

脱力系音楽 - (2011/11/26 (土) 23:21:29) の1つ前との変更点



#right(){&furigana(だつりょくけいおんがく)&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16270617) 作詞:[[五字熟語P]] 作曲:[[五字熟語P]] 編曲:[[五字熟語P]] 唄:初音ミクAppend **曲紹介 -五字熟語P の41作目。 -音楽好きかい?うん大好きさ!そんなことを歌にしました (゚ ρ ゚)(作者コメ転載) **歌詞 5, 4... new sound yeah!! 3, 2... old sound yeah!! recently, good things are not happening. listen to music. let's walk with my ipod. let's walk with my favorite artists. 5, 4... new sound yeah!! 3, 2... old sound yeah!! a record borrowed from my sister was very exciting ever. my sister, thank you. beginning of my life's music. my first guitar was cheap junk. but somehow it hot. i shook when first sounded on the guitar amp. i was scolded by sister. "don't be noisy!" no! no! no! yeah. i love music. she is smiling like a flower. i play guitar. an unskilled play and full hearted play. i love music as much as her cute smile. i play guitar. i try to play the tunes for her love. think simply. take it easy. with live music. **コメント #comment()

