Rain + Virus

「Rain + Virus」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Rain + Virus - (2023/12/12 (火) 08:58:46) の1つ前との変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(sm21173928) 作詞:[[EmpathP]] 作曲:[[EmpathP]] 編曲:[[EmpathP]] 唄:KAITO V3 コーラス:EmpathP **曲紹介 -サムネのイラストはKistithen氏が手掛ける。 **歌詞 ([[vocaloid.wiki>>http://vocaloid.wikia.com/wiki/Rain_%2B_Virus]]より転載) Tracing all The shadows on my wall The way you used to do My heart recalls With each teardrop that falls What time turned us into Thinking back on Those moments long gone There's nothing I'd want to change Is that wrong? Rain clouds slowly gathering Thunder softly echoing I've given into all Washing away my heartache Such a bitter pill to take Only to find in the end I've caught the virus again In the sky The light flickers and dies With every move I make So I'll sleep on Hide myself from the dawn Too hard to stay awake Looking back to That person you knew Would you ever recognize What I've become? Rain clouds slowly gathering Thunder softly echoing I've given into all Washing away my heartache Such a bitter pill to take Only to find in the end I've caught the virus again Washing away my heartache Such a bitter pill to take Only to find in the end I've caught the virus again **コメント #comment()

