

Satisfier - (2015/10/10 (土) 07:34:07) の1つ前との変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} |&nicovideo(| 作詞:[[さはら]] 作曲:[[Eon]] 編曲:[[Eon]] 唄:V3 GUMI(English) **曲紹介 -Eon氏 の31作目。 -歌詞を さはら氏 が、動画を STEP氏 が、マスタリングを [[かごめP]] が手掛ける。コーラスは EVO+氏 。 -歌詞の和訳は[[こちら>>]]から。 EVO+氏 による[[歌ってみた>>]]と同時リリース。 **歌詞 No need to think twice Just give me all that is nice Like in paradise Your eyes are enticing Take me where I have never been Release me and burn away all my sin You are my desire You are the one to take me higher You are my burning wildfire A fire that can't expire You are my dirty sapphire You are my one satisfier Show me what I have never seen Don't tell anyone what we are doin' I'm the reason for all your sin Let's let our fun and ecstasy begin I was trapped in the darkness and heartlessness Tears on the dancefloor glittering & shimmering But you came And things changed You are my one desire Won't you take me high You are my one burning wildfire A fire that can't expire You are my dirty sapphire You are my one satisfier **コメント #comment()

