JFK暗殺事件 製作中




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時刻 チャンネル1 チャンネル2
通信者 内容 通信者 内容
1 (先導警護:市警本部長) ラマー通りを通過中
12:28 通信司令 83, 出発. 12:28 通信司令 10-4(了解).この辺りはかなり混雑している, 12:28 p.m.
56 (WPパーカー巡査) 56 1 ああ、かなりの観客だ。.
通信司令 56 5 (副署長ジョージ・ランプキン) サウター警部に、現在の車列の位置を知らせよ。
56 ...混雑、56年型のシボレー、ナンバープレートが見えない。 通信司令 15/2,現在メイン通りを進行中、ちょうどラマー通りを過ぎた辺り
75 了解 1 丁度、マーケット通りを通過
23秒間のノイズ 4 (市警副署長N.T.フィッシャー) 125,モックバードで交通整理しているのは誰?
78 125 (P.Wローレンス警部) モックバードとシーダーの交差点ですか?
38 F.ウードロー巡査 38 4 10-4(了解).混雑を抜け出そうとしているが、とても遅い
通信司令 38 125 いま、トレードマートです。そちらに向かいます。


伝えたほうがいいかもしれない。 マリオットホテルの前の辺りから、


4 (市警副署長N.T.フィッシャー) それでいい、チェックしておく
通信司令 10-4(了解), 38. 1. 1 (先導警護:市警本部長) トリプルアンダーパスに接近中.
38 10-4(了解).
12:30 通信司令 12:30 p.m. KKB 364.
3分11秒間のノイズ 1



603 (救急車) 603 出動. 1 トリプルアンダーパスの上にいる警官達に、その辺りで何が起きているか確認させろ
34秒間のノイズ 1 パークランドに受け入れ準備要請
91 (W.D.マンツェル巡査と J.W. コーソン巡査) 91 了解 ダラス 1 (J.E.ビル・デッカー保安官) そちらの警官をまわすには少し時間がかかりそうだ。 こちらの警官も一人まわす。
通信司令 531, テスト中: 1 2 3 4. 通信司令 ダラス1、内容を繰り返して欲しい。 まだ当方は状況を理解していない。 
音声良好 ダラス1

署にいる全ての警官を、鉄道の操車場にまわして、そこで何が起きているか確認させて欲しい。 それから殺人課か、


48 (A.D. ダンカン巡査) 48, 音声良好 通信司令 10-4(了解).ダラス1-状況5追って知らせる。
通信司令 56. 通信司令 1, 何が起きたか状況を知らせよ。
91 (W.D.マンツェル巡査と J.W. コーソン巡査) 91 了解 1 (先導警護:市警本部長)



通信司令 55. 通信司令


10-4(了解) 4 (市警副署長N.T.フィッシャー) 近辺に警察犬隊が待機していなかったか?
通信司令 56がどこにいるか知っている者はいるか? 1 (先導警護:市警本部長) 現在パークランド病院に急行中、チャンネル1が何かおかしい。
ノイズとサイレンの録音 1分5秒 5 (副署長ジョージ・ランプキン) 1,連れてきた警官はどうすればいい?
75 (E.G. サバスティアン巡査) 75, シグナル 5. 1 当方と一緒にパークランド病院に向かえ

103 (C.F. グッドソン巡査)

103 了解. 83 (R.L. グロス巡査) 通信司令。 チャンネル1で誰かのマイクがON状態になったままだ。

そこのトラックをどけろ。 進路を空けて確保しろ。

12:34 通信司令 103 了解. 12:34 通信司令


チャンネル1でONになったままだ。 誰か近くに居る警官はOFFにするよう伝えてくれ。(12:34p.m.)

76 (H.H. ホーン巡査) 76 了解 190 (S.Q. ベリア巡査部長) このまま、何かあるまでステモンス高速道路を通行止めにしたほうが良いか?
通信司令 76 了解 1 (先導警護:市警本部長) 緊急搬入口を確保しておけ
75 (E.G. サバスティアン巡査) 75. 通信司令 136、情報を得たか?
通信司令 24. 136 (B.W. ハージス巡査) 10-4.(了解)
24 (D.L. ペート巡査) 24. 142 (C.A. ヘィグッド巡査)

今、現場近くの目撃者の話を聞きました。 彼によるとハーツレンタカーのサインがある、



インウッド通りと、ステモンス高速道路の警官は報告せよ。 全ての交通を遮断し

パークランドに向かっている救急車のために道を確保しろ。 コード3

24 インウッド通りと、ステモンスにいます。
通信司令 パークランドに向かう救急車はインウッドとステモンスの交差点を通過する
24 10-4(了解)
通信司令 24の任務をコード3とする.
24 10-4(了解)
12:35 通信司令 35,シグナル9ロメロ・エームス、北西.12:35. 通信司令



35 (ルイス巡査) 15/2 (サウター警部)



通信司令 93. 531 (G.D. ヘンスリー巡査部長) 283,ハインズとインダストリアルの交差点で交通を遮断せよ。
通信司令 無視する
15/2 (サウター警部)



通信司令 (繰り返し)
通信司令 21.
21 (D.P. タッカー巡査 と C.R.グラハム巡査) 21.
通信司令 コード3,ステモンスとインウッドの交差点で交通を遮断せよ。
21 10-4.
75 (E.G. サバスティアン巡査) 75.
通信司令 75.
75 シグナル5
通信司令 10-4(了解)
65 (W.A. エヴァレット巡査 65 了解
12:36 通信司令 65 了解 12:36. 4, こちらを読んだか? 通信司令 インダストリアル通りを使用しないように注意せよ12:36p.m.
4 (市警副署長N.T.フィッシャー) モックバード、チャンネル1の交信に何が起きている? 260 (D.V. ハークネス巡査部長 ここに、テキサス教科書倉庫ビルの5階から発砲があったのを見た目撃者がいます。
通信司令 4,誰かがマイクのボタンを押しっぱなしにしている。 全く聞こえない。 通信司令



通信司令 93.
12:36 Dispatcher Attention,allemergencyequipment.Attentionallemergencyequipment.DonotuseIndustrialBoulevard.DonotuseIndustrialBoulevard.12:36
93 (Ptm. H.M. Ashcraft) 93.
Dispatcher Location?
93 Sylvan and Fort Worth.
260 (Sgt. D.V. Harkness) Witnesssaysshotscamefromfifthfloor,TexasBookDepositoryStoreandHoustonandElm.Ihavehimwithmenowandwearesealingoffthebuilding.
Dispatcher 35, did you receive?
35 (Ptm. J.M. Lewis) I got it.
Dispatcher 10-4.
61 (Ptm. C.W. Temple and Ptm. R.E. Vaughn) 61 clear.
Dispatcher 61 clear.
4 (Dep. Chief N.T. Fisher) 4 to 11, 1131.
21 (Ptm. D.P. Tucker and C.R. Graham) 21.
Dispatcher 21.
21 Continue.
4 Number 4.
93 (Ptm. H.M. Ashcraft) 93.
Dispatcher 93, InwoodandStemmonsandassist24.21,gouptheretoHinesandcutthatserviceroadofftherewheretheambulancecangotoParkland.
93 93, 10-4
24 (Ptm. D.L. Pate) 10-4.
4 (Dep. Chief N.T. Fisher) Yes, go ahead.
Dispatcher Did you call?
4 Yes,Idon'tknowwhathappenedtothetrafficofficersassignedtoCedarSpringsandMockingbird,butthey'renotthereandthetrafficisreallysnafued.
32 (Ptm. N.L. Hackney and J.T. Smith) 32 clear.
Dispatcher 32, on mark out, report to Cedar Springs and Mockingbird.
32 10-4.
12:37 Unknown We have the emergency entrancesecured.(12:37p.m.)
125 (Captain P.W. Lawrence) We have the emergency entrance to Parkland secured.
22 (Patrolman L.L. Hill) Getsomemenupheretocoverthisschooldepositorybuilding.It'sbelievedtheshotcamefrom,asyouseeitonElmStreet,itwouldbeupperrighthandcorner,secondwindowfromtheend.
Dispatcher 10-4. How many do you have there?
22 IhaveoneguythatwaspossiblyhitbyarichochetfromthebulletofftheconcreteandanotheronesawthePresidentslump.
Dispatcher 10-4.
137 (Patrolman E.D. Brewer) Wehaveamanherewhosayshesawhimpulltheweaponbackthroughthewindowoffofthesecondfloorfromthesoutheastcornerofthatdepositorybuilding
Dispatcher All right, do you have the building covered off?
137 No, about 3/4 of a block away from there.
Dispatcher All right, pull on down there.
137 10-4. I'll leave these witnesses here.
257 (Patrolman C.E. Whitman) Do you want us to go back to Mockingbird and Cedar Springs?
Dispatcher 10-4.
290 (Sergeant E.B. Howard) See if you can contact 125.
125 (Captain P.W. Lawrence) 290, I am at Parkland.
290 125,doyouwantustostayonIndustrialorwheredoyouwantustogo?
125 At your location right now.
2 (Assistant Chief of Police Charles Batchelor) Canyougiveusanyinformationastowhathappenedforthesepeopleouthere,evidentlytheyhad-seriousnessofit-thePresidentinvolved-1isatParkland,alongwithDallas1.Wehaveworditisunknown-TexasDepositoryStore,cornerofElmandField-officersarenowsurroundingandsearchingthebuilding.(Garbled)
12:38 Dispatcher 71, robbery of an individual, 2205 Cockrell. 12:38
71 (unknown) 2205.
51 (Ptm. E.A. Kelly) 51 clear.
Dispatcher 51 clear. 12:38.
80 (Sgt. H.F. Davis) 80 clear.
Dispatcher 80 clear. 12:38
24 (Ptm. D.L. Pate) 24.
Dispatcher 24.
24 These ambulances must have done passed through Stemmons and Inwood.
Dispatcher 10-4.
58 (unknown) 58.
68 (Det. G. Woods) 68.
24 Was there an APB car supposed to be following the ambulance?
Dispatcher It's unknown, 24.
58 58. (noise and sirens)
58 58.
68 68.
21 (Ptm. D.P. Tucker and C.R. Graham) 21.
Dispatcher 21.
21 What did you want ustodohereattheserviceroadonHines?
Dispatcher Is the ambulance gone through already?
21 We just arrived.
Dispatcher Stand by there until we notify you.
21 10-4.
20 (Sgt. S.N. Burkhart) 20.
Dispatcher 20.
20 I'monHinesinfrontofParkland.What,whatisthisemergencyonthis ambulance?
Dispatcher 20,therehasbeenashootinginthedowntownareainvolvingthePresident.
20 10-4.
Dispatcher 242, call 654.
242 (Ptm. B.E. Thornhill) 242 to 654.
87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87 clear.
12:40 Dispatcher 87 clear. 12:40. Dispatcher
269 (Ptm. L.E. Beilharz) 269. Dispatcher Where did this happen - at Field and Main?
Dispatcher 269. 295 (Patrolman William Price)
269 Will you checkwithmysupervisorandseewhathewantsmeto(spliceintape)go?I'mclearmysecondassignment. 303 (Detectives R.M. Sims and E.L. Boyd)
Dispatcher 260. Dispatcher
68 (Det. G. Woods) 68. Dispatcher
Dispatcher 68. 303
68 Now about a Signal 18, 900 block South Buckner? 300 (Captain John Will Fritz)
Dispatcher 260, 260. Dispatcher
242 (Ptm. B.E. Thornhill) 242 on phone. 300
Dispatcher 10-4. Dispatcher
4 (Dep. Chief N.T. Fisher) 4.
Dispatcher 4.
4 Is 32 one man or two man?
Dispatcher Be two man.
4 10-4. It's going to take at least two.
Dispatcher 10-4 32, have you arrived?
32 (Ptm. N.L. Hackney and J.T. Smith) No. We're awayupinNorthDallasonthiscall.We'reabout--WebbsChapelandRoyalLaneright now.
43 (Ptm. P.R. Wilkins) 43.
Dispatcher 10-4, 43.
43 Clear at City Hall.
12:41 Dispatcher 43 and 53 clear. 12:41. 295 (Patrolman William Price)
222 (Ptm. V.R. Nolan) 222 clear. 5 (Deputy Chief of Police George L. Lumpkin)
Dispatcher 222 clear. 15/2 (Captain J.M. Souter)
97 (unknown) 97, signal 4 at Westmoreland and Fort Worth Avenue. Dispatcher
Dispatcher Are you in service, 97? 9 (Inspector J.H. Sawyer)
97 10-4.
20 (Sgt. S.N. Burkhart) 20.
Dispatcher 20.
20 That ambulance hasn't arrived on Hines yet. Do you have alocationonit?
Dispatcher 601.
Dispatcher 101.
101 (Ptm. B.L. Bass) 101.
Dispatcher Elm and Houston.
101 10-4. At Stemmons and the Triple Underpass - 12:40 p.m.
Dispatcher 160.
Dispatcher Meet 260, Elm and Houston, 101. Dispatcher 2(Batchelor)there'sapossibilitythat6or7morepeoplemayhavebeen hit.
160 (unknown) 160.
601 (ambulance) 601.
Dispatcher What's your location, 601? 295 (Ptrl. William Price) I believe the President'sheadwaspracticallyblownoff.
601 Here at the market hall. 303 (Dets. R. M. Sims & E. L. Boyd) What hospital did the President go to?
Dispatcher Repeat. Dispatcher Parkland Hospital
601 I'm here at the market hall. Dispatcher 303, where are you?
Dispatcher Disregard. 303 (Dets. R. M. Sims & E. L. Boyd) Parkland Hospital
... here at Parkland. 300 (Capt. John Will Fritz) 300, en route
2 (Ast. Chief C. Batchelor) 2. Dispatcher 300, are you en route to Elm and Hoursontothatstore?
113 (Ptm. C.L. Osburn) 113. 300 En route to the hospital.
Dispatcher Attentionallsquadsinthedowntownarea:Code3toElmandHoustonwith caution. Dispatcher 295, do you know the extent of the injury?
12:41 43 (Ptm. P.R. Wilkins) 43 en route. 295 It's not for me to say. I can't say.
102 (Ptm. B.L. Jones and Ptm. M.D. Noll) 102 en route.
233 (Ptm. J.T. Fortsen) 233.
Dispatcher 233.
233 I'm sitting here at Elm and Houston.
Dispatcher 10-4.
61 (Ptm. C.W. Temple and R.E. Vaughn) 61 en route.
Dispatcher 61. (noise)
How many numbers do we have?
77 (Ptm. W.E. Smith) 77.
Dispatcher 10-4, 77.
77 Do you want me to go?
Dispatcher 63.
63 (unknown) 63.
Dispatcher Code 3, Elm and Houston.
63 En route.
Dispatcher 76, Code 3, Elm and Houston.
dead end.
Do you want me to go?
Dispatcher 10-4.
71 (unkown) 71.
Dispatcher 71.
71 Corinth and Harwood.
Dispatcher Code 3.
60 (Sgt. J.A. Putnam) 60.
Dispatcher 60.
60 Police garage.
Dispatcher 10-4.
Dispatcher 80.
66 (Ptm. F.S. Williams) 66.
80 (Sgt. H.F. Davis) 80.
Dispatcher 100, are you en route?
100 (Sgt. W.G. Jennings) 100 en route from Industrial and Commerce.
Dispatcher 10-4.
113 (Ptm C.L. Osburn) 113.
I'm en route.
113 I'm at Gaston and Haskell. Want me to go?
Dispatcher Yes.
Dispatcher 153, Code 3, Elm and Houston.
386 (Ptm. P.R. Pearce) 386.
66 (Ptm. F.S. Williams) 66 en route.
Dispatcher 10-4.
What do you want?
Dispatcher 81.
81 (Ptm. J.L. Angell) Corinth and Eighth. Deputy Chief of Police George Lumpkin Give me a squad to Elm and Houston.
43 (Ptm. P.R. Wilkins) 43. 5/2 (Capt. J. M. Souter) Did they advise they have the suspect?
Dispatcher 43. Dispatcher No, they do not have the suspect.
43 Where do we report?
Dispatcher Elm and Houston.
258 (Ptm. R.A. Davenport) 258, Code 5.
Dispatcher 10-4, 258.
386 (Ptm. P.R. Pearce) 386, Code 5.
Dispatcher 386 out.
56 (Ptm. W.P. Parker) 56 clear for 5.
Dispatcher 56, your location.
56 East Jefferson. Insp. J. H. Sawyer We needsomemoremendownattheTexasSchoolBookDepository.WeshouldhavesomeonMainifwecouldgetsomeonetopickupandbringthemdownhere.
12:43 50 (Sergeant W.A. Simpson) I will start down Elm Street andpickupasmanyasIcanontheway.(12:43p.m.)
90 (Sergeant S.Q. Beliah) We can release this traffic here? Wecangodownthereorstayhereandholdit.
Dispatcher Release the traffic and report Code 3 to Elm and Houston. 12:43 p.m.
15 (Captain C.E. Talbert) Are you having them contain that block or2blockarea?
Dispatcher Yes,wearetryingtosealoffthatbuildinguntilitcanbesearched.
15 (Captain C.E. Talbert) Morethanthatbuilding.Extendoutfromthatbuildingsoitcanbesearched.
267 (Patrolman J.H. Caldwell) Do you want me to head south?
12:44 Dispatcher Yes, 12:44 p.m.
9 (Inspector J.H. Sawyer) Thetypeofweaponlookedlikea30-30rifleorsometypeofWinchester.
Dispatcher 9, it was a rifle?
9 A rifle, yes.
Dispatcher 9, any clothing description?
9 About 30, 5'10", 165 pounds.
12:45 Dispatcher AttentionElmandHoustonisreportedtobeanunknownwhitemale,allsquads.Attentionallsquads.Thesuspectintheshootingatapproximatelythirty,slenderbuild,heightfivefeetteninches,weightonehundredsixty-fivepounds,reportedtobearmedwithwhatisthoughttobea30caliberrifle.Attentionallsquads.ThesuspectfromElmandHoustonisreportedtobeanunknownwhitemaleaboutthirty,slenderbuild,fivefeetteninchestall,onehundredsixty-fivepounds,armedwithwhatisthoughttobea30-30rifle.Nofurtherdescriptionatthistime,orinformation.12:45. Dispatcher Attentionallsquads,thesuspectintheshootingatElmandHoustonissupposedtobeanunknownwhitemale,approximately30,165pounds,slenderbuild,armedwithwhatisthoughttobea30-30rifle,-repeat,unknownwhitemale,approximately30,165pounds,slenderbuild.Nofurtherdescriptionatthistimeorinformation,12:45p.m.
233 (Ptm. J.T. Fortsen) 233. 15 (Captain C.E. Talbert) Could9determinewhethermanwassupposedtohavebeenstillinthebuildingorwashesupposedtohaveleft?
35 (Ptm. J.M. Lewis) 35 clear. Dispatcher Ididn'tknowforsureandthewitnessesdidn'thavethedescription,butwehavegotthatbuildingsurroundedbynowandweshouldknowsomethingbeforelong.
66 clear. 9 (Inspector J.H. Sawyer) Onthisbuilding,it'sunknownwhetherheisstillinthebuildingornot knownifhewasthereinthefirstplace.
What's he wanted for? 531 (Sergeant G.D. Henslee) Well,alltheinformationwehavereceive,9,indicatesthatitdidcomefromaboutthe5thor4thfloorofthatbuilding.
Dispatcher Signal 19, involving the President. 5 (Deputy Chief of Police George L. Lumpkin) What building?
233 (Ptm. J.T. Fortsen) 233. Dispatcher The Texas School Book and Depository Building, 5, at Elm and Houston.
Dispatcher 233.
233 He'sthoughttobeinthisTexasSchoolBookDepository,hereonthenorthwestcornerofElmandHouston.
102 (Ptm. B.L. Jones and M.D. Noll) 102 out at this location.
Dispatcher 10-4, 102 and 233.
81 (Ptm. J.L. Angell) 81.
Dispatcher 81.
81 We're going north on Industrial from Corinth.
Dispatcher 10-4.
Dispatcher 87, 78, move into central Oak Cliff area.
78 (Ptm. J.D. Tippit) I'm about Kiest and Bonnie View.
87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87's going north on Marsalis at R.L. Thornton.
Dispatcher 10-4.
605 (ambulance) 605.
77 (Ptm. W.E. Smith) 77.
77/79 (79 is Ptm. B.N. Arglin) 77/79, 1400 block Corinth.
93 (Ptm. H.M. Ashcraft) 93.
Dispatcher 93.
93 What is 24's location?
24 (Ptm. D.L. Pate) 24's at Stemmons and Continental.
93 I'm 531. Where do you want me to go?
Dispatcher Report to the old School Book Depository around the ElmandHoustonarea.
95 (Ptm. M.N. McDonald and Ptm. T.R. Gregory) 95 clear.
77 (Ptm. W.E. Smith) 77.
Dispatcher Unit clearing?
95 (Ptm. M.N. McDonald and T.R. Gregory) 95.
Dispatcher Clear.
85 (Ptm. R.W. Walker) 85 clear.
12:46 Dispatcher 85 clear. 12:46.
77 (Ptm. W.E. Smith) 77.
Dispatcher Unit calling?
77 77.
Dispatcher 77.
77 Report where?
Dispatcher Yes, Elm and Houston, 77, attheSchoolBookDepository.
77 10-4.
603 (ambulance) 603.
... about Jackson and Houston.
603 2200 South Good-Latimer.
116 (Ptm. R.J. Ross) 116 clear.
Dispatcher 116 clear. Report to the Triple Underpass.
24 (Ptm. D.L. Pate) 24.
Dispatcher 24.
24 I'm going to be out at the Triple Underpass, right?
Dispatcher 10-4.
69 (Ptm. A.R. Brock) 69.
35 (Ptm. J.M. Lewis) 35 clear.
12:47 Dispatcher 35 clear. 12:47. Your location.
35 105 Corinth.
Dispatcher Remain in service, 35.
105 (Ptm. J.M. Poe and L.E. Joz) We're going to beoutatJacksonandHouston.Walkupthere.
231 (unknown) 231 clear.
Dispatcher 10-4, 231. 19, report to Elm and Houston.
19 (Sgt. C.B. Owens) 10-4. Code 3?
Dispatcher Yes.
19 10-4.
95 (Ptm. M.N. McDonald and T.R. Gregory) 95.
Dispatcher 95.
95 What's going on?
Dispatcher Signal19,involvingthePresident.Suspect:whitemale,thirty,slenderbuild,fivefeetteninches,onehundredsixty-fivepounds,believedtohaveused30caliberrifle.BelievedtobeintheoldSchoolBookDepository,ElmandHouston,atthistime.
550 car 2 (Sgt. G.L. Hill) 550/2
Dispatcher Go ahead 550.
550 car 2 550/2 and 104 en route to Elm and Houston, Code 3.
Dispatcher 10-4.
174 (Ptm. J.W. Brooks) 174 is en route.
Dispatcher Received.
212 (Ptm. L.W. Spredlin) 212 is en route.
Dispatcher 212 out.
223 (Ptm. C.T. Walker) 223 at location.
40 (Sgt. D.F. Flusche) 40.
Dispatcher 40.
40 Clear. Will head down that way from out here on Skillman.
Dispatcher 10-4, 40.
22 (Ptm. L.L. Hill) 22. (siren)
67 (Ptm. W.A. Everett) 67.
Dispatcher 23.
22 (Ptm. L.L. Hill) 22.
Dispatcher 22.
22 I'm at Industrial and Continental. Where do you want me?
Dispatcher Report vicinity the Triple Underpass, Elm and Houston.
22 10-4.
Hey, is there a (?) Stemmons?
101 (Ptm. B.L. Bass) 87, I'm on south end Houston Street viaduct.
Dispatcher 10-4.
116 (Ptm. R.J. Ross) 116.
Dispatcher 116.
116 Any code on it?
Dispatcher 3.
116 10-4.
81 (Ptm. J.L. Angell) 81. (siren)
Dispatcher 81.
81 Out.
Dispatcher 10-4.
4 (Dep. Chief N.T. Fisher) 4.
Dispatcher ... call station 7.
4 4.
76 (Ptm. H.H. Horn) 76 out.
Dispatcher Repeat, 4.
4 Who's in charge down there at that area?
Dispatcher 19 (Sgt. C.B. Owens) en route. He will be in charge.
4 10-4.
Dispatcher 100 or 60.
60 (Sgt. J.A. Putnam) 60.
Dispatcher Have you arrived?
60 Yes, I have just arrived at Elm and Houston now.
Dispatcher 10-4.
12:48 260 (Sergeant D.V. Harkness) Wehaveanepilepticbeforethis.ThepersonwenttoParklandHospital.Sendasquadtheretogetalltheinformationyoucan.(12:48p.m.)
Dispatcher 125, do you have any information that the governor also was hit?
125 (Captain P.W. Lawrence) Not yet, I'll check in just a minute.
157 (Patrolman J.W. Williams) Have you notified a DPS on this suspect yet?
Dispatcher Haven't had time yet but we will.
15/2 (Captain J.M. Souter) 2 advises to contact 401 at Parkland and see if I can (garbled).
Dispatcher Stand by.
2 (Assistant Chief of Police Charles Batchelor) ContacttheParklandHospitalandseewhetherthePresidentwillbeabletoappearouthere ornot.Wehaveallthesepeopleandwewanttoknowwhattoannounce outhere.
Dispatcher Yes, as soon as we can obtain that information.
211 (Patrolmen R. Hawkins and E.R. Baggett) Numerouspeopleaskinguswhathappened.Canyougiveusanyinformationaboutitatthistime?
12:49 Dispatcher 212, report to the downtown area. 12:49.
23 (Ptm. B.E. Barnes) 23.
115 (Ptm. G.D. Benningfield) 115 is out downtown also.
223 (Ptm. C.T. Walker) 223 out, downtown.
15 (Capt. C.E. Talbert) 15isatthescene.We--thebuilding'stheoldPurseCompanyontheeastsideofHouston.Somebodycutoffthebackside,willyou?Makesurenobodyleavesthere.
Dispatcher 10-4, 15.
15 15'sinchargedownhere.Correction,5's(Dept.ChiefG.L.Lumpkin) in charge.
Dispatcher 10-4. Did you receive, 4?
4 Yes, I did. Thank you.
Any clothing description?
Dispatcher Noclothingdescription.Awhitemale,approximatelythirty,slenderbuild,fivefeetten,weighsonesixty-five.
605 (ambulance) 605.
Dispatcher 605.
605 ThiscallonCrockett'sgoingtobeadrunk.Youdon'thaveadowntownsquad clear,doyou?
Dispatcher No, disregard. Return to service.
605 Yes, sir. We're clear.
212 (Ptm. L.W. Spredlin) 212.
605 10-4.
212 212.
Dispatcher 212.
212 I'll report to the rear of that building.
Dispatcher 10-4.
252 (Ptm. F.T. Chance) 252 out. Elm and Houston.
Dispatcher 10-4.
45 (Ptm. N.L. Stanglin) 45 clear.
12:51 Dispatcher 45 clear. 12:51. Dispatcher Wounded the President or the extent of it at this time. 12:51 p.m.
57 (unknown) 57 clear. 211 (Patrolmen R. Hawkins and E. R. Baggett) Was he shot or do you know?
Dispatcher 57 clear. 12:51. Dispatcher I understand he was involved in it, yes.
396 (CID) 396. 211 (Patrolmen R. Hawkins and E. R. Baggett) 10-4. Thank you.
Dispatcher 396. 125 (Captain P.W. Lawrence) The governor was also shot.
396 Which hospital is it? (or, "Which hospital is he?") Dispatcher 10-4.
Dispatcher Parkland. Dispatcher 125, can you obtain from 1ifthePresidentisgoingtoappearattheTradeMart?
396 10-4. 1 (Chief of Police Jesse E. Curry) It's very doubtful.
601 (ambulance) 601. 2 (Assistant Chief of Police Charles Batchelor) (garbled)whetherornotwhathisconditionissowecanknowwhattotellpeople(garbled).
Dispatcher 601. 2 Arethereanydefinitearrangementsbeingmadeastowhetherhewillorwillnotappear?
601 We're at standby at Parkland. 1 (Chief of Police Jesse E. Curry) Not at this timethatIknowof.Idon'tknowbutIfeelreasonablysurethathewillnot.
Dispatcher 10-4. 12:51 190 (Sergeant S.Q. Beliah) We need some ropes here at Main andHouston.Wearegettingaterrificcrowd.
68 (Det. G. Woods) 68 clear. Dispatcher What else do you need?
Dispatcher 68 clear. 12:51. 190 Just a lot of rope.
Dispatcher Are you en route to Parkland, 601?
601 (ambulance) No. Standby here at Parkland.
69 (Ptm. A.R. Brock) 69.
Dispatcher 69.
69 We've got a tire going down. We're going to be out at the garage.
Dispatcher 10-4.
24 (Ptm. D.L. Pate) 24.
Dispatcher 24.
24 What do you want us to do?
Dispatcher Do you have the description on the suspect, 24?
24 10-4.
Dispatcher Remain in that vicinity.
24 10-4.
Dispatcher 211.
79 (Ptm. B.N. Arglin) 79.
Dispatcher 79.
79 Be out at the Triple Underpass.
12:52 Dispatcher Received. 12:52.
211 (Ptm. R. Hawkins) 211.
Dispatcher Signal 7, 2535 North Industrial. 12:52.
211 2523. (candy bar?)
87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87.
Dispatcher 87.
87 87 out down here.
Dispatcher 10-4.
49 (Ptm. C.R. Galbreath) 49.
Dispatcher 49.
49 I'm going to be in the downtown area.
Dispatcher 10-4.
35 (Ptm. J.M. Lewis) 35.
Dispatcher 35.
35 I'll go on down that way, downtown.
Dispatcher 10-4, 35.
252 (Ptm. F.T. Chance) 252.
Dispatcher 252.
252 Is this the place? Where it has Texas School Book Depository on it?
12:53 Dispatcher Yes. 12:53.
603 (ambulance) 603, Code 5, Baylor.
Dispatcher 10-4, 603. 12:53.
49 (Ptm. C.R. Galbreath) 49.
Dispatcher 49.
49 Code 6, Triple Underpass.
Dispatcher Repeat.
49 Code 6, Triple Underpass.
Dispatcher 10-4.
174 (Ptm. J.W. Brooks) 174.
Dispatcher 174.
174 Be out along the tracks, just west of the building.
Dispatcher 10-4.
263 (Ptm. W.C. Brasher) 263.
Dispatcher 263.
263 Ihavetworadiopatrolmenandmayself.Dotheywantustogodownthereorstayoutherewithourafter-talkassignments?
Dispatcher Who's with you?
263 Moore and Murdoch, radio patrolmen.
Dispatcher 263,disregardanyotherassignmentyouhaveandremaininthatlocation.
232, car 2 (Ptm. A.E. Garrison) 232/2.