
Prince Hylas



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Greenscale's Bliight

Prince Hylas

Health: 1,596,960



  • Landmine
  • Spirit Fracture
Oracle Aleriaがspawnするまで使用する、シングルターゲットのディスペル可能なDoT。Oracleがspawnした後は、Soul Fractureを使用する。
  • Soul Fracture
普通はContagious Cottontailの後に使用する。Raid全体に4000ダメージと1500ダメージ/tickのDoTを付与する。このablityが戦闘を難しくしている。
  • Contagious Cottontail
ランダムなraidメンバーを一人polymorphする。数秒後、そのターゲットから15meter以内にいるraid memberを全員polymorphする。
  • Princes' Wrath
  • Verdant Strike

Adds Spawned:
  • Duke Letareus
戦闘開始から15秒後にspawnする。Dukeがspawnすると、PrinceはPrinces Wrathを使用するようになる。
Poison void zone:中ににいるプレイヤーにスタックするdebuffを付ける沼を出現させる。最大までスタックすると1500ダメージ/tickを受ける。

  • Infiltrator Johlen
Poison of some sort:ランダムなraidメンバーにrift stalk(ワープ)し、そのメンバーに毒を付ける。

  • Oracle Aleria
戦闘開始から1分15秒後にspawnする。OracleがspawnするとPrinceはContagious CottontailとSoul Fractureを使用するようになる。
Spiritual Wrath:ランダムなRaidメンバー6人に1400ダメージを与える。
Life Bolt:Tankに対しspamしてくるDD。

  • Treants
healing channelの間にspawnする。AoEダメージオーラを持ち、raidメンバーをtreant群の中にpullする。

  • Wolves
ランダムなraid memberに対しchargeし、1000ダメージ及びstunさせる。


Before the pull, groups get in position. Tank#1 can pull at this point.

On the pull all DPS can focus on prince for 15 seconds. When Prince starts summoning Duck Letareus, he will cast Princes Wrath. All melee/pets must move out.

Tank#2 will pick up Duke and kite him around the group. Melee should avoid standing in poison.

During this time, Tank#3 will pick up Infiltrator Johlen, and kite him in a counter clockwise circle around the groups. Once Duke is down, Tank#3 will move Johlen into Position A. DPS will nuke Johlen.

After Duke is down, Tank#2 will move to pick up Oracle Aleria. When Aleria spawns, the whole raid must be topped off, and healers must prepare for Soul Fracture. All DPS must peel off of Johlen and DPS Aleria ASAP. Aleria will be tanked as far away from Johlen as possible while still maintaining heal range.

When Aleria is spawned, have a warrior with Crippling Infestation and the Archon, rotating their damage reduction talents on Prince before every Soul Fracture. This will greatly reduce the raid damage.

When all Lieutenants have been killed, Prince Hylas will be focused down. At this point, the raid will need to move for landmines, and heal through Soul Fractures. Melee will need to run out whenever Prince does Princes Wrath.

When Prince reaches 10% health, he will polymorph the whole raid and teleport them back to the beginning. During this time he will be channelling a heal. Tank#3 will be marked and the whole raid must follow him. Everyone must remain grouped during this time. Tank#3 will run at the head of the pack, through the maze with the raid following his every step. The closer the raid is to the left-hand wall, the less of a chance they have of pulling wolves.

Once the raid re-enters Hylas room, everyone will assume their positions and the raid will focus all dps on Hylas. Tank#3 will be tanking the wolves in the rear of the raid. He will still be channelling his heal, and it will take about 70k damage done to him to break him out. During this time, he will also be spawning treants. The goal is to get 1 or none. If one does spawn, Tank #2 will pick it up and tank it at the back of the raid near Tank #3.

Once Hylas is out, all of his abilities from the first phase are used. You can reduce the amount of Soul Fractures cast by moving him around as much as possible. If he becomes out of range while casting soul fracture, there is a chance he will interrupt his own cast.

He also begins to gain a stacking buff that increases his movement speed and damage. He gains 1 stack every 10 seconds.At 9 stacks+ the damage will wipe the raid. This means you have 1 minute and 30 seconds to kill him. Good luck!

Raid Damage: Quite high once Oracle Aleria spawns. At that point Prince will start using Soul Fracture which does 4k burst damage to the raid, and leaves a DoT that ticks for 1.4k damage. The only other raid damage is Landmine which is completely avoidable.

Tank Damage: Fairly low. Can spike higher during soul fracture.

Raid Comp:
3 Tanks
2 Cleric Tank Healer
2 Chloromancers
2 Clerics specced 16 Justicar/39 Inquisitor/11 Cabalist
1 Bard
1 Archon



