# (645) random fisherman's son

#{100}{}{You see a lean and unkempt boy.}
{100}{}{ ぼ さ ぼ さ 頭 の 痩 せ た 少 年 だ}

# float
#{101}{}{I don't think I should talk to you. Go away.}
#{102}{}{Why do you have a weapon drawn? We don't got nothing, not even fish!}
#{103}{}{Hi. Wha'cha want?}
{101}{}{ あんたと話すことなんてないよ。帰って。}
{102}{}{ 武器なんか構えてどうしたの?何にもないよ。魚もないよ!}
{103}{}{ こんちは。なんか用?}

# op
#{104}{}{How's the fishing?}
#{105}{}{I'm running a little low on supplies . . .}
#{106}{}{Seen anything unusual lately?}
#{107}{}{Want to hear about my adventures in the Rad Scorpion caves?}
{104}{}{ 漁の調子はどう?}
{105}{}{ 水と食料が不足気味なんだけど・・・}
{106}{}{ 最近変わったことでもあったかい?}
{107}{}{ Rad Scorpionの巣穴を探検した時のことを聞きたい?}
{108}{}{ うっちゃい!}

#{109}{}{Hi. Aren't you that person who goes around helping people? You must
# got lots of interesting stories to tell!}
#{110}{}{Where do you come from?}
{109}{}{ こんにちは。色んな所で人助けをしてるのってあなただよね。面白い
{110}{}{ 出身はどこだい?}

#{111}{}{Hi there. I see you're not stupid enough to be fishing here. What's up?}
{111}{}{ こんにちは。こんな所で漁をするような馬鹿には見えないけど。どう

#{112}{}{Not sure. Dad and I have been wandering the wastes for so long. We had a
# friend, a scorpion hunter with us, but he went nuts and we had to kill him, and
# then we . . .}
{112}{}{ さあ。父さんと2人でもうずっと放浪の生活をしてるんだ。スコーピ

#{113}{}{Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't talk about that.}
#{114}{}{Tell me about your dad.}
#{115}{}{What about scorpions?}
{113}{}{ うぅ、こんな話するんじゃなかった。}
{114}{}{ お父さんのことを教えてくれないか?}
{115}{}{ スコーピオンってのは?}

#{116}{}{It sucks. Sorry, I shouldn't use the word 'suck.' Dad thinks that people
# who say suck all the time are either brain-dead simpletons or inarticulate
# losers. Dad's always trying to sound smart.}
#{117}{}{I agree with your father.}
{116}{}{ マジうざいね。ごめん、「マジうざい」なんて言っちゃだめだね。そん
{117}{}{ お父さんの言うとおりだね。}

#{118}{}{Sorry. I'm not the one to talk to about supplies.}
{118}{}{ ごめんね。そういう話を僕にされても。}

#{119}{}{I saw a big thing like a giant spider with two heads, and one head
# looked human. Dad thinks I sucked up too much radiation. I dunno. Contaminated
# water does weird stuff to the brain.}
#{120}{}{Yeah, like what?}
{119}{}{ 大きなクモみたいな生き物を見たよ。頭が二つあって、片方は人間の
{120}{}{ なるほど。例えば?}

#{121}{}{What's a runk?}
{121}{}{ 「うっちゃい」って?}

#{123}{}{The worst thing about hunting Rad Scorpions is waiting for them to
# get into a good ambush spot.}
#{124}{}{The worst thing about hunting Rad Scorpions is chasing them down after
# they run away!}
#{125}{}{The worst thing about hunting Rad Scorpions is getting stung in the
# face by their stinger.}
{122}{}{ 聞かせて!}
{123}{}{ Rad Scorpion狩りで最悪なのは、いい待ち伏せ場所ま
{124}{}{ Rad Scorpion狩りで最悪なのは、奴らが逃げ出したあ
{125}{}{ Rad Scorpion狩りで最悪なのは、奴らの毒針で顔を刺

#{126}{}{Yeah. Did you ever hear about the raiders who fell into the Rad
# Scorpion nest and they all got stung and stung and eaten alive, except for
# the one who ran away with half his face chewed off!}
{126}{}{ そうだね。Rad Scorpionの巣に落ちた奴らの話を聞いた

#{127}{}{Man, that was a good one!}
{127}{}{ ああ、面白かった!}

#{128}{}{Well he's kind of loud and boring, and I ain't sure he's my real dad.
# I think he musta stole me when I was a baby. But he feeds me most of the time,
# so I like him, I guess.}
{128}{}{ 口うるさくて面白みのないってタイプだよ。本当の父親かどうかも分

#{129}{}{They're big and they're nasty, and they're getting outta control. Dad
# said there used to be heroes who'd wander around the wastes and kill them off,
# but most of them are dead now, I guess.}
#{130}{}{What kind of heroes?}
{129}{}{ でかくて凶暴で、どんどん手に負えなくなってきてるよ。父さんの話
{130}{}{ すごい人ってのは?}

#{131}{}{Yeah, adults always agree with each other. It's just stupid.}
{131}{}{ だろうね。大人同士っていっつも「その通りですね」ばっかりだよ。

#{132}{}{Big Henry used to go with us, and he was better'n dad and me, until he
# went insane and tried to strangle me. Dad had to shoot him!}
#{133}{}{Is your dad a good shot?}
#{134}{}{Who's Big Henry?}
{132}{}{ 昔一緒にいたビッグ・ヘンリーなんて、父さんや僕よりもずっとまと
{133}{}{ お父さんは銃の扱いが上手いのかい?}
{134}{}{ Big Henry?}

#{135}{}{Well that sounds great! I'd better get back to fishing though, or we're
# gonna get so hungry, we're gonna have to eat you!}
{135}{}{ すごいすごい!でももう漁に戻んなきゃ。じゃないとお腹がすいてあ

#{136}{}{A lot of heroes. The guy who founded the Brotherhood of Steel, Roger
# Maxim, he was a real good scorpion killer. When I get older, I'm gonna find
# out where they are and join them!}
#{137}{}{Sounds good.}
#{138}{}{It's really hard to join the Brotherhood. And it's a long dangerous trip.}
{136}{}{ そうだなあ。Brotherhood of Steelをつくった
  Roger Maximって人は本当にすごいスコーピオンハンター
{137}{}{ それはいい。}
{138}{}{ Brotherhoodに入るのは本当に大変だよ。長く危険な旅になる。}

#{139}{}{He's okay, I guess. Actually, I saw him hit a Rad Scorpion between the
# eyes at seventy yards, but it was a fluke shot.}
{139}{}{ 上手いんじゃないかな。実際、70ヤード向こうにいたRad Sc

#{140}{}{He was a guy from down south. Some sort of raider who tried to live off
# the land, not the people. He was a real great guy, but sometimes he'd go nuts,
# and one time he . . . uh . . . it don't matter.}
{140}{}{ ずっと南の方の出身だったよ。自給自足で暮らそうっていうはみ出し

#{141}{}{Yeah. I'm gonna be a he-ro, just like him. You bet on it!}
{141}{}{ うん。僕もあの人みたいなヒーローになるんだ。きっとだからね!}

#{142}{}{You think living like this is easy? I ain't scared of hardship and there
# ain't nothing safe out here, so I ain't quitting. I just gotta get old enough to
# strike out on my own.}
{142}{}{ 今の生活が楽だと思う?どんなに大変でも構わないし、ここだって危

#{143}{}{What about the battle between a Rad Scorpion and a man?}
#{144}{}{Only about twelve times . . .}
#{145}{}{Uh, yes sir.}
#{146}{}{I think this time I'll catch a cold . . .}
#{147}{}{Hurry up! I'm starving!}
#{148}{}{It's been so long since you caught anything, I've forgotten what
# it tastes like.}
#{149}{}{Dad, did you hear something . . .}
{143}{}{ Rad Scorpion対人間の戦いはどうなの?}
{144}{}{ まだ12回くらいかな・・・}
{145}{}{ うー。はい、父さん。}
{146}{}{ 今度こそ風邪を引きそうだ・・・}
{147}{}{ 早く!腹減った!}
{148}{}{ 最後に捕まえたのってもうかなり前だよ。どんな味か忘れちゃった。}
{149}{}{ 父さん、何の音がしたっていうの・・・}


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