Burn My Dread

バーン マイ ドレッド

Burn My Dread -Last Battle-

     ペルソナ3 リロード [PS5][PS4][XSX]
歌:川村ゆみ(Burn My Dread)
  川村ゆみ、Lotus Juice(Burn My Dread -Last Battle-)
  高橋あず美、Lotus Juice (Burn My Dread -Last Battle Reload-)
編曲:喜多條敦志 (リロード)
   田中令子、Lotus Juice(Last Battle)





『PERSONA3 THE MOVIE』ではアレンジ版が使用された。

サビの部分を中心にアレンジした「 Burn My Dread -Last Battle- 」が流れるのだが…


+ 『Burn My Bread』

『Burn My Bread』バーン・マイ・ブレッド



第5回みんなで決めるゲーム音楽ベスト100 986位(-Last Battle-)
第6回みんなで決めるゲーム音楽ベスト100 978位(-Last Battle-)
第7回みんなで決めるゲーム音楽ベスト100 826位(-Last Battle-)
第8回みんなで決めるゲーム音楽ベスト100 462位(-Last Battle-)
第9回みんなで決めるゲーム音楽ベスト100 881位(-Last Battle-)
第13回みんなで決めるゲーム音楽ベスト100 704位(-Last Battle-)
第15回みんなで決めるゲーム音楽ベスト100 767位(-Last Battle-)
みんなで決めるゲームソングBEST100 69位
第2回みんなで決めるゲームソングBEST100 227位
第3回みんなで決めるゲームソングBEST100 310位
みんなで決めるアトラス名曲ベスト100 91位(原曲)、155位(-Last Battle-)
みんなで決めるオープニングBGMベスト100 23位
第2回みんなで決めるオープニングBGMベスト100 307位
みんなで決めるRPGバトルBGMランキングベスト100 331位(-Last Battle-)
第2回みんなで決めるラストバトルBGMベスト100 90位(-Last Battle-)
みんなで決めるプレイステーション2BGMランキング 204位


+ Burn My Dread

Burn My Dread

Dreamless dorm ticking clock
I walk away from the soundless room
Windless night moonlight melts
My ghostly shadow to the lukewarm gloom

Nightly dance of bleeding swords
Reminds me that I still live

I will burn my dread
I once ran away from the god of fear
And he chained me to dispair

Burn my dread
I'll break the chain
And run till I see the sunlight again

I'll lift my face and run to the sunlight

Voiceless town tapping feet
I clench my fists in pockets tight
Far in mist a tower awaits
Like a merciless tomb devouring moonlight

Clockwork maze end unknown
In frozen time a staircase stands
Shadows crawl on bloodstained floor
I rush straight ahead with a sword in hands

Cold touch of my trembling gun
I close my eyes to hear you breathe

I will burn my dread
This time I'll grapple down that god of fear
And throw him into hell's fire

Burn my dread
I'll shrug the pain
And run till I see the sunlight again

Oh I will run burning all regret and dread
And I wil face the sun with pride of the living

+ Burn My Dread -Last Battle-

Burn My Dread -Last Battle-

I will burn my dread
Burn my dread

There's no man's land / no man's ever survived
Invisible hands're / behind you just now
If you ever win that / race against rage then
You'll be the king coz / it's no man's land, for real

The mask in heavy rain / ultimately slain
Make shadows slave / what they done is in vain
Carrying AK-47 / 24*7 but
You've gotta live it / persecuted by heaven

Comes from the direction / no indication
You've got to / to let it move first
Let it out, let it down, let it inside let loose
Letting letting damn depressed / let's get it up

Then whatcha gotta do is to / drop the hammer down
Drop rhyme drop hammer / digging like a labor
You've got blood all over / ash all over
Spit it out son / game's over

Burn my dread

Tear up your fear / the end is coming near
Spit it out like a spear / I'll burn your dread

Burn my dread

No soul robust all dust / we bust
Justice to the man with no life
+ Burn My Dread -Last Battle Reload-

Burn My Dread -Last Battle Reload-

I will
Burn my dread
Burn my dread
Burn my dread
Burn my dread

Yeah time is now
Burnt my dread in the drain
I'm fearless now (for real)

I ain't pretending to be,
Nor I'm playing you see?

From the bottom of my heart
I'm ready to seize the day

'Cause I know in your hearts,
there's a spot for me

Believing in me gave me possibilities
It's more like a gift that I don't

It's more like a gift that I don't deserve
So I gotta give it back to you

By all means necessary

Anybody else to y'all is secondary

Time is running out if we have any
Don't worry I'm invincible,so legendary

if I fall down I'm gonna get back up

Right back up man to where I left off
I won't be caught by the fear of the battle

Because I got my crew on my back,
you know I've already

Burn my dread

Tear up the fear,I got it locked down
The end is coming near so burn your dread

Burn my dread

Accepted my fate,don't worry 'bout a thing
It's my bag,so burn your dread

Burn my dread

Tear up the fear,I got it locked down
The end is coming near so burn my dread

Accepted my fate,don't worry 'bout a thing
It's my bag,so burn my dread

Belittled by the situation
Every second,I was losing patience

Couldn't execute like daily,
operations who could?

When we had such a deep relationship
But I chose the path,the right path for sure

Giving my all for cure (Oh,boy)

Prolly the toughest decision I made
And ready for whatever outcome which
I'm gonna pay

I shall touch the moon one day
And today is that day

I'd be in despair however it's played out
Lose-lose or win-win?
How's it laid out? (You tell me)

Time ran out and,I made up my mind

Signed up reluctantly to this design

I got blood all over,ashes all over
But it's okay,game's over

Burn my dread
Burn my dread
Burn my dread
Burn my dread


ペルソナ3 サウンドトラック

バーン・マイ・ドレッド -「ペルソナ3」輪廻転生




ペルソナ3 リロード オリジナル・サウンドトラック

ボーナスコンテンツとしてBurn My Dread-Reload-を収録。


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最終更新:2024年06月01日 09:58