

Level Cooldown Stamina 要Feat 方向 Combo名 説明
0 0 0 - - Combo Placeholder
2 10 20 - - Sweep 複数の敵に当たる攻撃を行う
4 15 22 - - Slam 敵をknock downさせる攻撃を行う
5 8 152 - - Enraging Strike I A combination of low blow and verbal goading intended to infuriate an attacker and lock them into combat with the soldier. Useful in a battle, the actions of an enraged enemy can be predicted and dealt with more easily.
11 10 217 - - Enraging Strike II
17 10 217 - - Enraging Strike III
5 60 173 - - Shield Sweep I The guardian flings an enemy backwards by sweeping their shield through them and following up the momentum with a vicious strike.
52 60 173 - - Shield Sweep III
76 60 195 - - Shield Sweep IV
7 9 195 - - Brutal Enraging Strike I The soldier taunts their enemy as they attack to lock them into combat with the soldier. Useful in a battle, the actions of an enraged enemy can be predicted and dealt with more easily.
13 11 173 - - Brutal Enraging Strike II
19 13 303 - - Brutal Enraging Strike III
7 10 217 - - Dulling Blow I This tactical strike impairs the enemy's attacking ability; numbing an opponent's sword-arm, smashing at the jaws of a saber-tooth tiger or the monstrous maw of a great Stygian cobra.
20 10 282 - - Dulling Blow II
40 10 368 - - Dulling Blow III
64 10 455 - - Dulling Blow IV
9 12 217 - - Enraging Wound I Another goading attack that inflames the enemy, it also opens up a wound that bleeds for a short time. Often this is a slash at the opponents face intended to leave them with an ugly vicious scar, to remember their attacker by.
10 10 195 - - Flashing Arc I The guardian's pole arm sweeps through any enemies standing before them, inflicting damage on multiple targets.
20 10 212 - - Flashing Arc II
28 10 293 - - Flashing Arc III
36 10 329 - - Flashing Arc IV
44 10 416 - - Flashing Arc V
56 10 440 - - Flashing Arc VI
64 10 431 - - Flashing Arc VII
72 10 436 - - Flashing Arc VIII
13 20 173 - - Guard I Increases the guardian's defense rating, makes it easier for them to evade enemy blows and allows them to counter-attack enemy strikes.
20 - - Guard II
40 20 327 - - Guard III
52 20 470 - - Guard IV
68 20 596 - - Guard V
15 13 217 - - Brutal Enraging Wound I Another goading attack that inflames the enemy, it also opens up a wound that bleeds for a short time. Often this is a slash at the opponents face intended to leave them with an ugly viscous scar, to remember their attacker by.
15 15 238 - - Counterstrike I This spinning maneuver shifts the guardian balance, enabling them to counterstrike all enemy blows for a brief time afterwards.
24 15 347 - - Counterstrike II
48 15 433 - - Counterstrike III
72 15 542 - - Counterstrike IV
17 20 217 - - Overreach I A double strike, a sword slash followed by a shield bash, which deals extra damage but throws the guardian off-balance making their next few attacks less effective.
32 20 325 - - Overreach II
56 20 412 - - Overreach III
80 20 563 - - Overreach IV
15 - - Stagger I By pounding their pole arm into the ground the guardian knocks their enemy off their feet.
24 60 219 - - Stagger II
48 60 212 - - Stagger III
80 60 234 - - Stagger IV
28 0 0 - - Plexus Strike I Robs an enemy of their stamina by knocking the wind from their lungs or debilitate them in some other way (in a human this blow is aimed at the solar plexus). At the same time the guardian boosts their own stamina with a burst of adrenaline.
44 0 0 - - Plexus Strike II
68 0 0 - - Plexus Strike III
32 30 412 - - Disable I The guardian saps the stamina of any enemies before them by striking at their legs with sweeping blows.
60 30 498 - - Disable II
76 30 672 - - Disable III
36 30 325 - - Guard Destroyer I This stab to the guts seriously weakens an enemy's ability to defend themselves. Anyone striking them in melee does increased damage.
60 30 455 - - Guard Destroyer II


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