
Ranger Sharpshooter Tree


  • Focused Fire 5
Grants the ranger an ability which increases the damage of their attacks for a short time.


  • Bow Specialization 5
Increases the chance to hit with their offhand weapon and damage done by bows

  • Eagle Eye 5
Increases the range of bow attacks


  • Rapid Stabs 3
Decreases the reuse time of the ranger's Incapacitating Stabs combo, which slow an opponent's movement rate
Incapacitating Stabs comboの再使用時間の短縮、敵の移動速度低下の効果を増加。

  • Splintering Puncture 3
Grants an ability that inflicts lingering bleeding wounds on other enemies nearby the primary target when the Bleeding Puncture combo is used

  • Tendon Rupture 3
Increases the duration of the ranger's Pin Down snare combo

  • Ricochet 5
The ranger's shot has a chance of slowing the victim's movement and another enemy close to the primary target ゆみ


  • Quick Shots 5
Through rigorous drills and long practice the ranger reduces the reuse time on all bow combos

  • Silent Shots 5
Attacks performed within 10 seconds of a Stealthy Strike combo have a chance of reducing the hate generated by the ranger for a short period of time


  • Fire Stance 1
Adds fire damage to their ranged attacks and a small chance of inflicting additional bonus fire damage

  • Sniper Stance 1
Increases the damage of the bowman's attacks and their chances to hit.

  • Knee-Capping 2
The ranger's shots have a small chance of briefly rooting the target to the ground, preventing movement.


  • Sulfurous Blast 5
Improves the Sulfurous Burst ability, increasing the radius and causing it to inflict burning wounds on all hostile targets in the area.

  • Sulfurous Burst 1
Grants the ranger an ability which reveals any hidden enemies in the vicinity by lighting up the area.

  • Cold Nerves 3
Reduce stamina cost on all ranged combos.

  • Deadeye 3
The ranger's expertise with a bow reaches near superhuman levels, increasing the damage done by all bow combos.


  • Fire Trap 5
Grants the ranger a trap that detonates and inflicts fire damage when triggered. Investing feat ppoints increases area of effect and damage.

  • Marked Target 5
Grants the ranger an ability which increases the damage done by successive bow strikes to the target. This special ability can be applied up to five times.

  • Critical Aim 3
Grants the ranger an ability that increases the critical chance on the next blow that triggers a combo. Each point invested increases the critical chance by 33%.


  • Combo - Immolation 5
Grants the ranger a combo that makes the target burst into flames and flee, screaming in fear and panic.

  • Improved Immolation 3
Upgrades the Immolation feat by spreading the flames to other nearby enemies. Investing more feats increases the radius and number of spreading fire points.

  • Marked for Death 5
Improves Marked Target, allowing it to increase the damage done by melee attacks.


  • Flame Barrage 1
Deals fire damage to the target and the area around them. They continue to burn for a short time inflicting fire damage on those nearby.

  • Volley 1
Grants the ranger an ability which for a short time converts all their ranged attacks into barrages which affect all enemies in the area.


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最終更新:2008年07月12日 02:01


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