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だれでも歓迎! 編集
No 名前 画像 アンロック アンロック条件
1 マグダレーン Achievement magdalene.png You unlocked Magdalene 一度のプレイで赤ハートを7個以上所持する
2 Cain Achievement cain.png You unlocked Cain 一度のプレイで55ペニーを所持する
3 Judas Achievement judas.png You unlocked Judas サタンを初めて倒す
4 The Womb Achievement the womb.png You unlocked The Womb -Chapter 4- Mother sleeps ママを初めて倒す
5 The Harbingers Achievement the harbingers.png You unlocked The Harbingers, The Horsemen are loose ママを初めて倒す
6 A Cube of Meat Achievement a cube of meat.png A Cube of Meat has appeared in the basement ママを初めて倒す
7 Book Of Revelations Achievement the book of revelations.png The Book of Revelations has appeared in the basement 初めてハービンガーを倒す
8 Transcendence Achievement a noose.png A Noose has appeared in the basement ママの心臓を3回倒す
9 The Nail Achievement the nail.png The Nail has appeared in the basement アザゼルでボスラッシュをクリア
10 A Quarter Achievement a quarter.png A Quarter has appeared in the basement ママの心臓を8回倒す
11 Dr. Fetus Achievement a fetus in a jar.png A Fetus in a Jar has appeared in the basement ママの心臓を9回倒す
12 A Small Rock Achievement a small rock.png A Small Rock has appeared in the basement X印のついた岩を100個壊す
13 Monstro's Tooth Achievement monstros tooth.png Monstro's Tooth has appeared in the basement 初めて地下をクリア
14 Lil Chubby Achievement lil chubby.png Lil Chubby has appeared in the basement 初めて洞窟をクリア
15 Loki's Horns Achievement lokis horns.png Loki's Horns has appeared in the basement 初めてロキーを倒す
16 Something From The Future! Achievement something from the future!.png You unlocked Something From The Future! in the basement 地下を40回クリア
17 Something Cute Achievement something cute.png You unlocked Something Cute in the caves 洞窟を30回クリア
18 Something Sticky Achievement something sticky.png You unlocked Something Sticky in the depths 深淵を20回クリア
19 Super Bandage Achievement a bandage.png A Bandage has appeared in the basement 包帯のボールを作る
20 Relic Achievement a cross.png A Cross has appeared in the basement マグダレーンでアイザック(ボス)を倒す
21 A Bag of Pennies Achievement a bag of pennies.png A Bag of Pennies has appeared in the basement ケインでアイザック(ボス)を倒す
22 The Book Of Sin Achievement the book of sin.png The Book of Sin has appeared in the basement 7つの大罪を全員倒す
23 Little Gish Achievement little gish.png Little Gish has appeared in the basement ギッシュを倒す
24 Little Steven Achievement little steven.png Little Steven has appeared in the basement スティーブンを倒す
25 Little C.H.A.D. Achievement little chad.png Little C.H.A.D. has appeared in the basement チャッドを倒す
26 A Gamekid Achievement a gamekid.png A Gamekid has appeared in the basement アーケード部屋に10回入る
27 A Halo Achievement a halo.png A Halo has appeared in the basement 聖書を使ってママを倒す
28 Mr. Mega! Achievement mr. mega!.png Mr. Mega! has appeared in the basement X印のついた岩を10個壊す
29 The D6 Achievement the d6.png Isaac now holds... The D6 ???でアイザック(ボス)を倒す
30 The Scissors Achievement the scissors.png The Scissors has appeared in the basement 100回死ぬ
31 The Parasite Achievement the parasite.png The Parasite has appeared in the basement 次のアイテムの内2つを所持する:ボブの腐った頭・死んだ猫・コオロギの頭・タミーの頭
32 ??? Achievement blue baby.png You unlocked ??? ママの心臓を10回倒す
33 Everything Is Terrible!!! Achievement everything is terrible!!!.png.png Everything is Terrible!!! The game just got harder! ママの心臓を5回倒す
34 It Lives Achievement it lives!.png It Lives! Your futures past waits ママの心臓を11回倒す
35 Mom's Contact Achievement mom's contact.png Mom's Contact has appeared in the basement 1度のプレイでママのアイテムを3つ所持する
36 The Necronomicon Achievement the necronomicon.png The Necronomicon has appeared in the basement タロットカードの死神を4回使う
37 Basement Boy Achievement basement boy.png Basement Boy achieved ノーダメージで地下をクリア
38 Spelunker Boy Achievement spelunker boy.png Spelunker Boy achieved ノーダメージで洞窟をクリア
39 Dark Boy Achievement dark boy.png Dark Boy achieved ノーダメージで深淵をクリア
40 Mamas Boy Achievement mamas boy.png Mamas Boy achieved ノーダメージで子宮をクリア
41 Golden God! Achievement golden god!.png Golden God! achieved ???(チェストボス)とラム(真っ暗な部屋ボス)を倒す
42 Eve Achievement eve.png You unlocked Eve 2階層分の間(地下を降り切って洞窟に行くまで)、ハートを拾わない
43 Mom's Knife Achievement mom's knife.png Mom's Knife has appeared in the basement アイザックでサタンを倒す
44 The Razor Achievement the razor.png The Razor has appeared in the basement イヴでサタンを倒す
45 Guardian Angel Achievement guardian angel.png Guardian Angel has appeared in the basement マグダレーンでサタンを倒す
46 A Bag of Bombs Achievement a bag of bombs.png A Bag of Bombs has appeared in the basement ケインでサタンを倒す
47 A Demon Baby! Achievement a demon baby!.png A Demon Baby! has appeared in the basement アザゼルでラムを倒す
48 A Forget Me Now Achievement a forget me now.png A Forget Me Now has appeared in the basement ???でサタンを倒す
49 The D20 Achievement the d20.png The D20 has appeared in the basement アイザックで???を倒す
50 The Crucifix Achievement the crucifix.png The Crucifix has appeared in the basement マグダレーンで???を倒す
51 Abel Achievement abel.png Abel has appeared in the basement ケインでラムを倒す
52 Curved Horn Achievement curved horn.png Curved Horn has appeared in the basement ユダでラムを倒す
53 Sacrificial Dagger Achievement sacrificial dagger.png Sacrificial Dagger has appeared in the basement イヴで???を倒す
54 Blood Lust Achievement blood lust.png Blood Lust has appeared in the basement サムソンでアイザック(ボス)を倒す
55 Blood Penny Achievement blood penny.png Blood Penny has appeared in the basement サムソンで???を倒す
56 Blood Rights Achievement blood rights.png Blood Rights has appeared in the basement サムソンでサタンを倒す
57 The Polaroid Achievement the polaroid.png The Polaroid has appeared in the basement アイザック(ボス)を5回倒す
58 Dad's Key Achievement dad's key.png Dad's Key has appeared in the basement 天使部屋で鍵の欠片を集める
59 The Blue Candle Achievement the blue candle.png The Blue Candle has appeared in the basement ショップに900ペニーを寄付する
60 Burnt Penny Achievement burnt penny.png Burnt Penny has appeared in the basement チャレンジ13をクリア
61 Lucky Toe! Achievement lucky toe!.png Lucky Toe! has appeared in the basement ショップの店員を20回爆破する
62 Epic Fetus Achievement epic fetus.png Epic Fetus has appeared in the basement チャレンジ19をクリア
63 SMB Super Fan Achievement smb super fan.png SMB Super Fan has appeared in the basement チャレンジ14をクリア
64 Counterfeit Coin Achievement counterfeit coin.png Counterfeit Coin has appeared in the basement シェルゲームを100回遊ぶ
65 Guppy's Hairball Achievement guppy's hairball.png Guppy's Hairball has appeared in the basement グッピーに変身する(グッピーアイテムを3つ所持)
66 Conquest Achievement a forgotten horsemen.png You unlocked A Forgotten Horsemen in the basement 天使部屋からアイテムを10回取得
67 Samson Achievement samson.png You unlocked Samson 2階層分の間(地下を降り切って洞窟に行くまで)、ノーダメージ
68 Something Icky! Achievement something icky!.png You unlocked Something Icky! in the basement アイザック(ボス)を10回倒す
69 Platinum God Achievement platinumgod.png !Platinum God! 全てのアイテムを集め、ロストに関する7つの項目以外のひみつとエンディングをすべてアンロックする
70 Isaac's Head Achievement isaac's head.png Isaac's Head has appeared in the basement アイザックでボスラッシュをクリア
71 Maggy's Faith Achievement maggy's faith.png Maggy's Faith has appeared in the basement マグダレーンでラムを倒す
72 Judas' Tongue Achievement judas' tongue.png Judas' Tongue has appeared in the basement ユダでサタンを倒す
73 ???'s Soul Achievement blue babys soul.png ???'s Soul has appeared in the basement ???でラムを倒す
74 Samson's Lock Achievement samson's lock.png Samson's Lock has appeared in the basement サムソンでラムを倒す
75 Cain's Eye Achievement cain's eye.png Cain's Eye has appeared in the basement ケインで???を倒す
76 Eve's Bird Foot Achievement eve's bird foot.png Eve's Bird Foot has appeared in the basement イヴでアイザック(ボス)を倒す
77 The Left Hand Achievement the left hand.png The Left Hand has appeared in the basement ユダでウルトラプライドを倒す(またはチェストをクリア)
78 The Negative Achievement the negative.png The Negative has appeared in the basement サタンを5回倒す
79 Azazel Achievement demon isaac.png You unlocked Azazel 一度のプレイで悪魔部屋で3回取引をする
80 Lazarus Achievement lazarus.png You unlocked Lazarus 一度のプレイでソウルハートを4個所持する
81 Eden Achievement eden.png You unlocked Eden 初めて子宮をクリア
82 The Lost Achievement the lost.png You unlocked The Lost 以下の手順で死ぬ。途中で違う死に方をした場合はやり直し(ポーズメニューから戻ってのリトライは可能):1.Isaacを使用して地下でMulliboom(頭に爆弾をくっ付けて、こちらに突撃してくる敵)に倒される。2.Magdaleneを使用して洞窟で爆弾を使用して自害する。3.Judasを使用して深淵でママに倒される。4.Azazelを使用してSatan第二形態に倒される(踏み潰されるようにするといい)。
83 Dead Boy Achievement dead boy.png Dead Boy achieved ノーダメージでチェストまたは真っ暗な部屋をクリア
84 Real Platinum God Achievement real platinumgod.png The Real Platinum God 全ての項目をアンロック
85 Lucky Rock Achievement lucky rock.png Lucky Rock has appeared in the basement 岩を100個壊す
86 The Cellar Achievement the cellar.png The Cellar 地下で出現するボスを全種類倒す(ジェミナイの各部分も含む)
87 The Catacombs Achievement the catacombs.png The Catacombs 洞窟で出現するボスを全種類倒す
88 Necropolis Achievement necropolis.png The Necropolis 深淵で出現するボスを全種類倒す
89 Rune of Hagalaz Achievement rune of hagalaz.png Rune of Hagalaz has appeared in the basement チャレンジ1をクリア
90 Rune of Jera Achievement rune of jera.png Rune of Jera has appeared in the basement チャレンジ2をクリア
91 Rune of Ehwaz Achievement rune of ehwaz.png Rune of Ehwaz has appeared in the basement チャレンジ3をクリア
92 Rune of Dagaz Achievement rune of dagaz.png Rune of Dagaz has appeared in the basement チャレンジ4をクリア
93 Rune of Ansuz Achievement rune of ansuz.png Rune of Ansuz has appeared in the basement チャレンジ5をクリア
94 Rune of Perthro Achievement rune of perthro.png Rune of Perthro has appeared in the basement チャレンジ6をクリア
95 Rune of Berkano Achievement rune of berkano.png Rune of Berkano has appeared in the basement チャレンジ20をクリア
96 Rune of Algiz Achievement rune of algiz.png Rune of Algiz has appeared in the basement チャレンジ8をクリア
97 Chaos Card Achievement chaos card.png Chaos Card has appeared in the basement チャレンジ9をクリア
98 Credit Card Achievement credit card.png Credit Card has appeared in the basement チャレンジ10をクリア
99 Rules Card Achievement rules card.png Rules Card has appeared in the basement チャレンジ11をクリア
100 Card Against Humanity Achievement card against humanity.png Card Against Humanity has appeared in the basement チャレンジ12をクリア
101 Swallowed Penny Achievement swallowed penny.png Swallowed Penny has appeared in the basement チャレンジ15をクリア
102 Robo Baby 2.0 Achievement robo baby 2.0.png Robo Baby 2.0 has appeared in the basement チャレンジ16をクリア
103 Death's Touch Achievement death's touch.png Death's Touch has appeared in the basement チャレンジ17をクリア
104 Tech.5 Achievement technology .5.png Technology .5 has appeared in the basement チャレンジ18をクリア
105 Missing No. Achievement missing no..png Missing No. has appeared in the basement ラザラスでボスラッシュをクリア
106 Isaac's Tears Achievement isaac's tears.png Isaac's Tears has appeared in the basement アイザックでアイザック(ボス)を倒す
107 Guillotine Achievement guillotine.png Guillotine has appeared in the basement ユダでアイザック(ボス)を倒す
108 Judas' Shadow Achievement judas' shadow.png Judas' Shadow has appeared in the basement ユダでボスラッシュをクリア
109 Maggy's Bow Achievement maggy's bow.png Maggy's Bow has appeared in the basement マグダレーンでボスラッシュをクリア
110 Cain's Other Eye Achievement cain's other eye.png Cain's Other Eye has appeared in the basement ケインでボスラッシュをクリア
111 Black Lipstick Achievement black lipstick.png Black Lipstick has appeared in the basement イヴで真っ暗な部屋をクリア
112 Eve's Mascara Achievement eve's mascara.png Eve's Mascara has appeared in the basement イヴでボスラッシュをクリア
113 Fate Achievement fate.png Fate has appeared in the basement ???でチェストをクリア
114 ???'s Only Friend Achievement blue babys only friend.png ???'s Only Friend has appeared in the basement ???でボスラッシュをクリア
115 Samson's Chains Achievement samson's chains.png Samson's Chains has appeared in the basement サムソンでボスラッシュをクリア
116 Lazarus' Rags Achievement lazarus' rags.png Lazarus' Rags has appeared in the basement ラザラスでアイザック(ボス)を倒す
117 Broken Ankh Achievement broken ankh.png Broken Ankh has appeared in the basement ラザラスでサタンを倒す
118 Store Credit Achievement store credit.png Store Credit has appeared in the basement ラザラスでチェストをクリア
119 Pandora's Box Achievement pandora's box.png Pandora's Box has appeared in the basement ラザラスで真っ暗な部屋をクリア
120 Suicide King Achievement suicide king.png Suicide King has appeared in the basement チャレンジ7をクリア
121 Blank Card Achievement blank card.png Blank Card has appeared in the basement エデンでアイザック(ボス)を倒す
122 Book of Secrets Achievement book of secrets.png Book of Secrets has appeared in the basement エデンでサタンを倒す
123 Mysterious Paper Achievement mysterious paper.png Mysterious Paper has appeared in the basement エデンでチェストをクリア
124 Mystery Sack Achievement mystery sack.png Mystery Sack has appeared in the basement エデンで真っ暗な部屋をクリア
125 Undefined Achievement undefined.png Undefined has appeared in the basement エデンでボスラッシュをクリア
126 Satanic Bible Achievement satanic bible.png Satanic Bible has appeared in the basement アザゼルでアイザック(ボス)を倒す
127 Demon's Tail Achievement daemon's tail.png Daemon's Tail has appeared in the basement アザゼルでサタンを倒す
128 Abaddon Achievement abaddon.png Abaddon has appeared in the basement アザゼルでチェストをクリア
129 Isaac's Heart Achievement isaac's heart.png Isaac's Heart has appeared in the basement ロストでアイザック(ボス)を倒す
130 The Mind Achievement the mind.png The Mind has appeared in the basement ロストでサタンを倒す
131 The Body Achievement the body.png The Body has appeared in the basement ロストで???を倒す
132 The Soul Achievement the soul.png The Soul has appeared in the basement ロストでラムを倒す
133 A D100 Achievement a d100.png A D100 has appeared in the basement ロストでボスラッシュをクリア
134 Blue Map Achievement blue map.png A Blue Map has appeared in the basement ショップに10ペニーを寄付
135 There's Options Achievement there's options.png There's Options has appeared in the basement ショップに50ペニーを寄付
136 Black Candle Achievement black candle.png A Black Candle has appeared in the basement ショップに150ペニーを寄付
137 Red Candle Achievement red candle.png Red Candle has appeared in the basement ショップに400ペニーを寄付
138 Stop Watch Achievement stop watch.png Stop Watch has appeared in the basement ショップに999ペニーを寄付
139 Wire Coat Hanger Achievement wire coat hanger.png Wire Coat Hanger has appeared in the basement ママの心臓を4回倒す
140 Ipecac Achievement ipecac.png Ipecac has appeared in the basement ママの心臓を6回倒す
141 Experimental Treatment Achievement experimental treatment.png Experimental Treatment has appeared in the basement ママの心臓を7回倒す
142 Krampus Achievement krampus.png Krampus unlocked 悪魔部屋で20回取引をする
143 Head of Krampus Achievement head of krampus.png Head of Krampus has appeared in the basement クランプスを倒す
144 Super Meat Boy Achievement super meat boy.png You made a Super Meat Boy スーパーミートボーイを作る
145 Butter Bean Achievement butter bean.png Butter Bean has appeared in the basement うんちを100回壊す
146 Little Baggy Achievement little baggy.png Little Baggy has appeared in the basement 次のアイテムの内2つを所持する:ロイド依存・ウイルス・成長ホルモン・実験的治療方法・スピードボール
147 Blood Bag Achievement blood bag.png Blood Bag has appeared in the basement 献血機を30回使用する
148 D4 Achievement a d4.png A D4 has appeared in the basement アーケードマシンを30回爆破する
149 The Lost Poster Achievement the lost poster.png The Lost Poster has appeared in the basement アイザックで真っ暗な部屋をクリア
150 Rubber Cement Achievement rubber cement.png Rubber Cement has appeared in the basement ママの心臓を2回クリア
151 Store Upgrade 1 Achievement store upgrade1.png.png Store Upgrade lv.1 ショップに20ペニーを寄付
152 Store Upgrade 2 Achievement store upgrade2.png.png Store Upgrade lv.2 ショップに100ペニーを寄付
153 Store Upgrade 3 Achievement store upgrade3.png.png Store Upgrade lv.3 ショップに200ペニーを寄付
154 Store Upgrade 4 Achievement store upgrade4.png.png Store Upgrade lv.4 ショップに600ペニーを寄付
155 Angels Achievement angels.png.png You unlocked the Angel bosses チェストまたは真っ暗な部屋をクリア
156 Godhead Achievement godhead.png Godhead has appeared in the basement ロストのハードモードでチェスト・真っ暗な部屋・ボスラッシュをクリア
157 Darkness Falls Achievement unlocked challenge 4.png You unlocked Challenge #4 Darkness Falls ママの心臓を11回クリア(?)
158 The Tank Achievement unlocked challenge 5.png You unlocked Challenge #5 The Tank マグダレーンをアンロック
159 Solar System Achievement unlocked challenge 6.png You unlocked Challenge #6 Solar System プレイヤーの周囲を回る仲間を3体連れた状態でクリア
160 Suicide King Achievement unlocked challenge 7.png You unlocked Challenge #7 Suicide King イッツリブスをアンロック
161 Cat Got Your Tongue Achievement unlocked challenge 8.png You unlocked Challenge #8 Cat got your Tongue グッピーに変身する(グッピーアイテムを3つ所持)
162 Demo Man Achievement unlocked challenge 9.png You unlocked Challenge #9 Demo Man ドクター胎児をアンロック
163 Cursed! Achievement unlocked challenge 10.png You unlocked Challenge #10 Cursed! マグダレーンをアンロック
164 Glass Cannon Achievement unlocked challenge 11.png You unlocked Challenge #11 Glass Cannon 缶詰フィータスとロキのツノをアンロック
165 The Family Man Achievement unlocked challenge 19.png You unlocked Challenge #19 The Family Man パパの鍵をアンロック
166 The Purist Achievement unlocked challenge 20.png You unlocked Challenge #20 Purist ママを初めて倒す
167 Lost Baby Achievement lost baby.png You unlocked Lost Baby アイザックのハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
168 Cute Baby Achievement cute baby.png You unlocked Cute Baby マグダレーンのハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
169 Crow Baby Achievement crow baby.png You unlocked Crow Baby イヴのハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
170 Shadow Baby Achievement shadow baby.png You unlocked Shadow Baby ユダのハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
171 Glass Baby Achievement glass baby.png You unlocked Glass Baby ケインのハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
172 Wrapped Baby Achievement wrapped baby.png You unlocked Wrapped Baby アザゼルのハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
173 Begotten Baby Achievement begotten baby.png You unlocked Begotten Baby ラザラスのハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
174 Dead Baby Achievement dead baby.png You unlocked Dead Baby ???のハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
175 #NAME? Achievement -0- baby.png You unlocked -0- Baby ロストのハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
176 Glitch Baby Achievement glitch baby.png You unlocked Glitch Baby エデンのハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
177 Fighting Baby Achievement fighting baby.png You unlocked Fighting Baby サムソンのハードモードでママの心臓を倒す
178 Lord Of The Flies Achievement lord of the flies.png You became Lord of the Flies 蝿の王に変身する


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