップ 7~16%|レベル依存・最高25&br()クエスト「狂気のフリンジを抜けて」報酬| |Pyke's Medallion|575~1725|0.2|上昇 話術 5~15pts|レベル依存・最高20&br()クエスト「英雄の手助け」後も何度もリスポーンする上、捨てられない| |Talisman of Abetment|2750~5150|1|生命探知 20~80ft&br()軽量化 15~75pts&br()水中呼吸|レベル依存・最高30(バグで最低ランク固定かも)&br()At the end of quest Baiting the Trap after you get Dawnfang/Duskfang, there is a chest that contains the leftovers of the adventurers. The Talisman is one of leftover items.| **指輪 |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''効果''|''備考''| |Ghostly Immobility|0|1000||Added and removed during the Ghosts of Vitharn quest. See that page for more information.| |Heirloom Ring|775|0.4|体力上昇 5pts|Named "SEFargothRing" in the editor, a reference to Morrowind where the infamous character Fargoth had a ring with a similar effect.| |Ring of the Oceanborn|2175|0.1|暗視&br()水中呼吸|Found in Xirethard in the treasure container Dark Chest of Wonders, this ring's name and location refers to the Nightwish song "Dark Chest of Wonders" and their album "Oceanborn."| |Ring of Desiccation|4015|1|水中呼吸&br()水上歩行|クエスト「迫り来る嵐」で必要| |Ring of Disrobing|50|0.2|全ての装備を外す|クエスト「珍品博物館」で必要| |Circlet of Verdure|2060~8310|0.1|上昇 持久力 2~12pts&br()体力上昇 10~35pts&br()疾病耐性アップ 10~60%&br()毒耐性アップ 10~60%|レベル依存・最高25&br()Given as a reward for the quest A Liquid Solution.| |Ring of Happiness|3817~6062|0.1|軽量化 25~70pts&br()上昇 魅力 4~10pts&br()発光 5~25ft&br()水上歩行|レベル依存・最高25(バグで最低ランク固定かも)&br()AReward for Final Resting quest.| |Ring of Lordship (Dementia)|1545~5055|0|不可視 8~32%&br()上昇 持久力 5~20pts&br()毒耐性アップ 25~55%|レベル依存・最高30&br()Given as a reward for the Main quest Ritual of Dementia.| |Ring of Lordship (Mania)|1750~5950|1|上昇 魅力 5~20pts&br()疾病耐性アップ 20~80%&br()防御 8~26%|レベル依存・最高30&br()Given as a reward for the Main quest Ritual of Mania.| |Ring of Mind Shielding|3400~6700|0.1|呪文反射 6~12%&br()魔法耐性アップ 6~12%|レベル依存・最高25&br()Reward for Everything In Its Place quest.| ----
*シヴァリング・アイルズ追加服・装飾品 #contents **上半身 |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''備考''| |Brown Tunic|10|2|Bright clothing of Mania. Covers the hands.| |Grey Tunic|10|2|Bright clothing of Mania. Covers the hands.| |継ぎあてしたシャツ|10|2|There are two slightly different versions of the patchwork shirt.Dark clothing of Dementia.| **下半身 |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''効果''|''備考''| |Brown Trousers|10|2||Bright clothing of Mania.| |Grey Trousers|10|2||Bright clothing of Mania.| |継ぎあてしたズボン|10|2||There are two slightly different versions of the patchwork pants.Dark clothing of Dementia.| |Calming Pants|810|2|上昇 魅力 8pts|In the quest The Coming Storm, Fimmion has them and Ahjazda wants them.| **ローブ |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''効果''|''備考''| |異端者のローブ|3|2||Found on the Heretics of Mania. Wearing these robes allows you to walk among heretics without being attacked. If you get too close or are seen by a heretic boss, a verbal warning of your impostor status is given, and all heretics in the area will go back to being hostile to you.Identical in appearance to the Arch Mage's Robes.| |ジーロットのローブ|3|2||Found on Zealots of Dementia. Wearing the Zealot's Robe and Hood allows you to walk among zealots without being attacked. If you get too close or are seen by a zealot boss, they will announce your clever ruse and all zealots in the area revert to normal behavior.Covers your hands and feet.| |Black Finery|10|2||Dark clothing of Dementia.Covers your hands and feet.| |Light Blue Regalia|10|2||Vibrant clothing of Mania.Covers your hands and feet.| |Light Green Regalia|10|2||Vibrant clothing of Mania.Covers your hands and feet.| |Light Purple Regalia|10|2||Vibrant clothing of Mania.Covers your hands and feet.| |Luminary Robes|8|4||Worn by Luminary Kaz in The Howling Halls, Antechamber| |Order Priest's Robe|0|3||Found on the Priests of Order.Covers your hands and feet.| |Purple Finery|10|2||Dark clothing of Dementia.Covers your hands and feet.| |Red Finery|10|2||Dark clothing of Dementia.Covers your hands and feet.| |Robe of the Apostle|300|3||Covers your hands.| |Thadon's Robe|10|2||Worn by Thadon. This item cannot be obtained through legitimate means.Covers your feet.| |Apostle Robes|133|4|発光 10ft|Found on the Apostles during the Main Quest.Covers your hands.| |Shegorath's Regalia?[sic]|5100|3|上昇 運 10pts&br()上昇 魅力 30pts&br()上昇 話術 10pts|After completing the main quest, it can be found on Sheogorath's throne.Covers your hands and feet.| |Ciirta's Robes|1458~6558|4|体力上昇 5~25pts&br()上昇 破壊 2~8pts&br()防御 5~20%|レベル依存・最高30&br()Obtained from Ciirta's body during the Symbols of Office quest.| |Raiment of Arden-Sul|2010~5910|2|上昇 知力 5~11pts&br()上昇 気力 5~11pts&br()麻痺耐性アップ 10~40%&br()防御 7~25%|レベル依存・最高30&br()Given to you if you light the torch of Mania during the quest The Cold Flame of Agnon. It is identical in appearance to Light Blue Regalia and, like the Light Blue Regalia, covers your hands and feet.| |Raiment of Intrigue|1610~4010|2|上昇 運 4~10pts&br()上昇 速度 4~10pts&br()上昇 開錠 4~10pts&br()上昇 隠密 4~10pts|レベル依存・最高30&br()Given to you if you light the torch of Dementia during the quest The Cold Flame of Agnon. It is identical in appearance to Black Finery and, like the Black Finery, covers your hands and feet.| **フード |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''備考''| |異端者のフード|1|0.5|Found on the Heretics of Mania.Identical in appearance to Arch Mage' Hood| |ジーロットのフード|1|0.5|Found on Zealots of Dementia.| |Order Priest's Hood|0|2|Found on the Priests of Order.| **靴 |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''備考''| |Brown Loafers|10|2|Bright clothing of Mania.| |Orange Loafers|10|2|Bright clothing of Mania.| |Scruffy Shoes|10|2|There are two slightly different versions of the scruffy shoes.Dark clothing of Dementia.| **腕部 |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''効果''|''備考''| |Manacles of Pain|1500|0.1|低下 持久力 10pts&br()低下 知力 10pts&br()上昇 腕力 5pts&br()上昇 気力 5pts|Received from Relmyna Verenim after surviving her spell if you use her "Victims" topic to help her prisoners.| **首飾り |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''効果''|''備考''| |Amulet of Disintegration|15|0.4|防具破壊 10000pts&br()武器破壊 10000pts|クエスト「迫り来る嵐」で必要。鍛冶訓練のお供に| |Slaughterfish Scale Charm|2395|0.3|疾病耐性アップ 25%&br()水中呼吸|Found in urn with Din's Ashes in Ebrocca| |狂気の慈悲|1100~2600|0.4~0.6|炎耐性アップ 7~16%&br()冷気耐性アップ 7~16%&br()冷気耐性アップ 7~16%|レベル依存・最高25&br()クエスト「狂気のフリンジを抜けて」報酬| |Pyke's Medallion|575~1725|0.2|上昇 話術 5~15pts|レベル依存・最高20&br()クエスト「英雄の手助け」後も何度もリスポーンする上、捨てられない| |Talisman of Abetment|2750~5150|1|生命探知 20~80ft&br()軽量化 15~75pts&br()水中呼吸|レベル依存・最高30(バグで最低ランク固定かも)&br()At the end of quest Baiting the Trap after you get Dawnfang/Duskfang, there is a chest that contains the leftovers of the adventurers. The Talisman is one of leftover items.| **指輪 |''名前''|''価値''|''重量''|''効果''|''備考''| |Ghostly Immobility|0|1000||Added and removed during the Ghosts of Vitharn quest. See that page for more information.| |Heirloom Ring|775|0.4|体力上昇 5pts|Named "SEFargothRing" in the editor, a reference to Morrowind where the infamous character Fargoth had a ring with a similar effect.| |Ring of the Oceanborn|2175|0.1|暗視&br()水中呼吸|Found in Xirethard in the treasure container Dark Chest of Wonders, this ring's name and location refers to the Nightwish song "Dark Chest of Wonders" and their album "Oceanborn."| |Ring of Desiccation|4015|1|水中呼吸&br()水上歩行|クエスト「迫り来る嵐」で必要| |Ring of Disrobing|50|0.2|全ての装備を外す|クエスト「珍品博物館」で必要| |Circlet of Verdure|2060~8310|0.1|上昇 持久力 2~12pts&br()体力上昇 10~35pts&br()疾病耐性アップ 10~60%&br()毒耐性アップ 10~60%|レベル依存・最高25&br()Given as a reward for the quest A Liquid Solution.| |Ring of Happiness|3817~6062|0.1|軽量化 25~70pts&br()上昇 魅力 4~10pts&br()発光 5~25ft&br()水上歩行|レベル依存・最高25(バグで最低ランク固定かも)&br()AReward for Final Resting quest.| |Ring of Lordship (Dementia)|1545~5055|0|不可視 8~32%&br()上昇 持久力 5~20pts&br()毒耐性アップ 25~55%|レベル依存・最高30&br()Given as a reward for the Main quest Ritual of Dementia.| |Ring of Lordship (Mania)|1750~5950|1|上昇 魅力 5~20pts&br()疾病耐性アップ 20~80%&br()防御 8~26%|レベル依存・最高30&br()Given as a reward for the Main quest Ritual of Mania.| |Ring of Mind Shielding|3400~6700|0.1|呪文反射 6~12%&br()魔法耐性アップ 6~12%|レベル依存・最高25&br()Reward for Everything In Its Place quest.| ----

